Sorry for not updating sooner! To make up for it, this chapter is about three times longer than previous ones!

I'm reallyreallyreally sorry!

But I still hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 24

"Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Shouted a young silveret in perfect Italian in vain, not waking anyone up, but throwing open the doors to the adults' rooms so the weird pineapple could do his job.

After all the young kids had been carried - still asleep at that point - to a room with several beds and the adults had left to make plans for today, the tenth generations got about three hours of sleep, then one by one woke up.

By light of the moon outside, the ones who had their memory intact tried to explain what was going on once again - since Mokuro and Chrome were now clueless as to what was going on - and did their best to at least get them to use their flames for defense.

Except for Mukuro, who after learning that his two fellow Estraneo escapees were fine and he would see them soon, simply sat in front of Chrome to help her hide from the others. If any of them sans the docile or weak looking ones - Tsuna, Enma, Koyo, Yamamoto, - came near them, they would get a large amount of illusions shoved right in their face.

They had all been disturbed by the images the pineapple created, except for the narrow-eyed black haired kid and semi-tall girl that always slapped the perverted kid with them, and Gokudera now believed there were things worse then his sister's cooking.

Which was why he was using it to wake up the adults.

When Gokudera had (re)discovered that he had several of these 'flames' as the other kids called it, he had eagerly awaited to see what type Tsuna-sama would make, hoping they shared one instead of the blue one he also had in common with the smily-faced freak. As it was, the brunet could only manage to lite a small ball of orange flame for several seconds before it burst out, but it would be enough to summon Natsu.

That was what they had spent the other half of the night on. Gokudera, to put it frankly, did not like Uri. But if the creature could help him protect Tsuna-sama, then he would just have to out up with it. Even if it was a UMA he would rather study than fight with...

"Kufufufufufu...this will be funny," Mukuro said smirking, his eye kanji changing to '1'.

Gokudera simply raised an eyebrow at the only other native Italian speaker in their group, waiting for the results. He didn't have to wait long, as two seconds after Mukuro's eye changed, a horrified shriek sounded and both boys watched as Lampo bolted out of his room and down the hall at record speed.

Not long after the Lightning Guardian fled, the terrified shouts from the others waking up to a nasty surprise filled the mansion.

Gokudera and Mukuro stood back to watch as different Guardians stumbled into the hall, different monsters or scenes if gore on their tail.

"DAEMON, WHAT THE HELL!?" G shouted, tripping in his haste to get out of his room.

Daemon, being the only one able to dispel the illusion, walked calmly over to the red(pink?) head. "This us not my doing, G. Frankly I'm insulted you would accuse me first," The illusionist faked a hurt expression, but still released the other Guardians and his boss.

"If you EXTREMELY weren't the one to do that, then who?" Knuckle asked, coming out from behind a very tall - and expensive - vase.

"...couldn't the young one over there be responsible?" Asari intoned, pointing down the hall to where the five-year-olds were standing. The other adults looked up in surprise.

"Tch, finally you guys wake up," Gokudera growled, jerking his thumb to point at the kid next to him. "This guy had to use his creepy-ass powers to get your lazy asses out of bed,"

Mukuro smiled eerily. "Oya, what did you call my illusionary skills, Hayato?"

"Shut up! We're just supposed to get these adults out of bed then be back at Tsuna-sama's side!"

"Kufufu... I'll let it go this time since I need to get back to Nagi," Mukuro said, and with a sweep of his trident, hid both himself and Gokudera in the mist, allowing them to leave without interference.

Giotto blinked. "...did that just happen?"

G snorted. "You fucking tell me,"

"Hn, the young pineapple is like the old melon," Alaude stated, making everyone jump; they hadn't known he was there.

A tick mark appeared on Daemon's forehead. "Are you calling me old...? And a fruit...?"

"Hn," Alaude huffed, heading back towards his room to get ready for fight his successor would undoubtedly challenge him to.

"Oh yes, that reminds me," Giotto said, also heading back into his room. "We have a game of tag set up for the kids. Be ready for it in an hour."

G grumbled, but picked himself up off the floor, heading back to his own room like the other four Guardians, when Giotto stuck his head out into the hall again.

"And somebody find Lampo, please,"

"Your backyard is HUGE!" Tsuna shouted in glee, running ahead of the group a little bit. Right now, they were all in the Vongola mansion's very, very large back garden, the kids in summer clothes Elena and the maids had specially chosen for them, the Guardians and Elena herself in nothing too fancy, with Asari and Knuckle holding the supplies for a picnic.

"Tsuna-sama, please wait up!" Gokudera yelled, Yamamoto following behind, laughing, which pissed the silveret off. "And you! Quit following Tsuna-sama and I!"

"But isn't it more fun like this, Gokudera?" Yamamoto grinned, ducking under the 'firework' Gokudera threw back at him in annoyance...that landed on Hibari and Alaude just as the younger cloud was about to attack the older one.

"I shall bite you to death, Herbivores!" The perfect's bloodlust spiked, and he and Alaude joining the chase.

Curious as to the commotion behind him, Tsuna turned around, then started running faster at the sight of two enraged demons heading towards him and his two (new) friends.

"SOMEBODY SAVE TSU-KUN!" He yelled, and Enma rushed after the two cloud guardians, not wanting his friend to be harmed in his weakened state. Of course, this caused Koyo and Rauji to follow, not wanting their boss to be killed in the cross fire. Ryohei saw it as an 'EXTREME' training exercise, running after his boxing rival with a shrieking Lambo in his arms.

"It looks like they've already started the game," Elena commented, watching as several weapons were thrown and Tsuna and Enma screamed, the group running back and forth across the yard. Turning around, she instructed Knuckle and Asari to start setting up the picnic.

Nobody noticed, a little bit behind the rest of the group that was watching the game of tag half in amusement, half horror, that Julie was fingering a metal case he had lifted from the bag of a certain amnesiac brunet, silently planning what mischief he could do with its contents.

As it was, Julie did not need to wait long before he started his prank. During the chase, the picnic was, and very nearly Elena as well, trampled, leaving all the food ruined.

But Elena being as stubborn as she is, refused to give up on this rare day off for them all, even if the mansion cook was visiting family in the city. She then paced back and forth in front of everyone - several of whom, now sported visible bumps on their heads - until she came upon an idea.

With a crowd of hungry boys behind them, Elena ushered Shitt P., Chrome, and Adelheid off to the kitchen to try and make some sandwiches or something.

Now, the adults and majority of the Shimon were waiting around the picnic blanket, while the Vongola - plus Enma, minus Hibari - were a few paces away, exploring the area where lawn met forest.

This was his chance.

Casually walking over to Tsuna and Enma - the redheqd had pretty much plastered himself to the brunet's side - and tapped both on the shoulder. Staring into his boss's eyes, Julie pointed over his shoulder. "They're asking for your opinion on something,"

Enma nodded, then smiled at a confused Tsuna. "I'll be right back,"

"Oh, okay," the brunet replied, then smiled at Julie. Before he could say anything though, the four other amnesiacs came over to see where the redhead went.


Julie reached into his pocket where he hid the metal canister. He quickly poured six of the blue Dying Will Pills into his palm, holding them out for the other confused children. "I have some candy for you guys, but if you want it, you have to promise not to tell the other kids who gave them to you,"

"Tsu-kun promises not to tell the others!" Tsuna said, pulling an imaginary zipper over his mouth.

Gokudera narrowed his eyes, but if his beloved Tsuna-sama was going to have one then he shall as well.

Yamamoto laughed. "Sure, it sounds like a cool game!"

"IT EXTREMELY SOUNDS EXTREMELY AWESOME!" Ryohei shouted, earning several glares.

"Mukuro-san*, can we...?" Chrome asked, looking up at her surrogate older brother with large doe eyes.

If Mukuro had been his actual age, he would have, along with the others there, known what exactly Julie was offering to them. But he was inexperienced and naïve right now, even if he had still been through the Estraneo (A/N: that probably isn't canon at his body's age, but what the hell, it adds to the plot) and that was why the Dessert flame user could do this.

Mukuro chuckled. "Fine. But this 'candy' had better taste good,"

At that moment, Lambo remembered what those pills were for, and started fussing until Julie glared, but gave him a pill to keep suspicions from the others down.

Inwardly, Julie smirked, knowing this would be his best prank ever.

While Julie was setting up his possibly most destructive prank yet, back in the mansion, the Millefiore Six Funereal Wealths had a serious problem.

Their boss had forgotten the exact way to get rid of memory loss, and so to find it he had to travel across dimensions, which by itself required vast amounts of energy. So in order to bridge the time gap of 400 years, Byakuran had unknowingly eaten the last five bags of marshmallows he had, expecting there to be more when he came back from his little trip.

The five of them vividly remembered what happened last time he had come back after visiting a parallel world and had none of his favorite candy to greet him. They thought they had seen hell in future where most of them ended up dying, but that had seemed almost pleasant compared to the carnage that had ensued.

"Eeeehhhh, what should we do, Kikyou?" Daisy asked as he and the others held an emergency meeting over the up-coming disaster. As their boss's right-hand-man, Kikyou was as of right now their defacto leader.

"Either we find a way to make serval bags of marshmallows, or we suffer the wrath of Byakuran-sama when he returns in several hours." The tael haired child suggested, unsure wither that type of sweet was produced in the seventeenth century.

"I suggest we make them," Torikabuto spoke up, and the others nodded, wanting to avoid possible genocide.

Zakuro however, still had to voice the problem with that idea. "Idjit, how the hell would we go about doing that?"

"We see what the ingredients listed on the back of the bag are, then see if we cooked them right," the Mist Funeral Wealth said.

"Demo, demo!" Bluebell pouted, holding up an empty bag of marshmallows so that the others could see the 'ingredients' section on the back. "I don't even know what half this stuff is!"

"Doesn't change the fact that we still have to make them, or we'll all die," Daisy said, and this time there were no more protests, just deep contemplation from all the Funeral Wealths.

"How 'bout we just ask the cook if he knows?" Zakuro suggested, and the others agreed, noting that only had a few hours until their boss returned.

When the group arrived at the kitchen, however, they did not expect to see the three girls from Shimon and Vongola cooking along with the blonde woman of the first Vongola Mist.

"Where's the chef?! Why are you guys here!?" Bluebell shouted, noticing their one plan of action to avoid the apocalypse was in peril.

"We're trying to make lunch, and the chef is out visiting his family," Adelheid answered the near hysteric group, turning away from the vegetables she had been cutting up. The two groups stared at each other for several second.

Then the Funeral Wealths snapped.

Torikabuto vanished as most Mist guardians tend to do when they are in danger, Daisy started rocking back and forth, muttering to himself and the pink rabbit he held in his arms, Bluebell and Zakuro made one more last ditch effort to find marshmallows in the cupboards and cabinets, and the usually unflappable Kikyou's eye was twitching.

"Oh dear," Elena said, trying to calm down the youngsters. "What's the matter? I might not be the chef, but I'm not a bad cook if I do say so!"

"Honestly, what has you all acting so weird~?" Shittopi asked, bouncing off the stool the girls had been using to reach the counter tops.

"Byakuran-sama has run out of marshmallows!" Daisy cried out, making Adel and Shitoppi freeze, while Chrome and Elena looked confused.

"If he's run out of marshmallows then how come we're still alive!?" Adelheid demanded, grabbing the front of Zakuro's shirt.

"He's in an alternate dimension getting the cure for the Vongola's amnesia, now let go of me bitch!" Zakuro shouted back, which pissed the Glacier Guardian off and ended up with Zakuro getting knocked out.

"Children, stop fighting!" Elena scolded, sweeping between Adel and Zakuro as the aggressive girl attempted to further harm the redhead. She made eye contact, wordlessly saying in a motherly way that only the girls would understand that Adel and her would speak about this later, then turned to look at Kikyou. "I saw you guys last night at dinner, and this Byskuran is the white haired one who's not here?"

"That is correct," Kikyou confirmed.

"Are these 'marshmallows' you have been talking about by any way related to the marsh Mallow root? If it is, then I think we have some," Elena said as she dug around the pantry, coming out with a box of skinny, brown carrot-shaped roots.

"Mallow...roots?" Bluebell asked, all the future kids' interest now peaked. Torikabuto even reappeared.

"Yep; you beat the roots to a pulp and then put it in a pot with sugar, then let it cool." Elena said, placing the roots on the counter next to the other vegetables. "Afterwards, you end up with a fluffy white candy which I think your friend Byakuran was eating yesterday,"

"What are we waiting for then!? We need to finish these in a few hours!" Bluebell yelled, she and the others sans Zakuro who was still out cold grabbing more stools so they could get to work.

"Bluebell-chan, let the boys start pounding the roots. You can help me and the other girls make lunch. Chrome and Shittopi-chan are putting the ingredients* Adel and I prepare for sandwiches, so can you please cut some bread for them to use?"

"Fine," the blue haired girl replied, bringing over a loaf of bread that was sitting on the stove.

Nobody noticed the menacing aura coming from the sandwiches Chrome and Shitt P. put together they were so focused on what they were already doing.

From just beyond the tree line looking through a spy glass, a man in a black suit turned to face his companions.

"You are not going to believe this," he hissed, looking back through the scope to make sure what he was seeing was correct. "They have kids,"

A shocked murmur ran though the several Mafioso behind him. As far as they knew, Primo and his Guardians did not have kids. The surprise soon died down as the men came to the conclusion that these kids could help with their objective.

The one with the spy glass also was not past using kids the way the others were thinking. Quickly calculating what the odds of changing their plan would be, he turned to face his cohorts.

"Here's the new plan..."

Okay, so this chapter is basically to summarize most of the results of the question I asked a few chapters back;

You guys were tied between the poison cooking, the lack of marshmallows, Julie giving out the Dying Will pills, and the First Generation being dressed up as women (it will happen in a later chapter since I couldn't put it in this one), so I put them all in.

And to think the only one i was planning on putting in before I asked the question was Julie giving out the candy!

Sorry for not updating, but for the last two weeks I've had exams to study and get done.

Please review for me.