Make Him Understand

Chapter 1: Opportunity Knocks!

A/N: Hello fellow Grojband lovers! My name is M.R. and this is my first story here on the site. Being a long time visitor on this I decided it was time to stop suppressing my ideas but to show them to my fellow users of this amazing site. This is a Corney fic and Corey isn't as slow as he is on the show. Now onto the story!





On any normal day walking down Lyric Lane in the city of Peacville, you would hear music blasting from the garage of The Riffens. Today however would not be the case. In the garage sat four teens all laying in varying positions scattered throughout out the garage. On a large blue couch sat Kin and Kon Kujira who are both twins with different structures. Kin is a small kid who wears a thick pair of circular glasses, a shirt that makes him appear to be wearing a tux, long light blue jeans and orange converse sneakers. He is the bands key player and techno wizard. Next to him was his twin brother Kon. Kon is a large fellow who wears his Grojband t-shirt with pride, dark blue long jeans, and red converse sneakers. A red bandanna covers his forehead and keeps his long spiky hair out of his face. He is the drummer and muscle. Next was the band's front man guitarist singer and leader Corey Riffen who was laying down the bands stage with his head hanging off the edge. Corey wears an orange beanie with the band skull logo on the front. His blue hair hangs down the sides and the back of his head. He wears a white long sleeve t-shirt under a black tank top. He also wears orange shorts and blue converse sneakers. Lastly, on top of a pink sedan laid the only female member of the band whose name is Laney Penn. Her hair is a deep auburn red that went down to her chin and has a yellow hair clip on the left side. On top she wears a lime green t-shirt underneath a green and black stripped tank top. On bottom she wears red leggings and black boots. She is the bassist and manager of the band. She plans and books all the gigs. She also has a MAJOR crush on Corey but is stuck in the dreaded friend-zone. Currently all members were absolutely bored out of their minds trying to think of something to do.

"My brain feels like (insert fart noise). Maybe TV will help"

Said Corey who with deft skill flicks off his right sneaker directly to the TV that sat all the way into the corner of the garage turning it on with the new report with Chance Happening

"And now for "What Dat?!" with Buzz Newsworthy!" announced Chance.

"Dat! Would be the tallest cake in all of Peacville!" exclaimed Buzz.

Immediately all of Grojband appeared in front of the TV screen with awe written all over their faces.

"What dat?!" they all exclaimed.

"100 stories of flakey bakey sugar cakey!" Buzz happily announced. Laney, ever the realist, didn't believe that the cake was even real to begin with. Opening the garage door Laney said

"Common guys. If the cake was really that tall we'd be able to see it from…" her words were cut off when in the distance they saw the amazing cake. It was decorated in pink white and red and made both Kin and Kon began to drool at the prospect of eating such a cake. Corey with determination showing in his eyes declared to his band mates that they would eat that cake. However Buzz spoke up saying the only way to be able to even taste the cake would having been invited to the wedding of the cake barn heiress, Barney LaBarnly.

"Okay guys looks like we're going to play a wedding gig for us to eat that cake. Let's hurry on to the park so we can book that gig before anyone else does!" Corey exclaimed before running out of the garage with the rest of the band following behind him. Kon being the last one to leave closes the garage door before running to catch up.


Arriving at the park Kin and Kon could only stare and drool in awe at the gigantic take that lay before them. Laney sighed at the two and before she could knock them back to their senses Corey throws his arm around her shoulders to prevent her from doing that.

"Common Lanes lets book this gig first then come back and get them." Corey said and Laney looked down and blushed at the closeness Corey held her at.

'Oh my gosh, Corey has his arm around me! He smells so nice and he wants ME to go and book this gig with him without Kin or Kon!' Laney thought inside her head before answering her crush

"S-Sure Core" she said shyly as Corey lead her to find the owner of the cake. When they found the owner, a small rotund man with a hat on top of his head that looked like a slice of cake, Corey took his arm off of Laney who sighed sadly about the lost contact with Corey and approached him.

"Excuse me sir but are you looking for a band to play for your wedding tonight?"

Corey asked politely in a professional tone shocking Laney having never heard him used that tone of voice before.

"Sure do kid. Names Barney owner of the Bake Barn and dad to the happy bride over there"

Answered Barney with a smile on his face. His smile turned into a wince when he heard his daughter yelling to the wedding designer about more ideas for her wedding.

"She sure is crazy…about love that is. Glad you guys showed up when you did. Do you think you could sing a couple lovey-dovey songs for this wedding? " he asked Corey and before he could answer he was cut off by another voice that sounded all too familiar.

"Corey? Sing a love song? Scoff, he's never been in love and knows totally nothing about it!" said the voice, sounding as if it was crying all day. The Bride came over after hearing such a statement and began to complain to her father

"Daddy," she said in a long drawn out whine "Only lovers can play at my wedding" causing to said father to sigh.

"Sorry Corey but if love ain't in your heart, it ain't coming out of your head." He said regretfully. For having known the blue haired youth for only a short amount of time he could tell he was a good kid and denying him this gig made him feel bad. But it's his baby girl's day and she came first.

"Maybe we'll find another band" he said walking away with his daughter to fix up and help with the cake. Corey turned around toward the voice and asked forcefully

"What the hell Trina?! Why did you ruin the gig?!" Trina is Corey's older sibling and is always trying to find a way to ruin Corey. Her hair is a bubblegum pink and had a purple bow to hold it back. She wore a green hoodie had on a purple skirt and pink shoes. Right now she was crying heavily with her mascara running down her face. Next to her was her (unwilling) side kick Mina. Mina blue hair just like Corey but in a deeper shade of blue. She wore an orange turtle neck vest and olive green shorts and glasses. Mina whispered sorry to Laney who saw no wrong in forgiving her. Mina was terrified of Trina and the only way not to be on her bad side was to follow her every command. Trina then went into a sob story about how her favorite sweater didn't change into a hoodie for her and how love treated her wrong. Corey wasn't paying attention to her though. He was figuring how to get his gig back when an idea popped into his head. Motioning to Laney to follow him they snuck away while Mina tended to Trina's need for sweets. They spotted Barney on a platform rubbing pink icing on the cake. Hopping into a vat that was used to carry icing from the ground to higher levels, Corey and Laney rode up to Barney to see if they could get the gig back.

"Barney sir I can sing a love song! My sister Trina only said that so I could get the gig!" Barney jumped at the voice and turned to see Corey and Laney in a vat that was supposed to be used for carrying up icing and not kids. Barney didn't really believe him but decided to test him to make sure.

"Okay kid if your truly in love, who are you in love with?" he asked. Corey looked down trying to figure something out along with Laney who then had an idea.

'Wait, if I say Corey is in love with me not only can I get us this gig but then I could get closer to him if I play my cards right! For once I'm so glad Trina was here!' thought Laney before putting her plan is motion. She easily slipped under Corey's right arm and hugged him around the waist before answering for him

"Me! Corey's in love with me!" she said with a smile on her face. Corey looked down at Laney with a shocked expression and a blush not expecting her to do something like this so suddenly. Something not only in his head but also in his heart told him to roll with it and it he wouldn't regret it.

"Okay I believe you but you have until the end of the wedding to show me how in love you two are and that love should make me puke!" said Barney who went back to putting icing on the cake. The vat lowered and as it did Laney could only thank her lucky stars that she could finally have a chance to make her Crush notice her.

"Hey Lanes?" asked Corey looking down at her

"Yeah Core?" said Laney scared that Corey was mad at her for pulling that stunt.

"You can let go of me now…and thanks. Without you I don't think we could've got this gig for the cake" said Corey with a blush on his face.

"Oh yeah sorry Core" Laney said embarrassed a little bit but relieved that he wasn't mad at her. When the vat hit the ground the two future rock stars climbed out but then Corey stopped after realizing something

"Kin and Kon must still be at the entrance staring at the cake. We better go get them Lanes" Said Corey. Laney nodded and ran with core to go and get the twins hoping that they didn't do anything stupid to get them in trouble.


Like a couple of statues Kin and Kon stayed at the entrance of the park still staring at the cake. With a smile Corey turned to Laney

"And at the count of three, you both shall awaken by a fist crashing into the back of your heads." Corey said as if he was a hypnotist and Laney immediately caught on. Corey counts two three still talking nice and slow and on three Laney's fists crashed upon them knocking them out of their stupor.

"Ugh what happened….and why do my pants feel so wet?" asked Kon.

"Easy Kon." Started Corey "Both you and Kin saw the cake, went into a trance and started drooling which I think made your pants wet. Core decided to let you guys dream while we went and booked the gig so we can get the cake" finished Laney. The twins then begin to cheer and high fived each other before running around chanting cake everywhere. While that was going Laney looks at core with a blush on her cheeks

"So Core…I was thinking…maybe we should do couple stuff so we can get more into character so we can fool Barney and his daughter" Laney said while looking down and making circles in the dirt with her foot. Stunned by the question Corey begins to blush and rub the back of his beanie covered head.



Man I hope you guys liked it. First story I ever put on fanfiction. Anyway leaves reviews suggest or even a PM on anything you would like to see in the future. This is M.R. saying have fun and protect your sanity! Thank for coming out everyone *closes groj door*