A/N: Hello! I AM BACK! Long story short I went back to my old stories that I wrote 6 years ago and found them to be BAD. So I am now reworking them, this is one I am currently changing so stay tuned for updates.

Again, although my English has much improved in the last 6 years it still is not my first language and definetly not perfect, sorry for any mistakes.


"You arrogant, stupid Half-elf! How dare you betray my trust like that?! My friends mocked me when I told them that I had fallen in love with you, a half-elf, but I always told them how kind you were and how caring and that I did not care about you being half-elven but now you have gone too far!", Celebrian, daughter of the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien was furious. She stood in front of the seated Elrond and waited for him to start defending himself but he only sat at his desk and stared at her like she was the one that had gone mad.

"Won't you at least respond, you...you...", she was at a loss of words

Gathering his wits he looked at the woman he loved and started speaking calmly: "Celebrian, I don't know what has happened to you, or why you are so angry. Could you please explain what happened? I promised, I would never do anything to betray or hurt you and this still holds true. Please, my love?"

"Explain? Explain!? What would you like to have explained? You know exactly what happened, you know everything, Elrond! You have been unfaithful to me and that a long time ago! I saw you with the human", -she shuddered and looked at him with disgust, "child, you are his father, admit it!"

Elrond shook his head and looked her in the eyes, a serious expression in place of his usual gentle smile. He felt upset that she thought something like that of him, he has always been faithful to her and could not bear the thought of her thinking that he did.

"Celebrian, I would never betray you, I love you! I think this all was a huge misundersta-"

Elrond, give up; I don't believe you anymore. I just can't believe I fell for this." With that she turned and left the study.

Elrond spent the rest of the day distracting himself with the mountains of paperwork that had collected on his desk as it was usual for the summer time. He had given his assistants and advisors the week off to enjoy the summer feast so all the work that was left was his to complete.

Although he usually hated staying late in his study he welcomed this opportunity to distract himself from the turmoil in his mind.

Hours later Glorfindel came in Elrond's study, not having seen the lord at dinner he wanted to make sure his friend was alright. Seeing him quietly working at his desk annoyed and worried the golden haired elf.

"Elrond, this is where you have been hiding! We missed you at the evening meal, forgot the time again didn't you? Come, there will be leftovers in the kitchen I am sure they will provide you with some food."

Glorfindel was one of the elves that did not care much for the strict formalities of the court. He was not overly fond of titles and many thought that the Seneschall could not ever be serious about a situation.

They were wrong of course. Glorfindel did always try to see the humour in life, he had died once before and saw no reason in making a situation more complicated than need be just for the sake of formality. He could however be serious when required, which thankfully was almost never.

"Glorfindel", Elrond sighed, "I am not really in the mood, nor am I hungry, please just let me do my work."

"Does this have something to do with the lady Celebrian leaving with all her guards during the summer celebration?"

Glorfindel sensed the misery in the elf before him, smiled gently and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Tell me what happened."