As promised here it fucking is.

I CARE about you people, so I keep my promises.

You have a special place in my heart (even the ones that do not review my hard-written chapters) .

Yes. I went there.


I felt my nostrils flare as I inhaled for a scream to come out "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" I looked at them with insane eyes.

Nnoitora Raised his hand "wait Grimm-"

"-don't fucking talk to me when you're inside another man!" I explode in exasperation.

"Grimmjow calm down." he tries to reason as he and Shiro shift from each other and cover themselvs with a blanket that was on the floor.

I clench my fists "I fucking TOLD you not to fuck with him Nnoi! I told you not to!" I snarl in rage, how the fuck can he do this to Shiro? Even AFTER I told him he's been through enough.

"Grimm, hey, stop it." I felt Ichigo put his hand on my shoulder, I relaxed to his touch a little bit.

Ichigo turned to Shiro and Nnoi "how bout you two get dressed and well talk this through?" he looked uncomfortable.

"I'm with Ichigo on this one." Shiro sighed out and walked to his room to get dressed.


We were all sitting in the living room, Nnoi and Shiro on the couch, Ichigo was sitting on the floor with some tea and I was sitting in the arm chair.

"you wanna explain what the fuck is going on?"

Nnoitora rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "when two people are attracted to each other, they feel-"

"-stop fucking around! I was trying to call you all fucking day, and what? You couldn't answer me because you were busy pleasing your dick? I told you he dosen't need this right now!" I snap. I can't fucking believe him.

Shiro scowled at my words "dosen't need what? Grimmjow, when will you stop babysitting me? I'm not a fucking toddler."

I felt my brow twitch "I am trying to protect you Shiro. As much as love Nnoi, I know he likes to fuck around and dosent take relationships seriously. I don't want you to get hurt." I look at him worried.

"hey!" Nnoitora shouted.

I raise my brow at him, the word 'really?' might as well be tattooed on my face.

He presses his lips into a thin line and sighed "okay, I guess I am like that." he rolls his eyes.

"see?" I look back at Shiro.

"yeah yeah, but what the fuck is HE doing here?" Nnoi points at Ichigo who is sipping his tea quietly.

Ichigo smiles at him "oh don't mind me. It's fine." he waves him off. Nnoi gives him a mean look and I roll my eyes.

"listen Grimm, I was... Kinda... Still upset from everything that went between us." Shiro scrached his head timidly "then Nnoi came over and it... Sorta happened. It's not like he forced me or anything." he explained.

Nnoitora smiled and draped an arm around him "yep Grimm, I'm the kids rebound. I happened to like the looks of his ass and he happened to be in need of letting off some steam. Which was because of you by the way." he pointed at me with an accusing look.

I opened my mouth in shock "what the fuck? How is this because of me? What were you doing in his apartment anyway?" I accuse back.

Nnoi slumped back in the couch "well, you're busy with your girlfriend over there in wonderland" he motioned his head towards Ichigo and he flipped him off. "so I was fucking bored, I called Shiro for some video game action and he talked to me about you. So I offered my services." he shrugged.

"so basically, Shiro had something with all of us." we all turned our heads to Ichigo as he said his thoughts out loud.

Nnoitora snapped his head to Shiro "you had a 'thing' with that?!" he twists his face in disgust.

Shiro is surprised by his outburst "uh, yeah. He kissed me."

"and he liked it." Ichigo sipped on his tea nonchalantly.

"ugh..." Nnoi scrunched his nose.

"Oi for fucks sake, STOP this." I rub at my face.

"why do you rub your face all the time?" I hear Shiro ask.

"I know right?" Ichigo comments as if FINALLY someone understands.

"ughhhhhhhrrrrrr" I growl out in frustration. And fall back in the armchair.

Nnoi cackles obnoxiously.

"but seriously Grimm, I think it's not fair that you're angry with them because of this bullocks" I hear Ichigo talk again.

I move my hands away from my face and look at him.

He raised his eyebrows and said "I'm sorry to say this love, but you can't make them do what you want." he sighed and looked over at Nnoi "spoon head tried to make me do something I don't want to do, and look what it did."

Nnoi shot up from his seat "you mother fucker!" nearing Ichigo.

Ichigo got up as he stood over him, Nnoi grabbed the front of his shirt and snarled in his face.

Ichigo pressed his lips into a thin line and scowled "bugger off." he seethed, eyes burning in anger.

Nnoi pulled him even closer and they were about to fight so me and Shiro jumped in, Shiro grabbed Ichigo and I grabbed Nnoi.

We started pulling on them but Nnoi did not let go of Ichigos shirt and Ichigo had his fist raised but Shiro was holding his arms.

"Ichigo, dude, come on stop it!" Shiro tried to reason.

Their faces were twisted in burning rage, both of them have too much bad blood between them.

Most of it because of me.

"Nnoi let go!" I growl as I pull as hard as I can.

Suddenly, Nnoi DID let go. Sending Shiro and Ichigo flying back and stumbling to the floor.

"you fucking WANKER!" Ichigo shouted out as he was lying on top of Shiro.

They were laying there, Ichigo between Shiro's legs, Ichigo was hugging Shiro's head so he won't get a bruise and Shiro holding onto his shirt.

"hey, you okay?" Ichigo peeked at Shiro's face from under him, sitting on his knees.

Shiro nodded, then blushed. "thanks." he gave a smile.

They both got up as I looked at Nnoi's face, he was narrowing his eyes at the exchange and scowling. Still angry.

As they got up Ichigo winced "shit, I hit my arm on the way down."

I scowled at Nnoi "I know what the fuck is going on between you two. And it's fucking getting on my nerves Nnoitora. If you think I shouldn't try to protect Shiro from you I think you should stop trying to protect me from Ichigo. This is fucking stupid and you fuckin' know it." I push past him to examine Ichigos arm.

"so you're just gonna pick him over me again huh?" I hear him say bitterly.

I turn my head to him and scowl "I'm NOT picking ANYONE." I say sternly "I just want this bullshit to stop." I say in a defeated voice. I was holding onto Ichigos arm.

Nnoitora narrowed his eye, and then suddenly his eye widened as if in Realization.

"you fuckin' love him don't you?" he says bitterly.

My whole body freezes at his words.

I turn my head towards Ichigo, he looks at me with widened eyes.

I feel myself panic, like I don't know what to do.

But then I take a deep breath, I raise my hand to cup Ichigos face and say to him "I do." I smile at him.

Then I turn to Nnoitora "and you're my best friend Nnoi, I've knows you since forever and I know you were always there for me. Even when I let you down. So all I'm asking is for you to stop this. I promised I won't abandon you and I won't." I harden my gaze to reasure him "it's just that when I call you, you're busy fucking Shiro of all people." I grin as I raise my brow.

He chuckled at that "you piece of shit." he says jokingly while shaking his head.

I know they won't be friends immidietly. But I hope this will be a start.


I was sitting in Ichigos room with him after all the fiasco in the living room.

I raised my hand to rub at my face harshly from all the tension and commented on Ichigos silence "just... Please let me do this without any comments." I sigh out.

"I didn't say anything." I says in an umused tone.

"you were about to." I growl.

He chuckled "maybe."

I lower my hands as he looks at me, we're both sitting on his bed "so... You fancy me in a more than average way?" he smiles.

I snort at him and roll my eyes.

He leans over to me, pulling me by my middle "that's kind of too bad. I wanted to be the first one to say it." he looks in my eyes with his warm brown ones.

My heart felt like it got sucker punched as my eyes widened.

"w-what?" I blurt a whisper.

He cupped my face so I can focus "I love you Grimmjow." he says in a soft voice.

I felt a breath escape me as he said those words. I grabbed him and embraced him as tightly as I could.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck and whispered back.

"I love you."

Ichigo hummed in appreciation and held me closer.

I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life, and it's just by hearin words come out of a persons mouth.

We sat like that for what felt like an eternity but it wasn't enough.

Ichigo pulled away to connect our foreheads together, he slid his hands to my neck.

He smiled happily "cheetos." he said.


I scowled at him in confusion.

"wha-" I was about to ask what was he talking about but then he raised his eyebrow at me and leaned in to kiss and lick my neck.

Oh! I remember.

I chuckle and repeat in approval.



Thank you all for following this story with me.

It's been fun :)

And now please imagine awesome music as the credits roll:





Everything else-kubo my homeboy, we are TIGHT like that. And of course, me.

Reading-you and me too, cause we're friends forever.

It's the first fic I have ever written in my life and I guess I did a somewhat decent job.

I have always been reading fics and not writing anything so this was a fun experience, me writing what I want to happen. It's fun, I can assure you that. And I would really be happy if I inspired someone to start this magical adventure as well. DO IT.

If you liked this story or if you fancy me more than average, I'm starting a new story soon.

If you want to you can check it out, I still don't know how I'll call it but it will be very different from this.

I guess it'll be kind of more EPIC.

Anyway I already said thanks so bye.

Go away.