Bee's lost mate

beccalovesbumblebee~ thank you to all that read this, left me a review, favorited, or followed this fic it means the world to me. I do not own TFA, TFP, OR TFRB. I really wish I could take credit for them, but I can't they aren't my brilliance. *winks* This is a request fic for Sara101.

Chapter four.

(Sari's P.O.V.)

After dinner with my Dad I went to bed. I woke up when the first light of noon shone through my window. After I got dressed I paced my room thinking about how I could do this. I could call Ratchet, and have him bridge me to the base, but then they would no I was coming. Also the idea seemed to practical, and when has anyone known me for being practical.

I decided against being practical, and hacking into the bases computer system, and bridging myself there. I smiled at this idea knowing that this would be more fun for me at least.

I sat at my computer, and began to hack the system in Jasper. "I'm in," I said with a devious grin.

(Raf's P.O.V.)

I was just watching over the system, and updating it when it locked us out.

"What happened Raf?" Ratchet asked.

"Someone has locked us out, but I am on it," I said as I clicked keys on the computer trying to get back on the system.

When the ground-bridge activated I admit I was concerned, and so was Ratchet. As I watched a girl with red hair came through the portal carrying a duffel bag.

The weird thing was that no one seemed to be worried that this girl just hacked into the mainframe, and bridged herself here. Instead when Bulkhead saw her he looked shocked to see her.

"Bulkhead," The girl yelled, then she ran into Bulkhead's open arms. Bulkhead held the girl off of the ground, and she hung limply in his arms.

He let her go and she spun and landed on her feet. The girl went over to Smokescreen, and hugged him. "Smokey," She said sticking her tongue at him, "Its been awhile."

Smokescreen held the girl in his arms and spun her around in a playful manner.

The girl went over to Ratchet, and Arcee who she shared awkward, and maybe even forced hugs in Arcee's case. Prime waved at the girl, and Prowl gave her a meaningful look.

"What the hell is going on here? Am I the only one confused here?" Miko asked getting tired of waiting in confusion.

"Who is she?" I asked glancing at the girl.

"Well she is-"

"I'm Sari Sumdac. I am sorry for cutting you off Smokescreen, but I have someone to see," Sari said.

"Who?" Miko asked.

Sari ignored Miko, and asked Ratchet. "Where's Bee?"

"Bumblebee isn't here," Ratchet said. I saw Sari's expression visibly change from being happy to depressed in a matter of seconds.

"He isn't here? I was hoping to see him. I wanted my visit to surprise him," Sari said sounding like she was about to cry.

"He is with the Rescuebots on Griffin rock," Arcee said slowly.

"Ratchet could you bridge me over there?" Sari asked Ratchet who didn't seem surprised by her request.

"Oh so you just get here, then you just run off. Gee it's nice to see you too Sari," Bulkhead said pretending to be hurt.

"Bulk you know I love hanging out with you, but I need to see Bee. I haven't see him in..." Sari said. She sounded like she was about to cry it got so bad that the end of her sentence was barely audible.

"I know Sari its been years. You need to see Bumblebee. Ratchet bridge her to Griffin rock please," Bulkhead said.

Ratchet just huffed, and said, "Let me just com the Rescuebots to let them know someone is coming through."

We all heard Ratchet com the Rescuebots base.

"This is Cody," Cody answered the com-link.

"Cody tell Bumblebee that someone special is here for him a little femme that called for him by name," Ratchet said into the com-link before the communication was shut off.

Ratchet activated the bridge, and sent Sari through.

"Okay Ratchet now that she is gone you guys can tell us who she is," Miko demanded.

"She is Bumblebee's sparkmate," Bulkhead said.

"Why haven't we heard about her before?" Jack asked.

"Because we knew that talking about her would make things harder for Bumblebee. It was hard for him to leave her in Detroit," Arcee said.

"Why did he leave her behind?" I asked, because I didn't think Bee would ever leave someone behind.

"She told him that she wanted to stay and help her Dad with his research," Prowl said.

"But we think it was more that Professor Sumdac wanted her to stay with him," Ratchet said.

"Why didn't they keep in contact? If they loved each other so much," Miko said.

"They did at first they would call each other everyday, but after a while things became hectic, and they lost contact, "Arcee said sounding saddened.

(Bumblebee's P.O.V.)

Cody came into the room and said, "Bumblebee Ratchet commed, and said, "That someone special is here for him a little femme that called for you by name."

"Very funny," I said, and I heard the ground-bridge portal open, then close. "Is it Arcee again? What is it Heatwave is she not wearing her armor this time?"

"No Bumblebee you might want to turn around, and look at this," Blades said sounding nervous which was normal for him.

"Why would I do that again just to get fooled again? So my team can laugh at me again?" I asked.

"I came all this way. I guess I will go home disappointed," I heard a voice I hadn't heard in so long say. My spark skipped a beat when I turned around to see my lost love standing there in front of me.

Our optics met and it was like the first time we met. I watched as she took one slow step towards me, then I did the same. Sari ran into my arms. I held her tightly in my arms. Normally I would have been careful with her, but I was beyond that at this point. We kissed savagely we needed each other. We stayed there for a few minutes. Sari didn't moved as I held her off of the ground. There were so many things I wanted to ask her, but they didn't matter now all that mattered was that she was here.

Heatwave cleared his throat bringing us from our moment.

"Who is that?" Cody asked glancing at Dani.

I placed Sari on the ground, and she stayed close to me acting as if she stepped away from me that I was going to disappear.

"Everyone this is my sparkmate Sari," I introduced my mate.

"I am Cody," Cody said with a smile.

"My name is Dani," Dani said giving Sari a half hug.

"These are the Rescuebots. Blades, Chase, Heatwave, and Boulder," I introduced the Rescuebots to Sari.

Sari went over to Boulder who gently took her hand and shook it. Sari used to momentum from that and shot herself upwards and kissed Boulder on the cheek. Sari began to greet the others when Kade, Graham, and Chief came into the room just in time for them to catch a glimpse of Sari kissing Boulder on the cheek. The green mech blushed.

Graham lowered his glasses, but decided against asking what that was about.

"Who is this lovely lady?" Kade asked taking off his fire fighting helmet, and running his hand through his red hair.

"Sari Sumdac," Sari said with a smile.

"What is she doing here?" Chief asked.

"Ratchet bridged her here for Bee," Blades said.

"She is my sparkmate," I said.

"They let you merge with a human?" Heatwave asked he seemed slightly grossed out.

"Well I am not exactly," Sari paused to transform. Her familiar orange armor covered her form. "Human." Sari finished. Everyone in the room looked shocked except for me, and Sari.

They started asking questions.

"Hold it," Sari said, "I will answer all of your questions after me, and Bee take a walk."

(Sari's P.O.V.)

Bee lead me out of the base. We walked together onto a beach as the sun began to set. At some point he picked me up as we walked into the sunset. He held me in his arms as we kissed again.

"Bee," I muttered.

"Yes," He said.

"There is a reason I came here," I said trying to ease into this.

"What is that?" Bee asked his optics meeting mine.

"I wasn't sure if we were even together anymore," I said trying to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"Why would you think that?" Bee asked.

"It's just I felt our sparks disconnect...It felt like I lost you..." I said trailing off.

"Sari." He put his servo under my chin. "I will always love you. I will never leave you. Our sparks just need to be reconnected."

"You mean?" I asked. If he said yes he was crazy.

Bee nodded. "Let's find a more private place. I will com the base and tell them we will be a little late."

Bee took me farther down the beach, and our sparks became one again. We walked together part of the way back to base under the full moon.

"Let's go home," I said shakily.

Bee nodded, and transformed. I climbed into his vehicle form, and fell asleep on the way back to base.


Beccalovesbumblebee~ That is that Bee and Sari are together, and happy once again. Thanks for all the reviews, views, favorites, and follows. Thanks to Sara101 for giving me this request. Peace and love to all.