Nightmares, Threats, Tears and Confessions

Kurt is having the worst day of his life, it started off great. He had received a text from his best friend Blaine, reminding him of what he had advised him about the bullies at McKinley, a one worded text.


It made him smile but then Karofsky came along, and knocked his cell phone from his hand while at the same time slamming him into his locker. Kurt thought about that text message, retrieved his phone and shouted after his tormentor, before chasing him into the locker-rooms, where there was a confrontation ending with Karofsky forcing his lips onto Kurt's, effectively stealing away his very first kiss. A first kiss should be special, but for Kurt it was now just a horrible memory, of an attack by his tormentor, who had afterwards threatened, that if he told anyone he would kill him.

Kurt couldn't bare; to stay there any longer, he was too upset to go to glee practice and he couldn't go home, his Dad or Carole might be there. No matter where he went, his friends or family would know something was wrong, and would demand to know what it was. He had to leave and leave now, but where would he go? He was going to text Blaine, but realised he would be in class, so instead he rushed out of school, jumped into his car and just drove, not caring where he was going. He eventually pulled over near a park and cried, when he had got the tears out of his system as best he could, he left his car and went for a walk in the park. While he was walking he received a text from Mercedes, the school day had ended without him even noticing.

"Hey Boo, where are you? Finn is looking for you – 'Cedes x"

He typed out a quick reply,

"Hey I wasn't feeling very well, left school getting some air before I go home, tell Finn to text me, and apologise to Mr. Schue for me? – Kurt x"

A few seconds later he got a reply from Mercedes and a text from Finn,

"Okay Boo, get better soon, and Finn says he's texting you now – 'Cedes x"

"Hey little bro, just letting you know in case Burt or my Mum hasn't managed to contact you yet, they're going away for the weekend, they'll be back on Monday morning. I'll be staying with Rach, so you got the house to yourself. Oh and Mercedes said you're not feeling well, get better quick bro – Finn"

Kurt sent two more quick replies, one to Mercedes and one to Finn,

"Thanks 'Cedes I will, see you all soon – Kurt x"

"Okay thanks for letting me know and I will – Kurt : )"

As he sent the texts off he received a new text, thinking it would be from his Dad or Carole, or maybe one of the other New Directions Members, he opened it eager to read it, but he didn't recognise the number.

"Remember tell and you DIE HOMO!" he read, and promptly dropped his phone. The text was obviously from Karofsky, but how did he get his number? Kurt stooped down and picking his phone up, as another message came through,

"I know where you live and I know no-ones there but you, I heard Finn telling the Homo explosions, I might pay you a visit just to make sure you understand about keeping your mouth shut"

Kurt was terrified there was no way he could go home now. He wasn't going to tell anyone, but if he called Finn and asked him to come home, he would want to know why and even if he made up an excuse. If Karofsky turned up at the house and saw Finn's car there he would probably think he had told him, he had no-where to go, and he couldn't even turn to any of his friends. Then another text came through.

"Hey Kurt, did you get my message earlier? – Blaine ; ) xoxo"

Kurt was quick to reply to this, as it was Blaine. Maybe he could invite him over for the weekend, which would mean he wouldn't be alone.

"Hi, yeah I did; thanks. Um what are you up to? – Kurt x"

"Glad you got it, and nothing right now. I just got out of class – Blaine ; ) xoxo" came the reply.

"Can we meet? Finn's gone to Rachel's and my Dad and Carole have gone away for the weekend. I'm on my own and fed up, could really use a friend – Kurt x"

"Hey of course, I mean I have warbler practice. But if you want to come here and wait for me, we can go out for coffee afterwards? – Blaine ; ) xoxo" he replied.

"That would be great, thank you. I'll park in the parking lot and wait for you – Kurt x"

Then Kurt ran to his car, jumped in and started heading for Dalton Academy. It was a long drive, but Kurt was happy to make the journey, just to see a friendly face, a friend who he knows will be supportive. He wouldn't tell him about Karofsky or the threats; he just needed the support of a friend right now.

Later on pulling up in Dalton Academy's parking lot, he checked his phone because it had been going off with messages the whole journey.

"Kurt, me and Carole are away for the weekend. See you Monday after school love Dad xxxx"

"Kurt sweetheart, I know your Dad's texting you and probably Finn too, but I wanted to tell you me and Dad are going away for the weekend. We will see you Monday, have a good weekend, love you. Love Carole XXXX"

"I can see you're not home Homo. You better not be telling anyone"

"There's no need to wait in the car, come to the practice room, the guys will be excited to see you – Blaine ; ) xoxo"

"Don't do anything stupid. Like I said, you tell anyone and I will kill you"

Kurt stopped reading the messages from Karofsky, because there were too many and they all basically said the same thing anyway. He was becoming upset again, so he sent a reply to his Dad and Carole as a multi-text, then sent another to Blaine.

"Hey Dad and Carole, okay well I'll see you Monday have a great time love you both : ) love Kurt xxxx" he replied, adding a smiley so that they wouldn't suspect anything was wrong.

"I'm outside now – Kurt x" he knew he needed to appear happy and up-beat, so he practiced smiling and speaking in a happy, up-beat way in the rearview mirror for a few minutes,

"Come on in then! LOL – Blaine ; ) xoxo" he read Blaine's reply, then checked in his mirror for any signs that he had been crying and to once again perfect his fake, upbeat demeanor. When he thought it was good enough he sent a quick reply and vacated his car.

"Okay on my way in now – Kurt x"

Blaine met Kurt at the doors to the warbler practice room, enveloping him in a hug, as Kurt's cell phone rang; he quickly let him go, so that he could answer it. Kurt took his phone from his pocket checking the caller I.D. *Unknown* he wasn't sure whether or not to answer it, but with Blaine watching him expectantly, he had no choice but to answer.


"Hey Fag, where are you? I'm starting to get a little worried about our deal. You haven't told anyone have you?"

Blaine noticed Kurt's face go ashen, and he seemed to look scared, but then the look was gone and the colour was back in his friend's face, so he thought he must have imagined it.

"Well as interested as I am in what you have to say, I have important things to do, and listening to you isn't one of them" Kurt replied then hung up.

He hadn't realised that he had gathered quite an audience, Blaine wasn't the only one watching him now, the whole of the warbler's was at the door and had witnessed his end of the exchange.

"Wow, Kurt that was quite the put down" David told him,

"Yes, it was certainly impressive. Remind me to remain on your good side Kurt" Wes told him.

Kurt looked away embarrassed and found Blaine leaning against the opposite wall. He knew that Blaine knew something wasn't right, he also knew he would have to dodge a lot of questions.

Standing away from the wall Blaine stepped in front of him,

"So what was that about?" he asked,

"Nothing, I was just annoyed" Kurt answered,

"Who were you annoyed with? The person on the phone can't have annoyed you that much, so quickly"

"It was a friend from New Directions; they've been annoying me all day. I just snapped that's all" he covered.

"Want to talk about it?" Blaine asked him,

"No, no, it's okay I'll call and sort it out tomorrow" Kurt lied,

Blaine wasn't convinced Kurt was telling him the truth, but he couldn't force him to tell him anything.

"Okay, so where do you want to go for coffee?"

"Hey! No, you can't leave he just got here" Wes and David both whined,

"Well we could always go later for coffee, if that's okay Blaine? It's not like I have to get back for anything, only an empty house" Kurt explained,

"Okay, so what do you guys want to do?" Blaine asked the four remaining warblers. The other warblers had left, while he had been talking to Kurt, about the phone call that had wound him up so much.

"Let's watch a movie?" Jeff suggested

"Yeah" Nick, Wes and David shouted simultaneously.

"Okay, so that's agreed. Now! where are we watching it and what movie?" Blaine asked

"Stardust" Jeff shouted,

"Blaine's room" Nick shouted at the same time,

"Pirates of the Caribbean" Wes suggested, causing him and Jeff to start bickering.

"Woah, Woah!" Blaine interrupted them

"Okay so my dorm it is, now calmly you two can explain, why you want to watch each of the movies" he told the two bickering boys.

When they started to talk at the same time he interrupted them a second time,

"One at a time Jeff since you suggested first, why do you want to watch Stardust?"

"Because it's hilarious, especially when Captain Shakespeare gets caught dancing in a tutu" Jeff laughed.

"Okay that we all can agree on. Wes, what are your reasons, for Pirates?"

"It's funny too, nobody really knows whose side Jack's on, he just seems to double cross everyone, and he's really intelligent, for someone so crazy" Wes pouted, making Kurt giggle, which put a stop to the arguments, as everyone turned to look at him. His giggle was infectious and soon everyone was laughing, each of the five boys gave him a hug, causing Kurt unknowingly to everyone but Kurt himself and Blaine to flinch before relaxing into their embraces.

"It's so good to see you Kurt" Wes told him, followed by David saying the same thing,

"Yeah we missed you" Nick and Jeff pouted as they threw themselves on him,

"How could you miss me? We only had coffee two days ago, and then we skyped each other last night" Kurt told them

"We're not together, if we need to skype. So not in the same room and in person, doesn't count. Plus coffee was two days ago, we haven't seen you in 24 hours, and we hadn't seen you in a while before that" Jeff explained.

"Okay then… so can I make a suggestion about the movie?" Kurt asked the group,

"Sure" they all answered,

"I'm not in any hurry to go home and be alone, so why don't we watch both. I love both movies, Johnny Depp… mega hot, Orlando Bloom… ugh there are no words, and Charlie Cox… I mean whew, that boy is... just well... wow" Kurt said fanning himself.

"Oh yeah" Nick and Jeff shouted excitedly high fiving each other.

Nick, David and Blaine walked with Kurt to the latter boy's dorm room, while Jeff and Wes went to grab the chosen DVD's.

"Um… I just realised something, we won't be able watch both movies. You guys need to get home, so when Jeff and Wes get here, we can vote for one to watch. Maybe I can come back some time soon, and we can watch the other one" Kurt spoke up suddenly.

"Don't panic Kurt, we can watch both. We aren't going home tonight, we're staying here this weekend" Blaine told him, just as Kurt's cell phone alerted him to a new text. Blaine saw Kurt's face go from upset, to annoyed, and then finally blank, as he read the message.

"Come on Fag. Come home. I want to make sure that you can't tell anyone"

Kurt stuffed his cell phone away in his pocket, and then his ring tone rang out signaling an incoming call. He knew who it was before he even checked; so he hung up, but it just started to ring again, and so it went on each time it started to ring, Kurt hung up only for it to ring again. Kurt was starting to freak out especially now that Jeff and Wes had arrived and the five Dalton boys were staring at him. When the phone rang for the 20th time in 5 minutes, a frustrated Kurt indicated he would take the call outside then left the room. Leaving Blaine and the others confused, knowing that there was something wrong and he wasn't telling them.

"What do you want now?" Kurt answered abruptly

"I told you, I want you to come home Homo. I need to keep an eye on you, where are you?" Karofsky's voice came over the line menacingly,

"I am not telling you where I am, it is none of your business… and there is no way I'm going home. I refuse to be alone, while you're around. I'm not that stupid… being gay doesn't make me stupid. I have crushes on boys, I don't have a death wish" Kurt replied coldly,

"You don't mean that, and I'm only keeping an eye on you so you can't tell. You know what will happen if you tell anyone, I WILL KILL YOU FAIRY"

"What makes you think I haven't already told someone?" Kurt asked him boldly

"You told someone? That's it Hummel! YOU ARE DEAD! Next time I see you"

"What makes you think, I'm going to let you anywhere near me?" Kurt asked, as Blaine came out of his room to check on him, Kurt had his back to him, so was unaware of his arrival.

"Put it this way… if I have to I'll call Finn to meet me at home, and only actually go home when he's there… I will! And if that happens then, trust me, YOU ARE SCREWED!" Kurt continued then hung up, turning round he found Blaine standing against the wall behind him,

"Mind telling me what that was about?" Blaine asked him,

"It's nothing Blaine" Kurt replied switching his cell phone off and putting it back in his pocket, with a fake bright smile he asked

"Are we going to watch the movie now? I'd really like to watch it with you guys, before it gets too late and I have to leave" then he walked back into his friend's room before he could ask any more questions. Kurt was sure that if he did, he may break down and tell him everything. Blaine followed him in closing the door behind them.

After they had watched both movies... laughing all the way through them… Blaine was happy to see the smile that now graced his best friends face, was a genuine one. He smiled at him, as Kurt looked at his watch, then the smile was gone again.

"Um… I'd better get going. You guys probably have things you want to do, and I'm getting in your way" Kurt said sadly,

"Kurt, you're not in the way. Besides we were going for coffee, we made a deal" Blaine told him pouting,

"I know we did… but I doubt there are any coffee shops that are open now anyway. We will just have to make plans to meet up for one at a later date" Kurt said grabbing his things together.

"Okay well at least let me walk…"

"Us" the others interrupted him,

"Sorry, let… US, walk you to your car" Blaine told him,

"Okay" Kurt agreed reluctantly, and waited for them to walk him out. They walked him to his car, then each of them gave him a hug, and saying goodbye, before he got into his car.

"Bye Kurt… call us or text us when you get home, so we know you arrived safely"

*I doubt I will be safe… if I go home* he thought to himself, as his best friend closed his car door for him, and he pulled away. Blaine watched Kurt drive away with a strange feeling in his stomach, something wasn't right.

An hour later, as the Dalton boys still sat together in Blaine's room, talking about the way Kurt had acted; all five boys received a message from Kurt,

"I'm home, safe and sound – Kurt x"

"Okay… did all of you just receive the same message as me?" David asked,

A chorus of "Yes" "Yeah" and "Yep" came from Jeff, Nick and Wes,

"From… Kurt? Yes I suspect we did" Blaine replied,

"Hang on… Blaine…? I thought it took two hours, to get from here to Lima?" Wes asked him,

"Yeah, it does, why?" Blaine replied,

"Kurt left barely an hour ago, he couldn't possibly..."

"Be home yet like he said" Blaine interrupted,

"Yes… that's exactly where I was going with this" Wes finished.

"Why would he lie to us?" Nick asked no-one in particular,

"I don't know" Blaine said getting up and grabbing his jacket,

"Where're you going?" David asked,

"To find Kurt… I knew something wasn't right with him, and I didn't try hard enough to find out what" Blaine replied,

"Hold up! I'm coming with you, let me grab my jacket from next door" Wes stated, getting up as well,

"I'm coming too" David told him,

"Me too" Nick answered as well

"Yep, we're all going then Blaine" Jeff said and they all left to get their jackets as well.

Five minutes later, all of the boys were all in Blaine's car headed towards Lima. Approximately half an hour into their journey, Nick and Jeff both yelled out.

"Blaine! Stop!"

"Isn't that Kurt's car?" David asked, pointing to a car at the side of the road, parked near the woods.

"Yeah it is" Blaine confirmed, stopping abruptly and yanking his seatbelt off, he was going to leave his car, when Wes stopped him with a hand to his shoulder,

"Blaine the cars empty… Kurt's not inside it"

"Where the hell is he?" Blaine asked worriedly, as the others followed suit leaving the car, and starting to look around,

"Ummm… guys?" Jeff said grabbing Nick, Wes and David's attention. He pointed towards a tree stump on the outskirts of the woods, where a boy was sitting with his knees brought up to his chest, with his arms wrapped around them, and with his head on his knees, while his whole body was shaking. The boy, although he looked small and broken, was undoubtedly Kurt.

"Blaine!" Wes shouted in a whisper,

"What?" Blaine returned in the same quiet shout, Wes just pointed to the figure in front of them,

"Kurt?" Blaine breathed out, and ran to him.

"Kurt what are you doing here?" he asked him pulling him into his arms,

"Blaine? What... why are you here?" Kurt asked him trembling, he pulled away to see his friend's face,

"We're looking for you. Next time you want to pretend you're at home after leaving us… make sure you don't text us saying that you arrived home… an hour before, you would have actually got there. It will make the lie a lot more convincing" Blaine told him, pulling him back into his arms,

"We…?" Kurt asked confused,

"Yeah…" Blaine trailed off, leaning back and indicating the others in the background,

"We were worried when we got your text, we realised there was no way you could have gotten home yet. Also we all noticed you weren't yourself tonight, so we came looking for you. The guys noticed your car at the side of the road, they then, spotted you sitting over here" Blaine explained,

"Come on… I know the others want to make sure you're okay" Blaine told him, then taking him by the hand, lead him over to the others.

"Hey, why are you here Kurt? Why didn't you go home?" Nick asked him softly after he had exchanged hugs with them all.

"I-I-I just… I couldn't go home" Kurt told them as tears started to fall,

"Why not…?" David asked him comfortingly,

"No-nobody's home… I don't want to be there alone… I c-c-can't be there alone" he whimpered.

"Come on" Wes said,

"Blaine…? Give me your car keys"

"What? Why?" Blaine stammered,

"Because you're driving Kurt's car, and I'm driving yours. We're all going back to Dalton… and I don't think Kurt's up to driving… or being a passenger with other people" Wes told him.

"Oh… okay" Blaine said handing his car keys over to him,

"Kurt?" he said and tapped his shoulder to gain his attention,

"Where are your car keys?"

"Oh… um… in my pocket why…?" Kurt asked confused,

"Hand them over" Blaine told him

"I'm driving"

"Blaine you can't. I mean… how are you going to get back to Dalton, if you drive me home in my car?" Kurt stated matter-of-factly.

Blaine laughed, some things never changed about Kurt… even when he was upset.

"I'm not taking you home; we're all going back to Dalton. You're staying with us tonight" Blaine told him.

"I-I-I am?" Kurt asked surprised but grateful,

"Of course you are, come on your shaking, we need to get you warm" Blaine said, leading him towards the car that he had abandoned, he then held his hand out to Kurt for the keys, who gratefully handed them over.

"We'll see guys back at Dalton" Wes told them, as he walked the others back to Blaine's car, he then turned and mouthed to the dark haired boy,

"Look after him"

"I will" Blaine mouthed back nodding.

Blaine opened the passenger door of Kurt's car and guided him inside with a hand at the small of his back, once Kurt was inside and settled, he closed the door then ran round to the driver's side, jumping inside, he started the engine and watched as Wes flashed his headlights at him, reversed his car and turned it around heading back towards Dalton, as Blaine did the same thing. He was going to ask Kurt what was going on, but when he turned to check on him, he found that Kurt had fallen asleep… so instead of waking him, Blaine just carried on driving, following the tail-lights of his own car.

Blaine pulled up at Dalton directly behind Wes, flashing Kurt's headlights at him, hoping he would get his friends' attention. The other boys climbed out of Blaine's car, Wes locking it, watching for Blaine to do the same, when he didn't leave Kurt's car straight away, they decided to walk over and make sure everything was okay.

Blaine opened the driver's side window,

"Kurt fell asleep. I don't want to wake him, if I give one of you the keys to my room, could you unlock my door…? and I'll need someone hold to the other doors open for me, while I carry him in"

"Of course we can" Wes stated, as Blaine disembarked from Kurt's car. Wes took Kurt's keys and threw them at David,

"You lock Kurt's car up… Blaine give your dorm keys to Jeff, he can unlock the door… Nick and I will handle holding the doors open for you" Wes told them all, taking charge of the situation, as everyone jumped to do his bidding.

Working together, the five Warblers got Kurt inside to Blaine's dorm, where Blaine laid him down on his bed. The other boys said their goodbyes and had started to leave, when Kurt started thrashing around on the bed screaming,

"NO STOP... HOW DARE YOU… DON'T TOUCH ME!" Kurt shouted out in his sleep.

"What the hell?" Blaine exclaimed, as the others turned back around, they all dashed back into his room,

Blaine ran to Kurt's side and started to gently shake him,

"Kurt wake up, Kurt? Kurt?"

"NO STOP!" Kurt shouted as he awoke with a start,

"B-B-Blaine…? Guys…?" Kurt asked as he stared around the room,

"Oh my gosh I fell asleep… in the car, but how did I get in here?" he asked confused,

"Oh um... I carried you" Blaine answered blushing,

"Are you okay Kurt?" Jeff asked quietly

"Yeah I'm fine" Kurt told him,

"So… why… were you screaming, in your sleep?" Nick asked,

Blaine could see Kurt was becoming uncomfortable, and had been about to say something to stop the guys questioning him, but Wes pipped him to the post,

"That's enough questions guys, Kurt is obviously exhausted. Let's give him and Blaine some peace" he then walked over to the door, ushering them out of it, he turned to Blaine returning his car keys, as David passed Kurt's keys along as well. Wes then gave Blaine a sympathetic look before walking away to his own room.

"Hey do you want something to wear to sleep in?" Blaine asked Kurt softly

"Umm… yeah, I don't think my jeans are really sleeping material. I have my gym stuff in my car, I can go and get it" Kurt answered getting up to go, only to be pushed back down by Blaine,

"I'll find you some sweats and a t-shirt. I'm sure if my sweats are too short, one of the guys will lend you some" he told him,

Blaine went to retrieve the items from his closet; he passed them to him, before taking his own to the bathroom to change, giving his friend some privacy.

When he came back Kurt had the sweats on he'd lent him, but he was still taking his undershirt off, and as he managed to take it off completely, Blaine gasped as he saw bruising on Kurt's back. Kurt turned around at the noise, which meant Blaine saw the bruising on his front as well,

"Oh-my-gosh, Blaine I didn't hear you come back in" Kurt said, grabbing the shirt Blaine had lent him, putting it on quickly to hide the bruising from sight once more.

"Kurt…? Where did all that bruising come from?" Blaine asked him worriedly,

"It's nothing Blaine… it's just an everyday occurrence for me, it's from the locker shoves. It's fine honestly, I'm used to it now" Kurt told him, although it was true in some cases of the bruising Blaine saw, some of it was from what Karofsky had done earlier in the day. He couldn't tell anyone about that, he knew the consequences if he did.

"Kurt…? That is certainly not… nothing. That bruising is horrific, why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Blaine asked,

"Blaine I'm really tired, can we please talk about this tomorrow?" Kurt pleaded

"Okay but we WILL talk about this tomorrow" Blaine replied concerned.

"Um… Blaine…? Do you have a sleeping bag I can borrow?" Kurt asked him,

"What on earth for?" Blaine asked him

"So that I can sleep on the floor silly" Kurt told him,

"Oh no you don't… even if I hadn't just seen that bruising, I wouldn't let you sleep on the floor, you're taking the bed, and I'm taking the floor" Blaine told him,

"Oh… Blaine… no, I can't take your bed from you" Kurt argued,

"You can and you will"

"Fine on one condition" Kurt gave in,

"What's that?" Blaine asked with a winning laugh,

"You have to share the bed with me. I'm not kicking you out onto the floor, because then I will feel guilty" Kurt replied, wiping the winning grin from Blaine's face. That was definitely not what he had been expecting,

"Um… okay" Blaine answered, walking over to climb into his bed, dragging Kurt down with him.

"Good night Blaine" Kurt said as he snuggled down into the bed,

"Good night Kurt, sweet dreams" Blaine said as he snuggled down beside him.

Kurt fell right to sleep, and not long afterwards, the screaming and thrashing started again, waking Blaine up.

"NO STOP! I SAID STOP! NO-ONE WILL EVER KNOW" Kurt screamed and cried out,

Blaine found himself waking Kurt up and holding him close until the tears subsided, he fell back to sleep in his arms. Blaine kept his arms protectively around Kurt for the rest of the night, which seemed to do the trick, because he wasn't woken anymore that night by Kurt's nightmares.

He woke the next morning, with Kurt still wrapped in his arms, and someone knocking on his door. He gently removed Kurt from his arms, then crept out of bed, and opened it, stepping outside,

"Guys what are you doing here? It's like 6 in the morning" Blaine mumbled, rubbing sleep from his eyes, and closing the door behind him.

"Blaine… it's 8:30 and we wanted to check on Kurt, and see if you guys were joining us for breakfast. We also wanted to see if Kurt would like to spend the rest of the weekend here with us" Wes spoke up.

"Oh right… breakfast sounds good. Kurt is still sleeping; he had another nightmare last night. I comforted him as much as I could, and held him while he cried. He eventually calmed down and fell asleep in my arms… so I just let him sleep. Since there were no more nightmares after that, I'm assuming my being there must have been of some comfort to him… I just wish I knew what the nightmares were about, and what caused them. As for him spending the rest of the weekend here… I think it's a great idea, I don't think he should be alone right now… and with his Dad and Step Mom being out of town, and his step-brother being at his girlfriend's house… I think it'll be good for him to be with friends. But we'll have to check with him, what he wants to do" Blaine told them.

"Do you want to wake him and ask him, or do you want us to go watch a movie in our dorm, then you can text us when you're both awake and ready to go?" Wes asked, as Kurt's voice sounded from inside the room, clearly he was on the phone.


"I guess Kurt's awake now, and that doesn't sound good… we need to find out what's going on Blaine" Wes told him, as the other three boys nodded in agreement.

"I know but I'm not going to force him to talk about it, if he doesn't want to" Blaine told them,

"Come on in, we'll see what he says about breakfast and staying"

Blaine re-opened his door and they all piled in, as Kurt ended his call.

"Ummm morning guys" Kurt said nervously,

"Morning Kurt, we were wondering… would you like to join us for breakfast?" Wes asked him

"Please say yes, please say yes" Jeff begged excitedly, throwing himself on top of Kurt for a hug.

"Okay yes, where are we going?" he asked them,

"Well that depends on you" Nick started

"On me…? Why does it depend on me?" Kurt asked confused,

"Because… if you agree to our proposal… we'll go to Lima for breakfast. We were wondering... no hoping, that you might agree, to spend the entire weekend, here with us" he finished.

"I would love that guy's. Thank you so much" Kurt told them, before excitedly jumping up and giving them all a hug.

"So I guess this means breakfast in Lima, so that you can collect some of your things, and we're going to need to get dressed so that we can leave" Blaine managed to get out between laughs, while his friend was hugging him.

"Oh yeah…" Kurt replied, bouncing eagerly, he grabbed his clothes from the day before and went to the bathroom to change. He turned his cell phone off while he was in there, so that he wasn't disturbed anymore by his tormenter. He emerged a few minutes later fully dressed and smiling.

Blaine took his turn in the bathroom, when he returned he grabbed his car keys and wallet, noticing Kurt looking for something as he did,

"What's wrong? Have you lost something?" he asked

"Um… I'm just looking for my car keys" Kurt replied,

"They're on the desk… but you can leave your car here, it's perfectly safe… then, you can ride with me" Blaine told him as he ushered the other four boys out of his room,

"Oh right, yeah, okay thanks. I'll still need my keys though… how else would I get into my house?" he replied while grabbing them, before turning and joining his friends leaving the room,

Blaine couldn't understand why but Kurt sounded and seemed to be… really unsure of himself in that moment, he filed the observation away to think about later, as the boys set off for their cars to head out for breakfast.

2 Hours later, saw the six boys sitting down, to coffee and breakfast in the Lima bean. Kurt had switched his cell phone back on during the car ride, he was happy to find that he hadn't had any more texts from Karofsky. He enjoyed his morning, eating breakfast, drinking coffee and chatting with his friends from Dalton.

When the group had finished eating and drinking, they decided they should go, and collect the things that their friend would need from his house, for the weekend.

After parking the cars they had used, outside Kurt's house and disembarking, Kurt invited everyone inside,

"Take a seat guys, you can help yourselves to drinks if you want there's soda in the fridge, and tea, coffee and hot chocolate on the work top, glasses and mugs are in the cupboard above the sink. I won't be long" he told them, as he rushed off upstairs to his room, Blaine following behind.

"Hey need any help?" Blaine asked from the doorway to Kurt's bedroom, Kurt had already managed to pull out the things he needed and had started packing them in his over-night bag.

"Oh… no thanks, I have some clothes and wash things sorted out… I just need to find my sleeping bag, then to grab a quick shower and change" Kurt told him.

"You don't need a sleeping bag Kurt. You can take my bed again… it'll be fine, I don't mind. So since you have everything else ready… you can go on and get showered and changed" Blaine told him,

"Blaine I am NOT and I repeat… NOT kicking you out of your bed!" Kurt scalded him

"Fine… but you're NOT bringing that sleeping bag. The same rules as last night can be applied" Blaine told him and as an afterthought he added,

"Oh and Kurt if I see that sleeping bag go anywhere near down-stairs, or either car… I'll smack your sweet ass… I'll see you downstairs" he winked and laughed, then left the room, leaving Kurt speechless.

When Kurt pulled himself to his senses, he said to himself,

"We'll have to see about that I think I'm going to test that theory Blaine Anderson" and then his cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts,

"Great… Karofsky!" he said to himself checking the caller I.D.

"What now?" he answered

"Who are all the guys in your house Homo? You found yourself some, new little homos to play with?"

"None of your business"

"Get rid of them! and you better not have told them anything"

"Oh, and what could I have possibly told them… that you're so far back in the closet, that you're hitting the back of it while trying to find Narnia? Not… that they even know you anyway, they wouldn't go anywhere near a Neanderthal like you. They are MY FRIENDS and NO, I AM NOT getting rid of them!" Kurt replied angrily.

"I'm telling you Hummel! Get rid of them! Or your dead UNDERSTAND?! Then again you're dead either way Fag!"

Kurt had, had enough, he just wanted to get showered and dressed, then go back to his friends. He hung up on Karofsky, packed his phone in his bag and head off to his bathroom. He didn't spend long in the shower or getting dressed, he knew Karofsky was watching his house, and the thought made him want to get out of there quicker. He was just leaving his room with his bag, when he noticed his sleeping bag, and remembered what Blaine had said earlier.

"Hmmm yeah… I think I'll test that theory Mr. Anderson" Kurt said to himself, then grabbed his sleeping bag taking it downstairs with him.

"Guys… I'm ready to go!" he called as he got downstairs,

"Wow… Kurt! Way to look hot!" Nick exclaimed,

"Ha, ha… very funny Nick" Kurt said laughing while rolling his eyes, but it was Blaine's reaction, that he was waiting for… and he didn't have to wait long.

"Uh… Kurt…? What's that?" Blaine asked looking at him,

"My bag with clothes in…?" Kurt answered innocently, purposefully misunderstanding what his friend was talking about,

"No… not your bag… I mean under your arm Kurt" Blaine said with a small smile,

"Oh… my sleeping bag" Kurt replied innocently,

"Hmm… thought so and what did I tell you earlier about if I saw you with that sleeping bag down here or near either of the cars?" Blaine asked him,

"Uh… something about smacking… my ass…?" Kurt told him,

"No actually my exact words were… I will smack your SWEET ass" he winked again like he had the first time and continued,

"and that still stands… so you better run Hummel… because you disobeyed me and brought that sleeping bag down here" Blaine told him before getting up from his seat on the sofa and starting towards him. He looked at the other boys, silently asking them for help in grabbing the pale boy, each with a look of their own, they agreed.

Kurt laughing, tried to run away… but Nick got in the way and grabbed him,

"Well Hummel, seeing Anderson smack your… how did he put it... oh yes, YOUR SWEET ASS should be interesting… especially in those jeans, since they're molded to your SWEET ASS. I see what he means" Nick said through his laughter, passing Kurt over to Jeff, who then passed him to David, who then passed him over Wes, who finally passed him on to Blaine, who followed through on his threat, and smacked his best friend's backside, while everyone else laughed at his shenanigans.

"Okay let's go" Blaine said through fits of laughter,

"Yeah… okay, just let me pop this, back up to my room" Kurt said indicating his sleeping bag,

"Awww you spoilt my fun… I was hoping you were going to take it to one of the cars" Blaine fake- pouted,

"Yeah… I was looking forward to seeing Blaine smack that sweet ass of yours again" Jeff informed them while cracking up into laughter again, as Blaine carried on fake-pouting,

"Hey I know… Kurt? If you don't take it out to the car… then the rest of us will smack your ass" Nick joked, making everyone laugh. Kurt decided to let his sassy side come out,

"Oh… boys, boys, boys… you know if you want to smack… feel… my ass you don't have to make silly threats. All you have to do is ask" Kurt told them with a flirtatious wink. Blaine visibly gulped, while the other warblers looked at first him and then Kurt, wondering how to respond which caused Kurt to burst out laughing,

"I'm joking… I know none of you would actually go through with that threat. None of you would want to touch my ass in any way, shape or form" Kurt laughed,

"Um… I think you'll find one of us WILL go through with that threat, because… I just did" Blaine stated.

The jokers of the group… Nick and Jeff… walked over to Kurt, each putting a hand on one of his shoulders, cocking their heads to the side to look innocent,

"Kurt please can we feel your sweet ass?" they asked, mocking sincerity,

"Oh yeah, sure… why not…?" Kurt said not expecting them to actually do anything. He turned away and started to head back up stairs to take his sleeping bag back to his room. Both boys grinned, Jeff smacking one side of his backside, while Nick pinched the other side.

"Hell Hummel! You really do have a sweet ass" Nick announced,

"Hell, yeah…totally agreed" Jeff concurred,

"Okay guys that's enough" Blaine told them in a jealous tone,

"Sorry Blaine" both boys said remorsefully, as Kurt ran upstairs to his room, with a blush to his cheeks,

"But we were telling the truth" Nick pouted,

"Actually, we were only agreeing with you" Jeff finished with a pout of his own,

"I know… but I said it… and did what I did as a joke, I wasn't expecting you guys to do it too. I just wanted to make Kurt smile" Blaine tried to explain,

"Well if you didn't mean it… you're an idiot Anderson, because Kurt… is HOT… and he does have an amazingly, sweet ass, which is even better, and even more pronounced, in those perfectly form fitting, teenage dream jeans" Nick told him, Jeff was quick to agree and high five his boyfriend,

Wes and David looked at each other having a silent conversation, before David spoke up,

"Sorry Blaine… but Wes and I agree with these two jokers. Kurt's a great guy and if we were gay and single we'd ask him out in a heartbeat" Nick and Jeff high fived both David and Wes for their input, Blaine just rolled his eyes at them, as he saw Kurt coming back down stairs,

"So are we ready to go now?" Kurt questioned,

"Yeah" was the chorused reply from the five boys,

Kurt laughed, and walked past the other five boys, purposefully swinging his hips and wiggling his butt teasingly, while heading out of his front door, making all five boys stand and stare,

"Hey come on you guys! I thought we were leaving, why are you all just stood there?" he cheekily called back through the door,

"Hey! What do you expect? How's a guy supposed to concentrate on moving… after the view you just gave all of us, of your perfect, round, sweet ass, wiggling at us suggestively? Come on… even straight guys would have trouble after that… in fact two just did" Jeff whined, as he and the other boys all trailed out of the front door.

Now that everyone was out and Kurt had locked his front door behind them, he cautiously looked around as he headed towards Blaine's car, which didn't go un-noticed by said car owner.

"Is everything okay?" he asked as Kurt approached the car, he chivalrously opened the passenger side door for him,

"Hmmm... oh yeah, yeah everything's fine" Kurt answered distractedly, he was covertly trying to spot Karofsky's car… he knew Karofsky was around somewhere. He received a text as he was looking around, but decided to deal with it after he had located Karofsky's car.

As Blaine pulled away from the house Kurt spotted the car he had been looking for, there was no sign of Karofsky inside it, which meant he wasn't spending all his time inside his car while watching and waiting. Now that, he was on his way and had achieved his goal of finding Karofsky's car he checked the new text that he had received.

"Hey lady boy, I told you to get rid of them, not to go with them. I saw how you teased them, just the way you tease me and every other guy in the area, it needs got to stop"

Kurt outwardly groaned, causing Blaine to look at him sideways from the driver's seat,

"You sure everything's okay?" he asked him,

"Yeah… sorry, it's just a really annoying text. I think I'm going to text everyone and tell them I'm switching my phone off for the rest of the weekend" Kurt decided, so he sent a quick multi-text to his brother and friends from school, and also one to his Dad and Carole.

"Hey everyone… just wanted to let you all know I'm switching my phone off for the weekend. Which means unfortunately you won't be able to reach me. I'm going to stay with a friend, so you won't be able to reach me by landline either, see you all at school on Monday – Kurt x"

"Hey Dad, Hey Carole… I just wanted to let you know that Finn's spending the weekend with Rachel, and I've been invited to spend the weekend with Blaine and his friends at Dalton, so I won't be home. I also wanted to let you know that I've been receiving some really annoying sales calls, so I'll be switching my phone off. If you need me you can contact me through Blaine's number, I know you have it. I love you both. Love Kurt xxxx"

The messages written and sent, he was able to switch off his phone, dump it in his bag and try to relax. Knowing he was now away from Karofsky and wouldn't be receiving anymore texts or phone calls from him, made the relaxing process much easier.

"Feel better now?" Blaine asked, watching him carefully,

"Much, I hope you don't mind… but I told my Dad and Carole if they need to contact me… to call you" Kurt told him,

"Yeah that's fine, I don't mind at all, I should have suggested it when you said you were switching your phone off" Blaine answered, the rest of the trip was made in silence.

The weekend was filled with movies, music, laughter, teasing and fun. All too soon it was Monday morning, which meant Kurt's return to Lima and McKinley.

Kurt got up early and dressed as quickly and quietly as he could so not to disturb Blaine. Once he was done, he wrote quick notes for Blaine and his friends, thanking them for inviting him to stay and for the amount of fun he had, had with them and that he hoped to see them all again soon. Leaving the notes propped up next to Blaine's bedside lamp, Kurt quietly left and returned to Lima, with enough time to go to the Lima bean for a coffee and some breakfast. While he was eating, he switched his phone back on, he received an influx of messages from his friends replying to him about switching his phone off, of course there were also some from Karofsky… which he ignored, and one from his Dad and Carole, plus one from Blaine, which he decided to read first.

"I can't believe you left us asleep Hummel. You were our guest we should have walked you out like the gentlemen we are… but instead you snuck out on us, just leaving us little notes, not cool Mr. Hummel… not cool lol – Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and Jef ; ) P.S. Nick and Jeff said to tell you to get your SWEET ASS back here soon, because they weren't finished ogling it"

Kurt laughed at that and sent a reply,

"Sorry guys… but I had to love you and leave you, so that I could get to Lima to have breakfast before I have to get to school, which is where I'm headed once I've sent this text. Nick and Jeff I'm sorry you didn't get to ogle my ASS one last time before I left, and I promise to see you both soon, so that you can ogle it again… or if you like I'll get someone to take a picture of it, and I'll send it to you both, so that you can ogle it anytime you like, even when I'm not there ; ) LOL – Kur x"

Putting his phone away Kurt grabbed his bag leaving the Lima bean and heading for McKinley. When he arrived he saw Karofsky's car in the parking lot, and decided he really didn't want to be there. Since he now knew he was safe to go home, that's exactly what he did.

As soon as Kurt got home, he put away the things that he had taken with him to Dalton, then sat down to watch a DVD and to read his latest edition of Vogue. A couple of hours later his phone was flooded with messages from his friends and his step brother.

"Hey, brilliant idea, you can bet your SWEET ASS we want that pic, when can we have it? ; ) can't wait to be able to ogle your SWEET little ASS whenever we want to. That might just have to be our new screen saver or wallpaper on our phones ; ) – Jeff and Nick x x"

"Hey Boo are you feeling any better? Missed you this weekend, I know you can't be feeling much better since you're not here, Miss you Boo : ( - 'Cedes Xx"

"Kurt where are you? You're not still sick are you? – Rach* x"

"Dolphin, I miss you, when are you coming back? – Brit and San x"

"Bro why aren't you at school? I thought you were feeling better. Burt said you spent the weekend at Dalton, are you still there? Worried about you dude – Finn"

Kurt was going to reply to all their messages when one came through from Karofsky,

"I can't believe you ditched school. You can't avoid me forever lady boy"

Kurt didn't reply to any of the texts. He kept receiving more and more texts from Karofsky… more threats, more insults, and they just kept coming for the next two hours, with the addition of phone calls in between them, that he was also ignoring.

Blaine was at lunch with his friends and they were talking about their weekend with Kurt.

"Did Kurt have any more nightmares during the weekend? Other than the first night I mean?" Wes asked concerned,

"Once or twice, but as soon as I held him he calmed down and they stopped, but it was the things he was screaming out during them that bothers me, and he refused to talk about it, every time I tried to mention it, he shrugged it off and changed the subject" Blaine answered,

"It was a fun weekend we have to have more weekends like that with him" Nick told them while David and Jeff nodded enthusiastically, Blaine was about to suggest asking him to come over again this weekend when his cell phone rang,

"Excuse me guys" he told his friends checking the caller I.D.

"It's Finn, Kurt's step brother" he told them, they all automatically stopped talking; hoping to find out what was going on.

"Hello?" Blaine answered

"Blaine Dude, is Kurt with you?"

"No… he left this morning, before any of us woke up" Blaine answered worriedly, gaining worried glances from his friends,

"Oh… he didn't come to glee practice Friday. He sent a message that he was sick. Then Burt told me he was spending the weekend with you guys, so I thought he was feeling better. But he didn't show up at school today, he's not answering any of our texts and we've been texting him all day. We're all worried about him. I thought maybe he was still with you guys; and having too much of a good time to check his phone... I was hoping at least" Finn told him dejectedly,

"I'm sure everything will be okay… I'll try and get in contact with him. I'll let you know how I get on. I'll talk to you soon Finn… and in the mean-time, try not to worry" Blaine told him,

"Yeah… kind of hard not to though. He's my brother and he never misses school unless he's sick, but thanks Dude, speak to you soon… Bye"

"Bye Finn" Blaine ended the call, putting his phone down on the table.

"What's going on?" four voices all asked at once,

"Kurt didn't turn up at school and no-one's heard from him all day. They've been texting him, but he's not replying. Finn was hoping he was still with us, and just having too much fun to check his phone. But he's not here and no-one knows where he is" Blaine explained worriedly.

"Blaine…?" Wes reached out and gently laid his hand on Blaine's arm across the table, gaining his attention, as his friend looked up with a worried and upset expression on his face, Wes spoke again,

"Why don't you call him? I'm sure he'd answer to you"

"Yeah… course he will" David said while the others nodded in agreement. Blaine retrieved his phone and called Kurt's number.

Kurt was getting upset and frustrated; Karofsky was starting to get to him. He just wanted it to be over, when his phone rang again, he didn't bother to check the caller I.D. assuming it was Karofsky; he resigned himself to tell him, that he had won and this time he answered it.

"Look, okay you win. I can't take it anymore! Not that it matters but I haven't told anyone, because… believe me I don't want anyone knowing what you did either. Not that you believe me. So how is this going to work? Are you going to follow through on your threat and kill me yourself, or should I just save you the trouble and do it myself?"

Kurt's voice came over the line which Blaine had been relieved about, but his relief turned to shock, then horror and finally anger. His friends watched the play of emotions wash over his face, before he spoke.

"Kurt…?! Lima bean now! I'm on my way!" Blaine said angrily

"Blaine?" Kurt breathed in shock, as the phone line went dead.

"Blaine..? What's going on?" David asked

"That's what I want to know. He didn't realise it was me; he thought I was someone who had threatened to kill him. He said he hadn't told anyone what I had done, not that I would believe him. Then he asked me if I was going to follow through on my threat and kill him or if I wanted him to save me the job and do it himself!" Blaine told them angrily, he was clearly hurt by what had been said, even though it hadn't been meant for him.

"Come on, we'll go with you" Jeff told him, they all got up from their table and ran from the cafeteria, they ran all the way to Blaine's car. As he took his car keys out to unlock it Wes took them from him,

"You're not in the right frame of mind to be driving right now" he said in explanation when Blaine gave him a confused look.

Wes drove Blaine's car to Lima then on to the Lima Bean, when they pulled up they saw Kurt's Navigator already parked outside. Blaine jumped out of his car, then ran inside, and started searching for Kurt. The other boy's locked the car up and followed after him… to go inside they had to pass Kurt's car, and as they were passing, it was David who noticed the crying occupant sat inside it. Grabbing Wes he pointed to him and whispered,

"Go get Blaine" Wes nodded and took Jeff and Nick with him, while David opened the driver's side door of Kurt's car,

"Hey… come on Kurt. It's okay, we're here, Wes, Nick and Jeff just went inside to find Blaine, he went in already, to look for you" he said taking Kurt into his arms, stroking up and down his back as he cried. Soon he saw Blaine come rushing to the car along with the others.

"Kurt?" Blaine said taking David's place holding Kurt in his own arms,

"What was that all about… on the phone… hey? Come on, Kurt, you have to tell me" Blaine pleaded with him as he stroked Kurt's back, who continued to sob. The other boys could see Blaine's eyes welling up, like he could burst into tears at any moment, they silently agreed to give the two best friends some space, and go grab some coffee for everyone.

"Blaine, I-I-I didn't know it was you, on the phone... I thought it was... I thought it was... Kar- someone else" Kurt sobbed into Blaine's chest,

"Who did you think it was Kurt?" Blaine choked out trying not to cry,

"Tell me who Kurt?" he said planting a gentle kiss into Kurt's hair.

"I-I-I can't" Kurt sobbed,

"Kurt I need to know, who it is" Blaine told him trying to control his own emotions, as the others returned with coffees in hand,

"Blaine? Kurt? We have coffee" David said softly,

"Thanks guys" Blaine said taking the coffees from them, and handing one to Kurt,

"Um would one of you do me a favour? Just take my phone and text Kurt's step brother, tell him that we found Kurt, that we're with him now, and he's okay with us" Blaine asked holding his phone out for someone to take, in the end it was Nick who took it,

"Hi Finn, this is Blaine and Kurt's friend Nick, Blaine asked me to use his phone to text you. He wanted you to know we found Kurt, and we're with him now. He's fine with us so don't worry… I can't really tell you anything other than Kurt's okay physically and he's amongst friends now. We'll take care of him"

He didn't have to wait long for a reply;

"Hi Nick? Was it? Thanks so much, Dude. Tell Blaine and everyone else with you thanks too. Tell Kurt everyone is asking about him, we were all really worried when he didn't come to school, and hasn't responded to any of our messages, and tell him I love him – Finn"

"Uh Finn says thanks everyone and Kurt he said to tell you everyone is worried about you, and that he loves you" Nick told them all quietly,

"Thanks" Kurt said brokenly, while Blaine tried to coax him into drinking some of his coffee. It was killing all of them, to see Kurt so broken and upset. Blaine tried again to get Kurt to open up and tell him what was going on.

"Kurt can you tell me why… you said those things, you said to me on the phone earlier?"

Instead of answering, Kurt reached over and grabbed a book from his messenger bag, handing it to him,

"What's this?" Blaine asked,

"Read it" Kurt said simply

Friday June 10th 2011

I am so stupid, I got a text from Blaine, I was reading it, when Karofsky came down the corridor and knocked my phone out of my hand by shoving me against the lockers. I had already had 3 slushy facials today, and loads of locker shoves from him, and his other Neanderthal jock friends. But this was the final straw, I chased him into the boy's locker room, screaming at him, I asked him what his problem was, and he started doing his usual.

I stupidly tried to stand up to him, I thought he was going to hit me, so I told him to do it, because he couldn't punch the gay out of me just as much as I couldn't punch the ignoramus out of him. He told me not to push him, but I carried on, I was expecting him to punch me, and I was prepared for it, but he didn't… he KISSED me, HE KISSED ME! I pulled away and he tried to kiss me again, I pushed him away, and he punched the locker behind me and walked out slamming the door behind him. He threatened that he would kill me if I told anyone.

I started receiving text messages that turned out to be from him, I kept all the messages that he sent to me, the threats, the slurs and the suggestive.

I left school I just couldn't stay, I went and sat in a park and tried to come to terms with the fact, my biggest tormentor wasn't homophobic, but a closeted gay guy, who had stolen my very first kiss. A kiss that is meant to be special, but now it will always be a horrible memory, of someone that hated and tormented me.

While I was in the park, I found out that Dad and Carole are going away for the weekend they won't be back until Monday, and Finn is staying with Rachel until then.

I thought it would be good, because I could be on my own to deal with how I felt, before I had to see anyone… but no such luck, I got a message from Karofsky, saying he knew I would be home alone he'd heard Finn telling someone. He threatened me again, he kept texting from outside my house, I realised I couldn't go home.

I sent a text to Blaine, and I'm going to visit him, but then I don't know what I'll do. I hope Karofsky leaves, so that I can go home.

Saturday June 11th 2011

I left Dalton last night after watching movies with Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff, but I still couldn't go home I was too scared, so I pulled over at the side of the road, near some woods, somewhere between Dalton and Lima and decided I would sleep in my car.

I decided I needed some air, and I ended up sitting on a tree stump thinking about what had happened. That's where Blaine and the others found me, they had come looking for me, because they realised I had lied when I text them to tell them I was home.

They took me back to Dalton and I spent the night there with Blaine, I had a nightmare about what had happened, along with Karofsky's threat. Somehow the nightmares stopped when Blaine comforted me, the guys invited me to stay with them at Dalton for the rest of the weekend and of course I agreed.

We went to my house to collect some clothes and things. While I was packing my things I had another text and a call from HIM, he warned me again not to tell, he knew I was home and that I wasn't alone. He tried to make me get rid of my friends, but I refused.

I knew he must still be somewhere in my street watching my house, when we left I looked to see if I could see his car, I found it, but when we drove past it he wasn't in it.

I know he was watching my house, because of the things he said, he told me he saw me teasing the other guys as we left, that I tease him and every other guy in the area in the same way, and that it had to stop.

He seems to think I'm going to tell people he kissed me… like I'm going to do that, I want people knowing, even less than he does. Just because he assumes I followed him into the locker room to sneak a peek at his "Junk" it doesn't make it true, I wasn't. I don't even like him, let alone find him attractive. I wouldn't tease him not even as a joke, the way I was with my friends that he saw.

I turned my phone off, to stop the messages coming through and to stop his calls.

Sunday June 12th 2011

I had another nightmare last night, poor Blaine had to comfort me… again, he must be sick of me, he keeps asking questions about what's happening but I can't tell, if I do and Karofsky finds out he'll kill me.

Well my phone's remaining off and I have one last day with Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and Jeff so I'm going to have some fun.

Monday June 13th 2011

I left Dalton this morning, after leaving notes for all of my friends.

I went to the Lima Bean for breakfast and then drove to school, Karofsky's car was there which meant he was probably looking for me, so I left and went home.

I had switched my phone back on, in case Dad or Carole text, I was inundated with texts from friends, and unfortunately from Karofsky as well, there were even some voice mail messages.

He started calling over and over again… I just want it to stop. I've made a decision I'm going to tell him to get it over with, I haven't told anyone and I don't want to keep going through this crap every day. So I'll give him the option next time he calls, he can go through with his threat, or let me save him the trouble and end my own life, because even death is better than this. If he says to save him the trouble, what do I do? I guess there are pills somewhere in the house, and there are plenty of sharp knives and scissors. Pills I think, less messy, I'm a neat freak in life, so I may as well be one in death as well.

Well my phones ringing I guess this is it, now to find out how I'm going to die.

Blaine finished reading what seemed to be journal entries in Kurt's notebook and looked at Kurt then at his friends with tears in his eyes, he cleared his throat before speaking;

"Kurt…? Can I show this to the others?" Kurt nodded that yes he could, he handed it over to Wes, who with the others looking over his shoulder, read what Blaine had, they all made the occasional noise or gasp as they read.

"Kurt… how could you even think about… doing that? Losing you would hurt so many people… your family, your friends in New Directions, your friends from the Warblers… and me. It would hurt so much to lose you Kurt, we all care so much about you" Blaine started to cry,

"I wrote letters to each of you… they're in the back of my notebook, I wrote letters for New Directions and for my family too. I was going to rip them out and put them in individual envelopes when I knew what was happening, then, put the individual letters in groups… Family, McKinley and Dalton, then group the McKinley ones in a large envelope and mail it to Mr. Schuester, the Dalton ones together in a second large envelope mailed to you at Dalton, and my family ones I was going to leave on my desk in my room. You guys can read your letters… if you want to" Kurt said still in a broken voice,

"We have to do something about this. Kurt do you still have all the texts and voicemail messages, from him on your phone?" Kurt nodded in the affirmative,

"Can I see the texts and listen to the voicemails?" Blaine asked,

"Blaine you really don't want to do that. They're really awful… some are worse than others… a lot worse. There were a lot of threats and insults, and some attempts at disgusting innuendoes… really Blaine you don't want to see or hear them" Kurt told him,

"Kurt… let me see and hear them. I want to know everything that… Jerk did and said to you that has upset and broken you so badly. I saw the bruising he caused to your body, I'm sure nothing can be as shocking, disturbing, upsetting or disgusting as that" Blaine told him, Kurt sighed, and handed over his phone.

"Bruising?" Wes, David Nick and Jeff interjected,

"Oh um… when Kurt was changing on Friday night, I accidentally… walked in on him taking his undershirt off, he had bruising covering his back and torso from locker shoves" Blaine explained, watching the horror flash over his friends' faces.

"Kurt…? What are slushy facials?" Jeff asked quietly,

"Well… at McKinley we have a slushy drinks machine, the Jocks buy one every day most of the time more than one, and I end up wearing each and every single one, when they throw them in my face" Kurt explained tearfully,

"That's awful Kurt! They shouldn't be able to get away with that!" Jeff said angrily,

"But they do" Kurt said quietly.

While Kurt had been explaining to Jeff, Blaine was looking through the messages on Kurt's phone, and he was horrified. Some of the messages were just repeats of others… but even not counting the repeated messages… there was still at least 60 messages… and that was just the ones in text form, he hadn't even got to the voicemails yet. Blaine felt sick at the last text,

"So what were you doing away all weekend with "your friends"… having a gang bang? ... I'm shocked Hummel! I know you're a lady boy… but I didn't think you were a slut. If you wanted some fun you only had to ask… I doubt your "friends" especially the "little" one could have satisfied you the way I could. ;D x"

Blaine knew from the beginning of the text, that he meant the four boys who were standing in the parking lot right now… he also knew the "little" one comment, was about him. Kurt deserved so much better than this.

When Blaine got to the voicemail messages he was even more sickened… first the guy made threats, then he was making comments of a sexual nature, alternating between the two. The guy needed his face re-arranged; especially with the way he kept describing what he wanted to do to Kurt's body… how he wanted to touch him. At one point it sounded like he was touching himself during a message describing what he wanted to do to Kurt sexually.

Blaine wondered if Kurt had heard all of the voicemails… if he had there was no wonder the boy was so badly broken… when he finally got to the last message, he really wanted to throw up.

"Blaine…?" Kurt asked,

"Hmmm... yeah?" he replied,

"Are you okay? You've gone really pale… you look like you're gonna hurl" Kurt said

"Did you listen to all the messages Kurt?" Blaine asked,

"Yes" he replied, retreating into himself again,

"Even the one where he's talking about... you and... touching... and he was... touch... masterb... touching him…self?" Blaine somehow managed to ask,

Kurt just nodded and retreated even further into himself, bringing his knees up to his chest, like he had been when they found him on Friday night after he had left Dalton. As soon as Blaine saw him retreating into himself again, straight away he threw Kurt's phone towards his friends, knowing one of them would catch it and he pulled Kurt into his arms.

Everyone's eyes were darting between Blaine, Kurt… and Kurt's cell phone, which was now in Nick's hand. They were all thinking the same thing,

*This guy wasn't just an evil Neanderthal… he was sick and twisted too, how could he do this to their friend? Kurt was the sweetest, kindest guy any of them had ever met, he didn't deserve any of this… and he certainly hadn't deserved to have his first kiss stolen from him. He deserved to be treasured for the special person he is* they all felt bad for him.

When Kurt felt Blaine pull him into his arms, he started to relax into him. He didn't know why… but Blaine made him feel safe, and then he was talking again.

"Kurt… we have to tell your family… and the police, we can't let him get away with doing this to you, it has to end now… and I won't even contemplate the alternative way of ending this that you came up with. He is getting punished for this Kurt… and you are not going to die, I refuse to let that happen. Now that you're a part of my life… our lives… we can't lose you. We're not letting you go that easily Kurt" Blaine soothed him, while the other four boys murmured their agreement.

"Okay" Kurt whispered into Blaine's chest,

"Hmm… what'd you say?" Blaine asked into Kurt's hair,

"I said… okay, Blaine" Kurt repeated, looking up and locking eyes with his best friend,

Shortly after that they decided to head to Kurt's house, calling his family members on the way there, to make sure they meet them there, before Kurt changed his mind.

They hadn't been there long, when Finn walked in, followed by Carole and finally Burt a few minutes later. Kurt introduced his family to everyone, and explained that they were there to support him, because there was something he had to tell them.

He told his family everything that happened on Friday, and everything that had happened since... not leaving anything out, he even showed them his notebook and the messages on his cell phone… he refused to let his family hear the voicemail messages... it was bad enough Blaine had listened to them, he told them that too. He was so upset when he finished, he started to curl up again… but before he got his knees anywhere near his chest, Blaine had pulled him into his arms, then took over talking to Kurt's family.

"As Kurt said… I have listened to the voicemail messages and I read the texts… they were all horrible, and some were truly sickening. I talked Kurt into telling you guys and made him promise me, that after we had told you, he would go to the police and report it" Blaine explained,

"In that case… I guess that's where we're all going now" Burt said,

"Come on son… we're going to the police. Are you boys coming?" Burt directed to Kurt, and then turning to the five Dalton boys.

They all nodded, they all wanted to be there for Kurt.

When they arrived at the police department, they all gave Kurt a hug, before he went with his Dad through to make a statement. While Kurt and his Dad, were in the office… Finn approached Blaine,

"Can I speak to you outside for a minute?" he asked,

"Sure" Blaine answered, following Kurt's step brother outside.

"What's up?" Blaine asked him,

"You heard the voicemail messages, what did he say?" Finn asked,

"Finn… you really don't want to know. Let's just say they weren't all threats and insults. There were some quite insinuating things said amongst other things, and the worst one… I don't even want to think about" he answered honestly,

"What did he say in the worst one?" Finn insisted,

"He was talking about the sexual things he would like to do to Kurt's body. It sounded like he wasn't just describing them, he was imagining it… getting excited over it. It sounded like he was touching himself, while he was on the phone" Blaine finished blushing, and trying not to vomit,

"I'll kill him!" Kurt's step-brother snapped,

"NO! Finn you can't, I shouldn't even have told you. If you say or do anything, Kurt will be hurt by it. He's hurting enough, don't make him hurt anymore" the Dalton boy said, trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry Dude, it's just… Kurt's my brother you know? And I should be protecting him, I feel like I failed him. I just want to do something to help him now" Finn confided,

"The best thing you can do right now… is be there for him, show him support, and love him the way I know you do" Blaine advised, and they went back inside to wait.

An hour later they left the police department; Burt asked Blaine and his friends, along with Finn and Carole to take Kurt back to the house and to wait for him there, before disappearing off on his own. When he returned home he informed them that he had been to McKinley, he had, had it out with Principal Figgins and he had booked a meeting with him in the morning. Kurt wouldn't be attending school, just the meeting, Finn and Carole were expected to attend the meeting too.

"Now you boys… I would like to thank you all for taking such good care of Kurt, and for being there for him. I'm glad he has friends like you, and I hope he never loses your friendship" Burt told the five Dalton boys,

"He never will Sir, we care a lot about Kurt. As far as we're concerned… he might not go to Dalton, but he is one of us" Wes stated,

"Absolutely" Nick and Jeff answered together high-fiving each other for being in sync as usual, causing everyone to laugh,

"Sir… I know we haven't known Kurt for long, but we consider him one of our best friends… and as such in our eyes, best friends aren't only best friends, they are brothers… Kurt is one of our brothers" David told him, making Kurt blush,

"Well what can I say after that?" Blaine joked,

"In all seriousness, I am glad that… although it hurt at the time… I'm glad that I was the one who Kurt ranted at… not knowing he was ranting at the wrong person, because it meant that we could get to him before anything could happen to him. Now that he's a part of my life… our lives… I can't imagine my life, or our lives without him in them, and I wouldn't want to. We really do care about him, and we never want to lose him" Blaine finished the thoughts of all the Dalton boys,

"Well thank you boys, you may well have saved my sons life… and I will be eternally grateful for that" Burt told them,

"I agree thank you boys, I don't know what I would do without my son… he may be my step son… but as far as I'm concerned, he is as much my son as Finn is, and I love him just as much" Carole told them,

"Here! here! Thank you for taking care of my brother when I couldn't. It means a lot that people care about him, as much as the New Directions do, and love him as much as I do" Finn told them, Kurt jumped up from his seat grabbing Carole and Finn from their respective seats, and threw himself into their arms,

"I love you guys too" he told them.

Soon the Dalton boys had to leave to get back to school on time. They all hugged Kurt and each had an individual conversation with him as they left,

First, was Wes "See you soon Kurt… Skype us later, and we'll meet up again soon"

"Of course" Kurt told him

Then it was David "I'm glad you're okay Kurt… and I meant what I said, you're our brother now, keep in touch, and visit soon"

"Thank you I will" Kurt responded blushing,

Next it was both Nick and Jeff "Are we meeting up for coffee tomorrow?" Jeff asked excitedly,

"Please, please, please?" Nick pleaded just as excitedly,

"Sure, I'll Skype you all later to organise it" Kurt replied,

"And don't forget that pic, we still want to ogle that SWEET ASS of yours" Nick and Jeff both whispered to him making him giggle, as they walked passed him he tapped their shoulders, turning around and jokingly wiggled his bum at them as they looked back, giggling as they feigned swooning, and making heart shapes with their hands, making it look like it was their hearts beating out of their chests,

Last was Blaine, who hugged Kurt just a little bit longer than the others had,

"I'll talk to you later, and remember if you need anything… anything at all… any time, night or day, call or text me. If you're still having nightmares and need me, let me know and I'll be right here even if it means driving here, then taking you back to Dalton with me, and hiding you in my dorm room, I'll do it!" Blaine told him

"Thank you Blaine… for everything"

"You're most welcome Kurt, I'll see you soon" he said and then left.

The following morning Kurt sat in Principal Figgins' office with his Dad, Carole and Finn, listening to his Dad talking to their Principal,

"My son could have died yesterday if it wasn't for some wonderful kids from Dalton Academy, all because you don't do your job properly and protect him. Although Finn seems perfectly safe here… because his sexuality isn't a problem, it has become strikingly apparent that Kurt is not safe here, and you are not willing to do anything about it… so as of now, I will be enrolling him in a school that will protect him, and he will not be attending classes here, not even while we wait for the transfer to come through. Finn will pick up work for him, here until that time as he starts at his new school, he will work from home" Burt told Principal Figgins, with that the family stood and left, leaving the Principal speechless in their wake.

"Dad can I see Mr. Schue and the New Directions before we leave? I think they deserve an explanation" Kurt asked,

"Of course kiddo" Burt told him.

"Do you want to go to the choir room, and I'll get Mr. Schue and the others?" Finn offered,

"Yeah… thanks Finn, you're the best brother I could have asked for" Kurt told him giving him a hug.

Ten minutes later Mr. Schue, Finn and the rest of the New Directions entered the choir room and Kurt took the floor,

"Well… um… as you all know, I didn't come to school yesterday, and I'm sorry I didn't reply to any of your messages I was upset. You see on Friday I tried to stand up to Karofsky for bullying me, and when I thought he was going to hit me, he actually forced me up against the lockers in the locker room, and he… kissed me, he then threatened to kill me. He went as far as to get my cell phone number, and kept texting and calling me… he left some horrible messages, and he went to my house to try to watch me so that I couldn't tell anyone… but I have some friends, who go to a school in Westerville and I ended up spending the weekend with them so that I wasn't alone. They found me yesterday and made me tell them what happened. They convinced me to tell my family and to report it to the police. I'm leaving McKinley, I want you understand what I was going through… so I'm going to play two of the worst voicemail messages he left, for you to listen to"

He played the messages one straight after the other. During the first they heard Karofsky's voice calling Kurt a Homo and a lady boy, and threatening to kill him if he told anyone about the kiss. The second was horrific and was the one Blaine had told Finn about… now he understood what Blaine had meant… by the time the message ended everyone looked like they wanted to throw up, including… Mr. Schue, then Finn, Puck, Mike and Sam all jumped up out of their seats while Artie rolled himself forward all of them heading for the door… they were angry, and were obviously going to look for Karofsky. Mr. Schue tried to stop them, even Burt came in to try and help stop them, but the two men were struggling… that was until Kurt suddenly shouted,

"Hey!" stopping all of the New Direction boys in their tracks,

"Right, no-one and I MEAN NO-ONE! Is going anywhere near Karofsky, the police are dealing with him, and I don't want any of you getting in trouble over this. I love you all for trying to protect me, but it's okay… really. I promise to keep in touch with you all… take care of each other for me, especially my girls and my brother" Kurt told them, they all returned to their seats and Kurt asked if he could sing one last time to his group, they all agreed. He sang a very emotional version of 'I Will Always Love You' then hugged his glee club before leaving the choir room for the final time.

When they got home Kurt asked where he was being transferred to, and he was told he would be transferring to Dalton Academy, where he could be with his other friends and where bullying wasn't tolerated, which meant he was safe. He begged his Dad not to tell his friends that, that's where he was going, so that he could surprise them on his first day.

Kurt skyped with the Dalton boys every night, meeting up with them twice a week for coffee and every other weekend he would visit them at school, staying over with them. The weekends he wasn't with the Dalton boys he spent with his New Direction friends, he also met with them twice a week as well, while any free nights he spent with his family.

A few weeks after leaving McKinley Kurt moved in to Dalton, making sure he arrived while all of his friends were in class, he didn't want them to see him moving in. He moved his things into his new dorm room right next door to Blaine, on the other side of Blaine's dorm was the dorm shared by Wes and David and next door to them on their other side was the dorm shared by Nick and Jeff. He would be near all his friends. He said goodbye to his Dad, Carole and Finn, waving them off, and heading to the Principal's office, where he was to wait for a student, who would be coming to show him around, he had already arranged with the Principal, for it to be Blaine who would come to get him.

He sat down in the Principal's office, while his new Principal went out to send for Blaine. A few minutes later he heard Blaine's voice outside the office, politely enquiring as to why his Principal had asked to see him,

"You wanted to see me Sir"

"Yes, indeed, I did Mr. Anderson… there is a new student starting here today. He just transferred, he had a rough time at his old school, and I was hoping that you could show him around. Especially since he is your new neighbor… he's waiting in my office"

"O-of course Sir, I'd be happy to help him out" Blaine answered politely,

"Good, if you could just go in and introduce yourself, you can both leave straight away. I have to go speak to my secretary, I'm sure you can see yourself in and out of my office" and then he heard the Principal walk away. Blaine politely knocked on the office door before entering Kurt had his back to him so he couldn't see that it was him.

"Hi I'm Blaine Anderson, I've been asked to show you around. I'm your new neigh..." he broke off


"Surprise" Kurt said getting up and giving him a hug,

"I can't believe it, you're the new transfer student?" he asked shocked but excited,

"I can't wait to see the others' faces when they see you. Come on lets go, I'll get them to meet us at my dorm" Blaine said dragging his best friend by the hand.

They went to Kurt's dorm first and Blaine sent a multi-text to all his friends,

"Hey guys can you meet me at my dorm please? - Blaine"

Blaine left Kurt in his own room and told him he would text, to let him know when to come to his room, so that everyone was there.

A few minutes later Wes, David, Nick and Jeff were all in Blaine's dorm, when there was a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting someone else Blaine?" Wes asked,

"Oh yeah that will be my new neighbor, he was just dropping something off in his room before I show him around. I thought I could introduce him to you guys, so that he can come to you for help if I'm not around" he told them going to open the door,

"Guys I'd like to introduce you to my new neighbor and newly transferred student to Dalton Academy..." he trailed off as he opened the door,

"Surprise" Kurt said as they saw him,

"Kurt!" they all exclaimed excitedly at seeing him, they all rushed to give him a hug, welcoming him to his new school and officially to their family.