Well, hiya! Here's Chapter 1! I don't really know what to say about this chapter except: Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If I owned the rights to Harry Potter, my name would be JK Rowling. But I'm not. At any rate, anything you can find either on the Harry Potter Wiki or the seven Harry Potter books just assume it isn't mine. Otherwise, yeah, I came up with it.


James's POV:

I couldn't believe it.

The villagers were under attack by Death Eaters.

I turned around to return to Lily, but found that she was standing right next to me.

"Figures you'd follow me," I muttered. "Listen, you need to get ou—"

"James Potter, you are not going to drag me out of this fight again."


"Not buts, I'm fighting back. Or don't you remember what happened last time you stopped me?"

I bit back the retort I had been planning. I groaned, knowing I'd lost this fight.

"Fine, just...be careful."

She nodded. "Only if you will. Stupefy!"

The Death Eater she had just aimed at leapt out of the way. He turned, saw us, and raised his wand. The two of us leapt out of the bushes and stunned him.

We kept fighting. Lily stunned about three of the Death Eaters and hexed two, and I'd gotten about four.

I was starting to wonder why the heck there weren't any Aurors or Order members arriving to back us up, when Lily shot the mask off f one of them.

"That's Crabbe!" Lily shouted over to me, and I risked a glance over. Sure enough, it was our beloved Slytherin friend.

"Hang on," I heard Lily mutter. "Back me up over here!" she shouted, and headed over to on of the Stunned bodies. I managed to jinx one of the Death Eaters that was aiming at Lily's back, and then I heard Lily shout, "This one's Mulciber! And this one's Parkinson! James, all of these guys are Hogwarts students!"

"Which means, as Head Boy, I'm authorized to do this!" I shouted gleefully, shooting a stinging hex at one of them.

"Actually, it's more like the opposite. You're supposed to give them detention, or take away points, not hurt them," she responded as she used the Bat Bogey hex on another. Then she grinned shyly over at me. "But then again, we're not in school right now."

Merlin, how'd I I get lucky enough to get this girl to be mine?


Lily's POV:

"You're Lily Evans."

I glanced up from the book I was reading to see who was talking to me. When I saw, I frowned and returned to my book.

"Am I? I hadn't noticed."

The boy grinned. "Saw you during the Sorting, that's how I knew your name."

"Did you now?"

"Your boyfriend didn't look too pleased when you got sorted in Gryffindor. I don't see why—"

"Severus is not my boyfriend, for your information."

The boy grinned. "Could've fooled me. Anyways, I'm James Potter. This here's—"

"Sirius Black," I finished for him, slightly irritated. Why couldn't he understand I just wanted to read my book and be left alone?

James, though, didn't seem done. "How'd you know Sirius's name?"

"Same way you knew mine. Now, if you don't mind,I'd like to read my—"

"Is that Hogwarts: A History?" Sirius asked, staring at the book in my hands. "That book's boring, I don't know why you'd read it."

I glared at him. "Well, actually, I find it's a fascinating book. Did you know that you can't Apparate on school grounds?"

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Who cares?"

James nudged him. "Actually, that's some good stuff. Means that if I wanted to Apparate to make a quick getaway, I couldn't, isn't that right, mate?"

I spoke before Sirius could respond. "Please. It also says in here that you're not allowed to Apparate until you're seventeen, and that without the proper training, you could splinch. And anyways, why would you want to make a quick getaway?"

He grinned yet again. "Why Evans, I intend on making a name for myself. We only have seven years here, I want to make the name James Potter is never forgotten."

Sirius nodded. "Same 'ere. I don't want to be remembered for being the son of that hag of a mother."

I groaned. "Will you two just leave me alone? I'm trying to read, in case you haven't noticed!"

A smirk grew on James's face. "Oh, I noticed. I just thought a pretty face like yours would want to do something more fun than read."

I growled, and threatened to throw the book at him. But his smirk just grew all the wider. "See ya later, Evans!"

When he was gone, I groaned in exasperation. It was my first day here at Hogwarts, and so far, those two boys, especially Potter, have done everything to ruin it for me.

First, in the compartments on the way here, they had made fun of my best friend and interrupted our conversation. Then, at the dinner table, he had cast a spell on my goblet making it so that every time I tried to pour something into it, it all just spilled out immediately, as if there was an invisible lid. I ended up resorting to pouring the drink straight into my mouth, earning a disapproving look from Professor McGonagall so soon in the year. And then there was this.

I sighed. It was getting too late to read. I carefully slipped a bookmark in between the pages on the book, and slipped it into my bags. I didn't want to be late on my first day of classes, after all.

Once everything was out away, I slid out of the comfy chair in the Gryffindor common room. By now, I was the only one left, so I got a chance to look around without all the hustling and bustling.

There were several comfy chairs and sofas, a wide crackling fireplace, and lots of gold and scarlet everywhere. I made up my mind that it was a comfortable, warm room.

I thought about Severus Snape, and how he was in Slytherin. I wondered if the Slytherin common room was as welcoming to him as this one was to me. I supposed I could ask him about it later.

I made my way up to the first years' girls' dormitories, and found that there were six beds in there, only one left unoccupied.

I dropped my bag into the empty bed, and the girl on the bed next to mine climbed over and sat on it.

"Hi, there, what's your name? My name's Mary McDonald, what's yours? Are your parents Muggles or wizards? Mine are Muggles. It was so exciting finding out at I was a witch, it explained everything. But it did come as a huge surprise, after all, especially when my father said he didn't believe it, and Professor Sughhorn, who's supposed to be Potions Master, made all the furniture levitate. My father nearly went nuts, thought he'd gone mad! Are you excited for Potions? It sounds like such a neat class, but I'm afraid I'll be horrid at it. Well, I s'pose we'll find out when we get to class, huh? Professor Slughorn said—wait, what did you say your name was?"

I stared at her for another second, until I was positive she was done speaking. Then I took a deep breath, and smiled. "I'm Lily Evans. My parents are Muggles, too, but I already knew about magic. My best friend told me, he's a wizard too. And yes, I'm looking forward to Potions, as well."

Mary nodded. "Your best friend is a wizard too? Are his parents Muggles or—"

"For Merlin's sake, Mary, leave the poor girl alone!" a voice from a nearby bed shouted. "Can't you see she's trying to settle in?"

Mary's eyes opened wide, like an owl. "Oh I am sorry," she apologized.

I shook my head, smiling. "It's alright."

Mary smiled. "Well, at any rate, that was Marlene I-forget-her-last-name. Dd you know—"

"McKinnon!" Marlene shouted. "And sssshhhh! It's all well and good if Lily there's all right with your blabbering, but some of us are trying to sleep!"

Mary blushed. "Sorry!" she shouted to Marlene, who covered her face in her blankets. Then she turned and whispered to me, "Talk to you tomorrow?"

I nodded, and Mary jumped onto her bed and crawled under the covers. I smiled, and finished getting ready for bed. Finally I crawled in bed and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! Please review! Reviews are my motivation! It'll mean the world to me! Plus I'm not going to update until I get at least a couple reviews!