Don't You Dare Finish That Thought

Chapter 1: Happy Easter's day!

Hermes Pov

Olympus was a madhouse ever since the war had ended, when all the parties stopped all they could do was start fighting each other .Hera and Zeus just kept yelling at each other .Demeter kept trying to convince Hades to eat more cereal. Poseidon and Athena kept arguing about everything! I mean they could start arguing about the most random things, like how penguins feel like in Alaska or how much wine Dionysus drank every day. If Poseidon says six glasses then Athena would say seven glasses .One time they almost started a war over whether it was six glasses of wine or six and a half. Ares kept trying to fight Hephaestus while Hephaestus just kept attacking him electronic darts that as soon as you throw them they hit whatever you are aiming at in the most painful spot possible.

Then, there was Aphrodite and Artemis. It all started when Aphrodite pranked Artemis by giving Thalia one of her magical unwashable makeovers .Artemis and her hunters then kidnapped one of Aphrodite's boys from camp and turned him into a pink jackalope and gave him a 5 second head start before starting to hunt him. Ever since then, they just kept pranking each other and in result of that Olympus which used to be white colored ,keywords used to be ,no it is just food covered ,arrow colored ,make-up colored , beauty queens vs. The hunters Olympus or what's left of it anyway after that small teensy tiny fight between Artemis and Aphrodite where they kind of blew up Apollo's temple and my temple.

Things had kind of calmed down since then, well as much as they could calm down anyway. But that was going to change soon enough because I wanted revenge for the destruction of my temple and I was going to get it! This is why Apollo and I were waiting for two goddesses to come through the doors of Olympus where we were waiting for them to come and attend the mandatory meeting with all the gods.

The doors were starting to open, Apollo and I both shared an evil look knowing what was about to happen, Artemis was coming through the door with another person, who I thought was Aphrodite, so I gave Apollo the signal. "Happy Easter's Day, Apollo! " That was when we began the spell, and aimed it right at the 2 people who had entered the room .Only then did I realize who we had aimed it at. I got up from my throne where all the gods were staring at Apollo and me not realizing what we had just done, "Apollo,Run!"I didn't have to say it twice because when you anger the goddess of the hunt and she looks like she is going to kill you then well you run, as fast as you possibly can and you don't think twice about it.