Zombie Vegas
The four came out of the teleporter.
"Where…are we…now?" Dempsey asked. Using the teleporter takes a lot out of you, almost as if you fell from a two story building but felt no pain, but nausea.
"A cosmodrome…in Russia." Richtofen said.
"Vodka…refill…yay!...What's wrong with…the Jap?" Nikolai asked, pointing to Takeo. He looked ghostly white. He never did like teleporting, the longer the distance the worse it was.
"I'm…fine…I…just…need…to…sit…down." He said. He then puked all over the floor.
"Damn." Was all Dempsey could say.
Richtofen gained his strength back first. "Scheiße. This is not where I wanted to go. Ve need to get closer to zhe coast!"
"Please! Someone help me!" A voice said.
"Who said that?" The German asked.
"My name is Gersch. There is no time to explain just help me! She's coming for me!"
"Great. Some random guy who needs our help. What are we? Fucking miracle workers?" Dempsey said.
"Please! If you help, I can get you out of here!"
Then Ascension takes place. My first story is finally finished! What did you guys think of the new mechanics I brought to the table? Would you like to see any of them return (altered to fit the map, of course)? Well, I will start writing a sequel in about a week. Keep a look out for "The Abandoned Brewery" (Hint hint! That's the sequel's name!) This has been Just Some NJ Writer. Auf Wiedersehen!