
PLOT: It was supposed to be his day, but after waking up refreshed he was greeted by an empty dining room. His parents disappeared leaving a simple birthday card… which leads to a small trail which he have to walk on with his little sister.


The sunlight peered inside Midorima Shintaro's closed windows nagging the green head to open his eyes. From his laid back position, he rose up picking up the spectacles on his left side and wearing them.

Swiftly, his eyes directed itself to the nearby desk clock and a quick smile tugged on his lips.


07:00 AM

He knew that this particular Sunday was his lucky day. Judging by the way the sun entered his room giving a warm feeling to his heart and the gut feeling that made him feel like everything will be fine.

Getting to his feet, he fixed his beddings using his left hand to fold and his right one to align the soft fabric with each other.


A small figure hugged his left feet nearly sending him off to kiss his futon saved for his right leg that steadied his body.

With the jolt of shock, he turned. His eyes reflecting the petite green haired girl who grinned at him and made a peace sign with her middle finger and index finger.

"Mako…" he mumbled, placing his beddings down and picking up his little sister.

Mako giggled while flailing her arms, imagining that she was a soaring board over the sea. Midorima smiled again, pride embracing his features.

"For what service are you asking me for today, Mako?" he asked, leveling his sister to his chest.

"Shin-chan's birthday is today so I will serve you~" his little sister announced, raising a fist in determination.

He picked up the little girl and placed her on his shoulder. "Well, your first task is to accompany Big Brother down, okay?"


His little sister's enthusiasm never failed to amuse the green head. For a six year old, her enthusiasm is exceeding normal kids. Though, today it was able to liven up his enthusiasm for this day.

He moved, walking to the stairs and expectantly waiting for the party poppers that his mother would prepare of him. He was also searching for the distant smell of food since he was already hungry.

But by the time they reached the edge of the stairs, the whole room was empty and silent.


Midorima took the last step and searched the room with his eyes finding nothing but a single post card on the low table.



"Did Mom and Dad wake you up?"

"I woke up by myself, Shin-chan."

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. This is a very rare occurrence.

Why would my parents disappear in an important occasion? It's Sunday for goodness' sake.

Without hoping for an answer, he ignored the 'Happy Birthday' postcard and carrying his disappointment, he walked to the fridge. Opening the rectangular piece of metal only added one percent to his disappointment.

Now, now this is taking everything too far.

"Empty~!" Mako announced only deepening her older brother's misery.

Why did the gods forsake me? Midorima asked, his vision of a bright Sunday was ruined by what he's seeing right now.

"Shin-chan, are you hungry?"

"I am."

"Shall I cook for you?"

"You better not."

He can't trust his little sister's cooking because first of all he became a victim of severe stomach ache when he tried Momoi's cooking before. Risking his health now would only ruin his already worse day.

His self-pity thoughts were disrupted by the sudden pull of his cheeks caused by his little sister.

"Stwoop ieewt."

"But Shin-chan, I want to cook for you! Lemme! Lemme!


He staggered trying to pry his little sister away only to stumble down because of the small table in front of him. With his reflex he grabbed his little sister and put her up before he can squash her between the table and his body.

The contact made a cluttering sound that shattered the room's silence and sending his sister crying.

He settled his sister on the floor and gave her a reassuring pat.

"Don't cry okay, big brother will treat you later."

"Candy Shin-chan…"

He groaned the girl won't seriously stop unless he gave her a real candy. He stood up gathering his money and returning with his pocket.

"Then, we'll head out and we'll buy a candy so stop crying now, Mako."

His little sister's gloomy face brightened and she smiled again. Little kids these days are easily swayed by candies.

"Okay, Shin-chan~!


He took his sister's hand and was about to move when he suddenly noticed the back portion of the post card that his parents left for him.

Mako noticed this that she tilted her head to the side curiously.


Midorima didn't speak; he only released his sister from his grasp and picked the post card up.

Follow the red trail outside.

~ Mom

His lips twitched in annoyance as he turned to his sister, "Mako, do you want to have a small treasure hunt with big brother?"

"Yes, yes~!"

A/N: I'm not supposed to post this actually... but because Infinite Skye inspired me to prepare something bigger for Midorima-kun's birthday, I racked my heads for any possible plot bunny and found this one. Since it's a newborn, I will still fix some things on its plot. Though this would only be a mini series for my lack of preparation for Mido-kun's birthday. It wouldn't hinder some of my updates (IT MIGHT). I would just finish this and return to normal. Thanks for reading~