Hey Everyone!

AHH so yes, I know it's been a long wait but I've been working so hard to write this story which I am still doing! First things first I would like to say a Massive thank you to everyone for making Breaking the Ice a huge success! I hope this story is just as successful!

Right a few words, the first chapter IS long I know, but I felt it had to be else it would seem to boring or bland. It's different to how I usually write stories and I'm not too comfortable writing stories like this to begin with but I'm getting used to it!


As you know, I had said this was a 'kind of' sequel but just to put it out there, you don't NEED to have read Breaking the Ice to read this story. Both are very different. The only similarities is that only a few characters from Breaking the Ice will be in this story much later on but it is nothing major. This story focuses on Kai and my new OC. So for new readers? DONT WORRY! If you would like to read Breaking the Ice, go ahead! It will just give you more insight on a few characters :-)

OKAY, so another thing. I aim to make this story longer than Breaking the Ice and sadly I can't make every chapter long or dramatic. I will try my best, some are long and some are really short but I promise to try updating fast as I have written loads of chapters up already and have time to post!

Oh and this is set just as season 3 is ending of G Revolution!

So what I really need now is support and please review! Now Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade or any of it's characters, just my OC's!

Remember Me

Chapter One

Remember, when your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended. Just remember me. - Josh Groban

There was a point in time when my life had a meaning.

When I didn't hate who I was and wasn't ashamed of my name.

There was a point in time I actually cared about other people and treated them like human beings.

But all that was long gone now.

"He did it! I can't believe it!"

"Who did what?"

"Kai Hiwatari won his battle against Brooklyn!"

My ears immediately perked up, opening out as my eyes snapped open. My thoughts already raced as the name echoed in my head. I failed to stop a shiver run up my spine to the back hairs of my neck, standing up like an electric shock had hit.

"So...he really did it" I mumbled quietly to myself.

Unlike everyone else who had surrounded around the school's main gossip crowd, I barricaded myself to the back corner of the classroom, laid down atop the cabinets with my arms crossed under my head. I was lost in thought, the usual traumatic issues floating around but the sound of that one name had broken me out of my fantasy world.

"I knew my darling Kai would win!" the head gossip girl squealed.

My eyes automatically rolled. Mandy Ascania. Or as the rest of the world knows her, Amanda Rosaline Ascania. Nothing bugged me more than fan girls who pull a false claim on celebrities. It was like objectifying a person. That was how I saw her seeing Kai. An object owned by her. Of course, she never really met any of the famous BBA Revolution members or G Revolution or whatever they called themselves now but only bragged about her rich father who was able to meet them as he worked under the President of the BBA and happened to fund this school.

"I knew Kai could do it. That guy had guts."

"I can just see me congratulating him! It would be oh so perfect" Mandy's whiny voice screeched.

"Settle down girls, now is not the time for chatter. It's time for Geography."

Now there was a familiar voice I recognised, not one I appreciated. There was a wave of groans from the class.

"Too bad we're missing Tyson's battle, I'd like to have seen how that turned out" the one I recognised as Iris called out.

There was a clap and guessed it was from Miss Bell. I could hear everyone settling into their seats but I remained as I was. Quietly minding my own business.

"Am I disturbing your nap Miss De'Rose?"

My eyes slowly opened, narrowing on hearing the voice. This episode happened on a daily basis and I didn't see why I should clean up my act as Miss Bell clearly stated once. I let out a quiet sigh. Why was I here?

"Seriously Miss Bell, I think you're being way too easy on her! She is wasting our valuable learning time" Mandy complained in that all too smug tone.

My eyes narrowed into dark slits. She would do anything to get me into more trouble than usual. I didn't really care. I gave up arguing back ages ago. I heard Miss Bell sigh.

"Amanda is right Nova, I want you to go see Ms Herring right now."

I could just see the triumphant look on Mandy's face when Miss Bell spoke those words. I frowned, sitting up and turning on my seat, dangling my legs off the cabinet as I looked around the class through my midnight blue eyes. I was right about Mandy, she had that smug smirk full of pride. Little minx. She had this deep jet black hair that was so intensely thick, I believed she buried secrets in it. She had these really bright blue eyes giving her this striking look. Other than that she wasn't anything special. Not to me anyway. My eyes fell upon Miss Bell, the ginger haired woman with that hippy look. Her arms were crossed and she looked tired. I knew it was me. When wasn't something my fault? I flung myself off the cabinet, allowing the class to hear the jingles from my silver bracelets as I silently left the classroom without uttering a word. On my way to the head teacher's office, all I could think about was the Beyblade World Championships.

"Ah, Miss De'Rose, why am I not surprised to see you here? Take a seat" Ms Herring gestured for me to sit.

I did as I was told only I merely folded my arms and lowered my head and shut my eyes. This was the same every time. The squeak from her leather seat was heard as she sat down. She sighed.

"I don't have to guess that Miss Bell sent you here, you would be in Geography now wouldn't you?"

She had my timetable memorised. I said nothing.

There was a change in her tone of voice. Disappointment.

"Nova, you're 17. When are you going to realise that messing around like this won't get you anywhere? I'm tired, every member of my staff are tired, we're tired of telling you to shape up your act, to engage more in class, to show that you're here to make something of your life! You're old enough to know that now" she exclaimed.

My eyes opened a level, still looking down at the ground. It wasn't that I didn't know any of that. Of course I did. I just didn't care. My being here wasn't important because I wasn't going to get anywhere in life no matter what I do. They wouldn't understand.

"Talk to me Nova. What's going on in that head?" her comforting voice suddenly whispered.

I looked up gradually, staring into the ash coloured eyes of my head teacher. She had a pixie like haircut which was a bronze red colour and she always wore posh suits which I didn't see the point of seeing as this area was the last place anyone would think was posh. Or rich for that matter. Mandy's family were probably the highest earning family in this vicinity. Some lacked a tv with satellite. Even the shops. It was such a small town in Carlisle that you would miss it on the map. Looking at Ms Herring reminded me of my current situation.

"Nothing" I finally blurted out quietly, looking away to the ball bearings in her glass bowl on top of her desk.

"Really? Because 'nothing' seems to be affecting your school grades and motivation" she sardonically replied.

That spark ignited.

"What do you want me to say? The only reason I'm here is because I'm pressured into getting an education all because strangers believe it will get me somewhere."


Ms Herring's eyebrows arched for a tiny moment before she frowned.

"Then perhaps Clinton isn't the place for you."

My eyes immediately shot up to look at her. A low thudding of my heartbeat began to pace.

"But you might want to think it through. School wasn't created as a form to punish you; it's there to help you. You have to stay optimistic, we can't help you if you don't co-operate with us."

My fingers automatically began tapping on her pine wood desk. I took a deep breath.

"Can I go now please?"

Ms Herring weakly smiled then sighed. Thank god. She does that as a sign of giving up.

"Go on. Don't forget what I told you Nova. We aren't giving up on you so easily" she called out at the end as I left the room.

"Oh goody" I mumbled under my breath.

Instead of returning to Miss Bell's class, I found myself in the girl's bathroom, looking into the mirror as I drenched my face with ice cold water. As I looked up, the reflection that stared back at me made me feel disgusted as always. The girl in the mirror wasn't me, I didn't know who I was only I was this strong fragment of a human, trying to make use of what life I had left. What I only saw in the mirror was a girl, slim and fragile, putting on a strong mask to hide away her secrets. Her eyes a shade of midnight blue, dull and drained of life. Pale skin so clear like tiny grains of sugar. Thick black lashes and the two indigo star tattoo's under her right eye. Her face was framed with long hair, the same shade as her tattoo's. A dark colour for a dark personality. No one could see the weak strength she had underneath. It was sheer luck that I didn't get visible bags under my eyes from the nights of deprived sleep. My eyes automatically fell to my arms. I had a short sleeved shirt on with a sleeveless black sweater. The right arm was bare with only my bundle of round silver bracelets and a watch. The other arm was covered up to the elbow with a black lace glove, fingerless. The dread that overcame me every time I looked at the arm was enough to make me feel sick. There was nothing to be proud of.

I grabbed a bunch of tissues to dry my face before exiting the washroom. Geography was the last lesson of the day; I may as well skip it and wait outside. There was only 20 minutes left after all and I wasn't in any mood to be in the same room as Mandy Ascania. More talk about the G Revolutioners. Beyblade wasn't as popular here; the town was too small for that. I hadn't even seen them myself. Except for one...

Outside it was a mix of cold and warmth with England's obnoxious weather. Winter was just ending with it being end of January with there being those dreaded exams coming up in a few short months. I most likely wouldn't pass them either, not with the amount of free time I had outside school hours. Now lying down on the wooden bench I shielded my eyes from the rare sun's rays and looked up at the partly cloudy sky with patches of blue. Every day was a constant reminder of my past; it also brought a heavy feeling on my heart. I shut my eyes, inhaling the cool breeze. The loud sound of the bell made me twitch then sigh. I didn't realise I was beginning to fall asleep. I sat up, swinging my legs off the edge as I looked towards the gate and sure enough the familiar figure was walking towards me. I got up and began walking to meet him halfway. He was already smiling and shaking his head.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" he began when I was within hearing distance.

"Did you have to be early today?" I replied back coldly.

He feigned a hurt look as I paused just in front of him.

"Here I thought you liked me being here."

I frowned. "I don't recall me telling you that I wanted you to meet me after college every day, in fact I recall a certain someone saying 'Hey I got an idea, I'll meet you after school everyday' and ignored me when I said no."

He laughed and patted my shoulder making me groan in disgust.

"Still hilarious as ever, you should be a comedian-" he suddenly stopped looking like he bit his tongue. "Actually no, don't even think of taking up another job."

It was my turn to smirk. "It's in my head now. Might just take up on it." I tapped my head in a mock.

He frowned and crossed his arms. "That's not funny."

I shrugged.

"So when does your shift at Annie's start today?"


He frowned. "When does it end?"


His frown deepened. "And your shift at the bar?"

"10 and it ends at 2, enough with the 20Q West" I complained.

He sighed sounding frustrated as he ran a hand through his thick locks of raven hair that curtained his face. His eyes were a dark ash colour that made his hair eye-catching. His dark features didn't match his personality at all. West's real name was Wesley Hastings but he persuaded everyone to call him West. Made sense. I met him nearly 4 years ago back in year 10 when he was first interested in why I was so reluctant to interact with anyone else. I joined nearly towards the end of the year just after I turned 15. He hadn't left me alone till I gave him an answer. It was the first time someone had been so persistent in getting to know me and truth be told, it had felt a little strange. In return, over the years West knew nearly everything about me there was to know. He was the only person that I could call a friend even though he annoyed the hell out of me sometimes. His bubbly personality clashed with my bitter one so I had no idea how we even became friends. He had been part of the popular crowd back then and I'm sure he was now too, people always found it strange that he hanged around with me a lot but said nothing. It changed after that. His parents enrolled him into some prestigious college that offered him an all paid for scholarship just outside Carlisle so we don't go to the same college. He just insisted to meet me after college everyday and usually came on time before I left. His personal driver took him to and from his prestige college. I told him no but he seemed to have wiped the fact that I could speak. The idiot.

West also worried about me a lot. I worked 2 jobs. I was a waitress at the town's local cafe Annie's. I had been a waitress there since the age of 14 and the bar job I had was a floor runner position I earned when I was 15. The long shifts meant I lost out on sleep and free time to study for school or even spend time outdoors. It was necessary for me. The apartment I had nearby needed to be paid for somehow. The money I was left with by my parents began running out fast so I had to get a job. West was surprised I was still alive. So was I.

"Wesley!" a very feminine voice shot from behind me.

"Hey Mandy" West called back in a friendly tone and a smile.

Mandy had also been part of his crowd back then and I wasn't sure how he managed to be friends with her. She was a nightmare. Sure enough I side-stepped out the way just as she tried to barge past me and threw her arms around West, giving him a death hug to which he laughed and returned. I narrowed my eyes and turned my head away.

"Oh I miss you so much! I wish you came to Clinton instead, we would be in the same class and able to hang out all the time like before."

My eyes rolled inwardly. I began walking off, not wanting to miss my shift.

"Nova!" I heard someone call.

I froze and turned my head to the side.

"I'll come by later yeah?" West called out.

I resumed walking, not even bothering to reply. I could just see the look of disgust on Mandy's face.

Yawn. I really was feeling knackered today. It was turning 7 and the cafe was busy for those wanting some quick dinner. My break would be at 7 so I was glad. West hadn't come by yet but I assumed he would be somewhere during my break. Speak of the devil; I looked up to see him walk through wearing a blue checked shirt un-buttoned with a crisp white t shirt underneath. In comparison to my work shirt and black trousers and apron, I'd say he looked like the upper class person between us. My boss Annie displeased of my glove which was why I took up the serving waitress job instead of assembling the food and prepping in the back. West took his usual window table that I kept reserved for him when I knew he was coming which was my cue to grab my notepad and pencil. I still had 6 minutes till my break but as I was about to go take his order, a hand covered over my own and I flinched away. I looked up to see the assistant manager, Alia.

"You've worked hard, take a break now, even if it is early. Go see your boyfriend" she smiled cheerfully.

I gave her the darkest glare I could muster making her laugh lightly. She knew West was just a friend yet she thought by teasing me she could lighten me up. I sighed quietly, I couldn't be bothered to correct her, and instead I slammed down the notepad and pencil and took off the small apron before heading for West's table with a bottle of orange juice and 2 empty glasses with ice. He smiled as I sat down on the chair opposite. I poured and slid his glass over before taking my own and having a sip. It felt great, the cold liquid easing my tense and dry throat, relieving it. I savoured it.

"So, how was college?"

I almost groaned out loud. It was the same question every time.

"Fine." I glanced out the window, avoiding eye contact.

I heard shuffling of movement but didn't look away from the window.

"Are you mad at me?" his melodic voice asked, sounding a little anxious.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye seeing his face look sincere and trying to analyse mine. Suddenly he looked down at the table dejectedly and looking a little guilty too.

"Is this...Is this about Mandy? About...our interaction today?" he said it with a little fear dripping in his voice.

My eyebrows almost rose but I managed to keep to arching only one. Did he seriously think I minded him playing best friends with Mandy? She hadn't even crossed my mind.

"Say something Nova" his eyes shifted back and forth from the table to my gaze.

I took a small breath. "I'm tired."

"Then call off your shift tonight at the bar!" he urged quickly.

I frowned, shaking my head a little as I swirled the glass of juice around in my hand. "I can't. You know that."

I heard a small grumble and turned my head to him to see a look of anger rising in his features, teeth clamped shut. That was a surprise. His hand clenched tightly shut around his glass as he focused on me.

"You don't understand what it feels like to see you this way, to see you doing this to yourself! It's even worse than the time you began c-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence" I darkly challenged, feeling my anger rise up a little.

He suddenly bit back his tongue and looked guilty and ashamed. His mouth failed to speak words as it moved so instead he sighed and closed his eyes for just a moment before opening them to look deep into my eyes.

"Why won't you let me help you? I'll even take your shift at the bar tonight, just get some sleep" he offered.

I scoffed. "And let me get paid for a job that was done by you? No thanks, I don't want to live with that kind of debt on my shoulders."

"Damn it Nova!" he suddenly cursed, slamming the table that made me flinch in a jolt.

My eyes darkened and narrowed as I glanced round the cafe to see we attracted unwanted attention. My eyes fell back to West, locking onto his ash orbs.

"It's my life, if you can't accept it..." I paused, leaning further towards his face, almost nose to nose so I could hiss the words.

"...then screw you."

Shoving back on my chair creating a loud noise, I left the table, marching out the back to the staff area. My blood was already pumping hard through my veins, my rage almost visible. I hated when people worried about me and made a big fuss. I learnt to live with myself and alone without being dependent on others and I planned to keep it that way. The whole ordeal with West was that he always begged for me to let him help. Usually offering to work my shifts or give money to help pay the bills. I never agreed to any of these. I chugged down some ice cold water before cooling off. This had been one of our big fall outs and I'm sure he wasn't feeling too happy. I simply didn't care.

"Hey, you okay there?" a soft voice echoed from my right.

I looked up to see Alia bringing in a plate of dirty dishes and setting them down by the sink.

"You can go home if you need to; you look like you haven't slept in days."

That's because I haven't. I forgot that the employers at Annie's didn't know I had a second job. They would be at my neck 24 7, maybe even fire me for working so much at my age.

"It's fine Al, I'm good to finish tonight."

She didn't look convinced and frowned before nodding and heading off to clear more tables. I took a deep breath. Tonight was going to be a long night.

Believe it or not I managed to get some sleep last night. 4 hours before getting up for college. I skipped studying since it was pointless anyway. I stifled a yawn as I sat down at the back, falling flat onto the desk surface and putting my head down. Exhaustion from yesterday took its toll. The bar seemed to have some sort of special offer last night so there were a ton of customers to take care of. I didn't get a chance to sit down until my shift ended and I finally got to go home. I guess that's probably the reason why I managed to fall asleep.

Mr Cross' clapping gave me a little headache but also woke me up a little. We were still in registration.

"Ms Herring is here to give a special announcement so everyone needs to sit up and keep quiet and listen" he ordered sternly.

There was shuffling of students doing as he was told and a low murmuring from the gossip crowd.

"Quiet please Mandy" I heard Mr Cross call out.

I groaned inwardly but sat up and rested on my elbow instead while I looked at Ms Herring with a bored expression. She looked like she was glowing with excitement, that didn't sound good for me. This was not a good Thursday morning.

Her hands clasped at her chest as she scanned round the classroom with her eyes.

"Good morning, I'm here to inform you about a very special event that has been chosen to take place within your class. As you know, completing outside school activities will be an excellent asset to your applications for universities and we want you to do the best you can while you are here at Clinton."

This is just perfect, I barely have time to keep up with school work but now we'll have some massive non important assignment landed on our heads. I slammed my head back down on my desk and shut my eyes not bothering to listen any further.

"Now thanks to a very generous student's father, your class have the opportunity to meet and socialise with none other than our famous World Champion Beyblade team, the G Revolution!"

My eyes shot open and my head jolted up in horror. The steady beating of my heart froze as my body turned as still and cold as an icicle. While the class' screams and hoots drowned out, I remained lost in thought.

"Yes, my daddy is the best" Mandy boasted aloud.

"Settle down class! Now I know you are all excited but I'm afraid there is a punch line. Only 15 of you will be going forth with this assignment."

There were sounds of booing and groans and protests which I heard as I snapped out of my trance. Only 15... The chances...

"The student council, the staff and I have personally chosen 15 of you with careful consideration. We have fairly picked those who show promise and are willing to complete this assignment and are serious to get somewhere."

More groans and a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach as it clenched. Ms Herring wasn't looking at me strange enough.

"The 15 of you will be divided in groups of 3 and be assigned to one team member in whom you must study as much as you can and keep a diary log of each day while you accompany them in their day to day activities. Mr Dickenson has kindly confirmed with the boys and they have agreed to grant accommodation for you for the week with themselves."

More screams from girls mostly and cheers from the boys as some discussed about learning tips from the pros.

"Now I have the list here. The places are fixed, if you do not wish to go then please inform me right away. First position goes to none other than Amanda Ascania."

My eyes rolled as my heartbeat still refused to beat.

"I'd like to thank my father for this opportunity" she smugly exclaimed.

"Second, Rain Everest."

The class jock?! He was the type to study last minute and still manage to get top grades the next day. This was annoying.

"Third, Lyla Grey."

Mandy's best friend. Fantastic. As the names went on, most of the popular crowd were picked and since population of males were low in our class, 11 out of the 14 that were picked had been girls. That left the final position and my stomach dropped. I didn't know whether to feel disappointment or relief.

"And finally, the last position goes to Nova De'Rose."

Bullet shot. I jerked my head to Ms Herring to see her smiling right at me as I felt shivers take over my body.

"What?! Ms H-Herring! You cannot be serious about giving a precious position to Nova! She doesn't even care!" Mandy protested.

Ms Herring winced at her high pitched screeches. "Calm down Mandy. I'm giving Nova this chance because I believe this is something that she can use to motivate her." She looked directly at me with hope in her eyes.

"I wanted to give you something to do that was outside the school syllabus and something that is perhaps around your field of interest. Something different."

I didn't say a word. I was too busy processing that I was going to meet the G Revolution team...to meet him...

"All right, now here are permission forms so pleaseget them signed by your parents tonight and hand them in tomorrow. Your flight is on Monday morning so do meet at the school at 7am sharp. Any latecomers will be left behind I'm sorry" Ms Herring informed as she handed out the pieces of white paper to the designated desks.

This wasn't what I wanted. It was too much. Too soon...


I slammed my fists down onto my desk as I shut my eyes and kept my chin down. The class went dead silent.

"I don't want to go."

There, I had said it. I didn't want this.

"That's fine then! Carlenia can have Nova's pla-"

"No Mandy" Ms Herring interrupted harshly, surprising us all. I looked up to see her looking half upset at me.

"Why not Nova?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't care. I don't want to go. They're a bunch of losers anyway."

The lump in my throat never felt worse and I just needed to get out.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Mandy hissed which I ignored.

"Enough Amanda" Ms Herring snapped making Mandy sit back in her seat with a pout.

She turned to me looking annoyed as she approached me. I began to leave.

"Can we talk in my office Nova?"

"No" I quickly replied as I began to brush past her.

"She has such a bad attitude" I heard Mandy sneer to her group of loyal dogs.

I turned my head away with narrowed eyes. No one here understood me, so why was I still here? As I took a step a hand was held out in front of me with a piece of paper. I looked up to see Ms Herring giving me a hopeful look.

"Please consider it, if not let me know as soon as possible."

I glared before snatching the paper and leaving the room, knowing I wasn't coming back to school today.

"Here's your drinks."

"Thanks sweetheart, can I get your number now too?"

I felt disgust inside but forced a straight face instead of anger. "Would you believe me if I said I don't have a mobile?"

It was true. I didn't.

The man was in his 20's and a hardcore poker player at the table and obviously kicking the others asses at the game. He chuckled.

"You're a hard one to pick, I get it."

I nodded and moved away from the table only to have someone grab me, on instinct I swerved my fist around catching the cheek of my victim. I stepped back from his clutches to see him rubbing his cheek gingerly before those dark blue eyes darkened at me.

"Now that wasn't very nice" he grumbled as he took a step forward. I stood my ground.


My boss stepped in the middle just in time as he held up his arms between us before giving me a worried look.

"Y'alright Noves?"

I grimaced before nodding.

In a way I was grateful for Nicky. He was 29 and already owned his own bar passed on from his brother. I wasn't in the mood to fight, not with a drunken poker player. Like West, Nicky was protective over me and usually let me go early and kept me from trouble at night.

"Watch the way you treat my workers mate, this girl is off limits" Nicky boldly stated to the poker player.

"Tch. Whatever, I'm outta here."

I watched with dark eyes as he left the bar in a huff and I sighed. A hand rested on top of my head as I looked up to Nicky's ice blue eyes and soft smile.

"Hop on home, I'm closing early anyway."

My eyes widened. "I can stay-"

"Nuh uh, home kiddo, you did enough for today, not looking so great I'm worried I'm the reason you look so drained lately" he smirked.

I looked away a little annoyed and horrified everyone was able to see the exhaustion.

"Oh yeah, don't give me that look. I know you're lacking sleep, can't hide that from me honey" he nudged me lightly while I frowned.

He brushed his honey brown bangs out from his eyes while he gave my cheek a tap, his usual habit before I left. I looked at the clock to see it only 11:30. An hour and a half's work. I'd have to make up the time tomorrow. In a way I was grateful, I'd have more sleep hours tonight.

Back at home I found myself staring at the piece of paper on the table in the front room. Why did I have to be chosen? Why was I put in a situation where I had the choice to go see him again? The sudden knock of the door made me jump. My heartbeat increased as did my breathing. Who would come at this time? Unless... I sucked in a breath and grabbed the baseball bat from the store room and slowly walked over to the front door, listening out for voices. There were none. Taking my chances I checked through the peep hole to see a familiar face making me exhale in relief and now annoyed.

I guess I would still need the bat.

I opened the door and frowned.

"I thought we weren't on speaking terms."

"Aw who said that?"

I frowned. "What do you want?"

West crossed his arms over and looked serious for a moment. He actually bothered to get his driver to drive him over here at this time of night. He looked like he planned it too. He was dressed well. That explains a lot.

"Aren't you going to invite me in? It's kind of chilly out here."

I arched an eyebrow before moving away, leaving the door open and putting the bat down by the table.

"What's the baseball bat for?" I heard him ask as he shut the door and walked in.

"Your face."

"Ouch. Did our argument leave you that grouchy?" He winced playfully as he sat down on the old sofa.

I didn't reply and instead went over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice. I didn't want to talk to West tonight; in fact I just wanted to sketch already. It was the only way I ever felt at peace.

"Hey Nova what's this letter on your table?"

The glass dropped from my hand smashing to pieces on the ground as the liquid spilled all over the floor but I didn't care. I made a beeline for the front room with my arm reached out.

"Don't you dare read that!" I yelled out only to see the colour drain from his face as he quickly scanned the words on the paper. I froze before snatching the paper but that didn't help. I hid my face away.

"You're going to Japan?" his emotionless voice whispered.

I didn't reply, holding the paper tight to my chest as I turned away from him.

"Are you...are you going to meet him?"

I spun around. "No!"

Even I knew I replied too fast, the look on West's face was surprised. He stood up and some form of worry was on his face.

"Why not?"

My fists clenched. "I can't leave for a week. I got to work."

I heard an annoyed grunt. "Work again! I'm tempted to tell the truth to your employers Nova."

I grabbed his collar and gave him a threatening glare. "Don't you DARE."

Instead of being afraid, a smirk grew on his moist lips. I didn't like feeling of losing. I shoved him back harshly before walking away.

"Why would you pass up the chance to meet him? You clearly want to."

"I don't care about him" I snapped turning around to glare into his eyes.

Now it was his turn to glare. His features never looked so dark and I wondered what he was thinking about.

"Is that so?" his low voice sounded patronising and I didn't like the sound of that.

Suddenly he charged past me and into my bedroom leaving me confused. Where was he going? Then I realised once I heard the sound of a cupboard opening.

"West stop! Don't!" I began running but froze when he came out.

My eyes widened in horror as he clutched a folder and sketch pad in his hands and then threw them on the ground revealing the pieces of paper and the contents of the book. My stomach dropped as the pain constricted in my chest and a stinging feeling overpowered my eyes.

"Is that why you constantly draw him, over and over?" West exclaimed.

My eyes scanned over the pictures, some with colour and some just in grey pencil. My heart pained at the sight of them and the fact they were revealed to me in front of someone else. I collapsed to my knees, not finding any strength. Defeated, I laid my hands down flat on the ground and kept my gaze low with my hair cascaded around my face.

"I can't do this..."

I refused to let tears overcome me. Then I heard his footsteps as he crouched beside me, his gentle arms en-circling my body as I felt warmth after days. My hands automatically lifted up and clung onto his shoulders.

"I'm too scared to do this now. I didn't want it to happen like...like this!" my voice broke.

I looked over at the sketch pad and papers on the floor, each holding my very own creations of Kai Hiwatari.

Ta dah! First chapter DONE!

Long I know, I am sorry but had to do it! Chapters will be shorter from this point for a bit.

So yes, everyone say a big hello to my new secret OC - Nova De'Rose!

Also West, ah... *dreams* I absolutely adore him lol. I hope you grow to like him too!

What do you think of Nova? :D

What do you think of the first chapter?

PLEASE Review! It seriously encourages me and lets me know if it's good enough to continue. If people don't like it, I will discontinue so it's upto YOU my loyal readers and reviewers!

I shall update chapter 2 very soon, that all depends on you!

Oh yes and I have made drawings which are now up on my website which is on my profile! Check it out! I will add more soon! :')

Till next time! Love you all!

Ciao x