I woke to a call in the middle of the night, (around 1am maybe?) and when I saw the caller ID, I knew.
'Hazel,' I heard his father's broken voice on the other end. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

'No. Not yet.' He whispered. 'He wants to see you.'
I left a note for my parents in case they woke up.

'Going to say goodbye.'

Kept it short and simple, they'd understand.

The drive over to the hospital was torture, what was I going to say? What would HE say? I tried making a mental note of what to say; he changed my life? No, that's not true. My life is still the same as it was before I met him. Minus the being a virgin part, or being in love. But that's not life changing.

The hospital was not open unless it was an emergency, so I was fretting over how I would get in. My anxiety calmed after I saw his sister outside, waiting for me, I presumed.

There he was. Lying on his death bed, like me, eventually. His eyes were open, and I studied them, knowing this was the last time I would ever get to see them. 'Hazel Grace.' He said his voice weak.
I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry… Shit.

'Would you give us a moment?' he asked his family, they looked at bit hurt, but they respected him and left.

'Okay?' I asked and he chuckled.
'We both know I'm not okay.' He smiled faintly.

'I know. It would be good to hear it though.'
'Okay.' He whispered.

I grasped one of his weak hands in both of mine and kissed it gently. My vision began to blur thanks to my tears. And my mouth was doing that ugly wobbling thing it does when you try not to cry. 'I'm sorry I have to leave you.' He said beginning to cry himself. I shook my head, 'don't apologise it's not your fault. I just wish we had more time.'
'Don't we all, Hazel Grace. "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." as William Penn would say.'

I breathed in deeply, trying to stop the flow of tears and calm down. I hated crying in front of people. 'Hazel Grace, can you kiss me?' I nodded and leaned down slowly, giving him a longish chaste kiss. 'I love you.' I whispered against his lips.
'And I love you.'

The hospital drugged him, so he would be knocked-out when he dies. Hours later his long deep breaths changed to short, raspy breaths, until they eventually slowed down to nothing.

How am I going to survive in a world without Augustus Waters?

A/N: I know I'm not the best writer and this is really short but this is sort of what I wanted to happen when Augustus died. Also, I forgot if Augustus was at home or in the hospital when he died.