Hi guys. I had the night off tonight. Got some work done for school and decided to write this. I hope you guys like it and hopefully you had the night off too!


Scores of Risen invaded the festival. The crowds ran away very fast, just trying to stay alive. For the shepherds this is old news. None were at an advanced class and there were none of those risen chiefs that mumble and speak only three words.

"Enter the Vaike" The Vaike said, wrecking every undead creature with his hammer. Stahl didn't have his horse with him but he is experienced with the sword so he adapted just fine. Chrom has his falchion with him at all times. Gaius and Robin teamed up. The Valmese soldiers forgot about the situation with Chrom and worked with the shepherds to fight the risen.

"Too easy" Stahl said, it looked like it was over. Everyone felt the battle was over and took a sigh of relief but then they noticed a big shadow looming over to the entrance of the festival. Vaike took the initiative and ran towards the entrance to see what it was. Robin knew and wanted him to stop.

"Vaike, stop!" Robin commanded. Vaike tripped and his hammer hit Robin in the back with full force. Robin was wallowing in despair, prostrate on the ground, screaming "AHHH, Vaike why!?"

"Sorry Robin, I just wanted to get the monster…" the barbarian stopped talking when he realized the shadow was just from a cloud during the full moon.

"Robin you okay" Chrom asked out of concern, giving Vaike a look that says "You gotta be kidding me."

The tactician shook his head, still facing the ground "I can't get up guys I am sorry." Gaius stole one of the Valmese's horses and put Robin in it, they all fled before being questioned.


Lucina is usually asleep at this time of night but she hasn't heard what happened to her father and the others so she didn't want to go to sleep yet. The future princess felt it was best to see if anyone came by Robin's tent. She didn't think they were there but she wanted to do anything but wait. Much to her surprise she saw the shepherds at his tent. They seem to be ok she thought until she noticed one of them was lying on the horse. Is that Robin? Lucina ran towards the tent to find out what is going on.

"Wh-what happened to him!?" Lucina screamed. What happened that only he was hurt she thought?

"Vaike accidentally hit him with his hammer" Chrom said, "his back is shot right now."

"I am sorry, it was an accident." Vaike said apologetically. Robin waved to signal it's ok. "I understand no worries." Robin said before slumping his face down on the horse. The shepherds lifted him to carry him to his bed but they dropped him on the floor. Robin screamed in pain while the shepherds cringed, too embarrassed to say sorry. Eventually they placed him on his bead.

"What should we do now?" Stahl asked. Lucina was really worried about him and felt like she should help him tonight.

"If it's alright with you all, I want to stay and make sure he is alright. I think I can help him"

Chrom nodded in approval "Alright. We will come back in the morning. Thank you Lucina"


Robin laid on his stomach on the bed, his head turned and eyes closed. A candle was lit next to him. Normally on these nights he would be studying, researching, but now he can't do so much. His only consolation was that Lucina was there. She opted to stay the night and make sure he was ok.

"How are you feeling" Lucina asked softly. Robin didn't move at all.

"I'll be fine I think but I will probably need to rest tonight." Robin mumbled, he had trouble speaking clearly because his face was slightly buried in the pillow. Lucina knew he was going to be ok but she had an idea to fix him now instead of later.

"You know I am really good at massages?" Lucina suggested with a smirk. "If you want I can probably fix your back right now." Robin was all ears and was fine with it, albeit a little skeptical.

"Sure" Robin said to her "Give it your best shot, don't break me worse though." he half-joked. Lucina smiled back and cracked her knuckles. She held Robin's shirt by the bottom, gesturing him to extend his arms so she can take it off. He did so, resulting in them removing all of his upper body clothing. Lucina went on the bed and sat over his back. Robin assumed she would just give him one standing up. He is not accustomed to being around girls like this, he started to blush, and second guess the idea.

"Lucina, perhaps this isn't a good id-OHHH!" Robin was interrupted by Lucina punching him! Robin chocked and looked back, shocked that she was punching his back. That is a massage!?

"Lucina, what are you doing!?" Robin screamed, hoping she would stop.

"I know it hurts, but trust me, it will help your back, just bear it for a little while." The future princess said calmly. Robin didn't appreciate the idea though. He looked back and even saw a smile on her face like she was enjoying it! Oh Gods, I am gonna die Robin thought to himself. He screamed so loud from the pain other Shephards woke up. A few of them were ready to go to Robin's tent to see what happened, but he started to quiet down so everyone went back to sleep.

The tactician was in a lot of pain from Lucina's massage but he put his hands on his back and noticed that the muscles are ok. "….Did that really work!?" he said, to nobody, just shocked that it did work.

"Of course," Lucina began to explain, "I learned this a long time ago. The pain you feel now you would've felt later, but it will go away and your back is fine."

"Well, thank you Lucina" Robin replied, "Though I must say, you looked like you were having too much fun earlier"

Lucina held back a laugh "Just trying to help." she smiled.

"I appreciate it very much, I will cook something to make it up to you." Robin said, trying to think of anything to repay what she did. "It's still not too late to study, back to work."

It wasn't too late for him, but it was too late for Lucina, "I should've slept hours ago. I will go to bed now."

Robin nodded wishing her a good night as she left the tent. After she left he stuck his head outside of his tent to take a peek at her. After he went back inside Lucina turned around to look at the tent then walked back to her own.

Robin sat on his chair by the desk. Looking up, he thought of Lucina a little.

"Well, back to work."


I just want to say, I have no idea how massages work in any way, just work with me about that in the chapter XD. I am not too sure how to set up the next chapter quite yet but when I do I will write it up. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope you all have a great day today :D.

And Disclaimer- I don't own Fire Emblem.