Miko Nakadai, I am forced due to your irresponsible behaviour to put you on detention. You can take my word that you will regret this .you are on detention today, sneered Mr Cappizi the science teacher. Yeah yeah mumbled the 15 yr old exchange student from Japan under her breath. What did you say? exclaimed her teacher angrily .nothing replied Miko as she put up an innocent face. You …. The bell rang and in the confusion of all the students trying to get out ,Miko was able to slip out defying her teachers order.

Jack Darby was cycling out of school humming a song when his cell phone beeped. While trying to take it out he momentarily took his eyes of the road , when suddenly he heard the sound of a motorcycle coming fast. He then saw a cobalt blue motorcycle blaring the horn as it approached him. Jack tried to swerve out of way but his hand got stuck on the handle bike then hit him and he blacked out. When he opened his eyes he saw his mother talking to a doctor and a small brown spike at the end of the bed. Jackson Darby you gave me such a fright exclaimed his mother. His mother's eyes were red, she had been crying. You owe your life to little Rafael here who quickly rang the ambulance .you…. the door knocked and a doctor came in . Well you are making fast recovery giving jack a smile. Miss Darby I would like a word with you please , and he left the room. His mother left the room and Jack saw Rafael looking at him intently. How are you feeling now ? asked the boy with spikes that were almost as long as his palm. Feeling what a few broken bones should feel like replied Jack making an attempt at humor. You can call me Raf and … a nurse came in and announced that Raf's mother was here to pick him up. See you later replied Jack. That night as Jack slept he remembered a childhood scene when him and his twin brother, his father and mother were driving in their campervan going on a holiday. Suddenly a blue SUV appeared and rammed the car from the side. The impact sent Jack and his Mother June through the window as the van rolled and caught fire. The blue SUV drove away leaving jack and his mother stranded and jack's father and twin still inside the burning car . It was a trucker who rescued jack them but it was too late for jack's father and twin. After this incident Jack and his mother moved to Jasper Nevada in an effort to forget the incident and start a new life.


Jack was walking down from school to his workplace at K O burgers. Today had been his first day of school after a long time. As Jack entered his boss met him , I will not cut you any slack for your accident . All your leave has finished so justify to me why I chose keeping you instead of replacing you with somebody else. Jack nodded as proceeded to his duties. "Welcome to KO Drive-In where every patty's a knock-out. May I take your order?" Jack Darby asked in a bored expression.

The customer gave his order then taunted him 'How do I get an awesome job like yours?' momentarily jack was angry but he regained his composure and replied

"So that's two we're-not-as-funny-as-we-think-we-are combos with a side of bite me!" as he packed the customer's burger.

"WHATCHA SAY " asked the now visibly angry customer

"$5.59, sir. At the window," Jack gritted.

The customer pulled the old 'dine-and-ditch' trick where he grabs the food without bothering to pay for it. "HEY! YOU GOTTA PAY FOR THAT!" shouted Jack as the car sped off.

Disgusted and angry Jack completed his shift and stepped out in a huff