so one day a boy with some DUM FUKin i pach went to mcdnald
so like dis guy was takin the boys order (the boy is seel btw)
and den seel was liek "i want som fries and som CHICKEN NUGGET U FAG"
den his gf was lik "i want cofee seel"
"no elizquisha"
so den dey get tha price wich was tree fiddy
seel punch elizquisha in stomak and she give he like tree fiddy 1
seil is like "no u dum bich i wantd tree fiddy"
"sry siel-chan pls dont hit me"
seal went to da nex windo and like he saw thes super hot guy (hes sebas lol)
and den seal is liek blushu desu
sebaschan take seal money
seal blushd
he turn to elizquisha
"get out of my car elizaquisha i like men now:
elizquisha crai
sevastan climb in car
ceal get fod and left
he took sevastan home
sevastan foookd sea;
sebachan jus sat qute and lol at ceal
they finish and den ceel go slept