A quick one folks! The idea popped in to my head earlier this evening so I figured what the heck, I'll write it down. I really can't wait for Watch Dogs to be released! So of course, this story is obviously not entirely in vein/true to the final story as it hasn't been released yet! But even so, I hope you all enjoy what I've written here at least. I'm taking the line/rumour about the game that Aiden was possibly married before the events of the game. But we'll see how that pans out.

So let me know what you think. I'm not giving too much away right now but if I get enough feedback I may continue this and adjust it when appropriate I.E. when the game comes out. So please let me know your thoughts. Also, to the readers of Something Wicked; keep an eye out for the next chapter. I should have it up this week.

Fave, Follow, Comment and all that good stuff. Thank you folks! :) –Deeny xxxx

All characters belong to the folks at Ubi, except my OC's. :)

Memories from long ago flashed in his head. The lazy Sundays on the couch watching mindless TV, eating pizza leftover from the night before. The ecstatic look on her face whenever she broke in to a system that tried her skills. The fact that she always brought back a huge amount of Chinese food after her Kickboxing classes and the weekend away in Las Vegas; cleaning the place out after they had hacked several random peoples bank accounts.

Then he remembered that he disappeared, with no warning. He had to get off the grid for a while and told nobody of it. But even so, he still kept an eye on her during his time away. Celia Fleming right now, sat in the club he had just walked in to; looked like she didn't have a care in the world. But he knew her well and knew she had gone through a lot since he left all those years ago. She was listed on several databases as a special target to watch. Shortly after he disappeared; Celica was arrested for several minor hacking offences and assault on a police officer. Her sentence was supposed to be for eighteen months but was reduced to one year on grounds of "good behaviour." The naturally blonde haired now dyed dark brown, English born MIT graduate who was celebrating her thirty fifth birthday this evening with her friends had gone to prison, lost her job and was now being monitored constantly even though now she was on her best behaviour and didn't dare work in computing again, but took a job as a hostess and waitress in a mid-ranged bar restaurant. Working her ass off to help her brother.

He watched as she stood up and walked off to the back of the club to the ladies room before moving in to a closer position, hidden in the shadowy areas of the club breaking the line of sight with the few security cameras the he had noticed. A few minutes later and Celia was just about to walk past him. He lightly touched her arm before talking loud enough in to her ear over the music.

'You're looking good.' He said.

Celia turned round with a look of shock on her face and swiftly smacked the man across the face as she sneered at him.

'Aiden.' She grimaced.

'I guess I deserved that.' He said as he rubbed his now stinging cheek.

'Damn well you deserved more than that, you're lucky I don't castrate you right here right now.' Celia growled. 'What the hell do you want?'

She was well beyond pissed off. Aiden thought Celia was about to explode.

'I wanted to ask a favo…'

'No no no absolutely not.' Celia cut off Aiden mid speech. 'I know what your favours involve, so no way.'

'Don't you even want to know what it is?' Aiden questioned. He knew Celia was quite curious about a lot of things, that's why she did what she did back in the day.

'No I do not want to know what it is Aiden. But I know it would involve breaking the law, like always. I'm on the straight and narrow now I've got responsibilities.'

'Like helping your brother pay off that forty grand he got off a loan shark.' Aiden stated. Celia's brows furrowed in anger after he said that.

'How dare you!' She exclaimed. 'I don't believe you're using that against me. ME! Of all people!'

'Come on I know you could clear that debt within minutes if you wanted to.' Aiden said. Celia just started to laugh.

'And end up back in jail again? I don't think so. I can't even phone for a pizza or e-mail my cousins without the NSA knowing about it.'

'I could help you out, and your brother too.' Aiden smiled at Celia who just grinned back at him.

'Yeah I know you could.'

'I could get the heat off you and help clear your brothers debt.'

'Yeah Aiden, I know you could.' Celia carried on smiling. She wasn't budging any time soon.

'Perhaps I should let you think about it for a while. I really do need your help Celia.' Aiden confessed. Though the thought of Aiden actually needing her help made Celia think about what was happening with him. Christ it must be serious. She thought. But she still wasn't budging.

'No need to do that, I'm not going to change my mind Aiden.'

'I'll come and find you in a few days we can talk then.'

'Don't bother. My answer will still be the same.' Celia said as she shook her head. She turned around and walked back to her group of friends who all smiled as she had returned. Aiden stayed in his darkened corner watching Celia as she looked up in his direction. She couldn't really see if he was still there or not but her gaze lingered in that area a few seconds longer than it should have done. Aiden grinned then made his way to the nearest exit. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to send her a quick text message. Even though what he had done just then would probably never work in his favour by winding her up like that. He just couldn't help himself. He pressed "send message" on his phone before shoving it back in his pocket.

"Happy Birthday."

A week later, Celia was sat in a small greasy spoon café a few blocks away from her apartment. It was her first day off work since her birthday night out and she was glad of the break. A weeks worth of nine hour long shifts sure had tired her out so it was nice for her to chill out that day at her own pace. So she decided to treat herself to a full English breakfast and a copious amount of coffee while she read the morning newspapers. It was quiet in the café, not much call for traditional English fare but it did bring in a few tourists and British ex-pats. Celia eventually reached the page in her newspaper which had a few puzzles and a crossword which she started to fill out after fishing a pen out of her handbag. The waitress had brought her over another full cafetière of coffee and a small jug of milk. Celia expertly poured the coffee in to her mug and dumped a few teaspoons of sugar in and a huge amount of milk before stirring it a few times; barely taking her eyes off her crossword. She did however ask the waitress to bring her a Chelsea Bun.

Celia was quite enjoying filling out her crossword till she got stuck on one clue.

'Greyish-white element. Symbol W, eight letters… God I wish I paid more attention in Chemistry class.' She mumbled to herself.

'It's tungsten.' Said a voice accompanied by the sound of someone sliding in to her booth opposite her.

'I would've got it eventually.' Celia snapped as she looked up from her crossword to see Aiden grinning at her. 'What do I owe the pleasure?' She continued with a hefty dose of sarcasm dripping from every word she said.

'I just came to catch up. That's all.' Aiden said as he shrugged off his leather overcoat and took his cap off before running a hand through his hair. The two stared intently at each other for a few seconds before the waitress had returned with the Chelsea Bun Celia had requested.

'Can I get you anything Sir?' She asked Aiden.

'Black coffee please.'

The waitress hurried away leaving Aiden and Celia staring at each other again.


'Your coffee sir. Let me know if you want anything else.' Said the waitress as she pushed the coffee cup in front of Aiden. He said a quick thanks before she hurried off again.

The silence and staring continued as Aiden stirred one teaspoon of sugar in to his coffee.

'You're looking well Celia.' He mumbled as he brought his coffee cup to his lips.

'Don't you FUCKING DARE try and charm me Aiden Pearce. You have no right at all!' Celia hissed at him loud enough for him to hear the anger in her voice but quiet enough not to disturb the rest of the café customers. 'It's been nearly two and a half years since you fucked off and left me in the shit. Two and a half fucking years and you come back as if nothing happened and expect me to welcome you back with smiles and open arms?'

Aiden wondered if it was right of him to see Celia like this. Maybe he should have talked to her at a different time but then the thought occurred that she would have probably done the same thing she was doing now. He'd seen Celia pissed off before, but every time she spat her words out now she was edging closer to him over the table. Anymore and she'd be close enough to strangle him. Getting Celia angry was similar to poking a beehive with a big stick, she'd eventually break.

'Celia I…'

Celia glared at Aiden. 'Shut up, you don't have the right to talk to me.' She said as she reached over to the plate that her Chelsea Bun was on and picked it up. She looked at the Chelsea Bun for a second then scowled before setting it back down on the plate. She was getting a headache now and Aiden had just put her off the treat she got herself.

'I'm sorry Celia.' Aiden said sincerely, trying to bridge a gap with her in some way.

'It's too little too late for that don't you think?' Celia sighed. 'I went to prison for you Aiden after you left. I kept my mouth shut about you the whole time I was in there, I'm extra lucky that I didn't have to stay for my whole sentence.'

She looked over her shoulder and caught the attention of the waitress who was serving her, signalling to bring the bill over. The waitress laid down Celia's check on her table and walked off to deal with a customer who had just strolled in. Celia rummaged around in her bag for her purse.

'I don't know what to say to you Celia. In fact there's nothing I can say to you, only that I'm sorry.' Aiden said to her as she rifled through the bills in her purse. He gazed at her face; she looked despondent and solemn. Never changing as she found a twenty dollar bill which she laid on the silver tray with the receipt. She slid out of the booth, tugging on her knee length red woollen over coat on and scooping her handbag on to her shoulder.

'Even during the short time we were together, I knew I was always second best Aiden. I stupidly accepted that, thinking you would come round from your vendetta thing.' Celia chuckled and shook her head. 'But I loved you too much to see that it was my downfall and I don't want to jeopardise myself or my family anymore. I'm sure you of all people can understand that. I'm done paying for you Aiden. Even now you can pay for your own damn coffee.'

Celia left. Aiden was not surprised. He was stupid to think she would help him, after everything. It sounded like everything she had said had been trapped in her for such a long time that it was a great release for her to get it all off her chest; like she had finally laid everything to rest.

He sighed heavily looking at the remains of what Celia had left at the table. Her newspaper with the half-finished crossword, the coffee mug with a smear of subtle peachy-pink lipstick near the rim, the whole Chelsea Bun she had looked at in disgust; very much the same way she looked at Aiden when he sat opposite her. He picked up the sticky currant bun, eyeing it for a moment before he took a bite out of one of the corners. Aiden proceeded to pick up the pen Celia had thrown down on the table and turn round the newspaper. He was going to finish her crossword.