Author's Note: Hi everyone! So this story was initially going to take place prior to my "El" series that I started a few months ago on here. It was meant to depict what happened between Craig and Ellie before the series began. El is currently on pause and I have plans to bring it back later, but I thought to make this into a separate story in case there was a chance that it could spawn a whole new story away from the El series. So sit back, relax and read… and tell me what you think!

It scared Ellie how much she was willing to drop everything, put a complete pause on her life, all for one person. Not her former alcoholic mom, not her still recovering, PTSD stricken father… but Craig Manning, the rockstar, the lady's man, the recovering cocaine addict… the boy who broke her heart over and over again.

Ever since L.A., they hadn't spoken much. Two or three text conversations or phone calls, just to see how the other was doing, and maybe one Skype session on a boring Friday night… but it was never anything serious. They weren't dating… they were still friends, despite the kiss they had shared at the airport. Neither of them had even brought up that little incident ever since; they just carried on, just like they always did throughout the years of their complex friendship.

Now it had been almost 4 months since L.A. and Ellie had gotten a call at almost 2 in the morning. Luckily she was still awake, working on an essay for her Advanced Journalism class, so rest wasn't exactly interrupted, especially since the sight of Craig's name and picture on her cell screen perked her up a lot more than she'd liked.

"Hello?" she answered, after the third ring, hoping to not seem desperate. She made sure that her tone was a lot mellow too.

"Ellie." He spoke, his voice low and stern. "Can you be here in a few hours?"

"What?" Ellie asked. "Why? Is everything okay?"

"Just please… be here… please… I need you here." His voice was a little shaky.

"Craig, tell me what's going on?" Ellie's elated mood had quickly sunk to fear. He was scaring her.

"Ellie just do this for me, be here…"

Ellie was quiet for what felt like forever, contemplating what she should say.

"Okay, Craig… I'll-I'll be there."

"Thank you…" and with that, he hung up, leaving Ellie on the other line completely nerve stricken.

Nearly 2 hours after that, she was on the next flight out to L.A. She'd let Marco know where she was going and why, but only through text and right before boarding her plane so that he didn't have the chance to call and protest to what she was doing. Though he and Craig had mended fences since the last time she was in L.A., he was still pretty hesitant in letting him fully back into their lives. Ellie appreciated him always being there and looking out for her, but some things she just had to do on her own… and this was one of them.

The sun was just about up when she'd touched down at LAX. She'd only gotten about 20 minutes of sleep on the flight due to her nerves still doing cartwheels because of the call from Craig. Once she got her luggage, a little duffle bag with essentials packed (hygiene stuff, change of clothes and her laptop) and then managed to get a taxi, she was on her way to the condo developments on the beach. She still remembered the exact building, the exact door number. Next thing she knew, she was standing right outside his door, her bag in hand. She could hear, what sounded like the TV, blaring on the other side.

She raised her hand to knock, but before she even touched the door, Craig opened it. His hair was a mess, dark circles around his eyes… it was obvious he had gotten just as much rest as she did.

"Craig…" was all Ellie could say, seeing him there.

"Come in, please…" Craig stepped aside and let her walk through. She was hesitant for a moment then walked past him into the condo. Just as Ellie had thought, the TV was on, loud and blasting cartoons. Junk food was all over the coffee table and in the kitchen. Ellie wondered if he had some kind of party.

She set her bag down on the floor, and just as she'd turned to say something to Craig, he'd rushed towards her and wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Thank you… so much for coming." He sighed, his voice tired. Ellie still didn't know what was going on, but she hugged him back, putting her arms around his shoulders.

"Craig, you have to tell me what's going on… I can't just up and leave like that because you call me to come running." Ellie said. He finally let her go. His red, sleepless eyes locked with her's for a moment.

"Come with me." He said. He took her hand and led her out of the living room and into the bedroom.

"Craig… what are you-" Ellie asked, noticing their destination. Before she could finish, she noticed his gaze was on something… his dresser. She looked. A silver tray with a pile of white, powdery substance on top, sat on the surface… it was coke. "Craig… you didn't…" He shook his head, brushing through his hair.

"No… uh I had some friends over last night… a friend… who knew about my… history. They went to use the bathroom then left and I came back in here and saw… this…"

"Oh my god… are you serious? Is it… is it real? Maybe it's just a joke…a sick, ass of a joke, but-"

"No… it's not, I know… they've wanted to get me back on it, see how I am… see how much fun I can really have." Craig was struggling to get the words out, Ellie could hear him holding back the urge to break out in tears. "I just… I've been in the living room, watching TV, reading, eating… I walked on the beach for I don't know how long… anything to get my mind off it… I just… I don't wanna go near it. I don't wanna touch it… I don't want anything to do with it… can you just please… please, get rid of it for me? Please?"

Ellie looked at him, studied him. Never had she seen him this tormented and completely beside himself about anything. Ellie knew how much progress he'd made in the past few months, and to have a friend come into your home, into your life, and intentionally try to ruin that progress to destroy you, was just something Ellie couldn't fathom. She couldn't imagine how broken Craig must've felt, how betrayed.

"Of course… go in the living room, lay down… I'll take care of it."

"Thank you… thank you," Craig hugged her tightly. He released, looking at her one more time then retreated back into the living room.

Ellie stood there for a moment, her eyes on him as he left. Her gaze then reverted back to the coke. The sight of it made her cringe. She walked over to the dresser, picked up the tray then headed into the bathroom. She poured the coke into the toilet then flushed… she watched as the drugs swirled away, away from existent and away from Craig.