This is a solo project written by Mike. This is a co-authored account so we mention on each story who wrote what :).

-Hey, Hikki... did Yukinon tell you anything?

-No. Nothing.

-Okay... oh.

With a small drawback the subway stopped and the doors opened. Two persons passed by us. This was Yuigahama's station, but her indecisiveness pulled me into doing something that I didn't want to do.

With a sigh I got off, she following me without a word.

-Are you sure about getting off here?

-Ending the conversation there'd leave a bad taste. What's with that timing? Did you do that on purpose?

-O-of course not! I just couldn't bring it up!

She really is an idiot...

-I'll take you most of the way home.


We both shily responded to each other as we began walking.

-Did she tell you something?

Shaking her head she responded with a muffled "No.".

-But I think there are some things you can't say. If you miss the right time, you just can't. It was like that for me too.

-"Out of sight, out of mind" is just fine.

My words caught her attention.

-We shouldn't touch on stuff Yukinoshita doesn't want to touch on.

She stopped. I turned to face her, the blue light of the juice machine making her anguish more prominent that it should've been.


-Is not knowing really okay?

-I don't think not knowing is a bad thing. Knowing more means having more things to deal with, you know.

-But I want to know more. Know more about each other, and be even better friends. I want to help her if she's in trouble.

She begins walking once more, her expression changing again, like she is fired up. The smooth sound made by her sandals touching the ground underneath our feet, the colorful yukata that suited her, her thoughtful words... it all took me aback for a moment.

-Hikki, be sure to save Yukinon if she's ever in trouble, okay?

-No, I doubt that'd ever happen.

Yukinoshita being in trouble, Yukinoshita seeking assistance, and me stepping in.

-You'd save her.

-We don't know that.

-But, you saved me.

-I told you, I didn't do it knowing I'd help you in any way. Don't expect stuff like that out of me.

-You would've saved me even without the accident, and I think we would've gone to see the fireworks too.

-No, I doubt it. There'd be no reason for me to save you.

-No. You said you would've been alone even without the accident, and you know what I'm like. I'd've gotten worried about something and gone to the Service Club. Then I'd meet you. And then you'd come with some totally unexpected and negative solution to it and save me. I just know it.

This is going a little too deep. In the first place, she would've been creeped out by me in class and not even look at me in the club room. More likely left the moment she saw me there.

-So, umm…

She inspired deeply.


Crap, what's with this mood?

-I think I –

At that moment her cell phone started vibrating. This is... a chance to get out of this, but... why I can't say anything? Am I really going to expect something? My heart was pounding hard in my chest, like it threatened to break out.


She ignored the phone. This must've been my last chance to stop her… I surely didn't have the courage to listen to her words... but... then... why couldn't I say anything even as my mouth was opened? you.

Her words hit me like an arrow.


This is a confession right? I was confessed by a girl? Am I not day-dreaming?

Her cellphone continued to ring as I stared at her flustered face. This girl loves me…

-I... I need some time…

I said in a hurry, stuttering in the process.

-... tomorrow… I-I'll call you.

She gently smiled as she turned even redder.

-I should go... That now was probably my mother. I'll... wait for your reply then. See you later.


I weakly wave at her but then suddenly stop. Just when did I start waving at people? To begin with... I never had anyone to wave at in the first place.