With the reviews I got you guys have just earned yourselves another chapter and I threw a bit of malec in there for you. I have plans for this story and things will be revealed. I swear. Cross my heart and hope to die, scouts honour yada yada yada I swear on the angel. ok? ok ;)

Anyway enjoy this chapter.

Isabelle's POV

Isabelle ripped through the hallways with as much grace as possible. She knew Magnus and Tessa were going to follow her but she couldn't really give any thought to it right now. Her heels clacked down the hallway almost like a warning signal. Anyone who was in her way got out of it pretty quickly almost as if the Jaws music was playing in the background.

A small man was standing in front of the door entitled "office", he was plump and rosy cheeked but his eyes weren't kind. Isabelle made to move past him but felt a hand collide with her chest holding her back.

"Sorry miss. Dr. Starkweather is in a meeting right now." The man wore a smirk as if he'd just won a huge case against her but it soon dropped when Isabelle just rolled her eyes.

"He's in a meeting with a patient. That patient is my brother and," she turned around quickly spotting Magnus rushing down the hall to her and Tessa trying desperately to get him to mind his own business but in this case Isabelle was glad he didn't, "and his patient."

"Yes well," the short man was clearly annoyed with her, "that's wonderful. Congratulations." Isabelle sneered at him in the way that she knew intimidated people.

"I wasn't looking for you to congratulate me," she snapped taking a step forward, "I was looking for you to get your fat little-"

"Isabelle dear," a calm and collected voice rang out from behind her and she dropped the front of the man's shirt which she hadn't even realised she'd been holding until now.

"Open the door" she growled out at the cowering smaller version of Uncle Vernon from Harry Potter.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" he stated quickly flinching when Isabelle hardened her glare, "you see I've been given direct orders-"

"Actually," Magnus started from behind her and she silently thanked his incessant need to interrupt people, "That goes against policy."

"What policy?" He stuttered out clearly not expecting someone to defeat him with logic.

"The doctor of the patient needs to be informed of any meeting," he held up a finger to silence the man who was about to argue, "no matter who that meeting is with and furthermore I have to approve of it so move aside or I'll make sure this is the last job you'll ever have." Isabelle knew the threat was empty but it was impressive none the less. "Now." Magnus commanded and the fat man scrambled to fulfil his request falling over his own two feet.

"Wonderful," Isabelle smiled charmingly at the workers taking glances at the scene that she had created, "nothing to see here" she called out before turning the door.

What she saw before her she could claim to be normal but the fact of the matter was, she knew better. Alec was standing there glaring at Hodge while the older man simply stood there with his cane watching Isabelle and Magnus in amusement. The office wasn't the same as Isabelle remembered it being when she had talked to him. The papers on the desk were messed up as if someone had swiped their hand across it. She looked down at the floor and saw half the papers there kicked into a makeshift pile. Her curiosity was eating away at her as she further inspected the room.

The table and chairs were all haphazardly in or out which was unusual for Hodge because he was neat with everything he did. Her thoughts were cut off as usual by the fashionable doctor behind her. "Looks like a bomb went off in here" he commented mildly obviously trying to break the silence.

'No duh sherlock' She thought to herself but didn't say it aloud. She could feel the tension in the air when she turned to look at her brother, "Hodge," she started without breaking her eye contact with her clearly furious sibling, "don't think you'll get off easy. This is the third time I've had to call our parents about you."

Magnus looked between the three of them confused but dismissed any curiosity he had in favour of Alec. "Alec and I have an appointment right now." He stated out of the blue and Hodge simply nodded to the blue eyed boy who was probably internally killing him for the third time in a row now.

Seeing Alec wasn't making a move he reached out and grabbed the other boy's hand meaning to pull him away but stopped short when Alec gasped in pain. Isabelle's eyes widened and she looked at Hodge who seemed as if someone had just splashed ice cold water on his face. Magnus wisely noticed the sudden danger in the atmosphere and pulled Alec out of the room.

"Unbelievable," Isabelle snapped and turned around stalking out of the room, "don't expect to have a job by the time I'm done with you." Hodge was left standing in the middle of his office still as a statue with his cane to the right of him as he hummed softly in response.

Magnus' POV

His hand was still around Alec's as he pulled him into his room. "Alec," he whispered but Alec's head was down and it almost broke Magnus' heart, "Alexander," he repeated stronger this time. "Alexander look at me." He said tilting the younger boy's chin up.

"Why?" Alec said rolling his eyes angrily, "So you can ask me about my file again?" Magnus was taken aback but the boy wasn't finished with his outburst, "Because maybe that's all I mean to you but I don't need you here for my file Magnus," he said desperately and then lowered his voice into a whisper, "I need you here for me." Magnus blinked in surprise and sucked in a breath clearly not expecting that, "I need you here because in all honestly I'll go insane without you. I need you here because you're the only thing right now in my life that makes me feel like maybe Max wasn't my fault. Maybe I couldn't do anything. Maybe I made the right decisions and maybe being here is the most right thing I've ever done because being here is being with you." Alec finished off his speech and scrunched his face up in annoyance, "and all you can ask me about is my damn file."

"Alexander," Magnus whispered standing up in front of the boy, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm just caught up-"

"You're caught in the middle. I know." Alec stated bluntly all previous emotion gone from his voice, "and not only that. You're also a doctor so technically it's not even allowed and here's the real kicker," Alec said covering his eyes with one hand pacing in front of Magnus. "It wouldn't matter if you weren't a doctor because you don't even feel that way."

Magnus tried to interrupt but Alec kept going, "wait let me guess. It's not you, it's me or maybe it is me and you're ready to admit that."

"Alec-"Magnus started but was quickly cut off by him again.

"Maybe I'm just a nutcase that you're trying to solve and maybe that's all I'll ever be. Well Newsflash Magnus, I'm. Not. Insane. Do you want me to spell it out for you?"

"Alec-" Magnus tried again but was quickly cut off. Magnus simply sat there staring at the boy letting him get this off his chest.

"You probably even have a boyfriend at home. Maybe you're straight" He scoffed shaking his head, "right? That's it, isn't it? You're straight. That'd be just my luck." Magnus rolled his eyes and got up; this had passed productive and was edging on self-destructive.

"Alec, Listen." He commanded grabbing Alec's hands and spinning him around to face him feeling worry wash over him when Alec's breaths shortened in pain.

The beautiful boy before him didn't let that stop him though, "No Magnus. You listen to me."

"Alec for god's sake let me talk." Magnus almost shouted, it was effective and Alec stayed quiet. "You're beautiful, alright?" He said staring into the blue eyes he could almost get lost in. "I'm not straight." He stated rolling his eyes at that one, "and you're right. It doesn't matter how I feel because I'm your doctor." Alec eyes were downcast when he said that.

"Great going Alec, he's breaking up with you before you even got together." He muttered to himself.

"Let me finish," Magnus said, "Alexander," he cooed slightly, "look at me." The younger boy didn't look up, "Please" Magnus pleaded. Alec bit his lip and looked up at Magnus. "I said that it doesn't matter how I feel because I'm your doctor. "

Alec rolled his eyes not looking away "yeah. Thanks for reminding me."

Magnus gritted his teeth, Alec was deadest against listening to him. "That doesn't change how I feel about you."

"What's that supposed to mean Magnus?" Alec said clearly annoyed, "Are you saying that you like me but we can't do anything about it." His stare was incredulous as he looked at Magnus, "because if that's what you're saying then you could've just left it at 'it doesn't matter how I feel because I'm your doctor'"

"Well why are you here Alec? If you weren't my patient then we wouldn't be in this situation." Magnus wanted to take that back as soon as he said it but it was too late.

"Oh my God," Alec said staring up at the ceiling trying to pull his hands out of Magnus', "You still want to know about my file. I just poured my heart out to you and it was just a ploy so you could get my file."

"No" Magnus said quickly, "No Alec that's not it."

"For a second there I thought you seriously liked me," Manus was trying desperately to recover his case, "unbelievable" Alec sighs.

Alec was struggling out of his grip so in a last ditch effort Magnus reached out and grabbed Alec's face pulling him to him. Their lips almost connected when the door burst open and Tessa burst in looking flustered, "Oh. I um yeah" she stuttered pointing towards the door and slowly stepping back.

"Tessa what is it?" Magnus asked trying to keep his voice calm and not show that he wanted to throw a fit at his friend.

"Nothing that can't wait" she said nodding at them both and then rushing away.

Magnus cursed this institute for not putting locks on the doors and rolled his eyes. She had completely ruined the moment and Alec was blushing like a tomato stepping back towards the door. "wait, Alec." He called as the boy was about to disappear through the door. Magnus stepped forward reaching out to grab Alec's chin and turned his head slightly leaning down and kissing the boy's cheek softly. "I said that it doesn't matter how I feel because I'm your doctor…" he whispered trailing off softly at Alec's look, "but that's not a permanent position." With that he winked and closed the door. He leaned against it smiling to himself and let out a small breath.

Sorry, I know I teased you! I know and I kind of hate myself for it. I'm there with you shouting "KISS! KISS! KISS!" but like I said, I have plans for this story. I know when they kiss. Review and I may be a kind author and write new chapters during school but if I'm not struck by inspiration again like I was just now then you're going to have to wait another week until the weekend.

I know, I know I'm terrible. ;) Like always tell me what you want to see, your theories and anything that you're thinking of. until next time my beautiful muses.