A/N: Had a spark of inspiration to update this thingy. Enjoy.
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Chapter Four – Acquaintance?
If a man was interested in a woman, as in to pursue, would he, evidently, woo her with flowers and chocolates?
Is food truly the way to a woman's heart? Or perhaps the other way around? Or maybe not at all?
Mrs. Hudson is a woman, is she not? Bugger – too old. No, that's wrong. Just the thought of that ugly, old woman is – ugh.
Enough. I must stop this dreadful train of thought before I internally scar my mind. John will be home soon, must hurry.
Confusing. Very, confusing. And yet I remain adamant in my decision to figure out why that blasted woman is near invisible to the world.
Her phone – blank screen.
Her email – caught a virus ( it's a good thing I used John's PC ).
Her name – nothing. Even Lestrade couldn't help on this matter.
Her flat – too many cats. What is so important in that tiny apartment that she feels the need to corrode every crevice with millions of those bloody felines?! The window's were creased shut, not a spec of dust nor fingerprint visible from the outside or even from the inside.
It's as she wasn't even – No. There was a man, a tall male. Six foot one, if I recall. Early to mid-thirties, perhaps, it was hard to tell with him for some reason. He was...unusual. Pale skin, impeccable long black hair, and his eyes, unnaturally blue with a gold glint hidden in the pupil.
I had been standing behind a large food stall that sold those American hot dogs, but he look straight at me.
His face was blank.
And then she appeared from her tiny apartment, promptly ushering him in. I know she saw, she must have.
But, that man. An acquaintance? Or something more?
- SH