Dark the oceans, dark the sky,

Hush the whales and the ocean tide,

Tell the salt marsh and beat on your drum,

Gone their master, gone their son

-Gone, Ioanna Gika


Pain buzzed in his skull, vibrating and blossoming outwards through cloudy consciousness.

Sleep was better. He didn't have to feel when he was asleep. But something had pierced through the thin veil that kept him in his dream state. It wasn't words, his ears were too loud from the pounding blood. It wasn't anything he could see, his eyes were clenched together too tightly.

It was a presence that shifted, he felt it, he felt he could reach out and touch it if his body wasn't so paralyzed.

He shifted his fingers and the presence shifted with it as if startled by the movement.

"You absolute, fucking liar."

He would have winced if the muscles in his face weren't so heavy to move. Sleep was proving to be far better.

"…ouchi?" He tried. He wasn't sure he was attached to his body anymore. He wanted to ask Souichi if he could see him, if he was a solid figure.

And then the words came back to him in a breathtaking flash.

"I never want to see you again."

He choked on the air around him, his throat convulsing and his chest heaving. The memory alone made his mind swirl dangerously.

As the panic subsided just enough so he could make sense of it, he realized the words didn't add up.

He was certain he wasn't sleeping anymore and if Souichi had actually meant what he said, he wouldn't be lying wherever he was and Souichi wouldn't be sitting nearby. It slowed his racing heart just a fraction.

There was a sudden pressure about his lips and he opened them automatically. Water poured down his dry throat. He drank it gratefully, coughed a little as it was pulled away and went about the immense task of opening his eyes. He stared at the ceiling of the familiar living room and his mind helpfully deduced his was on the couch.

He crooked his neck as much as possible, confused and dizzy to find Souichi sitting in the nearby arm chair and capping the water bottle he'd just drank from. His posture was stiff and hunched. He looked closed off, a cold mask keeping his eyes hidden.

"Why I ever trusted you…fucking asshole." He spat and Tetsuhiro stayed still as the words washed over him.

"Souichi…what happened?"

"Met your brother." Tetsuhiro took a burning intake of breath and immediately began coughing, the statement unexpected. Souichi waited the few awful moments it took for his chest to stop its heaving and continued with cold precision. "I hate people like you. You make promises you can't keep and then lie to get what you want."

Tetsuhiro couldn't argue with that and deflated even further. He wished he could sit up or crane his neck further but knew that even if he did, Souichi would still be sitting rigidly in his chair with anger and betrayal written in his face.

Souichi shook his head and continued to stare at the floor. "I don't know why I ever expected something different. But I'm the idiot here. I trusted you and now look."

"No, you're not." Tetsuhiro tried gently. Furious eyes whipped in his direction and he startled at their intensity.

"Really? Because it looks like I fell for your lies again and now you're dying! You're fucking dying and it's because of me!"

Souichi stood suddenly and began his pacing, pulling at the long hair that had slipped from its ponytail. He looked lost and hurt and Tetsuhiro tried his hardest to swallow around the guilt that threatened to overwhelm him.

"This isn't your fault, Souichi."

"Do you realize what you've done? You do know that not only have I killed my own mother and Rikio but I've killed you. I have to live the rest of my life knowing that. Did you ever think of that you selfish fucking asshole?!" Sounding more like he was talking to himself than to Tetsuhiro.

There was a lump in Tetsuhiro's throat that he tried to work around but it seemed impossibly wedged. This was all going terribly and he could taste desperate panic at the back of his tongue as Souichi clenched his fists.

"Your mother's death was an accident."

"Don't you say a word about my mother. You don't fucking get to anymore, you don't deserve it."

Tetsuhiro took a deep breath and moved his arms to his side in order to sit up. He winced but suppressed a groan as he managed to move on his own. He had to think about this from Souichi's perspective. He was hurt and the likelihood of listening to reason was slim. "Okay, I won't. But Souichi please, I only did what I thought would protect you."

"No, you did it to protect yourself."

Tetsuhiro felt a wave of irritation. "Well, what would you have done?" The question made Souichi look over. "If I told you what was happening when you found me passed out in Isogai's shack, how would that have changed anything?"

But Souichi didn't rise to the bait nor did he look thrown by the question. He lowered his head so far that his chin must have touched his chest, eyes in shadow and unreadable. "At least I would know you trusted me."

It was nothing short of a punch to Tetsuhiro's gut.

"I'm sorry."

Souichi lifted his head with a familiar scowl. "Shut the fuck up."

Tetsuhiro shifted uncomfortably in his half slouch. "What did Kunihiro tell you?"

A swift cloud of embarrassment tinged Souichi's face for a moment. "He said because you…because you loved me you were turning into a human. I knew that already but he said you were dying because of it. And the only way to cure it was to…" He kicked at the leg of the couch a little too hard. "Say it back." He looked up and caught Tetsuhiro's eyes. "Or so he thought."

Tetsuhiro's heart thudded. "What?"

"He said he wasn't sure because there were so few cases of it happening or some shit like that."

Kunihiro. He had told Tetsuhiro that if Souichi could say he was in love with him, that it would save him. Had his brother been lying or did he truly not know if it would work? The thought made his stomach drop even further. He'd had hope to cling to before but now he didn't even have that.

"So even if you did say it…"

Souichi collapsed back into the armchair as if the strings holding him up had been cut. "It might not work. Yea."

"Would you have said it?" He blurted out in a low tone before his brain managed to catch up. Souichi glared at him in angry disbelief.

"Oh go fuck yourself."

Tetsuhiro winced at his own foolishness and they both fell into a tense silence. He knew he couldn't fill the empty space with anything worth saying and his head fell backwards to stare blankly up at the ceiling.

"Tell me everything. Everything that happened when I left just…don't leave anything out. I want the truth this time." Souichi said flatly.

Tetsuhiro obliged.

Hiroto did well on his promise and cut Tetsuhiro's hair where it swept the middle of his back. The sharpened rock was hardly a worthy substitute for scissors but Tetsuhiro kept this information to himself as another tug on his hair sent blackened strands swirling in the water around them.

"Okay?" Hiroto asked near his right ear and Tetsuhiro blinked his heavy eyes open, unaware any time had passed since they'd begun. He didn't want to alarm Hiroto as his sleepy spells were becoming alarmingly frequent so he nodded. The fingers went back to work.

"What are you going to do first? I hear walking is all the rage up there." Tetsuhiro smiled and leaned into his friend's warm touch, a welling in his throat at Hiroto's steady support.

"Souichi would have to be willing to teach me." He paused, the mental picture coming into focus for a moment. "So probably not. I want to try ice cream."

Hiroto laughed even though Tetsuhiro was fairly sure he had no idea what ice cream even was.

"Hiroto…" He started when the warning, discolored dots appeared in his vision and the world tilted dangerously. He might have screamed, he might have even clawed at his chest where he was sure his lungs were growing larger every day; all he was certain of was that he ended up trembling in Hiroto's arms.

"…bad…you…Tetsuhiro!" The words were muddled and distant but he clung to them to keep what little control he still had. It was incredibly painful to let light in through his eyelids but he did it for Hiroto.

"…so-sorry" He tried, croaking out the syllables. Hiroto looked ready to cry or bolt but he clung tighter and dropped a relieved head into Tetsuhiro's shoulder.

"You scared me." Hiroto said shakily and pulled back as Tetsuhiro's eyes finally focused. "Please don't do that again. I thought…I thought you were going to…" But Hiroto shook his head, as if willing the thought away, and uncurled his back to look back at him. "I'm going to miss you, stupid."

Tetsuhiro opened his mouth to apologize or reassure or…he didn't know, but a cough cleared behind him before he could decide. He automatically straightened his posture to hide any lingering evidence of pain and turned towards the noise with as indifferent an expression as he could manage.

It was one of his father's guards; a blonde he recognized as one of the newer recruits. It would explain his too rigid stance and distrustful gaze as it jumped between them.

Tetsuhiro refused to let go of Hiroto's arms, glaring. "Can I help you?"

The guard looked about them at the black hair dusting the water and returned his hardened gaze. "Your father requests an audience with you as soon as possible."

Tetsuhiro's stomach did an unpleasant flip but he hid it as well as he could with the pain still ebbing at his awareness. "Fine." The guard took one last cursory look at them and turned away.

Hiroto let out a string of curses, shifting so one of Tetsuhiro's arms was wrapped around his shoulders to take most of his weight.

"He's suspicious isn't he." Hiroto stated plainly. Tetsuhiro didn't bother answering as the grip around him tightened in a protective surge.

The water always seemed a few degrees cooler around his father. As he entered, the guards were immediately waved away with an unconcerned hand and a shiver zipped through his spine. It was not a good sign. His father liked having followers with him, he preferred to protect himself against any and all potential danger. This meeting between father and son was obviously something he didn't want outsiders to know of or witness.

Tetsuhiro couldn't say with absolute certainty that his father wouldn't kill him.

His father's back was a wide mass of pale flesh that seemed to tower over him as he approached slowly, keeping a comfortable distance. When he spoke, Tetsuhiro flinched at the sheer intensity of his voice. It rattled his bones.

"I allowed my sons freedom; freedom, that at your age I never had with my own father. But now, your brother has separated from his mate and spends most of his time with a banished boy. You disobey me and betray your own species by traveling to the surface at your leisure to meet with humans. The very reason we cannot live as we please. Tell me, Tetsuhiro, do you believe these disgraceful acts should go unpunished?"

Tetsuhiro had been prepared with exactly four excuses as to why his scales were discoloring and why he had such sudden painful attacks. But at that moment his mind was completely blank.

His father knew. He knew he had been going to the surface. Maybe not the entire time, but for long enough. Most importantly, his father knew he was becoming a human. He felt sick.

Cold eyes glanced backwards and pinned him with a stare that seemed to pass right through his skull.

"You are aware of the punishment for conversing with humans."

Tetsuhiro's heart sunk. He stared at this man who used to be his father and found he barely recognized him.

"You have shamed this entire family."

His father advanced, the chill in his eyes unwavering, and Tetsuhiro's shoulders trembled. The only exit was behind his father and the gap to escape was narrowing. His fingers tightened involuntarily behind him around the object he'd brought. He'd hoped he wouldn't have to use it.

"What about your sister?" He blurted out, halting his father's movements for a terrible moment. "Naoka. She loved a human too, didn't she?"

His father's large hands clenched so hard his knuckles whitened. "Don't you dare say a word about her."

But Tetsuhiro couldn't stop. "Would you hurt her? Because she loved someone?"

His father lunged forward in a hasty attempt to reach his son.

"I said shut up you disobedient-"

Tetsuhiro's back hit the wall of the carved out room with a small thud, the object in his hand pressing into his skin as he scrambled backwards. "Why do you hate humans so much? They're amazing and interesting and you still hate them. Why?"

"They took her away from me! They're devious and self-centered and deserve to be slaughtered. Along with their sympathizers." His father bellowed, murderous eyes finding his own. "Especially those that betray their family to become one of them."

Tetsuhiro gulped down as much water as he could, trying to quell the panic that rose upwards. "You'd kill your own son?"

"I will kill anyone who betrays us as you have done."

Then there were rough hands around his throat, squeezing so hard his vision blackened. But his right arm raised with determination, and he watched in a sort of detached state as the sharpened rock he held pierced his father's shoulder. There was blood and yelling but he couldn't stop and dwell on any of that. He swam with what little energy he still had as his father screamed in the distance.

"Help! Get my son!"

With the last dregs of adrenaline forcing his body out of the suffocating cave, the rock slipped from his numbed fingers and he tried to catch his breath. His throat burned and the dizziness had returned.

Warm hands engulfed his shoulders. "Tetsuhiro?" Kunihiro questioned, his eyes darkening on his neck where there were sure to be angry, red marks and nodded. "Let's go."

Time seemed to lose its meaning in the dark corners and edges of Masaki's home. The sunlight would trickle through only at the rarest of intervals and the kelp surrounding the entrance cast an eerie green shade onto the caverns floors and walls.

Tetsuhiro slept in one of the far corners while Masaki took to the other. The concern in his friends gaze grew stronger each day; Tetsuhiro could hardly blamed him as he'd often be left gasping for air when only water filled the surrounding space. Blonde long hair taunted him in his dreams and the phantom feel of sun kissed skin touched his fingertips. He itched to touch Souichi; it wasn't a want anymore it was a need.

Though Kunihiro had all but dragged his body to the cave after his father's attack, when he visited he barely looked at Tetsuhiro. He'd come by to inform them that his father had ceased his search when a neighboring clan decided to visit. Tetsuhiro, relieved, opened his mouth to thank his brother, but Kunihiro gave him no chance. He addressed Masaki and left.

Masaki always had a sympathetic smile for him afterwards but it still hurt that his brother could not look at him.

It felt awkward. Unfinished. He'd hoped that if he couldn't have a father, he'd at least have his brother to fall back on.

One night when the moon was particularly bright, he opened exhausted eyes to find Kunihiro and Masaki a few yards outside the cave, speaking in low tones and closely together. They may have touched foreheads but he couldn't stay awake long enough to confirm it.

Then it began. He knew was becoming a human, he was quite aware of that fact, and with nothing but the shadows on the walls to watch it was all he thought about. But when it actually started happening, when one morning he took a deep gulp of air and couldn't take in anymore, it was a shock. There were strong hands that grabbed him as his vision blurred and his lungs screamed for air. He briefly registered being pulled upwards and when he thought he would surely drown, they breached the surface and he coughed and coughed.

When the last of the water had left his system, he rubbed at his eyes which now stung from the salty waves.

"Tetsuhiro? What do we do now?" The voice on his right asked. Kunihiro was finally looking at him but it was sad and melancholy.

"If you need help, go to the docks with the boats"

Tetsuhiro tried to speak but with his throat burning, he didn't think he could form words. He pointed in the direction of the shore.

The last thing he remembered as his body was heaved into the boat was clinging to Kunihiro's strong hand and watching as it slipped out of his fingers. His own arm thudded to the boats floor and he waited.

"Then Isogai found me."

"And that's it?"

"That's everything."

After a beat of silence, Souichi raised himself from his chair and immediately began walking up the stairs.

Tetsuhiro, forgetting his sluggish arms and legs, almost fell off the couch in an attempt to catch his friend as he went past. He missed by a few inches. "Souichi, wait!" Souichi obediently halted and he took a deep breath. "I'm very sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, ever and that's the truth. I told you everything I know and I promise I won't lie to you again."

"Not like you'll have much of an opportunity to lie anymore." Souichi muttered though he looked immediately ashamed, making an aborted gesture with hands. "I shouldn't have said that."

"No." Tetsuhiro agreed. A few years ago, Souichi would have been all too eager to storm off and leave him to drown in guilt. But he wasn't sure whether this Souichi, the one who couldn't keep his gaze on him for more than a few seconds and looked exhausted and angry and broken, was any better.

Souichi startled as Tetsuhiro made use of his aching muscles to swing his legs into an awkward sitting position.

"What do you think you're doing?" Souichi immediately moved forward as if to help him but paused with one hand in midair.

"You said you never wanted…" Tetsuhiro started, trying to use his arms to push his body up. He broke out in a cold sweat with the effort. "I'm leaving."

Souichi rolled his eyes exasperated. "To go where?" When Tetsuhiro didn't answer and flailed for a moment on his feet before dropping back down into the couch, he huffed. "I didn't mean it, moron."

"Then why did you say it?" Tetsuhiro grumbled. Because maybe he was dying and maybe Souichi had a good reason to hate him but if he didn't have that much time left then he'd prefer not to spend it writhing in pain.

Souichi didn't look apologetic. In fact he narrowed his eyes angrily.

"I didn't believe him, okay? Your brother. Believing him would have meant you'd lied…again, and I didn't want to. He said if I…hurt you, then you'd pass out. Which you did."

Tetsuhiro lowered his eyes. "It hurt."

"Well I'm sorry but I had just been told my best friend was dying. I wasn't exactly thinking clearly." Souichi said harshly. Tetsuhiro shrunk in on himself; he couldn't be angry with Souichi for this. He was always causing too much pain to those he loved. He grimaced as he tried to stand again.

"Just stop. You don't have to leave." Souichi sighed, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"It would be easier."

"Probably." Souichi paused, casting a brief look from Tetsuhiro's head to his toes. "Stay." He demanded in a low tone.

It sent familiar warmth swirling into his belly and chest. "Souichi…"

"Go to bed."

He had climbed the stairs and disappeared long before Tetsuhiro had any idea what to say.

Unbeknownst to him, Souichi didn't make it far. He turned the corner of the hallway and slid down the wall nearest the stairs where he knew he could not be seen.

He listened as Tetsuhiro shifted about, possibly lying back down, there were the distinct ragged breaths of someone keeping their tears as quiet as possible, and then the air evened out. When he was sure Tetsuhiro slept, he peeked around the corner.

Asleep like that, Tetsuhiro was utterly human. Vulnerable, completely trusting.

When his mother had first died, he had had a difficult time seeing any life afterwards. Though he eventually worked out a fuzzy picture of his father and brother and sister and they were huddled around him. He felt broken but at least there were pieces to stick back together.

Souichi tried to imagine his life devoid of Tetsuhiro. It didn't make sense. There was nothing.

Tetsuhiro startled awake as sock clad feet bounded down the stairs. His breath hitched until he realized he was still sunken into the soft couch pillows, legs twisted in a blanket that hadn't been there before last night. His father was a prominent part of his dreams lately and there weren't many nights when he didn't feel fingers around his neck.

But Souichi was either oblivious or ignoring him because he bypassed the couch and went straight into the kitchen. Tetsuhiro blinked languidly and sat up with relative ease. His head ached dully but just sleeping had improved his health.

Souichi reappeared and threw a granola bar in his direction which he caught a moment before it would have hit him right in the eye. "We're going into town. Eat and go get dressed." And a second later he had disappeared into the bathroom with a loud click.

Tetsuhiro allowed himself a few moments to register, idly wondering whether Souichi even remembered their conversation the night before, and then went upstairs to dutifully change, following Souichi out of the front door for the first time on his own two feet.

Though his legs ached very quickly, Tetsuhiro felt weightless as he traveled alongside Souichi. They walked through narrow alleyways and streets until they reached the small seaside town. It was a surreal experience to pass by other people with barely a glance his way, as if he fit right in.

He smiled excitedly at little things, jumping as a bicycle zooms past him, stopping at almost every store to smell the flowers they displayed out front. At one point a car went past and in alarm he clung to Souichi's sleeve.

Tetsuhiro, grinning with breathless delight, turned towards Souichi when his breath hitched. It had happened before: Souichi already watching him like he was trying to figure him out, but he'd never seen him look so lost in thought. Their eyes met in a sort of suspended reality and then the sleeve he gripped was shrugged out of his hand. The moment passed and they were moving again.

Tetsuhiro couldn't get the image out of his head as he struggled to keep up with Souichi who had momentarily doubled his speed.

"Want to get some ice cream?" Souichi asked a short while later as they passed twin boys with red liquid smudged around their mouths. His eyes must have twinkling because Souichi took one look back at him and his mouth curved upwards in amusement before leading them into the store.

"That looks absolutely disgusting." Souichi commented as he dropped down to dangle his legs off the dock. Tetsuhiro answered by sticking out an alarming blue tongue and went back to licking rapidly at the melting ice cream.

They had wandered towards Isogai's old shack and decided to give Tetsuhiro's new legs a break. The surrounding area seemed too bare now without Isogai's obnoxious signs and fleet of boats but Souichi appreciated the quiet that settled around them.

"Ah!" Tetsuhiro yelped as melted ice cream fell in droplets onto the bare skin where his shorts ended.

"You have to lick the sides first." Souichi advised and bit into his waffle cone. Tetsuhiro furrowed his eyebrows in deep concentration and did as instructed, looking pleasantly surprised as he succeeded.

Tetsuhiro had always been fascinating to watch. Not simply because he was new to the experiences of ice cream and walking and cars zooming past. He radiated life. Every action was carefully but effortlessly orchestrated. He didn't need to fake happiness or contentment because he was those things. He managed to embody joy simply by being.

Someone like that didn't deserve to die.

Tetsuhiro copied Souichi's actions and bent to wash his hands in the sea water. Though, when all the cream was wiped off, his fingers lingered in the lapping waves.

Souichi hoped his voice didn't crack around the lump in his throat. "Do you miss it?" He watched his friends' soft profile with uncertainty.

Tetsuhiro smiled brightly and genuinely. "No."

Tetsuhiro could feel the faint itch in his side that indicated another attack and tried to speed up his walking pace to get home faster. Souichi eyed him curiously but said nothing.

As they rounded the corner to where the house was visible, the ache began in his chest. He tried not to panic as an elderly couple came slowly towards them. He didn't want them to see him pass out in the middle of the pathway.

On instinct, he went to grasp Souichi's shoulder for support. Souichi sharply inhaled and pushed him away with a scowl.

"What are you doing, idiot?" He hissed, sounded irritated.

Tetsuhiro halted, smiling reassuringly as the couple passed them with twin interested stares, and leaned forward to Souichi's ear.

"I need to get into the house." He whispered and then he was being roughly pulled forward. As soon as they fell inside the front door, Tetsuhiro slid into the couch cushions with a hand over his chest.

Souichi clicked the lock in place and walked over quickly, kneeling in front of him. The earlier irritation erased entirely from his face as concern took over.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

Tetsuhiro screwed his eyes shut as the dull ache unfolded into searing jolts up his spine and radiated outwards into the muscles of his arms. They twitched violently. His head felt it would burst.

Then the pain ebbed away as swiftly as it had come. There was warmth on his thighs and it was all he felt and it was wonderful.

He risked opening his eyes to find Souichi's close to his own, desperation and anxiety filling his immediate view.

"…can I do? Tetsuhiro, answer me!" There was clear panic in Souichi's voice.

"M'sorry." Tetsuhiro slurred, dizzy on the feel of Souichi's hands wrapped around his thigh just above the knee.

A loud exhale sounded in front of him. "Don't apologize just…that was worse than last time."

Tetsuhiro had never witnessed one of his attacks but if his barely twitching muscles were a sign, it must look terrifying. He didn't blame Souichi for looking at him like he might shatter at any moment.

"…helps." He coughed out.

"What helps?"

Tetsuhiro lifted a heavy arm and sloppily placed his hand on one of Souichi's. They felt hot on his numbed, cool palm.

Souichi didn't flinch or remove his grasp. He stared at their joined hands for a long moment. Tetsuhiro dozed in and out of consciousness, content to concentrate on the pressure that remained like a warm anchor.

Then Souichi stood and held out the hand that he'd just been holding. Tetsuhiro took it as hastily as he could and was pulled up with only a slight struggle. He blinked rapidly as Souichi's brown eyes darted between his own.

"Come on then." Souichi said, managing to sound both exasperated and encouraging.

Upon arriving at the top of the stairs, Tetsuhiro made to push off from Souichi's strong hold on his waist towards Tomoe's room. But the pressure remained and he was propelled to the left instead. He dropped obediently down onto the narrow bed he'd laid in not too long ago and watched Souichi curiously.

Souichi paced, a wild look in his eye, biting the edge of his thumb and gestured angrily towards the bed. "Well? Get under the covers."

Tetsuhiro did as he was told, already feeling his eyelids droop. After a moment's hesitation, there was a dip in the mattress and Souichi's body slid next to him.

His mouth opened of its own accord, agape. "If you say anything, I will kick you out. Shut up and go to sleep." He shut his mouth immediately.

Though Souichi was practically falling off the edge of the bed and his body was rigid and taut, Tetsuhiro was struck with affection gazing at the blonde hair on the pillow. Souichi, who had been actively avoiding any physical contact since that night, was willing to lie down beside him and act as a buffer between him and the looming pain.

Tetsuhiro gingerly reached out the arm that wasn't trapped between them and placed it around Souichi's stomach. He felt Souichi huff, positive he was blushing, but when he met no resistance, edged forward so his chest was plastered against the warmth of Souichi's back.

He bent his head forward until his nose nuzzled into the skin of Souichi's neck.

"You didn't have to do so much for me Souichi. Thank you."

Minutes pass without an answer. But the body under his hands relaxed slowly and the sound of breathing lulled him. He'd never felt so warm and loved that he easily drifted into sleep.

He wasn't sure if he imagined it but Souichi spoke softly and with earnest.

"It was never a choice."

He wouldn't admit it but sleeping beside Tetsuhiro resulted in twelve hours of blissful sleep. With a good night's rest, Souichi felt fit enough to go for a drive. Tetsuhiro, predictably, jumped up at the idea.

"Aren't you going a little fast, Souichi?" A feeble voice said to his left. Souichi glanced towards the passenger side in amusement and sped up just a little. Tetsuhiro gripped the sides of his chair.

"No back seat drivers." He chided and could practically feel Tetsuhiro tilt his head in confusion.

"I'm not in the back sea-AH!"

"Sorry, forgot to warn you about speed bumps." He hadn't.

"So, where do you want to go?" Souichi asked as he turned down a suburban street. Tetsuhiro didn't immediately answer but he gasped as they passed a small park.

"Can we climb a tree?"

Souichi burst out laughing.

The situation became decidedly less funny when Tetsuhiro fell for what must have been the tenth time. For all intents and purposes, the tree itself was fairly good to climb with low limbs. But his feet weren't used to digging into the notches of the wood and his arms couldn't hold his weight for too long. Souichi watched like a worrisome parent as Tetsuhiro fell with a yelp, got up, patted the dirt off his jeans, and approached the tree once more.

"Okay, this isn't working. You're going to break your neck." Souichi huffed impatiently from his place on the bench a few yards away. Tetsuhiro squared his shoulders and began his clumsy ascent.

"I saw a child do it, Souichi. It can't be that difficult." He reasoned as his foot slipped and he clung with fingertips as he hung about a foot in the air.

Souichi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms even if Tetsuhiro couldn't see it. "Yea well, those kids didn't start walking a few weeks ago, you moron."

As if to taunt them, a child no older than four with shocking red hair and an impish grin, climbed the tree next to Tetsuhiro, swinging upwards onto one of the higher branches.

Tetsuhiro landed on his feet and visibly pouted.

"Alright, that's it."

Souichi stood with flourish and made his way over to the tree. He climbed the trunk with ease and sat on a sturdy branch. When he glanced down, Tetsuhiro was watching him enviously. He offered his hand which was quickly accepted.

With a hard tug, Tetsuhiro's feet were firmly placed on a lower branch and he was clinging to the trunk on his own. Souichi couldn't regret the small ache in his arm from having heaved up someone heavier than him when there were practically stars in Tetsuhiro's eyes.

He sat down and from his place a branch above, scanned the park. What looked like an older brother was helping a young boy fix a training wheel on his blue bike. A group of mothers and their small children sat around a picnic bench closest to the swings, one of them suddenly looking wildly around and upon spotting the child in the tree next to them, stalked over to beckon her down. He wondered what it all looked like to Tetsuhiro who, until recently, had only been told of what humans did.

He heard a slight creak, tightening his grip on the branch out of instinct, to see Tetsuhiro nearing him. They both leant their weight sideways into the trunk but with Tetsuhiro now a step below him, they were forced to share the narrowing space with arms shifting against one another.

It was difficult to ignore how cold Tetsuhiro's skin was in the first few moments. Souichi couldn't look down but if he leaned a little more into the touch, Tetsuhiro didn't mention it.

"What are you thinking about?" Tetsuhiro asked, watching Souichi's legs swing back and forth absentmindedly.

Souichi hesitated and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Tomoe." He didn't need to see Tetsuhiro's face to know he was understandably confused.

"Do you miss him?"

"It's not that. Isogai gave Tomoe and that bastard Kurokawa the shack to look after while he's off doing God knows what." Souichi sighed. "It means that they'll want to stay in the house."

Tetsuhiro nodded in bleak understanding. It meant they would either have to explain his situation or he wouldn't be able to continue living there. Souichi finally looked at him.

"Do you think you could stay in a hotel until we can leave for the apartment?"

Tetsuhiro opened his mouth but found he couldn't speak. It finally made sense as to why Souichi wasn't as upset as he had imagined him to be.

When he could work his voice, he hoped it wouldn't betray his emotions. "And how…how long will that be?"

Souichi looked upwards for a moment as if mentally calculating and then shrugged. "They arrive in four days and the apartment won't be ready for another week so you'd have to stay there for like three days. Do you think you can do it?"

His heartbeat abruptly amplified in his ears and he could barely think above the noise. It was a week too long. When he was with Souichi he felt wonderful and whole and alive. But when they were apart, even for a few minutes, he could feel that his heartbeats weakened and his lungs struggled for air. He knew he was fading and Souichi's close proximity only masked it. It wasn't stopping.

Tetsuhiro pressed more firmly into the skin of Souichi's arm. "Yes." He said and fell silent.

Souichi took his silence as disappointment. "Don't look like that. I'll visit. It's only for three days, you baby."

Tetsuhiro didn't trust his voice not to give him away so he remained silent. Reality was begging for attention again, that his life was going to end soon. But when he felt eyes on him, he shoved it away hard and looked upwards.

Sure enough, Souichi was watching him carefully. With the sun now high in the sky, sunlight streamed through the leaves above them in small specks of honey. A gust of wind swept through and Souichi's loose hair danced around him, illuminated and softly shining.

Tetsuhiro leaned upwards on his tip toes in a daze, suddenly needing reassurance from Souichi's body, until wide brown eyes were all he could see and a warm forehead touched his own.

He closed his eyes, relishing the warmth where their bodies were connected. "Promise me something, Souichi."


Tetsuhiro's eyes fluttered open to stare at closed eyelids.

"Don't say it to me."

Souichi startled and blinked uncertainly. "What?"

"Don't tell me you love me. I don't care how bad things get." Souichi gasped and began pulling away in confusion but Tetsuhiro reached his free hand up to wrap around his neck and keep him there. "No. I don't want to hear it unless you mean it." He punctuated with a tug. Souichi's eyes lowered as if he were unable to continue looking at him. "Please, promise me."

A hand grasped his arm where it held Souichi and pulled fearfully. "I don't-"

But Tetsuhiro couldn't let him, wouldn't. He needed to hear him say it or he'd never have peace of mind.

"Promise me." He said again, determined. He felt Souichi shake his head, tugging at his strong grasp more so.

Tetsuhiro, in a last show of strength, echoed his pull and smashed their lips together. Souichi ceased his struggling with a sharp inhale and the hand on his arm gripped him tighter. Tetsuhiro took him apart slowly with a thumb caressing the apple of his cheek, encasing pliable lips with his own with as much tenderness and honesty as he could muster. It was a kiss they'd shared many times before but never had Souichi simply closed his eyes and taken part in it.

When Tetsuhiro drew away slightly, soft lips chased his own.

Souichi's fingers shook where they still gripped his lower arm. "Tetsuhiro-" He breathed, sounding confused and dazed.

"Promise." Tetsuhiro demanded. Souichi let out a shuddering breath, opening his eyes and searching Tetsuhiro's heated face.


That night, as he prepared for bed, Tetsuhiro replayed their discussion in his head like an obsessive film reel.

If he listened close enough and scrunched his eyes up tight, he could swear he heard uncertainty in Souichi's tone.


It did something bad to his insides. He didn't want to hear those words when their situation was practically forcing Souichi to say them.

Thankfully, footsteps broke his thoughts and he busied himself with pulling on his pajama bottoms and folding his clothes in a neat stack. When Souichi's bedroom door shut with a thud, he walked halfway across Tomoe's room and hesitated. It seemed like Souichi had already gone to bed.

Perhaps he was not welcome in Souichi's bed anymore. Perhaps Souichi did not want to share his sleep with someone who was rotting in his own body.

He climbed dejectedly into his own bed and closed his eyes.

"Do you wanna get drunk?"

Tetsuhiro half yelped, looking around groggily as Souichi came into view towering above him. His expression was, as always, unreadable.

He took a few deep breaths. "Again?"

The blush and accompanying glare sent his way made him dissolve into a fit of giggles.

He'd never set up a fire before but managed to fake it with enough confidence that he was sure Tetsuhiro knew no difference. He chose a spot on the beach not too far from where they used to meet, where it wasn't as windy and the sand seemed softer beneath their toes.

There was a half finished bottle of rum resting in a concave of sand between them.

"I think the last time I was around a fire was when my dad took my brother and I camping. That was the trip where my dad swore off taking us on 'father-son bonding' vacations ever again." Souichi took another swig of the bottle and handed it wordlessly to his left where Tetsuhiro took it.


"Well, the first few days were okay and then Isogai and his dad weaseled their way into staying in the tent next to ours. I may or may not have accidentally gotten melted marshmallow in Isogai's hair and he may have had to get a short hair cut."

Tetsuhiro's eyes softened in amusement but quirked a disapproving eyebrow. Souichi shrugged defensively.

"What? You think he's annoying now, you didn't meet him as a kid. It was like he was hyped up on sugar all the freaking time." Souichi looked out into the blackened water, musing. "Then he decided to tell Tomoe, who was too young to be camping anyway, that bears were attracted to blonde hair."

A horrified gasp filled the quiet air. "No."

Souichi nodded grimly. "He came at me with a pair of scissors and cut off like half. It took two years to grow back properly."

He turned his neck to watch Tetsuhiro's reaction and bit back a laugh. Tetsuhiro looked positively appalled, mouth agape and eyes flicking between Souichi's eyes and his shoulders where his hair now rested. Souichi absolutely did not think it was endearing.

"That's horrible."

Souichi shrugged against the unwavering gaze. "Just hair." He mumbled, gentle fingers touching the back of his head. He gave a half hearted attempt at batting away the hand. "Cut it out."

Though, if he stopped fighting and let the fingers dig a little deeper into his hair, no one had to know.

He had to admit it felt nice; the heat of the dying fire still warmed them against the chill of the ocean wind, the waves crashed lightly, and insistent but gentle fingers massaged the back of his head. For a moment, it was easy to just enjoy the sensations and forget everything else. But only for a moment.

"Is there uhh-" He coughed, breaking the relative silence. "Anything else you want to do?"

It was a vague question but they both understood its underlying meaning. He regretted it almost immediately as the fire illuminated Tetsuhiro's watering green eyes. Souichi panicked and sat up on his knees, cursing himself inwardly.

"Hey, don't do that." He begged, not only uncomfortable at the shed tears but angry as fuck that he'd caused it. Again.

Tetsuhiro shook his head, bringing his palms up to his eyes to wipe at his cheeks.

"I think it's just finally hit me. I've been avoiding it for so long I can't-"

Which just made Souichi feel even worse. He shifted and hesitated briefly before putting a hand on Tetsuhiro's back. It seemed a pathetic attempt of comfort but Tetsuhiro seemed to like it, leaning back at the pressure.

Tetsuhiro's face flickered with gold from the fire and he smiled gratefully in his direction. Souichi felt a soft swooping sensation that made his chest light and his cheeks warm.

He really, really didn't want to have to live without Tetsuhiro. He had to bite the inside of his lip hard to keep from saying…well he wasn't sure.

"Will you tell me another story about you when you were young?" Tetsuhiro asked in a small voice.

Souichi complied until his voice was hoarse, the rest of the alcohol had seeped into the sand, forgotten, and Tetsuhiro's head rested comfortably in the crook of his neck.

He could feel time slipping away from him. It was heavy and dragged its weight and he struggled in the face of it. As he fit his body around Souichi's that night, it didn't fade. The realization sent his heart thundering in fear and he had to clench his teeth to keep his emotions under control.

Souichi shifted in his arms a few times as though he felt the sudden and tense discomfort, and rolled over so they faced one another. Tetsuhiro looked down at the small, empty space between them.

"Tetsuhiro, look at me." Souichi commanded quietly.

Reluctantly, he obeyed.

Souichi regarded him with stern concern. "What's wrong?"

He gathered himself as best he could, taking a few trembling breaths though unable to hide his emotions any longer. "I-" He choked. "I lied to you."

A shadow crossed over Souichi's face but he remained outwardly calm. Tetsuhiro didn't know if it was for his benefit or not.

"Earlier when you asked…about Tomoe and whether I'd be alright with the hotel." Tetsuhiro shook his head, scrunching his eyes up. "Souichi, I'm not going to last that long. I can feel it. It's like a cold hand is gripping my stomach and pulling slowly at my arms and legs and if I'm not touching you I can't breathe."

The silence was deafening as the words floated between them and he couldn't bear to see Souichi's reaction. So he didn't look up and continued speaking, the words having to force their way out of his mouth.

"I don't know if telling you is the right thing but I know I can't lie to you anymore. Like you said, it's not like I'll have much opportunity."

Souichi hissed and when Tetsuhiro looked up, he stared back harshly.

"Fuck, I didn't mean that." Souichi snapped and immediately went quiet, his eyes dancing wildly around the room like they couldn't find a place to stop. Finally, they rested on Tetsuhiro and the color rapidly drained from his face. "God. You're actually-"

Tetsuhiro watched half a dozen emotions flash across Souichi's face though anger was quite prominent. But it wasn't directed at him.

He shook his head forcefully, trying and succeeding in trapping Souichi's flailing hand in his. "Don't do that. Don't blame yourself."

Souichi's eyes narrowed and he yanked his hand free, kicking at the covers. "How can I not?! You're dying because of me. This is my fault. You don't fucking deserve this!" He seemed frantic and desperate and broken and angry at himself and it was all completely wrong.

Tetsuhiro gripped his arm before he could spring up from the bed and anchored him down with his weight. "Stop. Please, lie down."

Souichi eyed the hand on his arm for a moment and surprisingly sank back down. He lay staring at the ceiling with moistened eyes and taking in ragged breaths.

"Souichi…" He tried gently but Souichi didn't react.

"Promise me something." Souichi stated firmly.

Tetsuhiro blinked in surprise. "Anything." He said hastily because anything was better than seeing Souichi like this.

"I want to be there when it happens. Don't sneak off when I'm sleeping or…" He broke off.

Tetsuhiro let out a shuddering breath and he felt a welling in his throat. It was going to be completely terrifying but he thought, if Souichi were there, it wouldn't seem so daunting. But he couldn't let Souichi…

"You don't need to see that, Souichi." He tried and choked on the rest of his sentence as Souichi titled his head to the side. Their noses nearly touched.

"The day my mother died, I was angry she was leaving me behind to go into that boat so I hid in the garden until she left. I didn't say goodbye. I am pissed as fuck that this is happening but I'll be damned if I'm going to miss saying goodbye. Not again." Souichi held his gaze, daring him to argue or look away.

Tetsuhiro didn't know if Souichi realized what he was saying; that he was equating Tetsuhiro to his mother and whether it was wrong or not, the notion made him feel warm and sated.

He nodded with a hint of reluctance, determined to keep this promise. "Okay." Souichi searched his face and dropped his gaze, satisfied.

Tetsuhiro rubbed his thumb back and forth where it still gripped Souichi's arm, deep in thought. There was a pressure in his forehead that had been building for a few weeks now and though he held tight to Souichi's skin, it wasn't going away. He tried not to let the emotions show on his face as he dragged his fingernails across Souichi's inner arm. Said arm fidgeted and Souichi looked ready to move backwards.



"That night, when you talked with my brother." Souichi visibly flushed as though he was replaying what had happened. Tetsuhiro shifted one of his legs so it touched Souichi's. "Why did you leave?"

Souichi scoffed uncomfortably, his eyes continually dropping down to where Tetsuhiro was caressing his skin but not moving away. "I felt like a walk." He bit his lip. "Fuck, I don't know."

"You do know."

Souichi looked up into Tetsuhiro's encouraging smile and scowled. "I wasn't aware I was in for an interrogation when I invited you here."

Tetsuhiro's smile faded a little and he sighed. "Just, be honest. Please." He paused. "Were you scared?"



Souichi's shoulders hunched defensively and he looked away. "Maybe, a little."

"Okay, what about confused?" His question was met with a silence that answered for him. Tetsuhiro let his fingers trail from Souichi's inner elbow up to his shoulder and into his hair. Souichi still refused to look at him but allowed the contact.

"Souichi, earlier you asked if there was anything I wanted to do." Tetsuhiro said in a low tone and Souichi took in an audible breath. "Will you leave again?"

Tetsuhiro waited for it. For either the protest of permission.


Tetsuhiro wasted no time and swooped in further, closing the remaining space.

It was different but achingly familiar. Souichi accepted the lips that moved urgently against his own with an eagerness that surprised him. He shifted to hover above Souichi's body as they continued to kiss, Souichi's scent consuming him with a mix of ocean spray and wind and something sweet and unique.

He felt fingernails dig into his upper back leaving a searing trail in their wake as they scratched. Tetsuhiro was overwhelmed with sensations that seemed suddenly sharpened and focused. Like he'd just awoken. He pulled back a little so they could breathe in the small space between their mouths.

The fingers on his skin hesitated and he stared into glossy, amber eyes with surprise. He'd only seen Souichi cry once and it was so long ago. He remembered not having known what crying even was. He could feel his own tears begin to form like tiny pinpricks behind his eyelids.

His arms held his weight effortlessly as he gazed downwards into angry and fearful eyes. He went to wipe the tears that had slipped down Souichi's pink cheek but it was bat away almost immediately.

He hated hurting Souichi. It was worse because he knew he couldn't fix it this time.

Tetsuhiro went to move, to give Souichi the space he surely wanted, but his eyes widened as a hand went roughly to cup the back of his head and pulled him down. Souichi kissed with fire and desperation and Tetsuhiro really could do nothing but respond, their tears and breath mingling together.

He wondered how far Souichi would allow him to go.

With every ounce of his energy, Tetsuhiro went about taking Souichi apart. He removed their clothes slowly, making sure to kiss at every area of salty skin he could reach, relishing in the ever surprised gasps as he bit into the protruding veins of his neck, of the underside of his knees. The tears having dried, Souichi's face melted into a beautiful crimson color and he kept glancing down at what Tetsuhiro was doing with hooded eyelids and a distracting open mouth. His expression was vulnerable and trusting and Tetsuhiro found he could only look for a few moments before being unable to bear to watch.

But soon enough, Souichi grew visibly impatient and groaned each time Tetsuhiro's mouth parted from his skin.

When he spoke it was a breathless rasp. "Hurry up." Souichi mumbled, an inkling of embarrassment tinting his words. But he couldn't really find it in him to deny that what Tetsuhiro was doing felt good.

Friendship was too ghostly a word to describe them anymore, he could admit that at the least.

Tetsuhiro put a stop to his over thinking by looking up where he had been swirling his tongue inside his navel and smiled affectionately. Souichi's cheeks predictably flushed. "Eager, Souichi?"

"Shut u-ahh!" Souichi groaned as Tetsuhiro finally took him in his mouth. He was embarrassingly close already.

He was so lost in the sensation of wet heat, his back arching, muscles trembling, fingers gripping the sheets beneath them, that he hadn't noticed his own hand carding through black hair. Tetsuhiro paused and took his mouth off with a pop, taking the hand in his hair and lacing their fingers together. Souichi made the mistake of looking down and locking eyes with Tetsuhiro who really shouldn't have looked so enticing where he lay between his thighs.

"Are you close?" Tetsuhiro asked roughly. It was such a direct question and he wasn't used to the level of intimacy. But he took a steadying breath in and nodded shakily, groaning as Tetsuhiro moved away again.

There was a welling in his throat because he knew why Tetsuhiro was dragging this out more than he usually did. Just in case there wasn't a chance later on.

He must have closed his eyes because he felt a cold rush of air and when he found the energy to open them again, Tetsuhiro was getting back onto the bed. Souichi had the urge to pull their bodies together to get that heat back.

There was the unmistakable pop of a lid.

"Wha-" Souichi started, confused, until he spotted the bottle Tetsuhiro had been trying to conceal beneath the blanket. He sat up on his elbows sharply. "What is that?"

Tetsuhiro had the good grace to look guilty and held up his fingers which were glossy and coated. "It will make it easier." He said simply but still looked uneasy at Souichi's reaction.

Souichi could feel the nerves knot his stomach and his arousal began to fade with the realization at what Tetsuhiro wanted to do. But he was back in that position again, sitting between his thighs where his erection begged for attention, and it didn't seem like a completely terrible idea.

But it was. But it was Tetsuhiro. But where did he even get that?

"I-mmph!" Souichi melted into the mouth that suddenly covered his, lighting that fire in his lower belly again.

"I won't hurt you, Souichi." Tetsuhiro assured him between kisses to his jaw and cheek and neck. "We can stop whenever you want." He let his hand trail downwards to grip Souichi who moaned at the contact. "Please?"

Souichi couldn't think properly, his mind blissfully blank, and he was so close anyway. Tetsuhiro would stop if he wanted, he would. He looked down again into Tetsuhiro's anxious eyes that shouldn't be so green and caring but they were and they were alive and glistening and he bit his lip before giving one sharp nod.

Tetsuhiro breathed out in relief, looking so damn grateful that Souichi couldn't look and concentrated on relaxing his body.

Tetsuhiro continued to work him with the lube coated hand which felt ridiculously good and much better than when Souichi did it himself. He could tell Tetsuhiro was trying to ease him into it but the nerves still rushed into his chest and he tensed as he felt a very foreign pressure. He took a sharp inhale, willing his body to relax but the thought was much worse than the actual situation.

Tetsuhiro continued rubbing but glanced up in concern. "Okay?"

Souichi grit his teeth as the tip of Tetsuhiro's finger entered him and nodded, perhaps to reassure himself as well. Then the movement did stop.

"Tell me to stop and I will Souichi." Tetsuhiro begged softly.

Souichi didn't want to stop, he didn't want Tetsuhiro disappointed face to sleep next to him, didn't want to relieve this pressure himself.

"It's…okay." Souichi replied but when Tetsuhiro didn't look convinced, he huffed in annoyance and surprised even himself by reaching down and pushing the finger that breached him further.

Tetsuhiro's gasp dissolved into a moan and he kissed Souichi again, their erections rubbing together where they were trapped between them.

It did hurt, he wasn't going to lie. It was foreign and strange. But it became increasingly bearable as Tetsuhiro was gentle and only added fingers when Souichi was thoroughly opened.

Souichi's lip pricked with blood where he bit it and wondered why people did this. Although it no longer felt like someone was tearing at his insides, it didn't feel good exactly.

Then he cried out, his vision temporarily whitening and his ears buzzing. When he came back to himself, surprised he hadn't come from that brief sensation, he saw Tetsuhiro looking at him, pleased and eyes almost black.

"Found it." Tetsuhiro smiled playfully and maybe a little relieved. Souichi tried to scowl but through his ragged breath, it was near impossible. The fingers inside him made scissoring motions and he whined.

It was torturous, Tetsuhiro determined to make it last and for Souichi to be comfortable. It felt like an eternity had passed before Tetsuhiro removed his fingers slowly. Souichi gasped for air at the sensation, feeling abruptly empty, and unclenched his fists where they gripped the sheets. He must be glistening with sweat.

He blinked languidly and watched as Tetsuhiro lined himself up to Souichi's entrance, surprised to see he was trembling just as badly as Souichi was. It calmed him somewhat, that Tetsuhiro was nervous. There were hands on both his knees where they were bent, gently prying them open just a little more. Tetsuhiro breathed deeply and locked eyes.

Souichi didn't like the way he was looking at him. Drinking in every part of his body and every reaction like it was the last time he'd be able to. His chest ached.

"Souichi-" Tetsuhiro started, a delicate sadness creeping into his tone. He seemed unhappy and Souichi had decided a long time ago that it was an emotion that looked wrong on his face. Souichi thought, not for the first time, that he would give anything to trade places with him.

Souichi waited as patiently as he could because Tetsuhiro deserved to be listened to. But when he could tell the body above his wasn't moving anytime soon and there were tears that threatened to fall onto his stomach, he swallowed loudly.

"Tetsuhiro." He said and a mop of black hair whipped upwards to stare at him. Souichi reached forward and ruffled his hair. "I know." Tetsuhiro looked between them, letting out a wet laugh, and kissed him slowly, entering him at the same time.

Souichi hissed into his mouth as Tetsuhiro eased inside, willing his muscles to relax as the pain seared through him again. Tetsuhiro whispered soothing nonsense into his ear but he too was shaking and when he had completely sheathed, he looked at Souichi like he was something incredible.

Tetsuhiro stilled for a long moment as they both breathed in deeply through their noses to regain some sort of control.

"Are…is it…" Tetsuhiro asked in a strangled and broken voice. Souichi had never seen him look so exposed and vulnerable, it made his chest hurt.

He could still feel twinges of pain when Tetsuhiro shifted but his body was getting used to the intrusion.

"I…I'm fine." Souichi answered, gritting his teeth. "Just slow." He added.

Tetsuhiro started moving.

It was messy and desperate and awkward and Tetsuhiro, through a lust filled haze, inadvertently found that spot again, sending Souichi spiraling into louder and louder moans.

It was overwhelming but it was nice to feel so out of control for once.

He found he enjoyed the look of urgency on Tetsuhiro's face more than he would care to admit.

Sometimes, if he could open his eyes for long enough, he'd watch Tetsuhiro's awkward rhythm and they'd lock eyes and he felt whole again.

Their movements sped up, grew more frantic, and he felt a hand grip him between their slick bodies and he let out a strangled cry as he came. Tetsuhiro stilled inside him moments later and collapsed, thoroughly exhausted.

Tetsuhiro wasn't sure how much time passed as he tried to catch his breath, the ache returning to his temple but the rest of his body delighting in the feel of Souichi's naked skin against his own. When he went to move off of Souichi, he was met with closed eyelids and smiled tenderly.

"I will never regret loving you." He murmured into Souichi's ear, nudging with his nose at the messy blonde hair as he did so.

He never managed to drop into sleep, but the steady breathing beside him lulled him into a drifting haze.

It was a piece he'd been working on here and there and finally, mercifully he had finished. He observed his work, holding the paper lightly with blue stained fingertips, and smiled as he listened to Souichi growling in the kitchen as he made their lunch. He'd said he would try to make soup with what was left in the fridge but with the amount of cursing, Tetsuhiro was sure he was trying to destroy a few pots and pans.

Tetsuhiro went to sign his name at the bottom, right hand corner, careful not to smudge the gentle waves he'd curved just so. He set the pastel to the edge of the paper when his thumb and forefinger trembled and his hand spasmed.

He blinked rapidly, heart thudding fearfully against his rib cage, and heard the distant clatter of the pastel to the floor before Souichi's worried face appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Souichi." He said as calmly as he could manage, a cold feeling spreading slowly from his toes to his stomach. "It's time."

Souichi rushed to his side in a whirl of frantic hands and desperate breaths. "Fuck." He breathed, sounding pained and frightened. He touched Tetsuhiro's forehead with his palm and then aborted the gesture. "I don't know what to-"

Tetsuhiro's lungs decided to choke him at that moment and he clutched at Souichi's available shoulders until the coughing subsided.

"Can I-" He started, eyes watering from exertion. Souichi looked at him like he was about to disappear before his very eyes. He looked more terrified than Tetsuhiro felt. "Can I ask something of you?"

"Yes, of course."

"Can we go down to where we used to meet?" He closed his eyes as he was suddenly exhausted. "I'd like that."

Souichi's eyes searched his face reluctantly but nodded grimly. "Do I need to get the wheelbarrow?"

Tetsuhiro let his hand drift slightly to the left until it rested behind Souichi's neck, the skin contact making the pain subside just a little. He shook his head.

"No, I can make it."

There was a time when Souichi feared the sea, a bitter hatred that infected his heart and mind. He was haunted by the ghost of his mother and couldn't dip his toes inside without hearing her terrified screams, water filling her lungs.

Tetsuhiro shifted in his arms with a shiver that had nothing to do with the chill of the wind.

He wasn't afraid anymore. The ocean now came to his mind's eye as a labyrinth of deep green and deeper blue. It was gold tinged scales and red hair bands. It was pebbles that stuck to his naked back and whispers in his ear. It was warmth that unfurled in his belly and pinched his heart.

"Warm today."

He gave a distracted hum and Tetsuhiro's head turned a little where it rested against his chest.

"Souichi, you can still leave."

He gripped tighter. "I'm not leaving."

Tetsuhiro let out a sad sigh and went back to watching the somewhat rough ocean. His fingers and toes were numb and his chest felt like someone was sitting on it. But Souichi's arms were solid around his upper body where he lay with his back to the warm chest behind him. He could let go like this, if Souichi allowed him to.

"What did you think of me when we first met?" A weak scoff ruffled his hair.

"That you were a bratty kid who needed a haircut and had serious medical issues."

Tetsuhiro smiled, small and sad. "Souichi."

"I…" Souichi cleared his throat. It felt like there was something stuck in it. "I knew you were different. Not just because of the tail thing but there was something…" He paused, his voice brittle. "I've never met someone like that."

"Like what?"

"Immediately honest." He sniffed. "It was nice."

Tetsuhiro swallowed. "Even after I lied to you?"

"Yes, even then."


"Because you never lied about the important things. And until I met you, I didn't want to face what the important things were." Souichi mumbled, surprising himself as the words came out in a natural, coherent stream. Tetsuhiro let out what sounded like a whimper. "I thought I was better off alone. And I was wrong."

The body in his arms shook.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." Tetsuhiro apologized while wiping at his cheeks with fingers that had no feeling. His arms were growing heavier and they dropped down with a thud to the rock beneath them.

"Don't apologize." Souichi ordered firmly. "Do you want to move?"

"No, here is perfect."

Which was just fine because Souichi wasn't sure his legs were going to hold them both anymore. He thought he had prepared enough for this moment, as much as he could anyway. But he knew the warmth in his arms was just temporary and that Tetsuhiro was slowly dissolving in his own body.

He knew he would be irrevocably damaged after Tetsuhiro was gone.

It came to him in a rush. The panic that made his head feel light and his chest heave and it was worth saying if it had even a small chance of saving him.

"Tetsuhiro I-"

"You promised."

Souichi balked at the firmness in Tetsuhiro's tone.

"But I-"

"Souichi, please. I kept my promise to you, didn't I?"

He was frustrated, frustrated at Tetsuhiro's lack of self preservation. But he had promised and he supposed it was the least he could give to him.

"Can you squeeze my hand, Souichi?" Tetsuhiro mumbled and Souichi complied cautiously. "That's strange, I can't feel you anymore" He said distantly.

A wave of fear swept through Souichi. He felt thin and weak and utterly useless.

"Are you scared?" Souichi asked quietly because he selfishly needed to know he wasn't alone caught in this sinking, hollow tidal wave.

"I…was. Not anymore." Tetsuhiro paused, leaning more heavily into Souichi. "I'm tired."

Souichi struggled to keep his composure. "You can…you can sleep if you want to."

"Don't wanna." Tetsuhiro mumbled.

"I'll wake you up." Souichi promised, the first tear landing in Tetsuhiro's hair.



Souichi wasn't sure how long it had been before he raised his head from where it rested against soft, black hair. The sky had dimmed to a pale yellow. He kept his grip tight even as the body in his arms grew heavier and limp.

His temples ached and his vision kept going blurry with the silent tears that seemed to keep coming. He pretended he could still feel warmth in his arms even if it had long gone.

"Tetsuhiro?" He said quietly, fearfully. The body he held remained still. Souichi let one of his hands drift to Tetsuhiro's chest where he felt a very, very faint heartbeat.

He began to narrate the curve of the ocean waves, the softened light of the setting sun, and everything else he could see from his position. He described what he could for Tetsuhiro who could no longer see through his own eyes.

Then there was a distinct splash near the rock where they lay. He shifted to try and see around but couldn't turn his neck enough. Another splash sounded and he encircled his arms even more around Tetsuhiro in a protective instinct. Something didn't feel right.

Just when the noises around them dampened and Souichi felt the body in his arms sag just a little more, a yell filled the air.

"Souichi! Don't let go of Tetsuhiro!"

Souichi cast around nervous and confused. The voice was familiar. Then he saw him. Kunihiro was bobbing offshore a ways, waving to him frantically and pointing with a distressed finger somewhere below him. He couldn't hear him above the waves crashing but immediately began moving backwards while dragging Tetsuhiro with him.

Kunihiro was obviously afraid of something below them, in the water.

But he struggled with Tetsuhiro's weight, and only managed to move about a foot before he was abruptly on his back, clutching his skull.

He was almost certain someone had thrown a rock at his head.

"Fffu-" He moaned, the pain causing his eyes to water. It felt like his forehead was tearing open.

"Tetsuhiro!" That was Kunihiro again. It was then that Souichi realized the warm, solid weight he'd been holding for the past few hours had disappeared. When he opened his eyes, Tetsuhiro was being dragged into the ocean water.

Souichi locked disbelieving eyes with the man that had his hand around Tetsuhiro's ankle, who was pulling at him ruthlessly and more forcefully than was necessary. Souichi wondered if he was trying to break Tetsuhiro's leg on purpose.

This had to be him. This had to be his father.

And then Tetsuhiro, leaving a trail of blood where his shirt had rucked up and dragged against the sharp rock, was being pulled completely into the water. Souichi shook out his stupor and ignored the dulling ache in his temple to stumble forwards to try and grab him. He managed to seize his shoulder but it slipped out of his shaking fingers.

"Shit! Tetsuhiro!" He screamed in a frenzy. He watched helplessly as Tetsuhiro and his father disappeared below the waves.

Souichi thought of his mother, gasping for air. He saw Rikio being pulled over the edge of the boats railing and gurgling water. He remembered his own lungs screaming for relief. He couldn't let Tetsuhiro die like that.

He took a deep breath and jumped.

It was almost like being in a car that kept turning and stopping and jolting. Except he wasn't strapped in and he couldn't breathe. Souichi willed himself not to panic because it was panic that had kept him from the water for so long. He kicked upwards as much as he could and then breached the surface.

He spluttered salty water while whipping his head in every direction. He ducked back under and tried to see through the water; the setting sun made it hard to see anything but his own legs kicking beneath him. Frustrated at the time he was losing, he waded around, crying out Tetsuhiro's name.

Someone popped up behind him and he shrunk in disappointment: it wasn't Tetsuhiro.

"My father intends to drown him." Kunihiro explained in a rush, his eyes wide and distressed. "Hiroto and Masaki are attempting to rescue him."

Souichi balked. "What-why aren't you saving him? Get down there!" He yelled, outraged and terrified.

Kunihiro observed him carefully which left Souichi fuming. He was wading in deep, murky water, he was freezing and trying to save his best friend from drowning and his stupid brother was wasting time staring at him.

Kunihiro approached him quickly and grabbed at his hand. He placed a heavy object in it.

"Use this." Kunihiro said before disappearing beneath the water again.

Souichi gaped and raised his hand. A sharpened rock sat in his palm like a heavy paperweight. What the fuck was he supposed to do with a rock?

He thought about dropping it to continue looking for Tetsuhiro who had surely been down too long when three bodies came up, one coughing desperately.

Tetsuhiro. He was still alive.

Souichi swam over, barely glancing at the two men who held tight to Tetsuhiro's arms.

"Tetsuhiro!" He yelled, getting a mouth full of water as he opened his mouth. Tetsuhiro stirred, still looking too pale and exhausted but opened his eyes.

"Soui-chi." He slurred in a daze, head lolling a little to the side but determined to continue looking at him. "You're…swimming." He added in delayed disbelief and Souichi's ears reddened a little. Of course that was what Tetsuhiro would notice at a time like this.

Souichi's eyes flicked between the two men who were still holding him up in quiet interest.

"We're his friends." The blond one explained, as if he knew what Souichi was thinking.

The red head lifted the arm that was around his neck and the other followed suit, propelling Tetsuhiro towards Souichi who caught him up in his arms. He found it easier to keep up Tetsuhiro's weight in the enveloping ocean.

"We have to get Tetsuhiro out of here." Souichi said grimly and saw the other two nod quickly. He tried to wade towards the shore again but the waves were working against him.

He didn't make it far when there was a sudden, bone crushing grip on his ankle that pulled at him and he kicked out of instinct. He felt something crack under his heel and held Tetsuhiro more tightly, his heart thudding painfully.

"What the fuck was that?" He breathed, watching as the two mermen glanced at each other and dipped under the water. It left them alone again.

In the circle of his arms, Tetsuhiro leaned into his ear on the side where his head rested.

"Let go, Souichi. It's okay."

Souichi ignored him, stubbornly holding on. If he swam just a bit further, they could fall onto the sand of the shore.


Another swipe was made at his ankle but it slipped away as soon as it appeared. His mind imagined some sort of struggle beneath them.

"I love you."

Souichi choked loudly. "I-" He started, deafened by the noise of what he held tight inside. He pressed his lips into Tetsuhiro's black hair because he wasn't moving as fast as he would like to and he didn't know if he'd get a chance to again. "M-me…me too."

Tetsuhiro leaned back with what little energy he had left, eyes wet and wide.

It was the last thing he saw before they were both pulled under.

"I'm Kunihiro. We have much to discuss."

Souichi scowled while guardedly observing Tetsuhiro's supposed brother. He supposed he could see the resemblance if he squinted. But it was hard; Tetsuhiro had never looked so stern and serious.

He remembered Tetsuhiro speaking of his brother's indifference and coldness towards him.

"Well I have nothing to say to you. So you can piss off now."

Kunihiro raised an unamused eyebrow and settled himself more comfortably with arms crossed on the rock. "Is my brother the reason you're so irritant or is this your natural state?"

Souichi grit his teeth. "None of your fucking business you oversized fucking fish."

Kunihiro sighed deeply, like he was speaking with a child. "I don't have much time and I need to speak to you. For Tetsuhiro's sake."

"Well from what I've heard, he hates you. So forgive me for not exactly wanting to stick around."

Souichi resisted the urge to kick a pebble near his foot into Kunihiro's face and turned around to walk the way he'd come.

"My brother is dying."

He stuttered to a halt. "No, he isn't." He stated, looking back at Kunihiro sternly. "He's not. He's perfectly fine."

"Is he? You didn't really believe he was becoming human without some sort of side effect?"

Souichi shook his head. No. There was no way. He couldn't trust this asshole anyway. "I don't believe you." He said indignantly.


"No, shut the fuck up! He's fine!" He all but yelled. Because Tetsuhiro may be changing but he wasn't dying.

Kunihiro's face softened, like he pitied him and it made him want to scream. "Tetsuhiro is dying. And he needs your help." He continued in a low voice but when Souichi scoffed, he narrowed his eyes. "After all, you are the one that's caused this."

"Excuse me?"

"It is rare that any one of our species meets with a human. It is even rarer that they fall in love." Kunihiro explained, watching lazily as a crab scuttled beneath a nearby boulder. "But we are half human so it isn't impossible. It isn't like it's a conscious decision but if and when this happens, our bodies desire to be with the human overwhelms our other side. We are a part of the ocean, Souichi, but love has a stronger pull."

Souichi had the most ridiculous urge to cover his ears against what Kunihiro was telling him. It wasn't true. It couldn't be. "Why are you fucking telling me this? He's not dying!"

"Tetsuhiro, through this change, is in a way sacrificing his old life for a new one. He's doing it, perhaps unknowingly, because he is in love with you. But it hasn't been reciprocated." Kunihiro pinned him with a gaze that hinted at an accusation. "You have not reciprocated."

Souichi shrugged weakly, suddenly unaware of his footing. "So?"

"You are his new life, Souichi. Do you not understand? Because you haven't proved you feel the same, his new life for all intents and purposes doesn't exist."

Souichi breathed in sharply. "Even if you were telling the truth, what's the point in this? You're basically saying he's…dying and there's nothing I-we can do."

Kunihiro nodded in agreement. "I admit I thought this as well, when we first discovered Tetsuhiro's predicament. However, a good friend of ours managed to track down my aunt, Naoka. Has my brother mentioned her?"

Souichi rubbed at his temples in exasperation. He didn't know what this had to do with anything.

"I don't know. No."

"My father's sister fell in love with a human, similar to your situation. We thought her dead. That is, until Rosalie informed me that her clan had heard rumors of a maiden who now lived among the humans."

Souichi's heart clenched as he recognized the name. "Rosalie?" He questioned. Tetsuhiro's fiancée?

Kunihiro's mouth curved upwards just a little and Souichi could suddenly see the resemblance. It was almost uncanny. "Ahh, my brother has mentioned her before. Lovely girl." Souichi fidgeted uncomfortably and crossed his arms. "Are you following alright?"

Souichi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Your aunt became human. So what?"

"I scoured the shore where she was rumored to be with little luck. And then one afternoon, I met her again, with her human mate and tiny daughter." Kunihiro said and paused as if waiting for Souichi to react. When he didn't, Kunihiro looked upwards, pained. "She lived, Souichi. That is the point, she was still alive. I questioned her and she explained that she'd been caught in a terrible storm when the human she fell in love risked his own life to dive in and save her."

Souichi didn't like where this story seemed to be going. It didn't take much for it to dawn on him what Kunihiro was trying to tell him.

"Do you believe you can make my brother happy?" Kunihiro asked.

Souichi was thoroughly thrown by the question. "I-I don't know." He answered honestly. Tetsuhiro had always hung around him of his own accord, said he loved him, but that didn't mean Souichi made him happy.

"I don't think you can." Souichi flinched, wanting to scream at him.

Kunihiro tilted his head, a tic Souichi was very familiar with. "However, you cared enough to stay until I told you everything. That's saying something I suppose."

Souichi said nothing.

After a few beats of silence, Souichi realized Kunihiro was fidgeting restlessly like he had somewhere to be. "There is a way to save him."

"The human she fell in love risked his own life to dive in and save her"

"You mean, I have to die." Souichi said plainly because, what else could Kunihiro be hinting at?

Kunihiro seemed surprised. "Not necessarily, but you do need to prove you love him."

Souichi flushed. "Can't I just-say…it?"

"You could try, but words are only that: words. Without the feeling behind them, they are meaningless."

If possible, Souichi flushed even deeper. He wasn't going to think about that just now. It was opening the door to something big, overwhelming. But even so, Souichi knew it was too late to pretend he didn't give a damn.

He stared into Kunihiro's stern face and realized that he was terrified for his brother.

"I still don't believe you."

A muscle in Kunihiro's jaw twitched in controlled agitation. "Fine. If you need proof: Tetsuhiro will not be able to take rejection from you. Tell him you never want to see him again."

"What will that prove?" Souichi asked cautiously.

"He'll lose consciousness. His body can't take much at the moment." Kunihiro paused for punctuation, peeking through his eyelashes with a hard stare. "Because he's dying."

Souichi clenched his fists. "You're wrong. He would have told me this."

"Would he? He's never lied to you before?" Kunihiro watched him with knowing eyes, his silence speaking for him. He pushed off from the rock and waded lazily into deeper waters. "I hope we meet again under better circumstances, Souichi."

He couldn't have been more wrong.

It was the weight in his hand that kept him from completely panicking. The rock was like an anchor, he concentrated on the feel of it in his cold, wet fingers. It was a decent distraction from the fact that he and Tetsuhiro were being dragged further down. He only knew it was Tetsuhiro in front of him because he was still holding tight with his free hand.

It must have been a few seconds before Souichi opened his eyes. Everything was a blur but he knew he only had a few precious moments before they'd both drown and took in as much detail as he could.

Several bodies struggled in the surrounding area but no one swam forward to help them. He looked upwards and saw they were already a few yards deep. His ears popped under the pressure. He looked down.

It was the man from earlier. It was Tetsuhiro's father. He couldn't make out his expression nor any of his features but he still clutched both their ankles with crushing force.

Souichi made a choice that really wasn't a decision at all.

He reached down and dug the sharpened point of the rock into the hand holding Tetsuhiro's leg. There was a gurgled scream, eerie in the otherwise silent water, and blood rose from the wound.

Tetsuhiro's eyes were bright even in the murky water.

And then Souichi was pushing at him with all his strength towards the surface. Even if the hand around his ankle was still tight and was clawing its way up his leg, Tetsuhiro was being tugged by his brother upward and that meant he was safe and alive. Which was all he ever really wanted anyway.

Tetsuhiro broke the surface with a hungry gasp for air. In the chaos and noise he tried frantically to elbow his way out of Kunihiro's grip as he was pulled him backwards towards the shore.

"Souichi! Souichi!" He cried as loud as his voice would allow, thrashing with the new adrenaline that traveled throughout his arms and legs. Kunihiro grunted as his strength returned.

"Tetsuhiro, it's too dangerous!"

But he couldn't think of his own life when Souichi had been underwater for at least thirty seconds with his father. He couldn't enjoy the way his lungs expanded gratefully with each breath or how his legs felt novel and lively.

He struggled and kicked at his brother but another pair of hands kept his legs from moving and he watched helplessly as the spot where Souichi had gone under grew farther and farther away from him.

When his feet finally touched the sandy floor, he was released from his hold and immediately fell backwards in his haste to get away.

He didn't care to know what had happened to his father. He had to get back in the water, he had to get to Souichi somehow, to save him as he had been saved.

But as he got ready to rush back in, Masaki reappeared above the water clutching a lifeless body with long, wet hair.

Tetsuhiro felt his world tilt dangerously. There was blood spilling to the surface and he couldn't tell who it had come from. Kunihiro and Hiroto did not stop him from meeting Masaki halfway and taking Souichi from his hold.

"Souichi! No, please…please." He couldn't see through the tears, couldn't hear above the beat of his heart. Kunihiro leaned over him and bent forward, putting his ear to Souichi's still chest.

"He's not breathing." He relayed grimly.

Tetsuhiro cried frantically, sobbing openly.

He couldn't be. Tetsuhiro was supposed to die, he was ready. Souichi had…if he hadn't…

He was always meant to be human, but it was meaningless without Souichi.

And then he was being pushed aside with a strong shove and watched as Masaki bent over Souichi's face, holding his nose and breathing into his mouth.

Tetsuhiro whimpered, watching helplessly from the side with his brother and friend, clutching Souichi's cold hand in his, as Masaki tried to return air into Souichi's lungs.

It felt like an age before Souichi's eyes snapped open and he vomited a sizeable amount of water to the side.

Souichi blinked slowly from face to face. "God, there's more of you."

"Souichi!" Tetsuhiro cried with relief. He cupped Souichi's face between his hands for assurance that he was in fact alive. They were both alive.

Souichi's eyes closed briefly at the contact and hummed. "You're okay?"

"You…I can't believe…" Tetsuhiro began, shaking his head. Then he stared at him crossly. "You shouldn't have done that. You could have died!"

Souichi rolled his eyes as his mouth curved upwards. Tetsuhiro's breath caught as a thumb reached up at rubbed at the tears he hadn't noticed slipping down his face. "You're really okay?"

Souichi's eyes were fixed on him like there weren't three other people staring at them and his expression turned soft, open. He was trying to figure Tetsuhiro out again. To make it easier, Tetsuhiro's face blossomed into a genuine smile.

His voice, though barely above a whisper, is all that filled Souichi's ear.

"Now I am."

Exactly one year later...

The door burst open with a loud bang. "Greetings and tidings everyone!"

Souichi simply looked over the top of his book where he reclined on the couch, clearly not amused.

"You're late." He said and went back to reading.

Isogai grinned, shifting the duffel bag on his shoulder a bit more. He carried a blue wrapped box with an obnoxious bow. "Aw, missed you too Souichi-kun. Had to bring the perfect present for our special guy. Though I'm sure you'll be giving him something tonight that none of us can top. So to speak."

Souichi inevitably flushed. "I swear to god-" His eyes and tone deadly. But he was interrupted as Tetsuhiro bounded into the living room in a flurry of smiles and energy.

"Isogai!" He exclaimed and sounding genuinely happy. Souichi couldn't really understand it but watched them hug.

Isogai gave his back a friendly slap and pulled away. "Hey there, handsome! Help me with these bags will you." He said, though didn't wait for an answer while transferring the duffel bag and backpack into Tetsuhiro's flustered arms.

"Uhh, sure." Tetsuhiro stuttered, looking down at Souichi for help.

Isogai threw the present up lightly and caught it with a grin before practically skipping into the kitchen.

Souichi sighed, closing his book. "Just drop them anywhere." He advised and Tetsuhiro placed them gingerly on the armchair. He turned towards Souichi who still sat on the couch, smiling gently.

"Can your aunt come?" Souichi asked while glancing behind his head where the clock was. Tetsuhiro shook his head.

"No, she's busy. But she spoke with me earlier on the telephone." He said, not bothering to hide the pride in his voice as he managed to use the correct usage of the word. "You okay?" Tetsuhiro asked. "You keep looking at the clock." He elaborated.

Souichi scratched the back of his neck. "M'fine." Tetsuhiro tilted his head in a way that told him he didn't believe it but continued smiling. Souichi narrowed his eyes.

"What are you so happy about?"

Tetsuhiro laughed lightly and sat next to Souichi, leaning back so his arm rested on the top of the cushions.

"It's my birthday. I'm here with you and your family. And there's going to be cake." He added with enthusiasm.

Souichi clicked his tongue. "We can make a cake anytime. I keep telling you, we don't always have to wait until it's someone's party." He felt the book being taken from his hands and glanced sideways at Tetsuhiro.

Souichi felt himself flushed, an automatic response to the lips suddenly very close to the shell of his ear and a hand on his thigh.

"It tastes better this way." Tetsuhiro rumbled and just as quickly he pulled away, leaving Souichi red and bewildered.

"Guys, come have a drink!" His father called from the kitchen, poking his head through the archway. "Son, what's wrong with your face?"

Tetsuhiro bit his lip to keep from laughing as he flee the scene, a book flying through the air behind him.

"Hey, come with me." Souichi said softly a few hours later as they lounged in chairs in the garden. It was easy to hear the ocean from this distance and it calmed Tetsuhiro considerably. It made him drowsy and sleepy.

But he peaked with interest and obediently followed Souichi through the gate.

Soujin craned his neck to look at them. "You guys better be back for cake or Kanako will go crazy."

Tetsuhiro nodded seriously. "We will, sir." And they set off.

Souichi scoffed as he led them away from the house, the gate clicking as it shut behind them.

"You're such a suck up." He accused without any heat.

"I like your father!"

"Yea well, he likes you too much." Souichi grumbled. It was the truth. Soujin was a marine biologist. Tetsuhiro was like an encyclopedia of oceanic facts. He'd caught them meeting for coffee more than once without his prior knowledge and poring over seafloor maps. It was truly sickening.

Tetsuhiro grinned and drew closer so their arms touched.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Souichi, if you wanted to ravish me out of sight of your family we didn't need to go this far."

Souichi shoved at his shoulder and walked more quickly down the familiar path. "Oh shut the fuck up."

Tetsuhiro's grin didn't fade and he sped up to slip his fingers into Souichi's. Souichi sent him a dirty look but didn't let go.

In the dark, it was a little hard to see where they were going but Tetsuhiro recognized the route after a while. The sand was suddenly enveloping their toes and the moonlight illuminated their cove.

Tetsuhiro was confused but held his tongue, choosing instead to squeeze their hands together just a little more.

"Cut it out." Souichi muttered, ears pink.

"What are we waiting for?"

An unmistakable splashing alerted them both to the inky water. Tetsuhiro gasped.

"Happy Human Birthday." Souichi said quietly.

"Yo, Tetsuhiro!" Hiroto greeted just as Kunihiro and Masaki popped up beside him, blinking owlishly.

Tetsuhiro hopped with excitement, swooping in to plant a loud kiss on Souichi's lips, before splashing into the water to tackle all three of the mermen in a hug. It ended quite predictably with Tetsuhiro soaking wet, laughing until his sides were hurting, and leaving an embarrassed Souichi on the shore.

"You found it!" Tetsuhiro exclaimed with a gasp, taking the photo delicately from his brother's hand. Souichi glanced over from his spot a few feet away while an oblivious Hiroto continued chatting to him.

"Is that…?" Souichi started. Tetsuhiro nodded, touching the edges with his fingertip. It was the laminated photo Souichi had given him when they were children. He observed their rounded cheeks and bright eyes, unable to believe how long ago it had been. He looked up at Souichi now, all sharp angles and intense gaze and felt a wave of affection.

Kunihiro glanced between them and then back at the photo. "Yea, it was under some rock where you used to sleep. Masaki found it actually." He said, tilting his head to the side where Masaki sat listening.

Tetsuhiro smiled gratefully in his direction.

"How are you guys?" He asked as Masaki drifted towards Hiroto and Souichi. They seemed to be having a rather loud argument about fishing.

Kunihiro looked down at his lap in something akin to shyness. "We're doing well."

Tetsuhiro hid his own smile. He was glad they'd come to their senses.

"And you, Tetsuhiro? Are you two alright?" Kunihiro asked, glancing back at Souichi who was checking his phone.

Tetsuhiro didn't answer right away. It had been tough going at first. Souichi had had honestly no idea what to do with him, how to explain his presence. He even had a hotel room set up for him. It had caused a decent amount of tension between them and Tetsuhiro became frustrated that Souichi was still uncertain where he belonged in his life.

And then, on the second night of his stay, Souichi turned up at his hotel room door soaking wet from the rain and said he'd like him to come home with him. He was introduced to Tomoe and Kurokawa who seemed visibly confused at his presence as the days wore on. Souichi snapped one day and said he was here to stay, that was all they needed to know.

It was enough for Tetsuhiro.

Especially since it meant they could leave soon to live in their own apartment. It had roomy and simple but close enough to Souichi's school that he could come home easily. Tetsuhiro busied himself with his art and learning to write. There were two bedrooms but as Souichi became more comfortable around him and more open when they were alone, many mornings went by where they woke up tangled together, the second bedroom unused.

Souichi had never actually told him he loved him. But it was there every day in the way he made sure Tetsuhiro was recovering, cooking him meals, carding a hand through his hair when he thought he was fast asleep. He didn't know what he ever did to deserve the life Souichi was giving him.

Tetsuhiro sighed happily as he returned to Kunihiro's question. "We're more than alright. This is where I'm meant to be."

Kunihiro nodded like he agreed. "You make a good human." He said.

Tetsuhiro looked a little thrown but set a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Thank you, Kunihiro. That means a lot." Because it really did.

"We have to go back. They're cutting the cake." Souichi declared and with his goodbyes set in order, they head off towards the house again.

Souichi cleared his throat as they walked. "Are Masaki and your brother…?"




"Well it's a little weird isn't it?"

Tetsuhiro furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" He observed Souichi with his hands deep in his jacket pockets and skittering eyes. He smiled gently. "Souichi, Masaki and I were an age ago. There's no need to be jealous."

Souichi scoffed weakly. "I am not jealous. Moron."

"I'm all yours." Tetsuhiro teased.


"Forever and ever."

"Leave me alone."

"But it's my birthday."

"No it's not. It's your fake birthday."

Tetsuhiro bit his lip to keep from grinning like a lunatic, feeling enormously happy. He caught up Souichi's arm and ignored his protests as he brought them beneath a nearby tree with low hanging branches.

"What are you doing?" Souichi whispered harshly even though his intent was quite clear as he pressed him up against the trunk and dipped his mouth to his neck. Souichi let out a shaky sigh.

"Mm, don't wanna go back yet." Tetsuhiro mumbled against his skin. Souichi took his arms away from where they'd been pushing at Tetsuhiro's shoulders and placed them on his chest.

"Kanako will scream at us if we're late. She made that cake herself, you know."

Tetsuhiro bit into his collar bone lightly. "I'm sure it's delicious. But you…" He swiped his tongue along the underside of Souichi's jaw. "You taste incredible."

Souichi seemed caught up in his own reaction, fingers clenching in Tetsuhiro's soft shirt. He tried to pull away slightly. "We really…we should go."

"Just five minutes. No one can see us." Tetsuhiro said soothingly while working a hand underneath Souichi's jacket to reach his skin. Souichi startled at the touch but didn't move away. He groaned in exasperation.

"Ok, just five minutes."

Five minutes turned into ten and then they were leaning into each other, sweaty and sated.

Tetsuhiro laughed breathlessly on wobbly knees. "You make me so happy, Souichi." He admitted as he clumsily embraced Souichi's relaxed body and placed a lingering kiss to his heated cheek.

Souichi sighed with his arms resting around Tetsuhiro's middle back. "Kunihiro said I couldn't."

Tetsuhiro was so content with the feel of Souichi in his arms that he didn't grasp what he'd said; but then, pulled back abruptly. "What?"

Souichi looked over his shoulder instead of meeting his eyes. "It was a while ago but he said I couldn't make you happy." He shrugged casually but his posture seemed tight and guarded.

Tetsuhiro shook his head, trying to sooth Souichi's tensed arm muscles with his hand. "I don't know why he said that but-" He let his fingers trail through blonde hair. "You are the only one that can make me happy, Souichi."

Souichi flicked his eyes towards him, searching his face for signs that he was lying, and when he found none he gave a slow nod of his head.

Tetsuhiro opened his mouth after a few moments to suggest they head back when he found himself being pressed forward with a shy hand on the small of his back and two insistent lips against his own. It was languid and sweet and he felt drunk on the feel of it.

He liked to think it was Souichi's way of saying that the feeling was mutual.

She knew she was late if the moon's height was anything to go by but swam towards the shore anyway. It was a quiet night, the stillness of the water only broken by her random breaks to its surface. The chilled air burned her chest.

With a few strong pumps of her tail, she was near enough to the shore and the rocks Kunihiro had described. It looked desolate and quiet. She cursed herself. If only she had left sooner, she could have met with them.

"Morinaga-san! Nii-san!" A high pitched voice bounced off the jagged rocks nearest her. She leapt behind them, heart pounding at the sudden disturbance. A human walked the shore, a human that wasn't Tetsuhiro.

She took a few deep breaths with rattling lungs before gathering the courage to peek around. Surely a look wouldn't hurt.

It was a girl, maybe of sixteen years, pacing between the sand and the rocky cove. She searched for something.

Maybe it was her natural curiosity or partly out of stupidity because she leaned around her rock too far and splashed the water. The humans head whipped around to stare at her.

"Excuse me! Have you seen two guys around here? One has like blonde long hair and-" The girl started and faltered. She looked at her with slight suspicion now.

But it was an opportunity she didn't want to waste and approached slowly, placing her hands on the rock and hoisting herself up.

The human's dark brown eyes widened. "You're a-"

"What do they call you?"

"Kanako." The girl answered immediately. She gestured towards her in the water. "And uhh-you?"


Author's Notes: Thank you to everyone that stuck with this fic through my random, long updates and managing to stay incredibly awesome readers! Your guys' comments kept me going and I appreciate each and every one of you.

8/2/14 Update: The reviews so far have been wonderful as always but I just need to clear something up: this is the final chapter, I do not plan to continue with Rosalie and Kanako, it was just a way to end the story. Sorry if that was confusing for anyone!



Halfdemonfan: Ahh my beautiful muse, what would I do without you? Hehe, how'd you guess Isogai would be in the epilogue? You mind reading me or something? Thanks for sticking with me darling. Seriously, your comments always send me spiraling into squeals and I'd go back to them when I'm stuck for inspiration. You're the absolute best and hope you enjoyed the ending!

Guest #2: Thanks, petal.

Yizuki: Hello again! Yea, I feel I'm obliged to read the original now haha. Hope you enjoyed the end!

Wolfstare: Yea, Kunihiro's a big softie at heart. Thanks for the review!


Kiriohisagi: Haha yea, bittersweet. Cliffhangers suck. Ahh who else to teach Tetsuhiro the dirty stuff than Isogai? You just know he's got to have a filthy mind. Thanks for a lovely review, I'm glad you liked reading.

Wendyls96: Thanks, love!

Nyxlied: Oh wow thank you! No one really touched on the actual transformation part so I'm really happy you liked it. Hehehe well, I figured Tetsuhiro needed to uhhh 'experience' his own body before he jumped on Souichi's. Your reviews are always lovely to read.

Kawaii neko chan15: No worries! Thanks

FandomNut: Aww you know I couldn't permanently get rid of Isogai :P Just a little plot device to get Tomoe and Kurokawa to the beach so Souichi's all like, great how do I explain ma lover? Yea, it's a little hard to include a ton of Masaki and Kunihiro side action because it has to be all through Tetsuhiro or Souichi's eyes but, hope you enjoyed what I could give you! Thanks for an awesome review!

Guest #3: Definitely not guests like you, you wonderful thing! It was a few people who thought I was entitled to write the way they wanted me to. Like…no, not how it works. But comments like yours make me forget all that, thank you darling!

Swt Cutie: Hehe Bambi legs, I like that. Thanks!

DarkSideOfTheDay: Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it!

Tagicheartbreak: Oh wow, lots of comments. Thanks for paying close attention to the story, it's really heartwarming to know! And yea, I don't give them any attention so don't worry Thanks!