Author's notes

This story takes place the day before the um Frabjous Day? It takes the day before the battle okay? I don't know Underland talk.

DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING; not Alice in Wonderland or any of its characters

Again Alice sighed. Tomorrow the great White Queen will have to decide a champion and of course everyone looked at Alice to become one. "I can't though. I- I can't kill anything let alone a Jabberwocky." She looked out over the kingdom of the White Queen from the balcony of the room she was currently residing in. Tarrant walked over to the balcony and looked at Alice. "Still think all of this is not real?" Alice shook her head, "No sorry." Tarrant sighed, "So that means that I am not real correct?" Alice nodded, "Unfortunately no. Its all part of my imagination." Tarrant perked up, "So in order for you to make me up you must be as mad as a hatter." Alice laughed, "Probably."

Alice looked back over the kingdom and the hatter took a step closer to his secret beloved. "You know Alice, after tomorrow you could always stay asleep if you really believe that this is a dream." Alice laughed and said, "Perhaps." Tarrant took another step closer to Alice, glancing at her to search for any discomfort. Seeing none, he lightly touched her outstretched hand with his own, rubbing his thumb across hers.

Alice tried not to jump at the sudden the contact but failed miserably. The hatter quickly removed his hand and said, "I- I'm sorry it was just that-" Alice took his hand, "No I am sorry. It just surprised me that's all." The hatter smiled but still his eyes turned blue to show his sadness. "Alice if I really am imaginary then I wouldn't be able to do this."

The hatter pulled Alice into a comforting hug. He wrapped his arms around Alice's waist and pulled her in close. She didn't respond at first but then wrapped her arms around his neck, saying, "You really are wonderful hatter." Tarrant smiled and felt his heart explode, "As are you Alice." The hatter pulled out of the hug and stared at Alice's eyes and said, "If I am not real then I wouldn't be able to do this either." Slowly he brought his head down to kiss Alice's lips but was surprised when she turned her head so the hatter kissed her cheek.

Tarrant looked in shock at Alice as she walked backwards out of the embrace and said, "I'm sorry hatter but I- I just can't!" She turned around and ran away from the balcony and from the hatter. Tarrant looked at the kingdom and sighed, "Now look at what you'd done Tarrant. You made Alice run away."

Alice kept running until her throat burned with the need for water and air. She looked around and saw that she was in the garden in the middle of the White Queens castle. She walked around until she found a bench and promptly collapse on it. Alice coughed and tried to catch her breath. She laid there for what felt like hours but in reality it was only minutes. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and jumped at the contact, wanting to be alone. Looking behind her, Alice saw the gorgeous White Queen smiling down at her, "What is wrong my dear? You look like you've ran to Salazen Grum and back."

Alice laughed, "No my queen. I just needed to run away from something." The queen looked disappointed, "And what did you run away from?" Alice leaned up into a sitting position and the White Queen sat down, her movements so graceful that Alice stared at her for a minute. The White Queen had to stifle her laughter at Alice's bewildered look and had to remind herself not to stare at people.

Alice regained her composer, "I was running away from the hatter." The White Queen's eyebrows raised in shock, "Why would you be running away from him. He is mad as a well a hatter but he would never harm a hair on you." Alice nodded, "Yes but he- he wants me to be something that I cannot be." The White Queen felt her anger rise when she realized where the conversation was going but she just smiled and asked, "What does he want you to be?" Alice looked out in the garden and watched the flowers glow, "He wants me to be his. He even tried to kiss me."

The White Queen couldn't help it, she felt her patience snap and jumped up while yelling, "What did he do to you!?" Alice flinched from the power and the pure rage in her majesty's voice. She stammered, "He- he tried to bu- but I turned my head so he could only kiss my cheek!" The White Queen looked down at the cowering Alice and frowned. Calm thoughts Mirana. Just take deep breaths. She felt her anger go down and whispered, "I'm fine." Alice looked up and could've sworn that the White Queen's eyes glowed red like the hatter's when he was truly angry.

The White Queen sighed and sat back down, "Sorry Alice its just that I am a little stressed out right now." Alice looked at the queen and asked, "Why?" She sighed, "Is it alright if I become truly honest with you?" Alice nodded. The White Queen took a deep breath and said, "I am stressed out because of my sister. She keeps killing people and threatening to attack my people and there is nothing I can do! I cannot fight back because of my vows! And finally when all hope is lost, you show up! You have no idea how long I waited to see you Alice! You are everything I expected and more! You are honest, well-mannered, kind, brave, strong, and everything I could ever ask for in a champion! But you won't accept your destiny as my champion!" When she was done, the White Queen was panting with her chest heaving, realized that she could finally tell someone how she really felt instead of just smiling all the time.

Alice sat there and saw the absolute distress on her queens face as she got everything off her chest. She couldn't help but stare as her queen's chest expanded when she fought for breath, her breasts so so cruelly threatening to pop out of her corset with every breath. It took a minute for Alice to finally understand what the queen was saying and whispered, "I'm sorry but I can't harm let alone kill anything." The White Queen tsked in disappointment and said, "But you must Alice. Please do it for everyone who is suffering under the Red Queen's rule, do it for McTwisp, for Chessur, do it for... Tarrant." It took everything for the queen to not frown or growl at the name. What is wrong with me? The hatter is obviously in love with Alice and I should be happy for them. So why- why do I feel anger when I picture the two of them together. The White Queen shook her head free of the thoughts, "And- and do it for me."

Alice looked up at the queen and felt her heart give a little squeeze. Without meaning to, she leaned in closer to her queen. She breathed in her scent and smiled when she smelled roses and sugar. The White Queen watched as Alice leaned in close to her and felt a blush coming across her cheeks. She leaned in as well and tilted her head. Their lips met in a soothing manner and if anyone saw them, they would just think it was a simply kiss between friends.

Alice groaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around the queen's waist, pulling her hard enough that with a gasp the queen was now in Alice's lap. The queen shifted her position so that each leg was around her champion's waist. The queen grabbed Alice's face and brought it closer to her own. Soon the two were kissing each other with great enthusiasm. Alice licked the queen's bottom lip trying to ask for entrance. The lick was what brought the queen back into reality. She pushed herself off of Alice's lap and jumped when she grabbed her arm with a pleading look, "Please my queen."

The White Queen shook her head and felt her perfect composure crack and break apart. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she looked down at Alice, "I- we can't do this Alice." She turned around and began to walk away but stopped mid step when she felt Alice wrap her arms around her waist, much like she did when they kissed. Alice whispered, "Please my queen, that- that was amazing!" The White Queen shook her head, "No Alice what we did was wrong." Alice was in shock, of course back in London gays were treated as garbage but this was her dream! So Alice grabbed Mirana's chin and brought her hand back, making her majesty to turn her head. Alice then leaned forward and kissed her sinful lips, loving the taste of her lips. Surprising even herself, the White Queen turned around and began to kiss Alice back, going a step further as she slipped her tongue into her champion's mouth.

The two continued to kiss for what felt like an eternity. Soon though they had to break to catch their breaths. The White Queen rested her head on Alice's shoulder and sighed, "Why did you kiss me?" Alice laughed, "Because this is my dream and I can do whatever I want. And," Alice lifted the queen's face so that their eyes may lock, "I wanted to kiss you." The queen blushed but remembered who she was. She backed out of Alice's embrace again and when Alice lifted her hand to stop her she shook her head no. "We can't Alice." Alice felt anger spike through her, "And why not!?" The White Queen answered truthfully, "Because we are both women Alice. It is not natural."

Alice huffed, "Nothing about this place is natural." The queen couldn't help it; she smiled and asked, "Did you finally realize that all of this is real?" Much to the queen's disappointment, Alice shook her head, "No. Why does everybody keep assisting that Underland is real!? I am just sleeping and everything I felt is- is fake." The queen felt her heart break at the possible answer but she had to ask, "Does that mean that the kiss was fake?" Alice nodded, "It had to be but it- it felt so real that maybe- UGH! I hate this! I swear I am becoming as mad as the hatter." The queen didn't hear the last part of Alice's speech because she already turned and began to run away from Alice.

Alice looked behind her expecting the queen to say something but instead saw her running away. Alice looked at the ground sadly when she jumped at the voice, "Such a cruel thing to do, you stupid girl." Alice turned to see Absolem sitting on a flower smoking as usual. Blowing out smoke he said, "You know, there are many people you do not want to anger in this world and the White Queen is one of them. Yes her vow says that she cannot harm a living creature but the vow does not extend to her knights. They may find your... activities with their queen highly disrespectful." Alice crossed her arms and face the caterpillar, "First of all I did nothing wrong she kissed me first!" Absolem shrugged, "That may be so but in her people's eyes, you are the one who allow it to continue so you and you alone must be punished."

Alice began to pace around Absolem, "Alright but secondly this world does not exist! I cannot be harmed! And also stop blowing that smoke, it clogs my throat and makes it hard to breathe!" Absolem laughed, "You really are a stupid girl! If this world does not exist then that Bandersnatch wouldn't have cut you with its claws and almost killed you. And if I am so imaginary as you insist then my smoke would not have bothered you. Stop denying it Alice; you are in Wonderland and it is as much real as you are. That also means that the Jabberwocky is real so what are you going to do?"

Alice shrieked, "I DON'T KNOW OKAY! Everyone and I mean everyone expects me to be the White Queen's champion and kill the Jabberwocky but I- I don't know if I can." Absolem shook his head, "Whether you like it or not that calendar says that you and you alone kills the Jabberwocky so I suggest that you stop wallowing in your self pity and do what needs to be done." Alice shook her head, "You make it sound so easy. If that Vorpal Sword can really kill the Jabberwocky then why not let someone else do it, anyone... even the White Queen." Absolem shook his head and sighed, "The White Queen's vows cannot allow her to harm any living thing, whether they be good or evil. The vow that allows her to reign over Wonderland for years is also costing her sanity." Alice became confused, "How is not harming things costing her her sanity?"

Absolem looked around to see if anyone was listening before he answered Alice, "Even though the White Queen may look innocent I can assure you that there is a dark side of her. That side has been closed off from her the second she took her vow not to harm any living creature. But Alice, what do you think she felt when her sister took over Wonderland and began to kill so many people?" Alice thought for a moment, "Angry, hopeless?" Absolem nodded, "Your first guess was correct. As time went on, her vow crippled the White Queen into doing nothing to stop her sister and in turn, that demon inside of her been started to claw at the door, trying to break free. So when you make the ultimate decision on whether you will welcome your destiny as the White Queen's champion remember this, it decides the fate of Wonderland and even the White Queen herself for her demons are at the door now, chipping away at her barriers." With a final blow of smoke, Absolem disappeared and left Alice seeing her queen in a new light.