A/N: HAHAHAHAHA GUESS WHO FORGOT TO UPLOAD UNTIL 2:30 IN THE MORNING!? MEEEEEEEE! Sorry. But hey, now you'll get two updates in one day! At least, if you're in my timezone. Or in a different timezone that coincidentally makes it two uploads in one day. I dunno. ANYWAYS, here's the bit on Dan that I promised! :D Enjoy!
Three hours. It had been three hours since he'd said what he couldn't take back. Dan was now sat at the dining table, his head hung miserably in his hands. His mind kept replaying the awful moment, the look on Phil's face- it was like torture.
"If I'm such an asshole, why don't you just break up with me!?" Dan screamed, quickly receiving a blow to the gut.
"Fine, then, you fucking bastard! We're over!" Phil screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked at Dan with a livid expression. He turned and stomped out of the flat, stuffing his cellphone into his pocket as he left. The door slammed, finalizing what had been said.
Dan shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. His head snapped up. Wait. He's been gone for three hours. Where the hell did he go? Dan scrambled up and ran to the living room, grabbing his cellphone from the coffee table and flying through his contacts. Would he call PJ? I'll try PJ first, he decided. He selected PJ's contact and put the phone to his ear, listening to the familiar sound of ringing. He tapped his foot impatiently until PJ's familiar voice came through the phone.
"Hello?" PJ asked.
"Hey, Peej!" Dan greeted, relieved that he'd picked up.
"Hey, Dan! What's up?" PJ asked. Dan bit his lip.
"Actually, Peej, I was wondering.. Have you heard from Phil?" he asked nervously. PJ hesitated slightly.
"Noooo..? Why? Is everything okay?" he asked, worried. Dan sighed, combing his fingers through his hair.
"N-no, not quite.. We got into a huge argument and he stormed out.. after he broke up with me," he sighed.
"Oh, Dan! Are you alright!?" PJ cried. Dan felt tears prick back to his eyes.
"I'd say I am, but I can't exactly lie to you, can I?" he said with a small chuckle as a tear broke free. He quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand.
"Dan.. You know what, if he didn't come to me, he's probably with Chris," PJ pointed out. Dan sniffed.
"You're right.." he mumbled. PJ thought for a moment.
"You shouldn't call Chris though. If Phil IS with him, then Chris has probably heard Phil's side of things- in other terms, he'll be on Phil's side. And you know Chris, he probably won't hear a word of it from you if he is," PJ told him. Dan furrowed his brows.
"...Dammit. You're right. So what do I do?" he asked, sniffing.
"Don't do a thing, Dan. I'll call Chris. Don't worry, we'll make sure Phil is okay, alright?" PJ said reassuringly. Dan smiled slightly.
"Thanks, Peej."
"Don't mention it." They said their farewells and Dan fell onto the couch, setting his phone on the table. Now all I can do is wait.
A/N: WOOO DAN'S BIT. Hooray for helpful Peej! Unless if you guys wanted Dan to suffer for some reason(I don't know WHY), then BOO HELPFUL PEEJ. Thanks to everyone for the reviews on my last chapter, I did (might have done) a polka dance for each! Wooo! I LOVE YOU!