Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers. Saban and Nickelodeon do.

AN: Welcome to the sequel to Endangered Legacy. When we left off, the rangers were celebrating Christmas 2005 together and now, nine months have passed and it is now September 2006. I recommend first reading Endangered Legacy. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Pairings: Hunter/Tori, Jason/Trini, Billy/Kat, Tommy/Kim, Adam/Tanya, Rocky/Aisha, Shane/Skyla, Dustin/Marah, Cam/Leann, Conner/Kira


Sequel to Endangered Legacy

Part 1

"Double Lives"

Angel Grove, CA

Rocky and Skull, or rather Eugene, as most people now called him, got out of the car and began their approach on the crime scene. They had been called in on another homicide and were sure it was part of the recent string they had been investigating. It saddened them both that Angel Grove wasn't quite the sleepy city it had once been. In fact, crime had increased forty percent since the days when Angel Grove's main problem was monster attacks. And if Rocky was truthful, he preferred Zedd, Mondo, or Divatox's monsters. At least he knew where they came from, why they were attacking, and how they would be defeated, even in the days after he was no longer a ranger. At least with alien monsters attacking, there would always be power rangers there to protect people.

But human evil like this was an entirely different story and when the murders were connected to a possible drug network, it only made things more complicated. They couldn't get people to talk out of fear and ones that would talk were always winding up dead, despite the best police protection. Angel Grove Police Department had already lost three officers in the last year, two on protection details and one undercover vice officer.

"What do you have?" Rocky asked the female beat cop that had called it in.

"Latino female, no ID, probably between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four, her gut sliced clean open," she reported, as Rocky lifted the tarp and examined the gruesome scene. As a ranger, he had seen things that would make anyone turn white as a sheet, but it didn't prepare him for this kind of carnage. The first time he saw something like this as a young beat cop, he had lost everything in his stomach.

"She looks like the others, definitely possible Mexican descent," Skull suggested.

"Yeah, she was cut open just like the other victims, probably for the drugs they smuggled inside her," Rocky replied, as he placed the tarp back over the body.

"This thing is bigger than just Angel Grove…" Skull said. Rocky nodded.

"It's nationwide," the former blue zeo ranger sighed.

"I'm going to call Billy in Quantico and see if can give me any leads…off the record, of course," Rocky decided. His superiors wouldn't take kindly to Federal involvement unless they had no other choice, but Rocky had no patience or time for bureaucrats when young women were being used as drug mules and then murdered.

"The Angel Grove police still have no suspects in the murders, except that they are drug related. They are asking that the citizens of Angel Grove remain vigilant," the male reporter stated, as the camera panned to Tanya Sloan-Park.

"And to end on a higher note, we have a miraculous story coming out of Hawaii tonight. A badly burned man that was found on the shores of a beach two years ago has in fact survived. You may remember hearing this story back in late 2004 when the male, so badly burned and unrecognizable, was discovered washed up on a beach," Tanya said, pausing for a moment.

"After being discovered by three people, who found the man had a pulse, he was rushed to the nearest hospital. He was not expected to survive and has remained in a deep, medically induced coma since that day. While doctors say he must still remain in his coma, his condition was upgraded to stable this week. Perhaps miracles do happen," Tanya concluded, trying to end the news broadcast on a higher note in what was a gruesome newscast. Today was actually her first day back from maternity leave. Their baby girl, Marisa Ashala Park, was three months old now and even though she had only been back to work a few hours, she couldn't wait to go home to her baby and away from this ugliness.

A compound somewhere near Mexico City

The man's head snapped to the side, as he was struck hard with a leather belt. He sat tied to a chair with a woman, who was also tied to a chair at his back. She yelped in pain, as she was struck as well.

"We know that you're undercover agents…now tell us what you know," the man, dressed in a dark suit, demanded.

"You're mistaken. We are just a couple traveling through your beautiful country," Jack Hanson lied, which earned him another blow to the left side of his face.

"Lie if you must, American scum, but we know everything about you," the man said, as he turned to his constituents.

"Your cover has been blown and we know your true identities, Jack and Alana Hanson, DEA vice agents, hailing from Blue Bay Harbor, California. How quaint," the man sneered. His technician at the laptop said something in Spanish very quietly and their captor seemed very intrigued.

"Interesting…you have a daughter," he stated, causing Jack and Alana to freeze in fear. They had been so careful and yet someone had exposed them as not only government agents, but their personal lives as well. The technician turned the laptop screen so his boss could see the photo and the two felt it become very hard for them to breathe.

"What a beautiful girl…I think I must meet her," he sneered.

"No…NO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jack yelled, as he and Alana struggled with their bonds.

"Keep an eye on them. I'm going to California for a few days," he said with an evil smirk.

Ninja Ops

Cam sighed, as he sat back in his chair in Ninja Ops. They didn't have a need for a ranger headquarters anymore, but the room still remained a place where they often gathered when they were together and off limits to students, with the exception of Marah and Kapri since they were family.

"You look exhausted, son," Kanoi mentioned, as he set a cup of tea down for him.

"Thanks dad….and I am. I'm starting to think that Leann and I should have eloped," Cam replied.

"Bringing two academies together that were once rivals will not be an easy transition, but your union will do so," Kanoi stated.

"There are those at both academies that don't like the idea of merging the schools, you know," Cam reminded. Kanoi nodded.

"I know son, but in time, those that choose to stay will learn to accept it. Years ago, I may not have been so open to our once rival academies becoming one and it is likely Omino would have felt the same. But as Lothor so thoroughly taught us, we will fail apart, but prevail together as one," Kanoi said wisely. Cam nodded.

"Would you and Leann not marry if we decided not to merge the academies?" Kanoi asked. Cam looked appalled.

"Of course not, I love her. It wouldn't matter to me," Cam replied. Kanoi smiled.

"Then you shouldn't worry about what others think," Kanoi said. Cam nodded.

"Thanks dad," he replied, as he went back to work.

The Thunder Ninja Academy

Outside Reefside, CA

Several Thunder academy students jogged through the woods that surrounded their Academy, which was located just outside Reefside. Four of them in all, two uniforms stripped in Navy and the other two in Crimson, indicating their fighting classes.

"Did Zara get it?" one of the males, a Caucasian boy with brown hair, asked in a hushed whisper. The red haired girl with green eyes smiled and held up the tattered looking scroll.

"Yes, this is it!" the other boy, an athletically built boy with ash blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What if we get caught?" the last girl, a tall brunette asked.

"Zara is taking care of that right now by making a spectacle. We'll be fine for a few minutes," the blonde, known as Derek, stated.

"This is it…the scroll of devastation," Ashlee, the tall brunette, said as they glanced wearily at each other.

"We're so expelled if Omino or Bradley find out we stole this," the brown haired you man known as Nate said.

"Zara knows what she's doing. Now hide the scroll and let's get back," the red head snapped. She was known as Rachel. They hid it in the hollow of the tree and covered it with leaves, before heading back to the academy grounds.

Tori shut the door on her van and slung her blue bag over her shoulder. A few of the students still gave her odd looks, but most were used to her presence at the Thunder Academy now, as she had been a frequent visitor in the last ten months.

"Hey Tor," Leann greeted, as she walked into the main operations building.

"Hi Leann," Tori greeted in return.

"You're just in time. I think Hunter's ready to escape again," Leann said.

"Uh oh...is it problems with the same student again?" Tori asked. She nodded.

"Most nuts can be cracked, but this girl is having none of it. She deliberately goes out of her way to break the rules. I think she's doing it just to get personally reprimanded to Hunter's office," Leann divulged. Tori sighed.

"Sometimes his standoffish attitude has that effect on the wrong kind of girls," she replied, only half joking.

"Maybe, but the Master brooder only has eyes for you," Leann assured. Tori smiled and then remembered one other reason she had come today. She quickly fished out a stack of envelopes from her bag.

"Oh here, Cam finished his half of the invitations," Tori said, as she handed them to her.

"Thanks, I've got to get these out being that our wedding is only a few months away now," Leann said, looking at the penmanship on the envelopes and then suspiciously at her fellow female ninja.

"Did you do these for Cam?" she asked. Tori laughed.

"Not all of them, but I did help. I took pity on him," Tori replied. Leann rolled her eyes.

"He just wanted to get out of helping with planning the wedding so he could bury himself in his tech world," Leann said knowingly. Tori smiled.

"I know, I got duped, but I didn't mind," the blonde replied, as Leann hugged her.

"Go rescue your beau. I'm going to go kidnap mine and make him take me somewhere nice," she said, as he headed off. Tori waved and continued down the hall toward Hunter's office where she could hear the conversation from the open door. She guessed what they were discussing was no secret so he hadn't bothered to close the door.

The dark haired, half Asian girl smirked seductively, as Hunter tried to control his temper.

"We have to stop meeting like this…Sensei Bradley," she purred.

"You're right, we do. I'm tired of seeing you in my office every day. I should expel you for violence against another student," Hunter said sternly. She suppressed an eye roll.

"It wasn't violence, we were sparring and I'm just that much better than Daniel. It's not my fault he lacks skill," she argued. Hunter sighed.

"Zara, there is a difference between sparring and attacking, you know that," he tried to stress to her. She shrugged.

"I got carried away I guess. Perhaps some one on one sessions with a real Thunder ninja would be a better use of my obvious above average skills," Zara suggested.

"The only thing you're going to be doing is running laps and polishing thunder staffs," Hunter replied. Zara smirked.

"You're such a slave driver, Sensei," she pouted. Hunter was really trying not to lose it now.

"Zara…" he said sternly.

"Relax, I'm going. Has anyone ever told you that you're really sexy when you're angry?" she hissed, before walking out, nearly running right into Tori, who had caught part of the conversation. She glared at the water sensei, a look that Tori wasn't a stranger to at the Thunder Academy. Hunter sometimes was on the receiving end at the Wind Academy with some of the older sensei's who did not like the new post Lothor closeness of the two schools either.

"Wow…she's a student?" Tori asked, as she entered her boyfriend's office.

"My most difficult…every class has one I guess," he replied, as he stood up to greet her.

"She was hitting on you," she teased. He smirked and pulled her close, before planting a passionate kiss on her lips.

"You know where my heart is though," he whispered passionately, as their lips parted. Tori smiled up at him, her sapphire eyes sparkling with love, before she kissed him again.

"Come on, let's grab some takeout and go home," he suggested. She nodded, as they joined hands and left his office. Unfortunately, as they left absorbed by each other, they failed to notice the dark eyes glaring into their backs.

FBI Headquarters

Quantico, VA

"Why haven't you gone home yet?" Jason asked, as he poked his head inside Billy's office.

"I'm working on something. Rocky called me earlier and asked for a favor and it happened to uncover a whole lot more than I anticipated," Billy replied.

"Okay, but we just closed a case. You should be home with Kat and the girls," Jason said.

"Normally I would be…but I think we may have a problem. Shut the door," Billy replied. Jason groaned.

"Is this ranger related?" Jason whispered.

"Possibly. Rocky says there has been a string of homicides recently in Angel Grove that he believes are drug related," Billy said, tossing the file to him.

"Drug mules?" Jason asked, as he looked over the information. All the women were of Latino descent and had been killed in the same manner. It was well known that many cartels smuggled drugs into the country my making young women swallow small plastic wrapped packages of various illegal drugs.

"Okay…but I still don't get why you're looking into this. It's not FBI territory," Jason responded.

I know, but Rocky asked me to look into it since I have that acquaintance that works for DEA, off the record, of course," Billy said. Jason nodded.

"Okay…so did you find any leads?" he asked.

"Well, it seems that two of their undercover vice agents have gone missing recently. Normally I wouldn't think much about it, but he let the names slip and I looked them up," Billy said, as he turned the screen so his longtime friend could see.

"Jack and Alana Hanson?" Jason asked, not making the connection.

"They're a married team and they've been undercover running drugs for one of Mexico's most notorious drug cartels for years. We're talking the kind of creep that makes mules out of young women and then has them cut open for the drugs when they get here, just like the dead girls that are popping up all over southern California," Billy replied.

"As much as I would like to go after a scumbag like that, our asses would be in a sling if we went anywhere near DEA territory," Jason warned.

"Normally I wouldn't even be considering it, but these are Tori's parents," Billy told him. Jason sighed and put his head down for a moment.

"Tori's parents are DEA?" Jason asked. Billy nodded.

"And she has no idea. I'm pretty sure now that they've blown their cover. The ring leader, Palo Vasquez, might send his goons after Tori to get them to talk," Billy stated.

"You're sure? Cause you have to be positive if we're going to even think about going off the radar here," Jason questioned. Billy typed something up on his system and showed Jason frozen surveillance footage on one of his screens.

"These four arrived an hour ago in LAX airport from Mexico City. L.A. is only a four hour drive to Blue Bay Harbor," Billy said. Jason sighed.

"Dammit," Jason cursed. Billy nodded.

"Tori is plenty capable and so is Hunter, but you know what these kind of men are like, Jase. They have an entire network of thugs here in the states and access to a plethora of semi-automatic weaponry. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let them kidnap Tori if we can do something about it. You know what they'll do to her and Hunter will be killed because he'll be right in the middle trying to protect her," Billy said. He sighed.

"They're rangers, Jase…that makes them family," Billy added.

"All right…but this has to be completely off the record. We have to go in civilian clothes and unmarked hand guns. And even then, there's a really good chance we'll be found out," Jason mentioned.

"I've already put in for my time off and then logged in as you, putting yours in as well. Since we just closed a case, it doesn't look suspicious," Billy said.

"Wait…you logged in as me?" Jason asked. Billy shrugged.

"Just trying to save time," Billy replied nonchalantly.

"Okay…but say we do capture those goons and free Tori's parents. Then they start flapping their gums and we're found out? Our careers would be over," Jason warned.

"I've actually taken care of that, since we're officially turning this into a ranger mission. After we apprehend our perpetrators, they won't remember a thing about us," Billy said slyly.

"Do I want to know what you mean by that? Or how many rules it breaks?" Jason asked. Billy smirked.

"It's a good story. You see, back in the day, Adam did this school project in Ms. Appleby's class where he brought in a kaleidoscope. And Zedd being Zedd decided to turn it into a monster that could scramble our brains. Tommy, Kim, and I lost our memories," Billy rambled. Jason shook his head, as Billy continued.

"So after we got them back and it was all over, I started playing around with the same concept; how light can scramble our molecules in the right circumstances and I sort of came up with a little device that can erase as much memory as I want it to," Billy explained.

"Hold on…are you saying you have one of those little flashy light memory things like in Men in Black?" Jason asked, referring to the movie.

"Um…huh, well I actually hadn't thought of that comparison, but yeah, it's a lot like that," Billy replied. Jason shook his head and chuckled a little.

"You know, we would be so screwed if you went evil on us," Jason joked. Billy scoffed.

"Like I would do that. Kat would kill me," Billy joked back.

"So I suppose you already booked our plane tickets?" Jason asked.

"No time, the goons have several hours on us. We're using the ranger express from my basement lab," Billy replied.

"Of course we are," Jason drawled.

"I need to call Trini or did you already do that for me too?" Jason asked.

"No, but Kat might have already. We're dropping her and the girls off in Angel Grove and picking up Rocky and Adam," Billy replied.

"Oh this just gets better and better. Next you'll tell me that we're swinging into Reefside for Tommy too," Jason quipped.

"He's meeting us in Blue Bay Harbor," Billy answered. Jason threw his hands up.

"Am I the last to know about all of this?" Jason asked.

"Yes, but not intentionally. It's not my fault you're getting your boxers in a twist, because I'm not letting you play fearless leader," Billy joked back, making Jason laugh again, as they headed for the elevator.

The Thunder Ninja Academy

Student Dorms

"You better have it," Zara snapped at her friends, as she returned to the dorms later.

"Relax Zara, while you were busy throwing yourself at Sensei Bradley, we got the scroll," Nate jabbed. Zara smirked.

"Jealous?" she hissed. He glared at her.

"Of Hunter Bradley? Not a chance," Nate lied.

"Yes you are. You're a crimson thunder ninja and he got the crimson thunder morpher. Every crimson thunder ninja is jealous of that. As for me, you know I'm drawn to power. And he's gorgeous to boot," Zara replied, as she took the scroll.

"Yeah and he's in bed with a water ninja," Ashlee reminded.

"Don't remind me, she has a lot of nerve showing up here all the time. But luckily with this, we won't have to stomach that much longer," Zara replied.

"What exactly is this scroll supposed to tell us?" Derek asked.

"How to regain control, of course. Those who control the elements will control everything and right now, those who were privileged enough to be rangers are in control," Zara snapped.

"And they're destroying centuries of tradition by merging the Academies," Ashlee agreed.

"Can you translate the scroll?" Nate asked.

"Of course I can, you fool," Zara spat, as she began to read the scroll of destruction.

The Apartment of Hunter Bradley and Tori Hanson

The lights were low and the television played a movie in the background. But neither of the room's occupants noticed, for they were far too absorbed by each other. Their limbs were tangled and their lips dueled in a passionate rhythm. Tori rested comfortably atop his tall frame, her hands combing through his shaggy, dirty blonde hair. Hunter's strong hands sensually moved up and down her back, while his lips alternated between kissing her sweet lips and nipping his way down her slender neck. They had only officially been together a few months, but after their harrowing experience in Goldar's dark dimension and their feelings had come to the surface, they decided they would waste no more time. Since then, they had become nearly inseparable and the others sometimes joked how they were the most unlikely pair. She was so light and he could be so dark. She was social and he was the epitome of antisocial when he wanted to be. She didn't bottle her emotions and wasn't afraid to talk about how she felt. And he was the master brooder. But as they were so good at reminding their friends, opposites attract, after all. After their near death situation had resolved without tragedy, they had talked for hours that night and the love that had been so swiftly declared had cemented a bond between them that would never fizzle.

That's why when Tori was tired of rattling around in her parent's big house alone and Hunter's lease was up, they moved into an apartment together. Their teaching salaries were nothing to write home about, but those combined with Tori's side work designing surfboards and his as a mechanic at Storm Chargers allowed them to live comfortably. They were enjoying everything about being together, especially the physical side, which they were both taking great pleasure in exploring.

As Hunter kissed her neck intently, sucking on a tender spot just below her ear, Tori busied her hands by sliding them under his shirt, letting her hands explore his muscled torso. She was lost in a haze of pleasure and felt a spike of excitement, as he stood up and swept her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as he stumbled into their bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Neither of them noticed Hunter's phone buzzing on vibrate with a call…

"Come on Hunter…pick up…" Jason pleaded, as Billy drove. They had arrived in Angel Grove via teleportation that evening and picked up the crew for this mission. Kat and Tanya opted to stay behind with their children, as well as Rocky and Aisha's son, since Aisha insisted on coming, as did Trini, stating that they needed her since she was a doctor and could handle a gun. Kim was leaving their daughter with Hayley and she, Tommy, Conner, and Kira were meeting them in Blue Bay Harbor. In addition to Rocky and Adam, Skull was also coming and Jason couldn't turn down help from yet another experienced gun handler.

"Tori isn't answering either," Trini reported, as she hung up her cell phone.

"It is getting late…maybe they're asleep," Aisha suggested.

"Or otherwise engaged," Rocky mentioned, receiving an elbow in the gut from his wife.

"Ah, young ranger induced raging hormones," Billy joked fondly, making the others chuckle, except Skull.

"All right, I get it, ranger joke, right?" Skull asked.

"Sort of…see the power super charged pretty much everything, our reflexes, our speed, and our agility in battle," Adam explained.

"It also super charged everything else too, like our hormones," Rocky chuckled. Skull shook his head.

"And here I thought in high school, you guys were just a bunch of goody-two shoes," Skull joked.

"We were, we didn't really act on those hormones, you know beyond making out and cuddling maybe, but I remember there being a lot of cold showers," Jason recalled, making Trini giggle.

"But…none of you are rangers anymore," Skull said.

"But the morphing grid left its mark on anyone it touched. Residual power is bonded to any power holder's DNA and let's just say, certain things and experiences for us are still…enhanced," Billy said.

"Who knew you had such a gutter mind," Aisha teased the genius, as they all laughed.

"It's good that we can laugh now…because from these files we've been looking at, these guys are hard core," Skull said, as he closed one of the case files.

"Yeah, but he picked the wrong girl to mess with. They're about to get a bunch of former rangers up in their business," Aisha replied sassily.

"I just wonder how she's going to take it when she finds out her parents have been keeping a lot of secrets from her all these years," Billy said.

"I'm sure their hearts are in the right place. They only wanted to protect her and I'm sure they never thought their cover would be blown," Trini reasoned.

"Not to mention the fact that I doubt they know about the Academy or at least everything it entails," Jason added.

"Let's just hope we get there before those goons find her," Rocky said.

The Hanson Beach House

Blue Bay Harbor, CA

"Well?" Palo demanded impatiently, as his men searched the empty beach house.

"She's not here," one spoke in a heavy accent.

"We searched her room and many of her things are gone," another reported. Palo drummed his fingers on the table and then walked over to the mantel in the living room, searching the pictures for clues. There were a few family portraits from various years, a graduation picture, and then another that looked very recent compared with the photo he had of this girl. He picked it up and smashed the frame on the floor, before picking the photo up. It was of her and group of young people, her friends he assumed, though he noticed that the tall, blonde man in the photo had his arms around her waist.

"Perhaps she lives with him now. Memorize this face too," he said, as he passed the picture of the young people around.

"What now?" another man asked, waiting for direction.

"We spread out. This piss ant town isn't that big. When you spot one of them, you call the rest. No one double crosses me and the ones that did must pay. This little girl will pay the price of her parent's arrogance," Palo spat.