Disclaimer: I don't own the anime/manga of Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z nor its characters used in this fanfic. If I did own them, I would've made RRBZxPPGZ official. (The only thing I own is the plot of this fanfic.)

A/N: So, in case you guys haven't known, I've been gone for a long time. Things have happened, but I don't plan on letting that slow me down. Ironically, even though I didn't work on any of my fanfics, I still had ideas for them, and I even had ideas for new ones. Since it's summer now, I figure that maybe starting on another fanfic wouldn't be so bad. Besides, this idea was on my mind for a long time, so finally writing this out makes me feel a lot better.

Before I begin this fanfic, I will give some information and background. First off, this is AU, which stands for Alternate Universe. This means that there's no black/white light, superheroes, supervillians, etc. The high school that the PPGZ and the RRBZ go to follows a trimester system, and because the setting takes place in Japan, the school year starts in Spring. Although each school differs, I'm gonna make it simple for mine by having school start on the eighth of April. They will have summer vacation, winter vacation, and spring vacation as a result of the trimester system. But, don't worry. I won't make it that confusing for you guys. There is a reason why I will put dates and the time in my fanfic, haha. I just figured that letting you guys know this information ahead of time would make it less confusing for you as you continue to read on in the fanfic.

Warning: Because teenagers are teenagers, strong coarse language is occasionally used, especially since this is Butch and Kaoru we're talking about here. This fanfic is more like in between the borders of T and M; however, because it's not as explicit in other departments, the fanfic will remain as T-rated. If you feel offended at any point in the fanfic, then please stop reading and leave. Otherwise, enjoy the fanfic.

Two Different Worlds

Chapter 1: The Feeling's Mutual

Day: March 31

Time: 12:35 A.M.


Hey, yourself.

You're on pretty late, haha.

It's spring vacation, man. Of course, I'd be on late.

Yeah, I know. So, how was your day?

Eh, same old, same old.

Haha, so you got dragged around the mall again?


Pfft, how do you put up with those friends of yours?

'Cause they're my best friends, you moron. Duh.

Ouch. Don't have to be so harsh, BC!

Shut up, Butch.

Sheesh. So, I guess something got on your nerves today, huh?

Pretty much.

Wanna tell me about it?

Eh, it's just that…I encountered the jackass at the mall.

Oh. THAT jackass?

Yes, Butch. THAT jackass.


What the hell's so funny?

'Cause I ironically dealt with that bitch today.

Jesus Christ. I'm sorry for that.

Eh, not your fault. The feeling's mutual between me and her.

Hah. Same thing between me and him.

All the more reason for us to get along, huh? Haha.

Hah, indeed. Man, I can't wait for school to start again.

Really? I thought you dreaded school.

I dread school, not education. Get that right, pfft.

Haha, well, you should check your wording then, Miss Buttercup.

Shut up, Butch. You know very well what I mean, you idiot.

Haha. So, why are you looking forward to it, hm?

Well, I just don't wanna see that asshole's face.

Oh, yeah, we're gonna be first years in high school next year.

Yup, you and me. I didn't think we'd be the same age. But then again, you could be lying to me.

Why would I lie to you? I have no reason to, pfft.

I don't know. Maybe you're some freaking pedo?

I am not a fucking lolicon.

I said pedo. Some pedophiles like little boys, too.

…Let's not go there.

Haha! You brought it up, man!

Shut up, BC. Unlike you, I don't want this spring vacation to end.

Haha, why?

'Cause I don't wanna do work. Big Bro says that I gotta get my shit together when high school starts.

Ah, yeah, you told me about that.

Yeah, I did.

Hm… Didn't you tell me that you barely graduated?

Yeah. Barely. But it wasn't just me. My brothers barely graduated as well, but it's all right. Everything worked out in the end.

I'm glad for that. It'd suck to repeat another year.

You think we don't know that? It's pretty much why Big Bro wants me and Lil Bro to get our shit together.

And him?

Haha, him, too, BC. Don't worry. He's not a hypocrite. Trust me. If he was, I would've punched him in the face by now.

…If that did happen, I'd be worried.

Don't worry, man. It's all good. Besides, we all plan on doing it. I'm just hoping that the bitch I told you about doesn't come to my school either.

Ugh. Don't get me started on that asshole.

Haha, no need to. I know how much you hate the dude.

Just like how much you hate that bitch.

Pfft, I hate her more than you hate him.

Are we seriously going to get into an argument about this?

Haha, maybe.

Man, whatever. I'm going to bed.

Oh, wait, BC.


Everything's all right with you, right?

Yeah. Why?

Nothing. Just worried about you.

Pfft, I'm fine. Everything's okay.

When girls say that, they're actually lying.

Since when were you the expert on girls?

Since forever. I've had a shitload of girlfriends, remember?

Oh, yeah. You freaking player.

Not my fault they like my "bad boy" image, haha.

Well, I mean it when I say I'm fine. Trust me on this 'cause I'm actually laughing right now.

I'm glad, then. If you ever need someone to hear you out, I'm always here.

Haha, you don't think I know that?

I know you do. Just wanted to let you know, BC.

Well, I'm going to bed now, man. Good night. Here's to hoping that our first year wouldn't be so bad.

Haha, g'night, BC. And I'm sure that our first year would turn out to be a hell of a lot different than it would've been before.

Day: April 8

Time: 7:55 A.M.

A green-eyed black-haired female did her best to stifle her yawn, letting it escape slowly through her partially closed mouth. Her arms were kept at her side, and she did her best to focus on the principal, who was still giving a speech to the student body.

The opening ceremony and the entrance ceremony into one? Huge bore to her, as always. As much as she appreciated the effort, she still found it a complete waste of time. Every single year, the principal would say the same thing: inspiring remarks, encouraging students to do well in class and participate in sports, etc. Was there really a point to mentioning the same thing over and over? She found it so…redundant. Everyone is in high school by now, so obviously, they would need to get their act together. After all, anyone that doesn't would repeat another year, and there's not a student that actually wants that.

"…And so, I wish you luck with this school year!"

Applause erupted from the students and the school faculty as soon as the principal's speech ended.

"Now, first year representative, Gotokuji Miyako, will give a speech."

The green-eyed black-haired female blinked before muttering, "Oh, yeah. Miyako said that she'd be giving a speech."

Applause once again erupted as a light blue-eyed blonde female made her way to the stage. Her hair was in two curly pigtails, descending to her shoulders, and her light blue eyes made her pale skin stand out even more. As the blonde began her speech, the black-haired female could hear the whispers among the male students.

"Holy shit, she's cute."

"I didn't know that there was such a cute girl among the first years!"

"Do you think she has a boyfriend?"

"I hope not! Oh, God, hat was her name again?"

"Gotokuji Miyako. Oh, man, even her name fits her image."

"God, thank you for letting me to go a school with a cute girl such as her."

"Wait, what class is she in?"

"Shit, the principal didn't say, huh? Damn it!"

"No problem, dude! We'll just ask around! Simple as that!"

The black-haired female rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to groan. Unlike the principal's speech, she listened intently to Miyako's, and she waited patiently until the end of the blonde's speech to applause. In response, Miyako bowed and smiled before walking off the stage in a calm manner.

The principal then walked back on stage. Clearing his voice, he began, "Now that the opening and entrance ceremony is over, students should head to their classes. There, your homeroom teacher will be waiting. Have a nice day, everyone, and may you do your best in your studies!"

By now, everyone was hustling and bustling to their classrooms to try to get a good seat, and those that were already in their classrooms were making small talk. Because of the ceremonies today, students had until 8:10 to get to their classes before they'd be marked tardy.

The green-eyed black-haired female continued to wander the halls, looking for her classroom. As she passed by each room, she slowly became irritated. "1-C… 1-C… Where the hell is 1-C?!"

"Ah, Kaoru-san!"

The black-haired female blinked her eyes.

"Kaoru-san, over here!"

She blinked her eyes before turning her head towards a classroom. Peering inside, she found Miyako waving at her from her seat. She blinked a couple more times before heading inside, grinning at the blonde.

"Kaoru-san, what did you think about my speech this morning?"

"Well, it was a hell of a lot shorter than the principal's, that's for sure."

Miyako giggled before her eyes went wide. "Oh, Kaoru-san, you wouldn't happen to be in 1-A, would you?"

"Well, actually—"

"Oh, my God!"

Before Kaoru knew it, she was attacked from behind by a hug. The female flinched, turning around to find the culprit: a pink-eyed redhead by the name of Akatsutsumi Momoko. The black-haired female frowned. "Momoko, what the hell?"

The redhead squealed, completely ignoring Kaoru. "We're gonna be in the same class again!"

"Momoko-san, you're in 1-A as well?" Miyako exclaimed.

Momoko nodded, and the two began to clap their hands and smile happily.

Kaoru cleared her voice, raising an eyebrow at the two. "Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm in 1-C."

"What?! B-But we've always been a trio!" Momoko whined.

"Actually, I was expecting this to happen," Kaoru replied, shrugging. "So, can you guys tell me where 1-C is?"

Miyako nodded, but she pouted slightly. "It's down the hall."

"Thanks," Kaoru replied, but before she turned around to leave, she heard whispers amongst the male students of the class.

"What the hell? Cutie does have a boyfriend."

"Who is that guy? He looks weak."

"Heh, maybe he is."

"Shh. He'll hear you."

Kaoru blinked before hearing the female students' comments.

"Hey, that guy's kind of cute."

"He is. What did Gotokuji-san call him again?"

"I think it was Kaoru. I wonder what class he's in."

"Oh, I hope he's in this one!"

Kaoru's eye twitched, and when she saw Momoko and Miyako snickering, she glared at the two. "This isn't funny."

"Hey, you brought this on yourself, Kaoru," Momoko replied, snickering as she eyed Kaoru's uniform.

Kaoru, being a tomboy, wore none other than the uniform for the boys; she refused to wear the uniform for girls, and it was mainly because of the skirt. The tomboy growled when she eyed Momoko and Miyako's skirts, which were halfway between their thighs.

"Let's hope that Kaoru-san won't get into trouble this year," Miyako said before giggling softly and eying the tomboy's uniform.

Kaoru groaned. "Forget it. I'm heading out. I'll see you guys later."

Even when the tomboy left, she heard her two best friends snicker behind her. She couldn't help but growl in irritation, frightening most of the dudes that crossed her path. So what if she went with the uniform for boys? She's already mistaken for one, for crying out loud, and she was a hell of a lot more comfortable in clothing for males than for females. The only thing she was irritated at was the student population. Males would send her looks of envy for knowing Miyako and being close to her, and females would give her flirtatious looks.

Seriously? It just made her feel uncomfortable as hell. She may look like a dude, but she's a girl, and she's definitely not a homosexual. She never thought of girls in that kind of way—only boys. It just irritated her that people would always talk about her in this kind of sense. The same thing happened in elementary and in middle school. Word eventually gets out that she's a female and not a male, but there were the girls that were persistent, the boys that refused to believe it, and those that were in complete denial.

It always pissed her off, period.

When Kaoru finally found the classroom for 1-C, she slid the door open and walked inside. She saw of how the girls were giving her flirtatious looks, and she couldn't help but glare at them. They immediately flinched and looked away, leaving the tomboy to walk calmly to a random seat near the window. She glanced at the clock, seeing that there was still five minutes left.

At once, she took out her phone, and she checked her messages. She frowned when she saw that there weren't any messages at all, but as if on cue, she received one. At once, she opened it and smiled.

Hey, BC. How's school so far?

The tomboy began to text back. So far, pretty quiet—except for, you know, judgmental people. And you?

Hm, well, I missed my school's ceremony thing.

What the hell? And I thought I was bad for not paying attention!

Haha. Hey, not my fault. My brothers and I woke up late.

Pfft. So much for getting your acts together.

Shut up, man. Anyway, I'm trying to find my classroom right now.

Hm, well, good luck with that. You didn't get into trouble for being late, did you?

Nah. Since it was our first day, the teachers and the principal let it slide.

…Holy shit, you got involved with the principal?

Well, yeah, because one teacher was being a total bitch about us being late. But hey, it's all good.

Damn. I'm sorry for that, man.

Well, like I said, they let it slide this time. Next time, though? They wouldn't. Period.

You know what you should do?


Get your ass out of bed earlier, haha.

Hey, my brothers are also at fault.

Laaaaaaaame. Using your brothers as an excuse. Pfft.

BC, you're lucky that we're texting. If we were together right now, I'd punch you.

Even if I'm a girl?

Even if you're a fucking girl.

Haha, good. I don't like it when guys wimp out on me.

I know, Buttercup. I know.

Well, I gotta go. The teacher could come in any minute, and I don't want my phone taken away.

Gotcha. Text me later?

Haha, of course, Butch.

Kaoru smiled, and she snapped her phone shut before putting it away. She heard the door slid open and shut multiple times as students came in and out. Eventually, the seats were all packed, and she heard the bell ring at exactly 8:10. Immediately, a teacher walked into the classroom, and all of the chatter amongst the students ceased.

"Hello, class," the teacher said. "I am your English teacher…"

Kaoru slowly let him drone on, and the tomboy immersed herself in her thoughts as she stared blankly at the teacher.

Eventually, he announced she was going to take roll, and the tomboy waited patiently for him to call her name.

"Matsubara Kaoru."

At once, Kaoru raised her hand. "Here."

"Let's see… Jojo Takeshi."

Kaoru flinched as she heard a voice behind her say, "Here."

The tomboy turned around to find a boy with spiky black hair, piercing dark green eyes, and pale skin. As they stared at each other with wide eyes, they both had one thought in mind: Oh, fuck no.