When Ron and Hermione got out of the Chamber of Secrets, they heard spells being shouted, things exploding and people screaming in pain.
"Great, the barrier has been broken and I'm running out of arrows," Ron sighed as he put his bow on his back and pulled out his wand. "We need to find Harry…" Ron told Hermione who nodded. "Don't leave my sight okay, Hermione...promise me, love." Hermione nodded as they held each other's hand tightly with their wands in their other hands.
"Help!" Somebody shouted around the corner causing them to run towards the sound and saw Adam on the floor, his foot trapped under the castle's rubble.
"Adam, it's okay, hang on." Ron and Hermione started digging his trapped foot out of the castle rubble. When they got his foot out, it was clear that he had broken it. "You really broke it, damn it!" Ron carefully moved Adam's leg out but he screamed in pain causing him to stop.
"Ron just go, help Harry…Death Eaters entering...Look out!" Ron turned around and shot a spell at the upcoming Death Eater that caused him to get sent back out the window.
"I will not leave you, Cora needs you, come on, mate…Hermione, please help me." Ron wrapped one of Adam's arms around his neck so he could place all his weight on Ron. "Love, create a barrier while I try and patch up Adam." Hermione nodded and cast the spell. "Okay Adam stay still." Adam nodded. Ron took a deep breath and murmured a spell as his wand glowed a dark purple colour as it reached towards Adam's broken leg, his eyes widening in shock.
"Ron you know?" Ron nodded.
"And if you would have told me this before then maybe I could have been more prepared for this!" Ron hissed at Adam who sighed while Ron fixed his leg.
"Ron, I'm-"Ron quickly took this chance to crack his leg back in place. "AGGHH!" he screamed while the youngest Weasley grinned a little. "Okay I deserve that."
"Yeah you did" Ron said cheekily. "But we'll talk about it later." Adam nodded as Ron helped him up. "Okay can you walk?" He asked Adam who nodded and smiled as his foot was fully healed.
"I need to thank Jasper for teaching you that." Ron smiled and nodded. "Okay Hermione take the barrier down when I say to love." Hermione nodded as she gripped her wand tightly as Adam swapped to his bow back to his wand then put his hood down revealing his face.
"What are you doing?" Ron asked as he and Hermione looked at him.
"If people know that you are a Red Archer then everyone should know who I am too so I can live in peace with Cora while the newer generation of the Red Archers take over." Ron smiled and nodded before looking at Hermione.
"In three...two…one…" Hermione put down the barrier then Ron and Adam shot the incoming Death Eaters. "Okay we need to go find Harry, will you be alright Adam?" Ron asked his teacher who nodded as Ron grabbed Hermione's hand. "Stay alive, mate."
"I will, you two do the same." Ron and Hermione nodded before heading towards the Ravenclaw tower in hope of finding Harry.
"Ron look it's the Grey Lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower." Hermione whispered as she pointed to the ghostly figure; she was beautiful, her long hair reached her waist and her glowing white cloak touched the floor.
"Wow" Ron whispered causing Hermione to frown and elbow him-hard-in the stomach causing him to hunch over in pain. "Ow" Ron wheezed out in pain. "She has nothing on you Hermione." Ron grinned quickly causing Hermione to roll her eyes.
"Uhm…Helena?" Hermione spoke causing the ghost to turn around. "Has Harry spoken to you yet?" Helena nodded. "Where did he go?"
"I told him about my lost diadem." Helena said as Hermione nodded while Ron was a little confused.
"Uhm…what's a diadem" Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes while Helena giggled.
"A diadem is a type of crown…" Ron nodded. "You wouldn't have done very well if you were in Ravenclaw." The ghost giggled causing Ron to frown a little then smiled as he looked at Hermione.
"Yeah but Hermione would have done well in any house to be honest." Hermione blushed a little at his compliment. "So the diadem, where is it?" Ron asked Helena who sighed.
"Alas I don't know since it has been lost forever." Ron and Hermione looked at each other. "Your friend Harry said that he knows where it is however." Instantly, the two knew where Harry was going.
"I know where he is!" Hermione and Ron said at the same time causing Helena to giggle at the two.
"Hey I said it first!" Ron said playfully causing Hermione to scoff then smacked the back of his head.
"Prat- now is not the time!" Hermione shouted before turning to Helena. "Thank you" The ghost nodded before the two went to where they knew Harry's location was. Ron and Hermione went to the Room of Requirement where they were sure Harry was.
"Harry?" Ron whispered as they started to search the Room of Requirement. Ron listened carefully then placed a finger on his lips to signal Hermione to be quiet. As they walked through, they could hear familiar voices and when they got closer, they saw Harry surrounded by Blaise, Draco and Goyle with their wands pointed at him.
"Look Potter, you have something of mine and I want it back!" Draco said to Harry.
"What's wrong with the wand you have now?" Harry asked as he saw Hermione and Ron get in position with their wands at the ready.
"It's my mother's but I want my wand back!" Draco spat angrily at Harry when the Ron and Hermione shouted in unison at Draco.
"Stupefy!" Ron and Hermione yelled and sent spells towards Draco and his goons.
"Avada Kadavra!" Goyle shouted as he shot the spell at Hermione who jumped out of the way making Ron sigh in relief then snarled at the three wizards.
"OI! That's my girlfriend!" Ron shouted as he growled at the three.
"What are you going to do Ron" Draco scoffed at Ron who smirked as his body started to morph into a canine as he got down on all fours and his body started to become furry. To his shock, he started to turn into a large dire red wolf.
"Oh crap" Goyle muttered as Ron growled while he walked towards them. "RUN!" Ron barked before he ran after the three.
"Did you know he could do that?" Harry asked Hermione who had shocked written all over her face.
"He has a lot of explaining to do that is for sure." Hermione commented then noticed Harry started to get the diadem that was stuck in the middle of a seat and a large wooden box as Hermione helped Harry to get the diadem. When they finally got the diadem, the two jumped down.
"Ahh" Ron sprinted towards them as he quickly put Harry and Hermione on his large back before running around to try and find a way out. "Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" Ron informed them as he searched for the way out as the fire started to spread around the room. 'Shit' Ron swore as they saw a burning bookshelf started to break and the debris Ron could see was a large burning wood that was going to fall on top of them. Ron quickly threw Harry and Hermione before the bookshelves' debris fell on one of Ron's leg. "ARRGHH!" Ron shouted as he changed back into his human form.
"RON!" Harry shouted as they pointed their wands at the burning wood and made water jet out of their wands to try and stop the fire but it didn't do much. "Hermione get Ron's leg out and I'll try and control the fire." Hermione nodded then pulled Ron's leg out of the burning debris.
"Are you alright, love?" Hermione asked Ron who pulled out his wand and made a large wave of water come out the tip out of his wand which got rid of the fire but only quickly continued to start again.
"Harry look!" Ron pointed to the two brooms; Ron stood up painfully as he limped towards one of the brooms and picked it up. "Hermione come on!" Ron rode on the broom as Hermione wrapped her arms around his stomach before he kicked up off with Harry closely behind him.
"Harry, Ron, there!" Hermione pointed to the exit.
"Come on!" Ron led the way but the fire started to chase them and started to grow quickly. When they got nearer to the door, Hermione threw a basilisk fang at Harry who caught it and stabbed the diadem before Harry kicked it into the fire before the door came to a close.
"Ron, how's your leg?" Hermione asked Ron who just pointed his wand at his burnt leg then a dark purple glow came out of his wand that caused his leg to be healed.
"Okay, let's go." Ron got up when suddenly there was a large earthquake causing Harry, Hermione and Ron to fall to the ground.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted as Harry was breathing hard and holding his scar in pain.
"Don't fight him Harry, see where he is!" Ron instructed Harry who nodded as he closed his eyes to concentrate.
"Hermione behind you!" He said then quickly sent a stunning spell to the incoming KINGS Assassin and then sent another one to the one behind him that was trying to sneak behind them.
"How did you see him?" Hermione asked Ron who just playfully winked at her with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Secret my love" Then Harry opened his emerald eyes and was breathing heavily.
"I know where he is… boat house with Snape…" Harry informed them. "We need to hurry."
The three hurriedly made their way to the boathouse; as they were about to walk down the stairwells while throwing spells at their enemies, they could see Adam running up to them.
"Ron! There are too many wounded, we need help!"
Ron looked at Hermione and Harry then back at Adam.
"Okay guys go, Harry keep Hermione safe okay?" Harry nodded but Hermione was about to object.
"I need to help the people who are wounded, love." Ron kissed her forehead. "Don't worry about me okay? Now GO!" Harry grabbed Hermione's hand before she could even protest. Ron and Adam went to the hospital to see people bleeding and crying everywhere.
"RON!" Molly shouted as they made their way to Molly then gasped to see Fred with a large stab wound in his chest.
"Fred!" Ron shouted as he got the bedside. "What happened?" Ron asked his older brother who gasped and said,
"It's nothing Ron, KINGS assassins…but I took care of them." Fred tried to smile but groaned in pain.
"You hush!" Ron said as he pulled out his wand then started to mutter the healing spell that Jasper taught him; however, it wasn't working. "DAMN IT WORK!" Ron shouted as tears started to fall down his face.
"Ron? Hey…" Fred said weakly to Ron. "It's okay, promise something..." Fred's breath was getting weaker.
"What is it Fred?" Ron whispered.
"Marry Hermione; she's the only one that can stop you from doing something stupid." Fred joked and laughed softly but painfully.
"I promise Fred you are not going to die because you will see me and your siblings get married!"
Ron said as he kept trying to use the healing spell but it wasn't working.
"DAMN IT! Please work!" He begged while Fred smiled and shook his head.
"It's not working because I am dying and that Death Eater put a weird spell on me Ronniekins."
Ron just looked at him with tears in his blue eyes.
"Ron, I had a feeling that I was going to die today." Fred grinned causing Ron and Molly to shake their heads as they started crying. "Ron, come on… you need to help the others…" Fred instructed to Ron who shook his head.
"No; I will heal you Fred I will-" Fred shook his head and placed his hand on top of Ron's hand.
"Ronnie, please save the others…" Ron sighed and took a deep breath before walking towards and helping them making Fred smile as he watched Ron healing everyone before he closed his eyes.
"Fred" Molly cried onto her son's chest when Ron placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh Ronald what should we do? He's gone…"
"Mum, there is a war going on; we need to grieve later…right now we need to make sure no-one else in our family dies." Molly cried her last tears before nodding as Ron started to help heal the others. Ron was tired but he stopped all the major wounds from students and people who were fighting for the good. Ron was covered in different people's blood as he leaned against the stone wall that hadn't been broken yet to catch his breath when an eerily voice spoke.
"You have let your friends die for you- can you live with that Harry Potter? I will kill every woman, child and man who is trying to protect you from the inevitable; meet me in the forest in an hour or more blood will be spilt."
Ron looked at everyone who was in the hospital looking fearful when something that Voldemort said made Ron look confused.
"After I kill you Harry, I will go after you Ronald Weasley as I know what you are and you will face me."
"Shit" Ron said under his breath as his eyes looked back at Fred's bed causing tears to come down his face. "David, please show yourself" Ron pleaded but nothing happened.
"RON!" He turned to see Hermione running up to him and flung herself at him.
"Harry has already gone to the forest." She noticed the tears in his eyes. "What's wrong, love?" Hermione asked Ron.
"Fr-Fred is gone…" Ron cried as Hermione hugged him tightly while she rubbed his back trying to comfort him but she started crying as well.
"Ron, Ron!" Someone called out causing them to turn to see Adam.
"I have someone for you."
He said seriously as he led them to an empty room and in the middle was Bellatrix with her hands tied behind her back by way of an enchantment to prevent her from using magic to escape.
"She was the one that killed Fred." Adam told Ron causing him to grind his teeth.
"Well Freddie was not a good fighter" Bellatrix cackled while Ron got angrier and angrier then morphed into a wolf making Bellatrix stop laughing as she just raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh the way Freddie cried like a baby when I tortured him!"
Bellatrix said nonchalantly while Ron started growling.
"So…it is true you are the reincarnation of Merlin; all this time the Dark Lord thought it was Potter but he figured it out… isn't that man wonderful!"
Bellatrix sighed dreamily then looked at Hermione.
"What you looking at you filthy little mudblood!?" She shouted at Hermione who just glared back at her.
Ron had enough so he launched himself at her and pinned her down while Bellatrix was laughing maniacally again.
"ENOUGH!" Ron barked at Bellatrix who smirked.
"Oh like I am afraid of a little puppy." She said to Ron who went in to bite her neck and kill her but suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder causing him to turn to see an arrow. He then turned around to see a KINGS assassin wielding a bow.
"About time!" Bellatrix said as she pushed Ron off her.
Ron was about to attack the KINGS assassin but he felt dizzy as the world began to spin around him.
"What is this?" Ron asked as his wolf body fell and started to turn back into human form.
Ron turned around to see Toxin who was smirking at him with a knife against Hermione's neck.
"My latest invention; you see this poison will be able to kill anyone in around an hour so you will be dead before Potter." Ron was on his knees heaving in pain. "Oh did I mention that the poison instantly attacks your motor neurons meaning it is harder for you to move? Now I believe Fenrir wanted to play with this Mudblood." Hermione struggled out of Toxin's grip to help Ron who wasn't able to move and saw that Adam was knocked out in the corner.
"HERMIONE!" Ron shouted as he tried to move but couldn't. Toxin tied Hermione's hands and injected her with a needle containing a menacing green liquid inside which made Hermione weaken.
"Don't worry, blood traitor… it's not the same poison I have given you. No this Mudblood's poison just makes her weak so it should be fun seeing Fenrir play with her before killing her."
Toxin explained as he untied Bellatrix who was smirking at Ron who had lost all movement in his body but his blue eyes showed worry and fear for Hermione.
"I need to move!" Ron shouted in his mind but it was easier said than done as his body was absolutely frozen and stiff with the only thing he could move being his eyes. "Move! Or Hermione dies!" he shouted to himself. Ron slowly moved his arm to pick up a small knife that was attached to his belt. "This is going to hurt" Ron prepared himself as he mustard all of his strength and stabbed when Toxin's arrow hit him. "ARRGHH!" Ron shouted in pain as he pulled out his knife causing blood to come out. Ron saw the yellow liquid (which was the poison) come out, allowing him to have enough strength back for him to be able to get up. Ron took off his belt and wrapped it around his wound to prevent more blood from coming out. He dizzily walked over to Adam who was still out cold and he was about to wake him up when a voice spoke behind him causing him to turn around.
There stood a tall man with long spikey grey hair and brown eyes with a striped blue and white shirt and a long blue robe over it.
"Look, Adam will wake up soon…anyway I am David."
"A bit late mate" Ron said angrily. "I mean Voldemort is going to kill Harry now and I need to go after the ones who took Hermione." Ron pushed past David who sighed and pulled him back by his hood.
"Woah…you are not going anywhere as I need to train you." David said coolly causing Ron to frown.
"NO! Harry might die and I will not let that happen! Eris told me it will take a long time to learn and time isn't something that I have! Now let go of my hood! I need to save Hermione!" Ron growled then David slapped him.
"If you want to save Hermione then listen up!" David told Ron who sighed and shook his head.
"No please I need to save Hermione…I can't lose her…"
Ron said again but David snapped his finger causing everything to turn white around him.
"Look this isn't funny I don't have time!" But David could only smirk.
"Well now you have time; I have paused everything so now you have time." Ron's mouth gaped in shock.
"You have got to teach me that...wicked!" Ron said smiling while thinking about the possibilities about stopping time as David shook his head.
"No, this is a dangerous spell Ron. I have given you a day to learn what you need to know…now close your mouth or it will catch flies." David told Ron who shut his mouth then said,
"Okay teach me" David smiled and nodded.
A long painful time had passed and Ron's red archer shirt was sweated through so much as he was breathing heavily while David just grinned.
"You will be fine Ron! You have done well…you have made Merlin and your family proud."
Ron smiled and gasped a thank you him.
"Okay you will wake up now!"
Ron opened his eyes to see that he was lying on the castle rubble when he looked at his shoulder and saw that his wound was gone.
"Ron you're okay, thank God." Adam said as he tried to get up and limped over to Ron and helped him up.
"I need to help Hermione before they hurt her."
Ron said as he picked up his wand and reached for his bow and then pressed a button causing the bow to turn into a shield while Adam pulled out his wand.
"No you need to go help the people who are hurt." Adam sighed.
"Ronald Weasley I have your pretty girl here; come meet me in the courtyard so you can save her unless you want her to die."
Voldemort cackled making Ron grit his teeth at the threat made on Hermione.
"Harry Potter has failed to defeat me; now it is your turn." Ron sighed and looked at Adam.
"Walk me out please." Ron begged Adam who smiled and placed his hand on Ron's broad shoulder.
"I will be honoured to mate." The two started walking towards the courtyard with brave faces on.
When they got there, Ron saw Hagrid carrying Harry's lifeless body while there were lots of Death Eaters around him and Voldemort was pointing his wand to Hermione who was on her knees while Voldemort had his hand on her hair pulling her back as she struggled.
Hermione shouted as Ron and Adam pushed through the crowds of students, friends and family.
"Let her go and I will fight you." Ron said as he stopped Adam from walking any further with him while he walked into the middle of the courtyard. Voldemort grinned then pushed Hermione towards Ron who caught her in his arms and said,
"Are you alright love?"
"I'm fine but Harry, Harry is…" Hermione started crying causing Ron to hug her tightly.
"Ron please, please don't fight…please I don't want you to get killed as well… please don't…" Hermione begged Ron who kissed her forehead gently.
"I have something to tell you… the reason that I left the Yule Ball is because I didn't like watching you and Krum dancing because believe me I wanted to ask you but I was busy with trying to protect you."
Ron admitted to a bewildered looking Hermione.
"Now promise that you will let me do this; please Hermione I need to end this."
Hermione shook her head fiercely.
"I love you" He whispered to Hermione who shook her head again.
"Please don't, Ron…you and I still need to get married…you and I need to have kids that I will tell off when you give them sweets causing them to become hyper and hard to put to bed…please Ron, I want to give you everything…please...you can't die…you can't leave me." Hermione begged Ron who sighed and said quietly, "Trust me, love."
Ron then kissed her softly yet passionately.
"Now go to my parents okay?" Hermione shook her head but Ron just smiled and winked at her.
"Go!" Hermione walked slowly to Ginny who was crying at the sight of Harry and shaking her head at Ron telling him not to do it but Ron looked away and stared at Voldemort.
"I would have thought that Potter would be the reincarnation of Merlin but it seems that I was wrong." Voldemort smirked. "Are you powerful enough…AVADA KADAVRA"
Ron easily bounced the spell without any sweat, "Well someone has been learning their spells."
Ron pointed his wand at Voldemort as lightning came out of it, but Voldemort fended it away and then it blew up behind him causing him to fly forward and face down in front of Ron who smirked.
"You won't win" Ron said calmly to Voldemort who got up and growled at him then started shooting spells at Ron who quickly and easily deflected them.
"DIE!" Voldemort shouted at Ron who created a barrier around him so his spells were being bounced off the shield. Ron changed his shield back into a bow and pierced it through the ground before cutting his palm and causing blood to come out; then he started drawing something around his bow.
"NO! NO! Don't you dare! You pure blood"
Voldemort shouted at Ron who grinned and continued using his blood as ink to draw symbols. When he was finished, he lowered the barrier then pointed his wand at his bow to create a pure white light out of his wand and entered the bow causing his blood to turn white as well before it started going to his bow making it turn a bright white colour.
Ron was about to pick it up but Fenrir attacked him and bit him. "Arghh" Ron shouted in pain while Fenrir cackled as he pulled out a knife ready to stab Ron but then there was large paw that clawed his back causing him to pull away from Ron and howled in pain.
"What are you doing Ron!?" Ron opened his eyes to see Ursula as her animagus, a white tiger. "Come on…we shall fight off the Death Eaters and you finish that bastard."
"We?" Ron asked then saw all of the six sages ready to fight all of the Death Eaters so that nobody could distract him from fighting Voldemort.
"Ron catch!" Adam threw him a crystal ball that Ron fit comfortably in his palm. Ron pointed his wand at Voldemort who quickly did the killing curse spell again, but Ron deflected it just in time before pointing his wand at him and muttered something under his breath causing a beam of black light at Voldemort. Ron then started pulling his wand back as the black beam was holding onto something and started to come out of Voldemort's body.
"NO!" Voldemort shouted as the black beam pulled out a white flame from his body and started to pull towards Ron who placed it inside the crystal ball. Voldemort looked at his skin as it started to become wrinkled and his body getting weaker. "Please" He wheezed out to Ron who pointed his wand at him and said coldly, "It's over you bastard."
Ron shot a bright red light at Voldemort causing him to disappear into dust causing everyone to stop fighting. All of the Death Eaters fled quickly as all of the sages were about to chase after them but Ron said, "No we'll get them later…now, we need to pay our respects…to the dead." And all the sages nodded in agreement. Not a minute had passed when Ron saw the familiar bushy brown hair come flying towards him.
"Ron!" Hermione flung herself at him causing him to hug her tightly. "You did it, it's finished!" She cried into his chest as his eyes looked at Harry's lifeless body.
"Harry" Ron whispered under his breath as Hagrid brought him over to them. "I can't believe he is gone…" He said and looked at the crystal ball in his hand that contained Voldemort's life force then looked back at Harry. "I have an idea" Ron pondered his idea for a moment and then picked up his bow and grabbed an arrow from Adam before smashing the crystal ball on the floor; he then used his wand to transfer the white light onto the arrow causing it to shine a golden colour. "Sorry about this mate." Ron then pulled his bow string back and aimed for his chest before taking a deep breath and let it go causing the arrow to seep into Harry's chest while everyone held their breaths to see what would happen. Suddenly, to everyone' shock, they saw that Harry opened his eyes and gasped out loudly.
"I'm alive?" Harry looked at himself. "Wait…Voldemort" Harry looked around to see he was nowhere to be seen.
"He's gone Harry, forever." Hermione said as she hugged Harry tightly as Ginny then ran over and hugged Harry while Hermione went to Ron who kissed her forehead and said,
"Finally- peace…" Ron smiled then looked over to Adam who was holding his wife's hand and their foreheads touching.
"I miss you, Cora misses you." Adam told Jenna who cried silently, but gave him a beautiful smile. Ron looked at all the other sages to see they all had the same idea, making them grin.
"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Ron asked the other sages who smiled brighter and nodded as they all placed each of their hands on top of each other; then a light blue started to form and grew bigger and bigger. Finally, when the orb had grown to complete size, they sent it to Jenna who turned around as the blue light was absorbed into her body.
"What the-" Jenna looked at her hands as she started to have colour on her skin.
"You still have work here to do Jen" Erin told Jenna as she cuddled up to David who kissed her forehead.
"Yeah…we'll see you guys later" And one by one, all of the sages apart from Ron, Adam and Jenna started to disappear.
"Thank you guys for everything" Ron told them as the sages smiled and said,
"Thank you Merlin"
Ron laughed as he hugged Hermione tightly and watched as they all disappeared completely.
"Adam I want to retire as the Red Archer" Ron told Adam who smirked.
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing mate."
The two men smiled while Jenna and Hermione looked at their men as they knew they had an idea in their minds.
"What are you guys thinking?" Jenna and Hermione asked in unison.
"Train the Auror department with Red Archers and Black Arrow skills. I mean the KINGS and Death Eaters are still out there and we need to make sure that they do not grow stronger." Jenna and Hermione both went over and kissed their men and said in unison, "Brilliant".
Two month had passed and all the brave people who died in the war were given proper burials while everyone was trying to get used to peace everywhere. The Weasley's were slowly but surely coming to terms with Fred being gone while Cora was still getting used to seeing her mother every morning as she just hugs her tightly and says "I love you" to her causing Jenna to smile and say I love you back.
"Got everything packed mate?" Harry asked as he laid in a camp bed that was placed on the other side of Ron's room while Ron was packing a suitcase that he was taking with him.
"Yep, now please look out for George, Harry. He is still taking it hard".
Ron begged Harry who nodded.
"And do not go anywhere with Ginny where there is a bed, a sofa or people around, understand?!" Ron said sternly to Harry who scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I would never"
Ron just smirked as he zipped his bag closed before carrying it downstairs to see his mother talking with Hermione.
"Ron sweetie are you done packing?" Molly asked Ron who smiled and nodded as Molly hugged him tightly and kissed his stubble cheek. "Be careful okay, send us a patronus when you two get there?" Ron and Hermione nodded.
"Ready to see your parents again Hermione"
Hermione looked at Ron sceptically but finally shook her head in agreement as the two set off in their quest to locate her parents. Ron then held out his hand for Hermione and taking her hand in his large one and didn't let go of it until they were actually in Australia.
Days later they had finally arrived to their destination. They booked themselves in a hotel room with a double bed for them to sleep in. Ron lay on the bed as Hermione placed her head on his chest to hear his heart beat. "How you feeling?"
"Honestly…scared…I mean they will be mad at me for sending them away." Ron nodded as she continued. "But I wanted to protect them so I couldn't just let Voldemort kill them." Ron smiled then kissed her forehead.
"We'll worry about that later, for now you need to relax." Ron kissed Hermione softly on the lips. With that, the young couple fell asleep in each other's arms, not worrying about the next turn of events.
The next morning, Hermione and Ron tracked down her parents to a quaint home settled by the ocean. Hesitating, Hermione approached the door and paused when knocking. Ron looked at her and seeing the love in his eyes, she continued her actions.
"Here goes nothing" Hermione said as she knocked on the door and the two waited until Mrs Granger opened the door.
"Oh hello, how may I help you?" Mrs Granger asked as Hermione quickly whipped out her wand and did an undoing spell causing her mother to become frozen on the spot when Mr Granger came into view.
"Honey is everything okay?" Ron pulled out his wand and did the same spell and after a few minutes, the two broke out of the trance their daughter had placed them under.
"Hermione dear? Ron? Where on earth are we?" Mrs Granger asked the two when Mr Granger spoke.
"Princess, you look different? You look older" Ron and Hermione looked at each other.
"We want to tell you something."
Ron and Hermione told them everything. Hermione's parents were shocked to hear everything that's been happening and could tell by their faces they were not too pleased. But deciding to test those waters, Hermione meekly spoke. "I hope that you aren't angry with me" Hermione said to her parents, who were just staring at the floor in shock. Then, Mr Granger broke the silence.
"I'm disappointed in you Hermione"
Ron watched his girlfriend lower her head down in shame and then turned to Ron. "And you!" Ron stiffened. "Thank you for keeping her safe." Ron gulped but then relaxed a bit and nodded. "Hermione promise me that you will never do anything like that to us again, okay?" Hermione nodded then Mrs Granger hugged her tightly.
"I love you sweetheart" Hermione couldn't hold it in anymore as she started crying into her parents' arms.
"I love you too mum, dad" The Granger's shared a family hug with each other while Ron smiled at them.
"So are we expecting any grandchildren from you two yet?" Mr Granger asked the two causing them to blush red while Mrs Granger giggled.
"DAD! I still have to go back and finish school and get a job before I think of things like that!" Hermione said as she had a red face but her brown eyes said other things as she sneakily looked at Ron who looked away from them.
"And you Ron? What are your plans?" Mrs Granger asked Ron who tugged on his collar and said, "Well I'm not returning to school because I was offered to train the Aurors with Adam. Then I want to marry your daughter when the time is right" Ron held Hermione's hand tightly as he said this.
"I thought you wanted to be an Auror too…why would you train them?" Mr Granger asked Ron who smiled.
"I had enough of battles sir to last me a lifetime, but it's time for me to take it easy as I'm currently helping George out with his shop." Mr and Mrs Granger smiled and nodded.
"So you aren't the Red Archer anymore?" Mrs Granger asked Ron who smiled and shook his head.
"I just want to have a quiet life now even if I'm only nineteen years old" Ron chuckled. "So Hermione I'll leave you with your parents as I am sure that you guys have a lot to talk about". Hermione was about to speak but Ron kissed her softly and said, "Don't worry about me love, I will be seeing one of Adam's friend's sons…I'll see you later." Ron kissed her forehead and turning to Mr and Mrs Granger smiled at them "bye" and left out the door.
It was late at night and Hermione was driven by her parents back to her hotel room to see if Ron had come back, but Hermione frowned when she saw their hotel room was empty. Her parents had returned home to pack up their stuff so they would be able to return to life back in the UK. Hermione sat on the bed with her arms crossed in front of her chest when Ron came stumbling in, definitely drunk and Hermione just frowned at him. "Heeeyy Looove" Ron said as he closed the door behind him while she got up and glared at him.
"Ronald where have you been?" Hermione asked as Ron moved closer towards her and could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Just out with some friends, love." His words were slurred as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lightly pushed her against the wall. "But I'm glad to be back with my sexy girlfriend." Ron kissed her ear before he nibbled on it.
"RON! Stop it" Hermione tried to push Ron away but he easily overpowered her.
"I love you" Ron kissed her on the lips as Hermione gave up and kissed him back. After a few intense kisses, Hermione had enough of his dragon breath and dragged him into the shower where she turned the cold water on him. Screaming, he jumped out of the stall soaking wet. Hermione stood there and doubled over in laughter. "Next time, you will think before you come home drunk, Ron". But Ron, being the stubborn man that he was counteracted by taking Hermione into the stall with him, turning the water on them both and soaking their clothes. The two just started laughing even harder, wondering if management would come and toss them out. Finally, they decided enough was enough and got into the shower together and made love.
It was that time again and Ron was pushing Hermione's trolley that had her trunk and Crookshanks (who was in his cage) while Hermione was talking to her parents. "I still wish you would have come back Ron." Hermione told her boyfriend who smirked and shrugged.
"Nahh Hermione I'm sick of school, not like you." Ron kissed her forehead then said, "I'll get your stuff on the train." Ron ran through the barrier leaving Hermione and her parents.
"Be careful sweetheart, please please write okay?" Hermione's mother told her daughter who nodded and hugged her tightly as she kissed her forehead. "Love you"
"Love you too mum" Hermione told her mother who smiled and hugged her again before she turned to her father who was fighting back the tears.
"I'll miss you sweet pea." Hermione hugged her father. "One last time we do this." Hermione smiled at the thought. "You better go or you will be late." Hermione kissed her father's cheek before she ran towards the barrier into Ron's strong arms and hugged her tightly.
"I'm going to miss you love." Ron whispered before kissing her passionately. "Write to me okay? I will miss you and always think of you while I'm training the Red Archers." Ron told Hermione who smiled.
"You know there will be girls who want to see you." Hermione told Ron who sighed and whispered,
"Aint no woman as fine as you Hermione, believe me." Ron hugged her tightly. "I have something for you." Hermione pulled away then saw him pull out a small blue velvet box causing her eyes to widen in shock. "Hang on; it is a ring but not the kind of ring that I have to go down for, not yet anyway." Hermione blushed at the hint that Ron was going to propose to her. "These are promise rings."
"Rings?" Hermione asked Ron who smiled and opened the box revealing two silver rings- one of the rings was just plain silver and the other was thin that had a beautiful sapphire stone (her birthstone) and also reminded her of his beautiful blue eyes.
"If you promise that you will keep this on, that means that you will be faithful to me and I will do the same…" Hermione nodded as he picked up her ring and slid it on her right hand ring finger; then she picked up the other ring and put it on his right hand ring finger.
"I'll miss you" Hermione whispered as they pressed their foreheads together. "Promise that you and Harry won't do anything stupid while I'm away?" Ron smiled and nodded. "I love you." Ron and Hermione shared a passionate kiss as the train whistle blew.
"Come on… get on the train or it will leave without you." Ron helped Hermione on the train. When she went to find Ginny, she saw Ron standing with his parents and Harry who were seeing Ginny and Hermione off. "I'll see you soon" Ron mouthed as Hermione nodded and mouthed back at him,
"I'll see you my Merlin"
Ron smiled and waved with everyone goodbye. As the train moved, Ron kept staring at Hermione's face and watched as the train disappear into the distance.
I would like to give a shout out to rhmac12 who is my beta for all of my Ron/Hermione stories thank you you are awesome.
I also would like to give a shout out to Ginny1989 who gave me the idea of the seven sages so hope you liked it.