AN: This is a Young Justice and Bioshock 2 crossover. I made this as an alternate storyline if Delta was a Harvester instead of a Savior. So Eleanor Lamb will be evil here.

One-shot and up for adoption.



[Talking through a device]

{Talking through a mind link}

Disclaimer: I don't own the Young Justice TV series or Bioshock 2.

Chapter 1

It has already been two days since Eleanor escaped Rapture. Fortunately, she should still have enough rations, water, and fuel to get her to dry land. Eleanor, with her knowledge of survival, could calculate on how long that her supplies would last before she reached her destination.

For Eleanor, the previous events felt like they occurred so long ago that she couldn't believe it happen.

She first remembered her father, Delta and her running to reach the lifeboat before the explosion went off. Secondly, the exhilaration of drowning her bitch of a mother and watching her eyes slip away. Finally, her father's last moments before she took him into her compound intellect so he can live on and guide her in her mind.

That last memory still pained her despite Delta's presence within her because she still saw him die again right before her very eyes. Unlike last time though, she was able to do something to help.

But now is not the time to mourn for him. There will be plenty of that after the world becomes hers. It's what Father would have wanted.

There were still some obstacles that stood in her way such as a certain former Messiah. She should look for Jack Ryan to make sure that he doesn't interfere with her plans. If there's anyone that could disrupt all of her plans in one go, it's him. That is if he is still alive. If he still was alive and breathing then she, the Alpha Big Sister, will rectify that.

It would be extremely difficult to track him down though even with all the memories her mother gave her about the surface world. The only information she had was on the time that Jack was in Rapture. Like when he first arrived in the underwater "utopia", the rescue of the Little Sisters, and him killing Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine. What he did after his departure was anyone's guess now.

Eleanor on the other hand, chose to bring Rapture to the whole world. She will bring about utopia, not the one that woman envisioned but the one that her and her father wanted.

She can already feel the massive amount of ADAM changing her beyond a Big Sister. All of her plasmids were evolving even further as well. She can easily bend fire to her will and create a flame unlike any other. She can freeze the very air around her and manipulate the shape of the ice. She can summon bolts of electricity that surpasses that of an actual lightning. But only one power from her heavy arsenal will provide more use than all of these combined. Her control over her sisters had evolved to the point that she now had complete control over the powerful Protectors of Rapture like the Big Daddies and the Big Sisters.

She had already ordered them to follow after her but it will take some time for them to reach her.

"My mother originally made me into this to bring about her idea of utopia to the world, but I will make my own utopia. And it will be beautiful." She evilly grinned as she stared at the fire she made with her plasmid to protect her from cold.

She wasn't sure on which this desire to protect belongs to: hers or her father, but a moment of realization told her that this desire belongs to both of them. The corrupted dream of Rapture may be over but there will be a new dream to replace it, namely hers.

She vaguely recalled that there was a group of super-powered individuals known as the Justice League. This knowledge was given to her by her mother's experiments so she could defeat them when they face each other. She only had knowledge on a few of the members since her the experiments were abruptly ended because of her father. There were also going to be a nuisance.

She also remembered that there were people who abused their powers and used them for personal gains. Maybe, she could make them her pawns as well.

"With my powers and Father's guidance, they will never see me coming." Thought Eleanor as she clench her fists and smirked at the horizon, "Now, where should I start first?"


The Team was soaring over the Atlantic in the Bioship. The red organic ship cut across the waves as if they were nothing. It was also cloaked to prevent any watchful eyes from seeing this alien vessel with its motley crew.

Its motley crew consisted of Miss Martian, Aqualad, Superboy, Kid Flash and Robin. These young heroes were currently on a mission assigned to them by none other than Batman.

The mission was to investigate a massive underwater explosion in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They were to find the source and discover how could something like that remain undetected. What made it even more alarming was that it was close enough to the underwater city ruled by Aquaman to feel the shockwaves from the explosion but far enough to be unable to quickly swim to the source.

The Justice Leagues' protégés can't help but reflect on the mission briefing earlier.

Flashback Start

Back at Mount Justice, the Team was doing their daily training. They were working on their teamwork at the moment. It would've made more progress if it weren't for Kid Flash flirting with Miss Martian at every chance he got despite it being clear that she wasn't interested in him like that.

The training (and the young speedster's flirting) was abruptly interrupted as the zeta tube announced the arrival of Batman, Robin's mentor.

The presence of the Dark Knight here can only mean one thing for the young heroes. They have another assignment.

They were wondering on how urgent this was because they have just recently faced Professor Ivo, his simian androids, and Amazo. Superboy could still feel the blows of the robot mimicking Superman's super strength. He groaned at the memory of that while Kid Flash groaned at the fact that they barely had a few days rest from their last mission.

"Hey Batman, got a new assignment for us?" the Boy Wonder playfully asked the caped crusader which got him a glance of acknowledgement from Batman.

"As a matter of fact, I do have another assignment for the team," the Dark Knight stated in his usual gruff voice.

A holographic image of the world map immediately appeared behind him. "The Justice League's scanner picked up a large underwater explosion that occurred in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean," he informed them as it zoomed towards a certain spot on the Atlantic.

Upon hearing this, Aqualad's heart sunk. He feared that something terrible had happened to his home. Robin, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash also worried for their friend's home. Superboy was now ready to punch something because of Kaldur's predicament.

"The explosion was far enough to cause no damage to Atlantis or this would otherwise be a League priority and I would not be briefing you on this," Batman reassured Aqualad, sensing his fears.

The speedster, who was eating an energy bar, couldn't help but interrupt by asking him a question that the rest of them wanted to ask.

"Why can't ya have Aquaman and Kaldur to check it out 'cause not all of us are good underwater?" he asked with his mouth full.

"Aquaman is preoccupied in calming down the marine life which was somehow affected by the blast and caused a massive panic." The Gotham Defender answered.

"So that is why it is up to us to investigate it." Aqualad concluded, earning a nod from Batman.

"A small vessel was also discovered coming from the explosion." The Dark Knight pointed at a smaller point that was moving slowly and came from the previous point.

"So whoever is in that boat is responsible for this," said Superboy with arms crossed and face scowled.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go kick their buts and maybe get a souvenir while we're at it!" Kid Flash bumped his fist to his palm. He was as energetic as usual and Robin chuckled at his best friend's display.

"Still trying to be impressive to M'gann, huh?" mused the Boy Wonder with a smirk.

"You already know what to do," Batman stated as the holograph shut off, "and I expect a full report when you return from your mission."

Flashback End

Superboy continued to stare out the window of the Bioship as they got nearer and nearer to the boat. He was getting impatient and wanted to get this over with already. But he tried to reel in his temper when he remembered Black Canary's training.

He thought back to the fight with the android, Amazo, and how getting angry almost got him and his teammates killed so he devoted himself to have better control over it. This would've been easy if it wasn't for a certain speedster.

"Are we there yet?" Kid Flash asked for twenty-seventh time.

The Kryptonian didn't really hate the speedster but he really can get on a lot of people's nerves including Superboy's. It doesn't help that he's always flirting with M'gann.

"Him flirting her always makes angry for some reason. I wonder why." Superboy thought to himself.

His feelings for the young Martian were confusing at best since he wasn't very good with emotions. The closest word he could find for it was something he would never admit to anyone: infatuation.

"Are you alright, Superboy?" Miss Martian asked him with a tinge of concern in her voice. This interrupted him in sorting out his thoughts and feelings.

"I'm fine," the Kryptonian replied as best as he could which came out with him sounding grumpy.

"Ok. Just hang in there," the female Martian replied, her usual sunny expression on her face.

As Superboy was wondering when would they reach their destination, the Bioship's scanners picked something up which was the boat they were supposed to find.

"We have found the vessel," the Atlantean stated to the team "Be ready for anything."

With that said the young heroes prepared themselves for a fight that would surely come, considering how their luck was so far. But nothing could prepare them for what came next.


Black Manta was in the middle of planning for the invasion of Atlantis when he felt the shockwave. He had no idea who was responsible for this for his employers told him that he was the only one operating at this area.

He theorized that either his employers lied, the Atlanteans discovered something important that caused the underwater blast, or there's a new unknown factor. No matter, he will find out which is it.

You can imagine his surprise at what he found before him.

There was a young girl who was most likely around sixteen or seventeen and she was wearing an old fashioned diving suit with an oversized syringe strapped to her left arm. She had brown hair so dark that you can mistake it for black and her skin was so white like it had never made contact with the sun for years.

What was brought to his attention was the look on the girl's face. She had the look of utmost confidence despite being completely surrounded and outnumbered. She didn't even seem remotely worried about them. It was as if she was capable of defeating them. That was the same expression that Lex Luthor always had on as well.

"Interesting." He muttered under his breath.

"You'll do," the girl suddenly spoke up, a dark smirk appearing on her face.

"Excuse me," Black Manta replied, raising an eyebrow underneath his helmet at the girl.

"Strong, clever, and quite intimidating with the black motif and all," she examined and ignored the supervillain as if he was a horse that she was going to buy, "You'll make an excellent pawn."

"I am no one's pawn," he said to her, his anger nearly rising to the breaking point.

"Then you are of no use to me," she replied as she kept the smirk on her face and brought a hand up to him, palm facing him.

Before he or any of his men could react, he was lifted into the air. He didn't even get the chance to order his men to take her down neither did they get the chance to shoot her as she closed her hand into a fist. In that same moment, an invisible force then crushed his body. It would have instantly killed him were if not for his armor. Instead, he was dying a slow and painful death from the injuries he had received.

As he laid on the deck dying, he realized that she had used telekinesis on him and it was on a whole other level compared to the Martian Manhunter. Just who was this girl who wielded such power.


Eleanor's smirk widened at the sight of the dying man. It had been awhile since she killed someone so she was starting to miss it. She became more amused when she saw the rest of the crew aiming shaking barrels at her. She would've finished them off if an idea hadn't popped into her head.

"If you don't want to have the same fate as your captain, you will follow under my command for now on," she announced to the frightened humans and caused some of them to jump in shock.

There were no objections.

"Good, now let's get going!" she brightly said with a sweet smile as she entered the submarine. The crew reluctantly followed.


Few minutes later

She was in some sort of communications room with several screens on the wall. She activated the communicators and proceeded to call whoever was the former Black Manta's employers. The screens were filled with white silhouettes so she couldn't see their identities.

"Greetings Bla- You're not Black Manta," one of them said as they saw her.

"Congratulations! You successfully stated the obvious," Eleanor clapped at their statement.

"Do you want a cookie?" she continued as she gave them a mocking grin.

"What have you done to him?" another demanded, sounding slightly angry.

"Oh, just forget about him," she waved a dismissive hand at the topic.

"Besides, I have a very interesting proposition for you. One that will bring the so called 'Justice League to their knees."

"We're listening."