A/N: Thanks again for all your read, follows, and reviews. Hope you like this chapter and keep reviewing! :)
Maura let out a little moan as she began to cuddle with Jane, "That sounds perfect". Jane wrapped her arms around Maura and pressed her legs against Maura's as close as she could get them. Placing one last kiss on Maura's head, they let sleep overtake them as bliss washed over them.
Chapter 6
There are two things that Maura noticed when she woke up in the morning: the smell invading her nose and the coldness of the bed beside her. She reached an arm behind her, hoping to reach out and feel Jane beside her. Maura pulled her hand back, empty, sighing at the loss of contact with her best friend. The anguish didn't last long though, because Jane came bounding into the bedroom with a tray full of food.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Jane walked over to Maura's side of the bed and greeted her with a kiss. Encouraging Maura to sit up, Jane gently placed the tray on Maura's lap while she climbed into her side of the bed. "I thought that you could use a relaxing, healthy breakfast in bed," Jane smiled at Maura.
Maura laughed before responding, "This isn't exactly healthy, Jane". She picked up a piece of bacon and looked disapprovingly at Maura.
"That's why there's oatmeal, blueberries, and orange juice! It's to balance out the bacon." Jane playfully nudged Maura with her shoulder before inhaling a strip of crispy bacon.
They enjoyed their breakfast with a comfortable silence for a few minutes until Jane broke the silence. "Maur, I really liked waking up next to you. And making breakfast for you was nice too."
Maura raised an eyebrow as she attempted to decipher where Jane was going with this conversation.
"I think I'd like to do this a lot more often," Jane continued.
"I do too, Jane. I agree, all of this was perfect," Maura flashed Jane her smile that lit up every room.
Jane started to fidgit with the comforter before she got the nerves to speak. "Maura, do you think that maybe on Sunday at dinner we could tell everyone what's going on between us? I don't want to keep this a secret. I want everyone to know how I feel about you."
Maura's lips turned into a grin as she leaned closer into Jane, "And just how do you feel about me, detective".
Jane licked her lips before answering, she breathing uneven, "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you that". Jane closed her statement with sliding her tongue along Maura's bottom lip. Taking Maura's lip into her mouth, Jane sucked gently before giving in and pressing her lips firmly against Maura's. Their tongues dueled for dominance before breaking away for a breath.
"I love you too, Jane. I always have. Let's tell your family."
Jane lowered her head as she spoke, "I may have let it slip to Frankie already, sorry".
Maura gasped at Jane and playfully swatted her arm. "How?"
"He called me down to your accident and I got him to let me over to you by telling him that I love you."
Maura just smiled and placed another kiss on Jane's lips. "That only makes it that much easier for us."
They studied each other's faces for a minute, each lost in their own thoughts. "Do you want to get up and watch movies on the couch all day," Jane smiled at Maura.
"That sounds perfect," Maura thought about what day it was. "Do you have to go back to work tomorrow? It's only Wednesday."
Jane's eyes lit up as she told Maura her good news, "Cavanaugh said I don't have to come back until Monday. Guess you're stuck with me for a litle bit".
Maura giggled as she tried to get out of bed. "I'm not stuck with you if I want you here," Maura grimaced as she felt pain in her side. Jane jumped up to help her and held Maura by the elbow and her back.
"Do your stitches hurt," Jane asked with worry in her voice.
Maura grunted as she responded, "Only when I walk".
"Let's get you ready for the day and you can take some of your pain medicine when we get downstairs."
Jane helped Maura brush her teeth, her hair, and put on clean clothes. After Jane had done the same, she helped Maura downstairs. Maura let Jane pick the first movie since the pain medicine would most likely knock her out.
About an hour into the movie, Jane peered down to look at Maura who was laying with her head in Jane's lap. Jane could see Maura's chest rise and fall with every breath she took. Stroking her hair away from her face, Jane leaned down and kissed Maura's forehead. She turned off the television and layed her head back, deciding that joing Maura for a nap sounded like the best option.
Dinnertime came before the two women knew it and Angela was in Maura's kitchene making soup. The smell of Angela's chicken noodle soup woke Jane up, who noticed that Maura was still sleeping on her lap. She gently woke Maura up, letting her know that dinner was being prepared.
"Hey, Ma. That smells delicious," Jane helped Maura walk over to the table before going to her mother to place a kiss on her cheek.
"You two sure slept the day away. How are you feeling, Maura?"
Maura yawned as she replied, "I really needed that nap. I feel better but I still have some pain. Thank you, Angela".
Angela smiled at the two when she placed hot bowls of her homemade soup in front of them. "I'm going to put the rest of the soup in a contianer for later for you guys."
"Thanks, Ma," Jane mumbled with her mouth full.
Both Angela and Maura gave Jane a disapproving look before letting it go.
After Angela cleaned up the kitchen a little, she left the women to the rest of their night.
After the women finished their nightly routine, they climbed into bed. Jane turned on her side to face Maura who was laying on her back. Maura turned her head to face Jane and closed her eyes as she leaned in to kiss her. Parting her lips to allow access, Maura thrust her tongue into Jane's mouth. Jane let out a moan at Maura's eagerness. The sound of Jane's approval made Maura very aware of the wetness that had started to pool between her legs.
Jane's hands started to wander as their kisses became more passionate and fervent. She gasped when her hands found what clothes Maura was wearing: none. She wondered how she had missed a nude Maura slip into the bed. As Jane ran her fingers from Maura's chest to her breast, she realized she was not nervous about sleeping with Maura for the first time. It felt natural and like something that should have been done a long time ago.
Maura breathed in deep as Jane touched her breast. She leaned closer into Jane to encourage to explore as much as she wants. Maura was already so wet and wanted nothing more than for Jane to fuck her. She knew she needed to take it easy but Jane was always gentle with her.
Jane took a hardened nipple between her fingers and began to roll it around around. As if it was a reflex, Jane rolled her hips closer into Maura. She squeezed her thighs together, realizing how wet she had grown. Jane attempted to put her needs behind her and focus on Maura. She kissed Maura's earlobe, eliciting a quiet gasp from Maura. Jane made her way with her lips down Maura's neck to her collar bones. Not wanting to miss any part of Maura, Jane kept kissing her chest as her hand continued to massage Maura's breast. Finally taking the other nipple in her mouth, Maura knew there was no stopping now.
"Jane," Maura breathily cried out. She squeezed her thighs together, silently begging for release. Jane's fingers began to travel down Maura's abs and stoped right above where Maura needed her the most.
Jane looked at Maura at asked, "Is it okay if I do this tonight, Maur".
Maura's eyes fluttered open and Jane could see pure desire and need written all over her. "Please, Jane. Yes, I need you."
A smirk formed on Jane's face as she took Maura's lips in her own. She held herself above Maura as her hand continued it's journey to Maura's wet center. With the first stroke on Maura's clit, Maura moaned into Janes' mouth. Her hips rose to gain more contact with Jane's hand, causing Jane to slide a finger along her opening.
"Fuck, Maur," Jane was so amazed at how wet Maura was and it turned her on even more.
Jane continued and slid one finger inside Maura, causing the blonde to cry out in pleasure. She slid in and out easily and decided to slide in a second finger. Maura cried out again, "Oh, Jane".
Jane kept her rhthym up as she kissed Maura's neck. The sounds Maura made drove Jane wild. She put one of Maura's nipples in her mouth again and began to suck and she placed her palm on Maura's clit and applied pressure. Moving her hand in a circular motion and continuing to pump in and out of Maura, she knew Maura was so close.
Maura confirmed Jane's thoughts when she opened her mouth, "Don't stop, Jane. I'm so close". Maura had one hand on the bed, balling the covers in her fist, and the other was on Jane's back, leaving scratch marks. Maura was just about to fall over the edge when Jane moved her head to kiss Maura on the lips.
"Come, baby."
The raspy voice was all Maura need to send her flying. Her walls tightened against Jane's fingers as her orgasm flooded her body. Jane kept her fingers in Maura until she was sure that Maura was finished.
Jane pulled out of Maura and layed on her back. Maura turned to kiss her on the lips, "Wow".
Jane giggled as she wrapped her arms around Maura. "So I take it that I was okay?"
"That was amazing. The best I've ever had, hands down."
"I love you," Jane said those words with every inch of her being.
"I love you, too, Jane."
The two women didn't realize how tired they were until sleep crept up and carried them through the rest of the night.