A/N: I am sorry if I got anything about the adoption process wrong. IE the Palmer's would probably have to wait longer in real life unless somebody selected them and I am not sure if they would release a baby left at a Police or Fire Department that quickly. Anyway constructive advice is okay.
After six long months on the waiting list Jimmy and Breena Palmer were finally going to become parents. In reality six months wasn't a long time for an adoption. They had heard of people who had waited for years to become parents. Heck they were becoming parents three months earlier than most people who did it the natural way. Still they couldn't contain their excitement as they drove towards the Children's Home that cool November afternoon. They had been given very basic information on the child. It was a boy about three weeks old and he had been abandoned outside the Baltimore Police Department. He had green eyes and brown hair, was eighteen inches and weighed seven pounds meaning he was most likely premature. Though he had had a complete examination and was thankfully in perfect health.
"Are you sure about this?" Jimmy asked.
"Why not? It could be months or years before we are chosen again." Breena replied.
"Well the note was from the mother so what if the father wants him back? What if we get attached and then the father shows up and wants the kid back?" Jimmy asked.
"According to his case worker the note said the mother was severing all ties to the child and that the father had denied him." Breena assured.
"Well what if they change their minds? Or some other realtive comes out of the woodwork? Or? Or?" Jimmy stammered.
"Jimmy that is a risk we took when we decided to adopt." Breena replied.
"Maybe we should just do the IVF or try the old fashioned way the doctor said it was unlikely but it stiil could happen." Jimmy replied.
"James Palmer you know getting pregnant has just as much chance of ending in disappointment and heartbreak. That's why you suggested we adopt in the first place while we are still young." Breena replied.
"I know I just don't want a child to be taken back." Jimmy replied.
"Jimmy if we back out this child could grow up in foster care never knowing the love of a family. Just give it a chance and whatever happens happens." Breena replied.
"Okay" Jimmy replied.
Later that evening the newest Palmer had been brought home and placed in the nursery that had been waiting for an occupant. Since two weeks after they first got on the waiting list. While the proud new parents excitedly made calls. Breena had already called just about every person she had met in her life. Jimmy on the other hand had only gotten a hold of Ducky and Abby. Though both were exploding with excitement. Jimmy swore he could hear Abby screaming miles away in her lab even after he hung up the phone. The others however were likely working a case. Jimmy was just glad the team was intact once more. Days after the Palmers had gotten on the list the entire MCRT minus Gibbs had resigned to protect Gibbs. They had all gone off there seperate ways. McGee had gone to be with his family spending as much time with the Admiral as he could before he became too ill and also trying to appreciate his other family while he could. Ziva had gone off to clear her head of the past few months since Gibbs's rules no longer applied she would be out of contact and unreachable for weeks at a time. Tony had mostly stayed in DC though he had gone up to Stillwater several times to see Jack. He had taken a job as a life guardat the pool on Quantico and worked with the children's and teens bereavement support group that Jared and Kayla Vance were in. As for Gibbs after going through six teams and twenty five agents. A team is supposed to be four members but Gibbs managed to scare one Probie off and possibly scar him for life before the kid even sat down. Jimmy had asked everyone from the kid in the mailroom to Vance what happened and they all gave the same response. Trust me you don't want to know. Trust me. All this happened within the first two weeks. Vance finally put him on leave as well listing the reason for suspension as "Does Not Get Along Well With Others". Which according to the director was doing him a favor.
Jimmy stood in the nursery while Breena made her one millionth call. He looked out the window and watched the sun set. Everything was so much more beautiful now that he really was a father. He walked over to the crib and picked up the squirming bundle. They still had not decided on a name. To be fair they thought they had more time. Though Jimmy was considering Donald for at least a middle name. They were going to try and get to know their new addition a little better before they officially decided on a name. That's what Breena's parents had done with her. Jimmy's on the other hand had decided on the name Jimmy Palmer before he was even concieved. His dad had even told not long before he died that they would have named him that even if he had been a girl.
"Who are you?" Jimmy asked.
He looked into his sons eyes for the first time. Of course he had looked his son in the eyes but this was the first time he really looked a them. I mean really looked at them. They were green one of the most beautiful shades he had seen. They were just like Tony's actually the baby looked a lot like Tony. The same currly light brown hair, similar bone structure, and those eyes. Jimmy almost dropped his new son when he remembered what the note said about the father.
"His dad denied him from the second he found out I was pregnant. He begged me not to release his name. He didn't want to tarnish his image. He is a business man that's all I'll say."
A/N: So Tony may have a baby brother? Is the child Seniors? How will he feel when he finds out? What about Tony how will he take being a brother?