Authors Note: I saw a series of short stories based off of a list of 50 Words written by OerbaFarron and was inspired to try it myself. The couple depicted is Fang and Lightning but they are different from hers, based off of a series of "What If" situations. "What if Serah was not marked by the fal'Cie but on the Purge Train? and What If the Purge went according to plan..." It makes for a very different premise for our two favorite ladies. I am planing to do more than just 50 words, so if you have one that is not on the list feel free to leave a message asking for me to write about it. I will post them up in groups of five.

If you want to know their first meeting in this alternate universe please see Chapter 3 - Foreigner

List of 50 Words Randomly found list on google so there might be overlap, but that is where the similarities will end with the talented OerbaFarron

End Thanks:,As I am writing this I would like to thank you all for reading, and giving wonderful feedback, and when you have found something that needed changed, I have tried my best to change it as well. I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I. Thanks to every one for helping me make it better. A special thanks to Xcess for catching the missing number 47! I have applied it to the final chapter. Take care every one and never stop dreaming!

Special Thanks: To my rp partner and muse Kat without whom I would not have had the inspiration to make it to the end. She let me throw ideas at her, bounce back feedback and give her unfailing support in this endeavor.

The List, Now Complete!

1. Friends
2. Island
3. Milk
4. Nightfall
5. Hat
6. Shy
7. Hammer
8. Shorts
9. Armor
10. Sleepy
11. Feline
12. Echo
13. Death
14. Ice
15. Music
16. Lesson
17. Weather
18. Unexpected
19. Relationships
20. Fresh
21. Foreigner
22. Green
23. Blue
24. Lost
25. Kids
26. Pen
27. Letter
28. Snazzy
29. Grumpy
30. Dream
31. Mystical
32. Clear
33. Feet
34. Lovemaking
35. Red
36. Fireplace
37. Chocolate
38. Delicious
39. Ravenous
40. Masquerade
41. Shy
42. Home
43. Hug
44. Reverie
45. History
46. Light
47. Kiss
48. Fantasy
49. Animals
50. Stars

"So what about it?"

Blue eyes shifted to Cephus as he brought her thoughts back to answering his question. They sat by the fire side, while around them soft snores were coming from Gadot. The rest of their small camp slept relatively peaceful free of cumbersome breathing habits.

Lightning who was having trouble sleeping looked to the side where Fang lay, dark tresses sprawling over and arm come pillow. Even in slumber the love she carried for her partner pulled at the soldiers heart strings.
"Not always." She found herself answering, "in the beginning we were enemies… grudging rivals, uncomfortable clan mates… there really wasn't a time where we were friends." She looked up to Cephus for a long moment.
"But now…"

His features softened and he nodded in understanding. "Now, she is everything." He finished for the hesitant pink haired soldier.

2: Island
Arms wrapped around her, pulled her close, a voice… soft, gentle, distant calling her back, whispering invitingly.
"Shhh, there there its alright now Sunshine, you don't have ta be alone any more."

A warm breath pulsed against her neck as strong arms tightened about her.
"I'm here now." Fang whispered in the dark, drawing her wife back from the nightmare that had her lashing out only moments ago.
"Neva again." She promised as Lightning trembled in her arms.
"Neva..." All the words that Lightning needed to hear to brush away the last remains of her nightmare fell from her lovers gentle lips. Words that held meaning, and weight because they came from Fang. She didn't have to fight alone any more, one against the world was like that fading nightmare… something of her past.

"It's okay." Fang breathed in a tired raspy voice.

As Lightnings shaking subsided and she began to twist Fang loosed her arms enough to allow her pink haired lover to turn. Twisting before Light settled facing Fang, slender arms wrapping around her, pulling tight against her body, a warm cheek against her breast.

Fang sighed a smile tugging at her lips, she felt compelled to press a kiss to tousled pink locks and gave another sigh as Light did. There was no need for words between them, there never had been… they settled again into sleep safe in one anothers arms.

3: Milk

The roaring laughter behind her drew a glare that threatened life and limb. But this only seemed to intensify their raucous laughter even more. Light huffed lowering the mostly empty bucket of milk as she stare sourly into it. Try and do a good deed… she thought giving a side glance at the trio who were still giggling at her expense. If it were not for Fang flat on her back at their camp sight she would thoroughly thrash them all. But instead she had to figure out how to subdue the Ewe long enough with out bringing her harm or causing the milk to sour. Leaning over Light picked up the gysahl greens she had been using to lure the bleating four legged milk dispenser and went after her again…

What greeted Fang after a long hot day laid out without her Lightning was worth it. Her girl was a mess, her hair was disheveled, dirt smudged on her knees, grass in her hair, and white milk crusts dried in sporadic splotches over her face and arms.

"Hey." Light said softly to her wide eyed companion.

Fang was careful not to laugh but she couldn't hide her usual smirk. "Hey your self."

"I brought you a present." Lightning presented the glass of milk in all its frothy goodness to her injured partner.

The look of delight in Fangs eyes was worth all the trouble, the laughter, and the sudden new friend she had gained after using one of Vanille's Charm potions on the woolly sheep.
"I have a confession to make." Light said as she helped Fang sit up a bit so she could drink her glass of warm milk.


Outside there was the sounds of a ruckus beginning.

"Whats that?"

Light bit her bottom lip as the sound of a pan being upturned was heard and some ones tent being dragged to the ground.
There was a scream that caused the solder to cringe and the hurried bleating of a sheep who had, had enough waiting.
"LIGHTNING FARRON!" Vanille cried out as the sheep broke free of its tether and came running through the tents raised side dragging a desperate Vanille behind. The determined Ewe bleated as she saw Lightning and shoved her way up onto the pallet beside Fang and trust her nose into the Soldiers hands.

"We have to keep her…" She said as the sheep settled into her arms.

4: Nightfall

Lightning stood in the door way of their home gazing out at Fang who was insistent on finishing her exercises despite the dying light. Nearby the ever quiet Eidolon Bahamut stood watch over his chosen one. His dark gaze following the movements of the huntress. He paused in his scrutinizing to shift dark eyes across the open yard to Lightning at the door.

She raised both hands up to him signaling she had no intention of interrupting their practice. Fang had been adamant that she continue.

It was easy to understand the need to regain ones strength, the burning desire to be better, so she could not fault her determined wife. Moving out to the small wall in front of their home Lightning settled onto it and watched the last rays of sun slowly die on her lovers body. Now as before she felt drawn to the grace and power finding herself mesmerized by the poetry that was Oerba Yun Fang, not even the nightfall could hide these appealing qualities from watchful blue eyes.

5: Hat


"You rang sunshine?" Fang peered into the bedroom and found a sly smile already tugging at her lips. Lightning was dressed in her short battle skirt, long legs bare, sensual.. perfect. About her hips and thigh was the leather case that held a small stash of life sustaining potions as well as her trusted gun blade. But her upper half was deliciously lacking clothing…

Fang drank in the sight of Lightnings defined back watching muscles move across it as she dug through drawer after drawer with an exasperated noise.
"What's the matta sunshine?" She asked moving in behind her lover who had yet given her a glance. Fang tucked the spatula she had in her hand into the waistband of her shorts by the handle and placed her hands onto all that glorious flesh. Sliding up and down Lightnings back, rubbing at the knots and kinks she had already gathered from her stressful morning.

The upset soldiers actions slowed then stopped all together, her head rolling forward as strong hands knead in all the right places. "Mnhh, I can't find it."

There was a sense of delight when the woman you loved became supple in your hands. Fang never tired of this surrender from her soldier. She felt that impish smile tug at her lips waiting for Lightning to take notice of her new accessory this morning. "What can't ya find?" She murmured near Lightnings ear.

"My bra." Lightning murmured as she rolled her head to the other side, inviting Fang to place a kiss to the offered curve of her neck.

"You look amazin with out it."

This drew a smile to Lights lips and made Fangs flare up again.
"You say that now." Lightning responded opening blue eyes and catching a glimpse of something dark and silky. She turned in Fangs hands to better see what Fang was wearing. "Wha-what are you doing?" She asked eying her bra on Fangs head, the black straps sliding down on either side of her face and tucking under her chin. She looked absolutely ridiculous and for a moment the speechless soldier was poised on two emotions.

Fang reached up and ran a hand down a black strap.
"Ya like? Its my new fashion statement."

Blue eyes dropped from her bra to Fang her hanging mouth bobbing a few times before words came out again.
"Whats it say?" She asked the impish grinning Fang finding it hard to hold onto her exasperation and annoyance at the thrilled huntress.

"I am the Liberator!" Fang struck a proud pose, spatula once more in hand.

Lightning reached out and slapped her shoulder lightly. "The liberator had better give back my bra!"

Fang darted away suddenly leaving the still mixed soldier near the dresser they shared.
"What! And give up my claim as Liberator?" Neva!" There was a glint in Fangs eyes before she darted out of the bedroom, Lightning tore after her calling her lovers name with a laugh.


The silly huntress with a simple black bra on her head did reach the living room and the front door but she didn't even get it half way open before her fiery lover shoved it closed forcefully with both their bodies...