A/N Hello, hello! Man its been a while hasn't it?! Life gets in the way sometimes ^w^.
I digress, here is what you all have been waiting for! The concluding 5 words to this epic out of order string of stories that you have come to love.
I just want to thank every one for their encouragement, and hope you have enjoyed the stories as much as I have.
PS Sorry about 47 missing! I have added this in!

46: Mystical
Lightning stood poised, breathless. The creature before her oblivious to her presence, going on with their actions with out hesitation. Golden skin and hair as dark as night made silver in moon light. Flecks of gold hung low and lazy over the water attracted by the warmth of her presence. Fang looked every bit the creature from another world. Sleek and sensual cutting the waters surface with powerful strokes.

Lightning found herself bespelled by Fang. There was an aura about her that kept drawing the Soldier in…

Fang rolled over onto her back a grin sliding across her features as her body surfaced.

A ripple ran through Lightning her skin suddenly alive as Fang literally bared it all. Lightning blinked the spell broken, as she too allowed a hint of amusement to cross fine lips.
"Tch… way to ruin a moment." Lightning said in mild reproof as she descended to the pond that Fang was bathing in.

Fang laughed rolling back over and moving towards the shallow.
"I had ta do something, otherwise you would have stared all night…"

Their relationship was new, but stable enough for light teasing. Lightning shook her head.
The soldier hummed, her boots brushing through the tall grass stopping a few feet from the waters edge as she began disrobing.

It was Fangs turn to watch as her girlfriend was revealed. Porcelain skin pale as creme in the moonlight. The sounds of buckles and zippers a prelude to the revelation of perfection… She swallowed hard as her soldier stood on the waters edge graced by the silver light of cocoon, and tested the water with her toes.
"It's warm." Fang said her voice not much more than a whisper.

Blue eyes raised to her huntress followed by a pink brow. Lightning caught Fang licking her lips.

"You are magnificent." Fang breathed.

Lightning stepped into the water coming to where Fang knelt in the shallows.
"You look rather amazing yourself."

Fang reached up taking Lights hands, her soldier knelt there with her in the warm water. Their first kiss was soft, tentative, sometimes Fang half expected being belted across the face for the initial kiss. Something Lightning had gotten well known for during their strange spiraling courtship. When it passed with out incident, the huntress felt emboldened to press her luck…

In the secluded privacy of their retreat the young lovers consummated their union under the dual light of Cocoon & Gran Pulse's moon. Dazzled by one another, in that otherworldly setting, cloaked in darkness and dancing golden lights they made love...

47: Grumpy

"AGH!" The sounds of torment filled the main house, but what made it worse was not the cries of pain but the giggles that seemed to come because of it. A reminder of what not to do…

Lightning sat at the head of the bed as Vanille worked rather cheekily on her sisters injuries.
"I swear, only you Fang… You have to test your toughness on all of the creatures, and some of them though small are tougher than you."

Fang lay stretched out on the bed naked from the hips down, her head pressed into the pillow, sweat matting dark hair at her temples and brow. Lightning was holding tight to Fangs hands, one clenched over the other. Her arms, shoulders and back hurt from the effort, and her hands from the crushing pressure of her lovers strong hands.

Fang cried out again as Vanille pulled another series of cactuar spines from her hip. The dark haired huntress was hoarse from crying and felt weak from the whole ordeal. They had spent an hour removing the needles of her last enemy.

"Five more." Vanille said conversationally.

Lightning winced as she watched Vanille take hold of the three inch needle in the meaty part of Fangs butt and pull an inch from her hide.

The dark haired huntress was exhausted, her body hurt in places she would rather not mention and on top of that her dignity and pride were seriously bruised. Five more barbs might as well have been five hundred… she was never leaving this damn room.
"Just get it ova with…" Fang rasped.

Lightning shifted in her seat as Vanille nodded and then pulled. Fang groaned, her body tensed, but she was too tired to care… Another, her body twitched and she breathed fast a few gulping breaths.

"Almost done." Lightning said as much for Fangs benefit as her own. Again Fang groaned. Honestly she couldn't feel that part of her body any more until Vanille pulled another needle from her flesh.

"This would have been easier if you let me put you to sleep…" Vanille grumbled not for the first time.

Fang ground her teeth as the third fourth and fifth were finally pulled free. Fang breathed a sigh of relief, Vanille opened one of her containers of potion like salve and with three fingers dug out a scoop of the thick waxy paste before smearing it on Fangs hip, leg, and butt. The salve was blessedly soothing, numbing the pain and cooling the burn.

"Next time you come across a cactuar, retreat…" Vanille said.

"It died…" Fang growled.

Vanille gave a look to her drawn out sister. "That doesn't seem to be the point does it?" She asked and poked at a raw wounded butt cheek.

"Stop that…" Fang groused, she could feel residual pain under the numbing agent as it worked through her system. They had applied the salve earlier but it could only work so deep, and some of the needles went in several inches into deep muscle tissue.

"Lightning make your wife listen to her healer."

Light's worried brows raised and a hint of a smile pulled at fine lips.

"I don't want to hear it." Fang groused her face put into the pillow again, though muffled, it was clear she was not finding this as amusing as every one else did.

Vanille lay a very thin piece of fabric over Fang's body, enough to give dignity while allowing her raw and agitated hide to breather with as little abrasion as possible.
"I'm going to go to bed now… please… don't scream if you need me."

"Thank you Van." Light said in her own tired voice.

"Just put more of this on if she complains about the pain." Vanille tapped the container that held the thick waxy salve she had applied.

Lightning followed her motion and nodded.

"Other than that I suggest rest, for the both of ya."

As Vanille left Lightning came to the side of the bed and sat on the edge next to Fang. A hand came to her wife's back and she began rubbing. Fang grunted as strong hands began working on the knots in her back and shoulders.

"Oh... you don't have to do that." Fang groaned softly.

Amusement filled Lightning but her hands did not slow or stop, it was clear that Fang appreciated the massage as it was equally clear she needed it. "You need to relax."

Fang murmured another noise of relief and lay quietly under her wife's hands.

"You have every right to be in pain, but being upset will not help you feel better."

Tired green eyes rolled open, and she turned looking back over her shoulder at a still amused soldier.

Their eyes met and Lightning could not help the grin any more than Fang could the drawing of dark brows together.

"You're laughing at me."

Lightning chuckled her hands growing still on Fang's back.
"I am, but not because you turned your butt into a 1,000 needle attack."

The skin around Fangs eyes tightened causing a furrow to raise up between her eyes.
"Why then?" Fang asked, wanting to know the reason if not for her misfortune of being caught in said attack.

"How adorable you are." Lightning replied simply.

Green eyes expressed surprise and she stared a long minute at her partner.
"Adorable?" Fang asked.

Lights lips pulled into a true smile, it reached her eyes as they sparkled with her mirth.
"Yes." Lightning said leaning into Fangs arm and ribs, extending her neck and resting her chin on Fangs shoulder.

"An adorable pin cushion?" Fang asked suspiciously.

Lightning fought the urge to snicker but failed miserably.
"An adorable grumpy huntress."

Fang grunted, Lightning was not some one who lied... she told you the truth even when it hurt.
"I can handle that." Her voice burred with the fatigue she felt.

"Good, because nothing you do will make you less adorable."

Fang grunted again but a hint of a smile pulled at full lips, with a sigh she rolled onto her good side and pulled the sheet in against her body opening a space up on the bed for her beloved partner.

Light needed no further inviting, she slipped into the space and curled in against her lover... together they fell asleep.

48 Delicious
The sounds of laughter drew Fangs attention from her work.

Claire was running from her elder name sake shrieking with utter delight. Her face the epitome of joy though her Aunt was hot on her heels.

"Hey Fang."

The voice went unnoticed as she watched her wife scoop up the kicking and screaming little girl with a reflection of that joy on her face.

"Fang! Watch the barbi or move it!" Their red headed obnoxious shadow had matured some since her days of stalking the lovers…

Green eyes pulled from the vision of happiness to Skyfire who was gesturing at the grill where Fang was suppose to be cooking Behemoth steaks rather than making a burnt offering to Etro. "Eh…" Fang said raising her glass of beer and pouring it over the steaks putting out the worst of the licking flames after a burst of fire rushed up to consume the home brewed alcohol.

"Ah! What are you trying ta do to us Yun!" Sky protested with more over the top motioning of her arms.

Fang smirked. "No worries, it makes it taste betta." She said and paused to take a long pull of her beer for her own emphasis.

"Agh! I don't like that stuff and you go seasoning the meat with it!"

From behind her the low gravel of her sisters voice called out to calm her down.
"Easy there Sky, the Yun knows what she's doing."

As Sky got taught a lesson in cooking with beer, Fang allowed her eyes to look again to her wife.

Lightning looked utterly relaxed laid out on the lush green lawn of their yard. Their niece laid beside her. They seemed to be looking intently at one of Gran Pulse's many forms of wild life, this one in bug format. Soft curling pink hair fell over mostly bare shoulders. Lightning was wearing a spaghetti strapped summer top that made her look good… or rather Lightning made look good.

As her partner grew comfortable with herself, and those around her so too did that relate to her choice of clothing. It was not every day she pulled on that military uniform, zipping herself away from life and loved ones. She had taken on a more relaxed ward robe as long as they were in the village.

Claire's interest suddenly shifted to surprise and she hopped up darting off after the little beetle they had been observing, leaving her Aunt where she lay. . .

Fang watched as her partner realized that she was being watched. A sense that drew a smile to the huntresses face. Years of training still alerting her so many years after she had left the military of Cocoon…

Blue eyes swept those around her until she saw Fang watching her. A slow smile crept over her wife's lips as their eyes met, and Fang found herself responding in kind. A play of her famous crooked smile and a flash of white teeth.

"Come on Fang, a bit more attention here please?" It was Willow's turn to scold their errant cook.

Green eyes were pulled from her wife as Willow took her beer and poured it again over the eager flames.

"If ya canna keep your mind on the task at hand, your fired as the cook." Willow said handing the empty cup back to the distracted huntress.

Green eyes looked to her empty beer then back to Willow with a raised dark brow as if saying 'see the problem? ok, fix it… now….'

Willow gave her a long unblinking stare at her friends demeaning silent communique.

Both of Fangs dark brows raised up in a pleading chagrin expression adding to her demand 'please?' as she held the empty cup out to the unimpressed serious defender.

"Fine…" Willow said capitulating with a sigh. "I swear… your wife must be made of sturdier stuff than I…"

Fang smirked her trademark grin and as Willow retreated she turned her attention once more towards her wife. Only, Lightning was no where to be seen. Confused green eyes swept the whole of the area but did not see her beloved partner. She looked quickly to the grill flipped the steaks and was about to step around to find Lighting when a shocking thrill jolted through her body filling her with a powerful sensation due to Lightnings warm voice in her ear.

"Like what you see?"

"Always." Fang murmured shivering as Lightning pulled the cloak of heavy hair from her shoulder, exposing her neck for a kiss. Fang tipped her head to the side as warm lips made that pleasant sensation spread through her body.

"Mmmn, you smell so good." Lightning murmured as she pulled herself tighter against her partners back.

Fang flushed from those words her mind wondering how keen Lightnings senses had to be to smell her arousal this close to the food…

"She's talking about the food your cooking…" Willow deadpanned drawing Fang out of her own personal delusions. Willow stood there before her, having magically appeared during Fangs distraction.

It sent a different kind of thrill through her, Fang felt a hint of embarrassment as she took the refilled glass of beer the dark haired defender held out for her.
"Uh, thanks." She murmured unable to make eye contact.

A sultry chuckle in her ear made those feelings of embarrassment burn away. Another kiss came to the nape of her neck and heat flooded all the icy spaces Willows verbal splash of cold water had created.

"When you are free I am more than willing to tell you that again…" She murmured just for her tall dark huntress leaving Fang to tremble at the invitation.

Green eyes watched her lover as she pulled away, moving with a gentle sway to her hips… watching fueled those desires Lightning drew up with in her.

"Looks like she has your number." Willow said from her place to the left of her friend.

Fang turned to look at her grinning, not at all embarrassed about the flush on her own face.
"Oh she does…" Fang agreed her smile growing. Lightning was very good at doing that… making her feel… delicious…

"Hmm." Willow murmured noncommittally. Seeing it was a point of pride for her friend, Willow left her with the glow Lightning had given her and these parting words…
"Try not to burn our meal…"

If anything Fang had a larger reason to pay attention to what she was doing and do her best to get it done…

49 Hug
People believe because I am the bigger one it is my duty and job to hold my beloved… It surprises them when our roles are reversed, at least in their minds. I love her arms around me, strong, warm, gentle… Even in her silence I know I am loved.
There are times I find myself spooned against her back, arms entangled, but our favorite sleeping position is chest to chest, her arms wrapped about me, keeping the nightmares at bay. My ear pressed against her chest, listening to the lullaby of her heart beat… I love it.


Smiling blue eyes were waiting for her. "Hmm?" She asked.

"Gil for your thoughts?"

One of her easy smiles drew across her lips at Lights inquisitive look. She was propped up on the couch one of the old bestiaries in her hands. Fang rose up from where she had been sitting and slunk across the room, reaching for the book she pulled it gently from her wife's hands and closed it setting it aside as she climbed onto the couch and settled down against Lightning.
"This is what I was thinking." Fang sighed as she wrapped arms about Light and her wife's arms came about her. She pressed her head up under Lights chin and rest her ear against her chest.

Small gentle hands rubbed over broad shoulders and trailed through dark silk.

"Mmmn exactly what I was thinking." Fang grinned her eyes closing.

PREQUEL FOR 50 (special addition)

(this is not one of the 50
It is simply a feel good sort of prequel to number 50 something extra that came up while preparing to write #50 we had to find a name for the child and my buddy picked the name and this is what ensued)

Lightning cradled the little bundle gently in her arms, the swaddling cloth draped open so they could gaze at the little girl who was theirs.

"Whatcha gonna name her?" Vanille asked as she too wished to see the baby.

Lightning had been struggling with names not having found one she liked yet. Blue eyes moved to her partner and Fang was wearing that damnable grin again... never a good sign.

"Storm." Fang said with out hesitation.

Lightning was not the only one to stare.
"You can't actually be serious." She said.

Inquisitive green eyes rolled up from the baby to Light.
"Why not?"

"Storm..." Lightning said, and Fang nodded with that same grin.
"Yeah." Lightning began shaking her head. "Never gonna happen."

"Its a perfectly good name!" Fang said with a pout.

"Yes but..." Light said her brows drawing together because of it. "Don't do that..."

Sera stood back watching, beside her Snow stood waiting as well. Every one of their family had gathered for the naming of the baby... their first child, a girl... who has yet to find her own name.

"You do dishes if she says yes." Claire said looking to her mother.

Both mother and father turned to look at their daughter. Claire was a stunning youth, striking eyes and that Farron look about her. She however had her fathers easy going attitude and a grin something very much like her Aunt Fang...

"That's a no bet." Serah said to her 8yr old.

Snow sized up his daughter weighing what he knew about Lightning. She was stubborn and usually the last hold out.
"I take that bet." He said. "But if I win... you have to help change Jaia's diapers for me for two days."

Claire winced, she loved her little sister, but changing diapers was dirty business.

"Shake or walk away." Snow said knowing that his sisters in law were not going to be deciding forever.

Claire huffed but shook her fathers hand.

"It will be Lightning Storm... or... or... Snow Storm..." Lightning pointed out, continuing the debate.

Fang's smile threatened to flash over pouty lips. It would be perfect! No one could think Storm with out thinking Lightning...

Light raised a brow as she thought that maybe her wife would loose her downhearted composure but Fang managed to hold onto the pout. Lightning groaned raising her eyes to the sky.
"Goddess Etro why cant your daughter be less cheeky and more reasonable?"

Fang laughed and took the baby gently from Lightning hands. Turning to the crowd she held the child for them all to see.
"May I introduce to you. Storm Farron-Yun"

Snow stood there shocked his mouth fell open.

Serah chuckled as Claire threw arms around her and her little sister.

"Mom! She always gets out of her work!"

Claire laughed sliding an arm around her little brothers narrow shoulders.

"Ya gotta bet big ta win big!" Both Claire and Snow said together, though one looked more elated than the other.

"It's your fathers fault." Serah said and stepped forward to see what she hoped was the first of many little ones for her sister.

"Our daughter will live to regret this decision for you." Lightning said as her partner settled on the bed beside her and beamed like a proud mother should.

50 - Snazzy

Lightning stood in the mirror looking at herself. It had been fifteen years since the fall from Cocoon… Fifteen years of life that was not always perfect but so close she never regretted her decision to board the purge train.

"We're going to be late sunshine."

Blue eyes lifted from the mirror towards the husky owner of that voice. Fang stood dressed, beautiful, resplendent… 19 years of marriage and she was still breathless when she laid eyes on her wife.

"I know, I am sorry."

Fang approached with the pad of barefoot. Stepping between Light and the mirror, her hand came to Lights cheek and gently she drew those dual blue eyes up. Fang gazed into them and felt the purest love she had ever known.
"You take your time. The hero of the Fallen is entitled to be late." Fang pressed a gentle kiss upon perfect lips.

"That is a ridiculous title…" Lightning said with a hint of annoyance.

Fang smiled brushing her thumb against Lightning cheek. "But it is yours." She said and added with a gentle sigh; "...and I like it." She chuckled and pressed her forehead to Lightnings.

In the other side of the house there was a sudden loud SQUWAK! and the crash of something big.
"Goddess." Lightning breathed.

Again Fang chuckled. "I will see to it, you finish getting dressed."

Fang stepped out into the hall calling the name of their daughter.
"Storm… are you alright?" There was the sound of scuffling and more pleading squawks. The dark haired huntress hurried down the hall.

Their little girl turned out to be quite the handful, what with Lightning's sharp mind, and Fangs exuberance all wrapped into one tiny frame… Serah said it was poetic justice for the both of them. Fang was softly smiling as she entered the nursery.

"Oh my, what is going on here?"

A little pink chocobo about the height of their eldest was pinned under Storm. A determined look on her face as she was trying to climb onto the beast, but she was too heavy for it at this point in its growth.

"Storm, honey." Fang said kneeling down to extricate daughter from her bird. "Choco isn't big enough to carry you yet pumpkin." Fang said as she helped the little bird escape. It scrabbled to its feet and ducked behind Fang away from the little girl.

"He was suppose ta catch me." Storm said with teary eyes.

Fang noticed the boxes fallen over and the chair and she winced. "How high did you jump from?"

Storm pointed to the chair with a tiny arm, the other rubbing at her teary eyes.

"Goddess." Fang whispered and reached down collecting the little girl into her arms. It was a wonder that poor Choco wasnt a dead or injured birdy... She stepped around the boxes and settled on the bed checking her daughter over for injuries.
"Does this hurt?" She asked moving each arm and leg.

Stubbornly Storm shook her head.
"Okay, okay." Fang said setting her little girl on her own two feet.
"You need to clean up this mess before mommy is ready to go."

Star stepped forward to pick up the two boxes setting them back into the chair one by one… for later.

Fang made an amused sound and rose up.
"Why don't you hand those up to mommy?" Rising up she moved to the closet holding hands down for one of the boxes.

For a minute Storm looked at the stacked boxes then picked one up and handed it up to her tall dark Mommy Fang.

While they worked together to pick up her room Storm wondered about the thing they had been getting ready for the last few hours. "Mommy?"

"Hmm?" Fang asked as she tucked a box up out of reach of their tiny terror and turned to take another from small hands.

"Why does it take Mommy Light so long to get ready?"

Just then the soft rustle of fabric drew Fangs eyes from her inquisitive daughters face to the door where Lightning stood.

Her beautiful defender was neatly tucked into something both elegant and soft. A mixture of her once militaristic style tempered by time and life… Fang swallowed as heat rushed to her face. Even six months pregnant Lightning was breath taking. "Your mommy is a snazzy dresser." She said accepting the third box as she stared at her radiant life partner.

"Mommy!" Storm ran forward and wrapped her arms around Lightning and nuzzled her taut belly.

Light shifted to caress pink locks with one hand, the other trying to support her aching back.
"Did I make you wait too long?" She asked getting an honest nod from her little girl.
"I am sorry." She said smiling at Storm.

Fang shifted to put the box away so their little terror couldn't attempt to use them again with out some serious effort. When she was done she gently slid the closet door closed and looked to mother and daughter. She felt blessed as the sight drew what Storm called gooey lovey looks to her face.

"Are you ready?." Lightning asked reaching a hand out towards Fang.

The larger hand of her wife settled warmly into hers. Fang stepped up to them both and bent down to press a kiss to Storms head. "I am always ready to go where you go." Fang said.

Together the three of them headed to the 11th annual Community Festival… a time when all three of the major settlements gathered in the Starlight Glade and celebrated having found one another here on Gran Pulse… to Fang it was a reminder of when her life changed for the better. . . they hadn't known it then, but it was the beginning of a life of love.

A/N Thanks for sticking with me!
See you all on the flip side...