Slightly important A/N: You don't need to read the other two 'In Love With A Marimo' stories, but to get a better understanding of this particular one, you might need to read the second one. The three are all connected, but I will be elaborating on the previous events later on in the story. Thank you guys for being patient with me. I hope it was worth the wait and enjoy :)

One more then, I can't promise quick updates, but somewhere along the line I will try to post daily. Will see how it goes.

Sanji stood at the door as he watched Chopper re-dress Zoro's wound. Luckily, Sanji had managed to get there on time. A second later and Zoro would have lost his arm to the sea monster. He pulled out his packet of cigarette, opened it, looked at the cigarettes, and closed it again. Zoro turned his gaze towards him. He froze. Before he could ask what Zoro wanted, he noticed that his eyes were empty. It was as if he was stuck in a daze.

He felt as if something had taken hold of his heart, seeing Zoro like this. He was used to the lazy but hard-working man who put everything on the line for his captain and crew mates. Where was the man he had fallen in love with?

"You will need to refrain from training Zoro," Chopper emphasised for the last time before throwing away his gloves and sterilising the needle he had used to re-touch the stitches. Sanji watched as Zoro just gave him a slight nod and like a zombie, walked out.

He followed after Zoro, not knowing what to say. He too had watched Shanks passionately kiss Mihawk. He had watched as they both sailed away into the sunset, like the lovers they were. He could not help but admit he was slightly relieved that the competition had left. He was so happy when he saw that Zoro had seen Shanks cheating on him, but he had not anticipated that it would end up like this.

"Yohoho," Brook laughed as he threw a pant at Sanji, "Nami-san's pants."

Sanji looked at it and then at Brook, "I don't care about her shitty pants."

Brook was left with his jaw on the floor as Sanji ran after Zoro. He watched from afar as Zoro continued accidentally bumping into things and falling over a straight surface. Maybe if Luffy had been there, he could have helped cheer Zoro, but Luffy was not there. Only him.

After he had wandered round the whole ship, Sanji spotted him climbing up into the crow's nest with difficulty.

He followed. He had to do something, even if it meant sitting by Zoro's side.

"Sanji?" Chopper called from behind, "may you please do me a favour?"

Sanji looked as Zoro got further and further from him and sighed, "yes sure."

He helped Chopper roll up the bandages and pack away everything else. After all, when Chopper had time he would make himself useful in the kitchen.

"It's awfully quiet without Luffy," Chopper pointed out as Sanji nodded, "thank you for that Sanji. Please take this first aid kit into Nami and Robin's room. I have decided that every room should have a kit in case of emergencies."

Sanji smiled weakly and gave Chopper a pat on the head. Chopper in turn looked up at Sanji rather confused. It was unusual of him to be so quiet. The same went for Zoro. Ever since the night Shanks and Mihawk had left, the both of them acted weird.

Feeling it was not his place to enquire; he just smiled at Sanji and told him to hurry.

On his way there, he spotted Zoro lifting heavy weights and growled before going up to the crow's nest.

He slammed the door open, but was unable to gain Zoro's attention.

"Oi! Marimo! Didn't Chopper tell you not to do that?"

He got no response as Zoro continued on, his shirt stained red with blood.

"Stop it!" Sanji shouted as he went to stand in front of Zoro, to find tears pouring down alongside beads of sweat.


Sanji was also speechless. It had just happened. His body had moved on its own accord, forcing him to embrace the troubled Zoro, "Please stop."

Zoro let go of the weight and stood still, Sanji still holding onto him, "you can get off me now dartboard brow."

His insult was not quite the same. There was no fight in his voice, just melancholy.

He removed Sanji's hands from him and held onto a pole nearby before falling down. Sanji ran to his aid, and lay him against the wall. He opened the first aid kit that was meant to be for the girl's room and looked at Zoro who was staring into space again.

"I'm going to remove your top," he said as he did so. His hand gently ran down Zoro's chest before he looked aside, eyes closed and hand balled into a fist. He knew it. Zoro would never fall for him. Though Shanks had hurt him, Zoro still seemed to love him nonetheless. He pressed his lips together and looked at Zoro again. He knew he could not do much, but he could at least do this for him. Cleaning Zoro's wound he cleared his throat and began.

"So, feel free to say no," Sanji said nervously, causing Zoro to give him his full undivided attention, "I have a proposition."

He rubbed ointments on the wound and looked into Zoro's eyes, his heart beating a little too fast. Could Zoro hear it?

"I mean, I have a favour to ask..." Sanji took out the new bandage and began to wrap Zoro in it, "no, that's not what I want to say."

He remained silent as he finished tying the bandage into a knot and clearing everything away.

"If you let me, I can let you fantasize about Shanks all you want," Sanji blurted, "you can use my body as you wish. I love you Zoro!"

He was about to kiss Zoro when Zoro pushed him away as gently as he could. Sanji looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Get out.."



He looked at Zoro, realising how selfish his request was. He knew that Zoro would never use him like that and he was still dangerously hung over Shanks. Though Zoro never said it, Sanji knew that he cared for him, even a little.

He could not help it, however. He just wanted to be Zoro's Shanks, even for one night. He wanted him to murmur love into his ear and touch him like he touched Shanks. Even if Zoro were to chase him away and refuse to be intimate with him, he was not going to take no for an answer. Giving him time to let it all sink in, Sanji decided to leave, but was not planning on ever doing so the next time.

Quickly, he picked up everything from the floor and turned back when he was at the door, "I'll give you time to think about it."