AN: Just a quick little drabble I wrote for the people on a Harry Potter page on fb that I admin. I wrote it and really liked it so I'm uploading it here too :D This is the first time I've ever written a Nuna so I hope that you guys like it! Drop a review and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. That honor goes to J.K. I just take the characters and put them into situations that I deem fit :)

Though the war was over, the after-effects still hung heavy over the now eighth year students as they arrived at Hogwarts for their final year, because of the "insufficient education," as McGonagall put it, that the students received during the battling that occurred during their last year of schooling. Stepping out of the carriage, Neville held his hand out for Luna to grab onto.

"Thank you, Neville. With all these Humming Wingers flying around, you can never trust your balance. Interesting buggers though. They feed off of sexual tension. More tension there is, the more crazy they get. I do wonder why they are particularly dizzying tonight," Luna spouted.

Neville's cheeks reddened immediately, "Haven't got the slightest idea."

"Your cheeks are awfully pink, Neville. Are you coming down with something? I've heard that the flu is going around. Mind you that is coming from Muggle London, but we've all hung around there enough during the summer, so it's definitely a possibility."

He coughed slightly before rubbing the back of his neck, "Um, I don't think so Luna. You know Gran, always on the paranoid side to make sure her little Neville is good and well."

"Okay then. I am starting to feel dizzier as time passes, however. I wonder if those Humming Wingers are following us. I haven't the slightest clue why they would though," Luna pondered, as the two walked closer to the castle.

"Well, I might have an idea. So, Luna. I've been thinking, for a while now. Probably since sometime last year, but um. Jeez, why is this so hard," Neville breathed deeply, "Alright, I'm just going to come out and say it…"

"Yes, I'll go out with you. Took you long enough anyways. Even had to make up some animal. Humming Wingers. Did you really think they existed?" She giggled, "Besides, everyone knows that Shoeing Twisters cause dizziness because of sexual tension. You should really read more of the Quibbler. I mean, we just had a whole feature on them last month," she stood on her tiptoes giving Neville a slight peck on the cheek before skipping ahead of him and into the castle.