Morning is the busiest time of the day for a butler of the regal Akashi household. Mainly because Seijuurou-sama is very cranky and demanding when he just wakes up. He will request for different things- from the simplest to the most ridiculous things- on different mornings, and I have to cater to them all, or he will get even crankier. And no one wants a cranky Akashi Seijuurou-sama.
And due to his low blood pressure, Seijuurou-sama is very difficult to rouse in the morning. A simple calling, alarm or shake does not work. Nothing works, really. Seijuurou-sama never fails to take up 30 minutes to be wholly awake, and I can only wait for that long to pass while constantly calling and shaking him. The only way to wake him up on time so he will not start his day late is to start waking him up that much earlier.
But I love my morning duty to rouse my master from his slumber.
...Because only then I get to have my fill of a little guilty pleasure.
It is almost time for my very first morning duty. I start by opening the silk curtains and windows that separate Seijuurou-sama's room from the outside world. He loves the morning air filling his lungs when he wakes up.
I approach my master's sleeping figure and place myself beside him on the king-sized bed. I prop myself up on one elbow over his head, watching Seijuurou-sama's torso rising and falling with each soft, steady breath. The sound of his steady breathing always paints a smile on my normally rigid face.
"Seijuurou-sama," I whisper my beloved master's name whilst gently caressing the flawless sleeping face and running my free hand through the silky red hair. When he does not stir- still deep in slumber- I lean in and carefully press my lips on Seijuurou-sama's, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I take one deep breath of my favorite scent before breaking the kiss.
"I am sorry I left my heart with you." I whisper my secret vow softly on his lips, "But this way, I will be by your side forever, Seijuurou-sama. Until the end of my life."
I place a light kiss on his forehead before slowly pulling back from my sleeping master.
"I guess I will not be able to do this sinful routine of mine when you get married..."
I smile wistfully and continue the gentle caress, calling his name and giving one shake or two every now and then. 15 minutes into waking him up, Seijuurou-sama starts to stir around and mumble. This is the time to stop my secret morning ritual and lift myself into sitting position and assume my morning duty of rousing my master.
"G'mornin', Tetsuya..." Seijuurou-sama always mumbles his first morning greeting, still half asleep. "Good morning, Seijuurou-sama. What would you like for today's breakfast?" And I return his greeting and start my morning-questions-routine for swift preparation of master's morning later and keeping him from going back to sleep for the rest 15 minutes.
Morning is the best time of the day for Akashi Seijuurou, the young master of the regal Akashi household. Because that is when he pretends to be asleep and gets his fill of his love, his one and only butler, Kuroko Tetsuya.
'Honestly, my low blood pressure isn't that bad. But I shall take this secret to my grave.'
Akashi purposely makes a simple, natural stir-in-his-sleep movements and greets his beloved butler.
'And I shall never take a wife because you are my other half, Tetsuya.'
The red haired young master will bid his time, until the day he becomes the head of Akashi family.
And then, he will profess his love to his one and only butler.