I have tried my best to rectify the problems with the punctuation marks. Hope you like it.

I own nothing, apart from the idea. Review follow or fave


Arcee reached the base in a thoughtful mood .She had said she wanted some time alone. Arcee then activated her hologram Sadie and then followed Jack till he reached home. From all angles he looked like the average teenager with average problems and no suspicion of anything being out of the then the manner in which he reacted was familiar and then she remembered, he reminded her of Optimus . Arcee was about to deactivate her hologram when she spotted a familiar red and blue Peterbilt 932 truck.' Well this is going to be interesting.' Optimus had been interested in the report of their recent engagement, and when he learned that his spark mate was the main target…well, needless to say, he flipped out and not seeing her at base worried him even more.

He immediately ordered her to follow him to base .


"Are you hurt?" Optimus asked.

"You would have felt it if I got injured," Arcee reminded him, causing Optimus to sigh in relief, knowing that she was right, "But the 'Cons would have been scrap metal if I was distracted by the humans!"

"Humans?" Optimus repeated in surprise as Bumblebee bleeped clarification to him, "Two boys "

"I guess a second one caught us in action," Arcee shrugged, "I don't know! Was a little busy at the time!"

"If the Decepticons are targeting us, anyone perceived as an ally could be a grave risk," Optimus pointed out, "Tomorrow, we shall bring them to base."

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Arcee asked, "They witnessed enough horror today. They shouldn't have to be dragged into a war."

"The Decepticons know of their existence, Arcee. Leaving them unguarded is too dangerous," Optimus told her.

But he knew that she had more to say. But she didn't want to say it with everyone else in the room. Ratchet seems to have caught on to the need of secrecy as he turned to face Bulkhead and Bumblebee who were eager to hear what else Arcee had to say. They didn't seem to notice that the two spark mates want to be alone.

"Why don't you lugnuts make yourselves useful and help me move some equipment around?" Ratchet suggested as he dragged Bulkhead and Bumblebee down the hallway, ignoring their moans of protests.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Optimus asked gently as he knelt before her.

"A human strangely reminded me of you."

"His touch also felt familiar" was all Arcee said.

"I do not understand" Optimus confessed,

"He felt like a long lost friend , and his behavior reminded me of you." Arcee blurted.

"What?" exclaimed Optimus now sitting upright.

"I felt like I suddenly had my sparkmate close to me but since you weren't there I don't know how this is possible "exclaimed Arcee sitting down.

Arcee was lost in deep thought when Optimus lightly touched her startling her."you should go recharge now. Today has been a taxing day on our nerves today." Optimus followed Arcee till her room , tucked her in and then left for a reconnaissance drive to check on the person Arcee mentioned.

As Optimus was driving closer to the sight of battle he spied on a young boy cycling along . Optimus switched on his hologram and stopped the truck in front as if meaning to ask for directions.

Jack was cycling by trying to piece together the events of the day and trying to figure out what he had seen. Jack then noticed that a truck had stopped in front of him. The driver had stepped out as if to stretch his legs and for some directions .

Optimus 's hologram had not yet fully exited when suddenly explosions shook the building s beside them. Then 2 purple vehicles emerged from the smoke firing what looked like tracer bullets except they were much larger than normal.

"get in" Optimus shouted at Jack. Jack immediately complied and they sped off.

To be continued

Thought I could squeeze a short one before school. Review, follow or fave.

Today is going to be my first night in the hostel, Ragging continues for one week so no phone or tablet till then , which means that no more updates for a while.