Hey guys!

Here is the next chapter as promised!

In regards to the poll, there have been a lot of votes for A, so i might do that but then do another story for those left disappointed? Let me know if thats what you'd like :)

I sadly do not own Alex Rider, he is all Anthony's :(

Anyhow, without further ado, chapter 4!

Fox was the first to wake the next morning.

He sat up and stretched his aching muscles before beginning to wake up the others.

On his way over to Snake's bunk he was struck by a thought. Why not wake up Alex first? He knew that the others would not approve of the method he had already picked to wake the kid up.

He turned around with a devilish smirk and froze on the spot.

Alex's bunk was unslept in and the boy was no-where to be seen.

Oh well Fox thought, if he wants to sleep elsewhere that's not his problem, so long as the kid doesn't get in his way.

And so he returned to the task of waking up the others.

The first thing Snake did when he woke up was to look over at Cub's bunk. He appeared to come to the same conclusion as Fox, although he seemed more concerned about it.

"Where's Cub?" He asked.

By then Fox had woken up the other two (Eagle screaming and falling out of his bunk much to the others amusement) and Wolf and Eagle joined Snake in looking over at Cub's bunk.

"Don't know and still don't care." Fox replied flippantly.

"Ok, that's it. We need to have a talk, as a unit, about what you've got against the kid. I mean none of us like him, but you've basically just said that he could be dying of hypothermia for all you know and you wouldn't care. That's going too far." Snake had finally snapped. Fox had been wondering when it was going to happen.

"Ok fine. Let's have a little campfire story time shall we?" Fox said snidely whilst throwing himself down on his bunk.

"No, not now." Wolf said going into leader mode. "We have a two day survival trek so we need to go have breakfast. You can tell us round a real campfire tonight."

"Fine whatever," Fox said as he got up and began to dress.

Soon they all followed suit and all thoughts of the young boy who was missing vanished from their minds without a trace.

Meanwhile, Alex himself was just waking up. Somehow he had managed to fall asleep on his branch. At some point it must have stopped raining as the sky was for once blue and clear. Alex was, however, completely soaked meaning the rain probably stopped not long ago. As well as that he was freezing.

Alex weighed up his options.

He could go to the mess hall and get breakfast (as he was starving having not eaten since breakfast yesterday) absolutely soaked to the bone and with his teeth chattering, or, he could go back to k-units hut, risk getting caught by them, and get changed so that he'd be warmer.

In the end he decided to grab something from the mess hall and then, not stopping, go back to the hut to eat there and get changed.

Having made his decision, Alex sprinted off in the direction of the mess hall.

K-unit sat down at their reserved table. It was obviously meant for them as it was the only one with five chairs.

Just as they each started on their disgusting, poor excuse of what Brecon Beacons called food, the doors banged open.

Cub came running in soaking wet and dashed up to the counter.

Every soldier stared at the boy in shock before slowly turning to look at k-unit.

"Cubs back then?" Bear from h-unit called over.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Wolf huffed back.

All the soldiers laughed at this joke and then stopped when they saw the boy's face flush.

They all felt (yes even Fox… a bit) a little sorry for the boy as he stood at the counter and got a small portion of slop before running straight back out again.

"Well that was odd," Lynx from J unit stated.

"Yeah I'll say. Did you see him? He was soaked through! Anyone would think he'd slept outside!" Bear joked and everyone laughed.

Meanwhile a sense of dread was settling into k unit. Had the kid slept outside? He definitely hadn't slept in their hut so where else?

Everyone has seen and heard the rain last night and it had been freezing even inside the huts.

"Oh shit." Snake summed up nicely.

At the same time that k unit came to that conclusion, Alex dashed into their hut and immediately started to strip out of his wet and freezing clothes.

"We need to go and just make sure he's alright." Snake said leaving no room for argument.

"Yeah, you know who would get the blame if the kid collapsed on us." Wolf said, trying to sound distant but the unit could tell he was worried. "I went to see the Sergeant quickly this morning," he said offhandedly "Cub really is with us permanently. He gave me the kids folder and said to take it on the hike and we can read it tonight when we have the heart to heart with Fox when the kids asleep."

Everyone's eyes widened at that realisation.

"Well that was a great way to start a happy permanent unit, by making sleep outside in the freezing rain." Typical that Eagle would say something like that to try and break the tension. "Hey! Now we have a complete family!" He yelled out when he realised his attempt to lighten the mood wasn't working.

"What the hell are you on about now Eagle?" Fox said, looking glum at the way he'd treated the boy who once had been like a little brother to him.

"FOX! K-UNIT RULE NUMBER 4: NEVER ENCOURAGE EAGLE'S NONSENSE!" Wolf yelled in his leader voice at Fox.

Fox's faced paled considerably while Eagle's brightened with a wide smile, teeth showing and all.

"Well, now we have daddy Wolf…" Wolf growled.

"Mummy snake…" Snake hissed and flushed angrily.

"Big brother Fox…" Fox didn't look too bothered with his position in this 'family' apart from the fact he was included at all.

"ME!..." Everyone smirked and thought 'no way are we related to this hyperactive alien'.

"And now we have the baby, CUB!"

Everyone paled at the thought of having a baby and then Fox smirked at the thought of someone calling Alex a baby. He'd pop their shoulders and break their fingers.

"Eagle, if you value your life don't ever say that to Cub. He. Will. Kill. You." Fox said with a straight face.

"Actually, go ahead." He grinned and Snake and Wolf joined in grinning and sniggering at Eagle's confused face.

A small twinge of regret passed through Fox as he looked at his unit. Life wasn't so bad really. Maybe Alex had done him a favour?

"Back on track then after that disturbing conversation, let's just go make sure he's ok. No-one told him we had a hike today either so he'll probably go off to the obstacle course."

Everyone agreed and set off back to the hut.

Meanwhile Alex was hunched over on the floor in just his boxers moaning in agony.

As he'd pulled his wet shirt over his head it had stuck ,because it was wet, and he'd had to give it a sharp tug to get it over. As he pulled he'd felt something rip and then came the pain.

The stab wound.

His stitches had ripped.

Now blood was running down his stomach and all he could feel was the pain.

Just then he faintly heard the door open and a surprised 'shit!' from someone before he cut himself off from the world and focused himself on getting through the pain.

Snake was the first to walk in and he froze in the door way. "Shit!" he exclaimed before dashing forward in full on medic mode.

The rest of the unit followed him in and stared at the child on the floor surrounded by blood.

"Cub, can you hear me? Can you tell me what's wrong?" Snake asked trying to get a response from the boy. All he got in response was a pained moan.

"Wolf, come help me to lift him onto the bed and then get my med kit. Fox radio the med base and tell them it's an unconfirmed emergency level 1 (AN: That means highest priority, top emergency etc in this story because I have no clue how things like this are done in the army) and to get here immediately. Eagle go find the Sergeant and inform him of what's going on, this will delay our departure for the survival hike."

Everyone set to the jobs they'd been set knowing that Snake knew what he was doing and not to argue. Eagle dashed out the door to begin his search for the Sergeant and Fox grabbed his radio and began a quick and serious call with the med unit before informing the hut that they were on their way.

Meanwhile Wolf and Snake gently lifted the half-naked child onto his bed and gasped at the sight.

Cub's chest was covered in old scars criss-crossing each other but the most horrific was the bullet wound that was right above his heart. Most importantly now however was the open incision on the boy's stomach that was still bleeding sluggishly.

"We ask later. Now however we focus on keeping him alive." Snake was worried but he didn't think that the kid would die. Blood loss yes, but they'd got to him pretty quickly so really the poor kid would just need some blood and painkillers put in him.

"He appears conscious but unresponsive." Snake informed Wolf and Fox who relayed it to the med team on their way at that moment via his radio.

Snake grabbed a clean towel (a rare thing to find where they were but he always kept one in case of an incident like this. What kind of medic would he be if he didn't!?) and put it to the wound pressing down hard but gently to try and stop the bleeding.

"Will he be alright?" Fox asked gruffly, but his team could tell he was worried.

"He should be fine, just some blood-loss." Snake informed him while giving him a knowing look.

Just at that moment, the door flew open and in came the med team.

They wasted no time in taking over from Snake who gave them a brief description and a moment later he was whisked away.

There was a moment where no one knew what to do and then, as always, Eagle broke the awkward moment. He came dashing in and paused for a moment before looking around as if to say 'I swear there was a bleeding child on floor when I left?'

"Yes Eagle, the med team took him off, now what did the Sergeant say?" Wolf demanded, an exasperated air about him.

"Oh yeah! He wants us up in his hut but he said we don't have to rush 'cause he's waiting for news on Cub"

"Ok well let's start heading that way then. People will be here soon to deal with that." Wolf said, glancing disgustedly at the blood on the floor of the hut.

"Damn. I heard bloodstains are a bitch to get out…" Ah Eagle.

Well, there we go!

Hope you all enjoyed!

Please review and let me know what you think of the TWO over stories i'm thinking of writing (the alex and k unit drabbles to go with this and the story for disappointed pollers :))