Hello it's me again and I would like to apologize to you all. I wanted to post this story around Christmas or before it. I saw the log in section having 503 errors for awhile. Then I had to proofread the chapter. Luckily I made it in time before New Years at least. The fact I wanted to announce I might do a prequel to my OC and the years before he met Luffy. It was either a standalone story or integrated into this one. It tells back story on what happened during his years before he met Luffy, though I haven't decided where in the cannon story line in one piece to tell it. This chapter gives a view into his psyche a bit seeing he almost inhuman at times. I hope to see you read and review the latest chapter and tell your thoughts to me on this proposition of a prequel. I hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. See you guys later and I am waiting for your responses.

"Nothing else, so their condition is good, but do you know how this island got its name?" She asked him.

"I'm curious to see how it got its name. Care to explain it to me?" Lightning asked her. Lightning heard large thundering sounds moving towards him.

"A book called Brag Men, A quote form an explorer called Louis Arnote. "To the people who live there. The island is just like a 'Little Garden'." They deemed it that because…"

A huge shadowed loomed over Lightning as he looked up to the sun was blocked out. "You can skip the history lesson; I can see why they call it 'Little Garden' now. Call me back in a week or two."

"Something wrong… oh well I will call you later." Miss All Sunday hung up as Lightning put up his phone. He summoned Senjou no Datta to his hand.

"Are you friend or foe?" He asked pointing his sword up at the looming figure.

Chapter 9

Honor bound

Lightning looked up at the looming figure to see a giant human figure easily dwarfing him with ease. He was dressed like a Viking, he had red overall with golden button straps, fur linings, a leather strap around his right shoulder and another as a belt, yellow pants with black stripes and fur linings at the bottom, yellow shoes, and a red helmet with two horns. The giant had a blond beard shaped like an axe's blade, beady eyes, a wide grin, and a pig-like nose.

"It seems you are a giant eh? No wonder Louis named the island 'Little Garden' a place where giants come to…" Lightning muttered.

*Gebababababa* the giant laughed as it felt like thunder. "Someone small couldn't be my enemy. I'm not a foe, unless you want to come after my head." He told him.

Lightning eyes tingled with electricity. "Are you saying I can't beat you because I am small, what a ridiculous notion? Despite how I look you shouldn't say anything within a reasonable doubt. I want you take back that statement!" Lightning shouted.

The giant was confused by his statement. "You are a warrior?"

"The name is Lightning D. Farron, and I want to prove my strength to you now." Lightning told him.

"You really want to prove your strength to me?" the giant looked him in the eyes to see he was determined. "Very well then… I'm Brogy, Elbaf's mightiest warrior. At least know that if you do die, by my axe." He explained pulling his old battered and unmaintained axe out.

Lightning shifted his sword and over head strike position with both hands on the hilt.

He swung his axe down towards Lightning who sat there.


Deafening thunder crack went around the area as dust flew around in the air as Brogy looked a bit sad. "It has been a while since I had a guest…" Brogy muttered as he looked shocked to see his axe did connect. Lightning was holding the blade up with two hands. Crater formed around his feet as Lightning pushed up as knocked it back as Brogy looked shocked. He spun again sending a wind blade towards his head. He barely avoided as he shifted back. He looked back down to see no one there. He saw someone jumping into the air throwing another wind blade cutting his midsection.

"I didn't think I found a human this strong… could it be he is using that?" Brogy thought. He swung his shield to knock him away. The shield hit him as he turned flat foot against as he was knocked away from the force of it.

Lightning flipped his feet around kicking off the air coming towards him again. Brogy swung his axe trying to hit him only to dodge. Lightning spun creating a large wind blade hitting his face.

"OWWW!" Brogy shouted as he noticed another stinging feeling coming from his face. He noticed Lightning slashed into his face and landed on his shoulder. Brogy reached up to slam his fist against his shoulder. Brogy looked to see nothing was on the receiving end other than his body. He noticed on top his hand hold his axe. Lightning was standing there holding his sword on his shoulder.

"Well for a giant you do realize how slow you are against smaller opponents. Also your weapon maintenance is quite pitiful for a warrior. The next move I will knock you on your back." Lightning told him.


The giant laughed. "It seems I underestimated you… you are a warrior after all. But are you using Haki to increase your striking power and defense?"

"You know about Haki, Brogy-san?" Lightning asked him.

The giant nodded. "It seems your haki refinement is not perfected just yet. You have a lot of discipline and training." Brogy noticed.

"I practiced and trained myself, but applying it in battle is something most people can't do properly, but let's continue this fight and I won't be using it for the next few moves." Lightning slashed his hand and then his thumb.


The giant shouted as he threw back his hand only to notice his axe falling from his hand as it landed on his foot. He noticed a series of three wind blades hitting his chest knocking him backwards.

Lightning jumped and landed on his chest. He stabbed into stomach as he pushed down pushing the blade deep into him. Lightning looked up to see his left palm trying to come down on him.

"Come on!" Lightning shouted dragging his blade down his stomach. He barely missed his palm strike; he felt the shockwave come off him. He ran to his waist and jumped off as Brogy was clutching his new wound. He was slowly getting up as Lightning reared his sword back preparing for another attack wind blade attack.

"You're a tough old man Brogy-san, but a little too slow to catch me. Do you want to continue this fight? I know I'm not wounded once by your actions." Lightning explained to him.

Brogy finally got back to his feet. "Do you have an ability as well?" Brogy panted.

Lightning nodded as his sword caught fire and then burned out. "I do, but I said I would prove my strength to you, didn't I Brogy-san?" Lightning asked him. He sent his sword into a pocket dimension.

*GEBABABABABA* Brogy laughed jovially as Lightning couldn't help but smile. "That you did my boy, you are quite strong. I let my pride get in the way to not see you as formidable warrior. It's been a while since I seen a strong human before one not even using a devil fruit ability."

Lightning saw Brogy licking his finger and drawing it across his wound. Lightning nodded his head as he took out a canister and huge roll of bandages. "Since I'm a doctor, how about I heal you up properly I also can heal wounds with water." He suggested.

"Very well, I will take you up on your offer." Brogy told him. Lightning proceeded to work on him. "By the way it's been awhile since I had a visitor come to the island. Do you have any ale to spare?" Lightning asked him.

"I have ten barrels of wine I don't need, but I hardly keep any ale on my boat. You can ask my friends for ale, they are nearby on the river. By the way, how long have you been here on this island?" Lightning asked him.

"At least a hundred years by now…" Brogy muttered.

"A hundred years… usually you come and go on islands." Lightning noted.

"True, but I have to follow the rules of my village. For example to settle a fight, the opponents must leave their village and accept the judgment of our god Elbaf. Elbaf grants divine protection unto the rightful victor. The rightful victor is allowed to live." He explained.

"I see an honor duel… my island has a unique set of rules and to prevent all out fighting. I'm not supposed to tell anyone anything about it." Lightning told him. Lightning bended water over his wounds as glowing water moved about his wounds.

"You don't say… I think a met someone like you years ago." Brogy muttered.

"By the way Brogy-san how long does it take for the Log Pose to set?" Lightning asked him.

"One whole year, you were hoping to leave soon?" Brogy asked him.

"No, but luckily I have some Eternal poses that can lead me to the other islands. Do you have any of the stuff that humans left behind? Most likely all the ones you met have met a terrible end." Lightning theorized.

"True, most humans that land here usually die before the log sets. Some become dinosaur food, some succumb to heat, and some attack us, but they all die. Well except you of course since you are strong enough to fight one of us." Brogy told him. "What do you need from there corpses badly?"

"Well if their stuff is intact I might find a Log Pose that is intact and I can explore the next island. All the Log Pose needs to do is stay a year and then it resets. I'm hoping to get one and see what the next island holds." Lightning told him.

"Well… I never thought of it that way before. I collected several things from them and just store them in my cave. I really have no use for them though."

"Well I trade you for anything I got from my ship then." Lightning offered.

"Well you have a deal."

Lightning finished up his treatment and jumped off him. "Well you are all set to go… I will make a trip to my boat to go grab the barrels for you." He told his giant friend.

Brogy looked at his wounds to see they were gone. You have such a handy ability you can probably heal wounds medicine needs to in days."

"The gel I applied to some of your wounds and prevent infection as well. It will heal your wounds quicker on their own." See you later Brogy-san I will back, maybe you get some ale from my friends as well since you are close by." Lightning suggested as he disappeared with a quick blur.

"Well I can't turn a down a chance to get some ale. I wonder if they are willing to part with some." Brogy began walking off towards the river.

Luffy was running through the forest followed by Carue when he suddenly stopped and stepped into the stream. "Hey check this thing out! It looks like a squid with a shell" Luffy pointed out as Vivi and Carue came over to it. Luffy picked the squid like creature with a spiral shell up from the stream.

Luffy held it up for Vivi to see.

"It looks like an ammonite." Vivi muttered.


The sounds of a volcano rippled through the air as the trio went onto explore the island more.

Luffy, Carue, and Vivi ran through the jungle, but suddenly stopped again when Luffy noticed something in the distance.

"Why is there a sea king walking on land?" The sea king in question was brachiosaurus who's long neck stuck out our easily from the tree tops.

"A dinosaur!" Vivi screamed. "This must be one of the prehistoric islands! This island is still in the age of dinosaurs! Because of the difficulty of navigating the islands of the Grand Line, the different islands seldom mingle with each other. Each island has been left to develop in unique ways. Therefore there are islands that contain civilizations that have been advance beyond compare, and there are islands that have remained isolated for tens and thousands of years. Each retaining their original state!"

Luffy suddenly rocketed pass Vivi and launched himself up to the brachiosaurus by grabbing his neck. He stuck to its neck. "Awesome!" Luffy shouted.

"Don't' climb it!" Vivi shouted.

The discovery of dinosaurs and prehistoric era was one revelation to them. Yet Nami and Usopp revelation about the island came in a different way.

Nami and Usopp POV

A book fell on the deck as Usopp and Nami shrieked in fear seeing Brogy walking towards them and stood in front of the Merry.

*GEBABABABABA* Brogy laughed loudly. Brogy leaned down to meet them. The two stood frozen in fear still just from the mere sight of him.

"Well?" Brogy began.

"I'm sorry." Nami whimpered. "Could you say that again?"

"Your friend said that you had some ale on hand. Can you spare some ale?" Usopp nodded in fear.

Nami snapped to her senses. "We might have a little on hand." Nami answered.

"Oh, you got some." Brogy replied.

"We haven't drunk much of it lately; we sometimes need it for cooking and things. But if you like some you can have it all!"

*GRAAAHHH* Brogy roared in pain scaring the two senselessly.

Brogy looked behind him to see a T-Rex bitten into his back.

Usopp was almost shocked to death. "Dino-" he muttered in fear.

"A dinosaur…" Nami stammered in fear as she lay back on the deck.

Brogy drew his battle axe and spun around to confront the dinosaur that had bitten him. With one powerful swing of his axe he decapitated the dinosaur.

Nami and Usopp were hugging each other in fear crying. The dinosaur's head hit the ground with a thud.

Brogy picked up the T-Rex's head. "I, alone am Elbaf's mightiest warrior!" Brogy shouted as he laughed proudly.

Brogy proudly showed the dinosaur's head to Usopp and Nami. "Now I've got some meat. Join me as guests." He told them as they Nami and Usopp fell onto the deck not moving. Brogy stared in confusion. He reached down and poked Usopp with one of his massive fingers. "Hey!" he shouted trying to get a response out of them.

"Pretend you're dead, no matter what he does." Usopp muttered.

"But he is not a bear." Nami muttered quietly. "You sure that playing dead is going to work?"

Brogy continued to stare at the two down pirates wondering what to do.

Luffy and Vivi's POV

"What a great view!" Luffy exclaimed high up above the trees as he surveyed the land. There were numerous active volcanoes, lakes, numerous trees, and prehistoric animals flying around. "This would be a perfect place to eat my lunch."

"How can you be so carefree?" Vivi yelled up at him while riding Carue. Vivi noticed a person jumping in the air and landed on the dinosaurs head. Luffy noticed it as he saw Lightning standing on top of its head. He was carrying a basket filled with fruit and vegetables.

"I see you are having fun unlike Vivi here?" Lightning asked him.

"Lightning I didn't think to see you here." Luffy asked him.

"That's because I am clone of him Luffy. I was asked to find what was edible on the island. Luckily for me it seems to have plenty of edible fruit like mango's bananas' pineapples, coconuts', peppers, and some other things." He told Luffy.

"You didn't bother to get meat?" Luffy asked him.

"I am one of many Luffy and I carrying only so much. Another clone is carrying out that task." The clone told him. He jumped down on a tree and soon jumped down to meet Vivi. "I'm guessing you are a bit shocked to see the island and Luffy act this way."

Vivi nodded. "How can he be so carefree he is on top of dinosaur?" Vivi asked him.

"That is just his nature Vivi sometimes there are things not even I can explain. Though he tends to act like a child most of the time, he can be serious when the chips are down. The original will try to meet up with the boat after preparations are made Vivi."

Vivi nodded. "I understand…" Vivi muttered as he disappeared in a blur. Luffy began surveying the land again.

"So there are really volcanoes here? And there is a huge holey mountain over there!" he noticed the nearby area.

"It's dangerous up there! Come down this instant! Even though it's docile now, it's still a dinosaur!" Vivi shouted at him.

"It's okay, he doesn't mind! More importantly, there's a big hollow mountain over there! Sure is some strange terrain!" He shouted to Vivi.

"The terrain doesn't matter! Just get back down here!" Vivi shouted hoping to convince him to get him off.

Luffy stretched down off the top of the Brachiosaur's head and dangled upside down so he could stare in its eye. "Hey, I'm sorry to bug you, but could you take me over there?" Luffy asked the dinosaur to see no reply as it kept eating leaves. "Hey. Even if you can't understand what I'm saying, come one please take me."

Luffy pulled his body back on top of the head of the dinosaur as he pointed to the mountain.

"There! Over there! Not there!" Luffy stretched his arms under its neck and forcibly move the dinosaurs head.

The brachiosaurs let out a cry of pain as it suddenly found itself pried away from the leaves. It let out a series of wails. Several bigger ones encircled the smaller one as Luffy smiled. The brachiosaurus tilted its head back. Luffy was sent flying down off its head and slide down its body. He reached the bottom and curled off its tail only to land on top of a bigger Brachiosaurs. This one was black with scars covering its body. It was a bit more feral than its other counterpart looking more like a carnivore than a plant eater. Luffy stretched his arms to reach on top of its head as he looked at the landscape again. "This view is much better from here!" Luffy exclaimed. He saw the mountain filled with holes better.

Vivi and Carue could only sit there in shock as they saw the dinosaur snap its head up and sent Luffy flying up into the air. Luffy went up and eventually down falling into its mouth shortly. The dinosaur swallowed Luffy down with ease.

"He did not just get eaten!" Vivi shouted in fear as Carue was stood frozen in fear.

Meanwhile while Luffy was in its mouth. "Where am I?" he asked only to be swallowed down its throat.


A large thundering sound was heard as giant sword lashed out cutting the Brachiosaurs entire neck off completely. Luffy fell out from the throat of the dinosaur and a he landed in giant hand holding a shield. Vivi and Carue stared up at the giant in awe and shock.

The giant had a long brown beard that went down to his waist and he was muscular. He wore a battle helmet with a ridge on top. He had two eye pieces only for his eyes. He wore a furry white tunic around his abdomen which was bound to him by series of leather belts. He wore beige pants, long brown boots, and a long blue cape that went to the back of his knees.

The giant was carrying a giant Terry sword and shield as he stood over the dead dinosaur.


The giant laughed as he looked at Luffy. "I was watching you! You were playing with the Long necks of the jungle. What a lively human! It's been a long time since I had a guest." he told Luffy.

"Damn your huge!" Luffy exclaimed. "Are you a human?"

"You're asking me if I'm human?" the giant laughed. "I and alone I am Elbaf's mightiest warrior Dorry!" Dorry shouted as he hefted his shoulder before laughing.


Vivi dropped to her knees. Carue fainted sitting beside on the ground. She stood there in awe and shock. "It's a… giant. I've never seen one… I've only heard about them in stories." Vivi muttered.

Luffy addressed his Dorry. "I'm Luffy, I'm a pirate!" Luffy introduced himself.

"A pirate that's great!" Dorry happily replied. *GEYAYAYA*

"Carue, wake up!" Vivi urged her duck companion, trying to wake him up. "Let's run away before it's too late!"

Luffy pointed down and below towards the two. "Ah, see those guys over there? That's Vivi and Carue. Say hi guys!" Luffy told them.

"Luffy-san, why did you just say that?" Vivi scolded him, clearly fearing the giant.

Dorry laughed it off. "Hey you guys, let me show my place."

Meanwhile on the other side of the island. Brogy was kneeling down in front of a large fire. He was blowing on the flames as it helped cooked numerous large pieces of dinosaur meat. "This looks delicious!" Brogy commented.

"How much longer do we have to play dead?" Usopp asked Nami. As the two of them lay on their back inside that cave filled mountain that served as Brogy's home.

"I knew it. This plan doesn't work on giants." Nami muttered.

Usopp opened his eyes and peeked around the corner. He let out a loud shriek as he spotted a pile of skulls on one side of the cave.

Brogy turned around turned around and peered into his home after hearing Usopp's startled cry. Nami and Usopp were not moving an inch as he turned back to cooking his meat. "I must be hearing things." He muttered.

"Why the hell did you shout out like that?" Nami quietly scolded him.

"I couldn't help it. Did you see all those skulls over there?" Usopp asked her.

"I know, I know, but…" Nami whimpered.

"Sooner or later he's probably going to eat us too." Usopp whimpered.

"Don't talk like that!" Nami scolded him.

"But…" Usopp muttered.

Nami pushed herself off the ground. "We can't just lay here waiting to be eaten!"

Brogy began to sing about meat, Nami and Usopp tip-toed out of the cave and around the side of the mountain. Once they were out of the giant's sight they took off running into the jungle screaming. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them until it eventually came to a stop in a clearing in panted.

"We…finally escaped!" Nami panted.

"At least we are not being digested in that giant's stomach." Usopp panted.


Usopp felt something wet touch his back as he looked up to see a Saber tooth tiger.

"AAHH!" Usopp screamed.

"But being digested in a Saber tooth tiger's stomach isn't better." Nami muttered in fear.

Saber tooth tiger let out a roar as Nami and Usopp took off. They were once running for their lives again screaming at the top of their lungs as wild cat gave pursuit.

"SOMEONE HELP US!" Usopp screamed jumping over a large tree trunk as Nami ran under it. The saber tooth tiger leapt over the tree after them.


Nami, Usopp, and the tiger ran suddenly were suddenly running back in fear. They were being chased by a T-Rex now.

The two ran into the clearing seeing ten barrels on a sled there. They noticed a shadow looming over them. "I got your backs!" they heard a familiar voice shouted as the two skidded to a stop. They watched Lightning drive his Bo-staff down on its head. The dinosaur smashed head first into the ground and was knocked out. Lightning jumped off the dinosaurs head and spun spinning his staff. He slammed down on the Saber-tooth tiger's head as he bashed it into the ground. The two saw blood was coming out of its head now.

"You're lucky I was in the area, what are you two doing out here?" Lightning asked them collapsing his staff.

"LIGHTNING!" Nami let out a squeal of relief as she launched herself on the blond warrior. Lightning staggered back as Nami grabbed him into a hug that both legs and arms wrapped tightly around him. Usopp joined Nami a second and clung to his back as the two cried. Lightning looked a bit irritated by this.

"You do realize you two are a bit clingy. I can expect woman hugging on me, but Usopp…" Lightning muttered.

"Everything here wants to eat us!" Usopp whimpered. "The giant, tiger, and dinosaur… we only had a choice of whose stomach we ended up in!"

"Please don't let it us!" Nami pleaded. "I'm too young and pretty to get eaten!"

"So you want me to save you from a giant right?" Lightning summarized. Nami and Usopp meekly nodded as they got off him. "Since I gave you guys money it would be unfair taking it back. You guys will Nami will owe me unconditional favor and Usopp just a regular favor if I help solve this problem."

"Favor…" they muttered.

"Of course, when the time comes you owe me a favor that you can't turn down at all. I'm quite reasonable person so you wouldn't expect crazy things from me. All I want Usopp to collect blood from a devil fruit user I haven't met and I haven't decided on Nami's yet." Lightning suggested.


As they heard thundering steps of the giant. "Deal!" they both shouted as seals glowed upon their hands as they didn't notice. He passed by the two as he had a mischievous smirk on his face. Lightning's eyes glowing with a bit of electricity.

"Fools, they don't know they signed a geass with me. Usopp will collect devil fruit blood from me… then I can force Nami to do…" Lightning grinned.

Lightning walked forward to meet the oncoming giant. Nami and Usopp ducked behind him like a shield.

"Ah, it's good to see you fellow warrior!" Brogy greeted Lightning. "Hello again, I see you met your friends. I invited them from dinner at my home, but they ran off before the meat was fully cooked. It's done would you like to join us now!"

"Sure, I brought wine like you asked." Lightning answered I'm sure that these two would like to join seeing they were looking for me no doubt." Nami and Usopp nodded weakly.

*GEBABABA* Brogy laughed. "I see no wonder why there were eager to leave. You were bringing the wine over. Very well, I will see you at my home. Don't take too long the meat will go cold!" Brogy stood up and stomped to his cave.

Lightning grabbed the rope holding the sled as he began to drag it. He looked back at the two now. "It will be rude just to turn down his offer after he went through all this trouble. We don't want to make a host angry by not showing up?" Lightning asked them. Nami and Usopp frantically shook their heads. He sent his Bo-staff back to his pocket dimension. The two heard the dinosaur was stirring about as they made their way to the camp.

"Why did he call you fellow warrior?' Usopp asked him.

"I met him a bit earlier than you guys and we had a confrontation a bit earlier." Lightning explained to them.

"Confrontation earlier…" Nami muttered.

"Yeah, but let's meet up with him for lunch." He told the two as he dragged the sled even faster.

"I have feeling we are the main course." Nami whimpered as Lightning shook his head.

Lightning, Nami, and Usopp POV

Lightning, Usopp, and Nami were sitting on a log at the home of Brogy's. Brogy placed a slab of meat that bigger than the three of them put together in front of them on a giant leaf.


"Okay let's eat! Dinosaur meat is really good!" Brogy laughed as he took a chunk of meat of the same size slab of meat.

"It would be rude to not accept your generous offer," Lightning offered. He summoned up a blade of wind to cut the pieces of meat out of the huge slab of meat. He made sure to have enough for Nami and Usopp as well.

"First he wants us to eat dinosaur meat…" Usopp whimpered thinking the giant will fatten you up

"That will fatten us up." Nami followed up whimpering as well.

"Then he will eat us… we are so young," Usopp muttered.

"Maybe that's the best time to be eaten," Nami added sharing Usopp's fear. "Lightning, can't you do something?"

"What do you what me to do?" Lightning asked her. He seasoned part of his meat before eating it. "I already fought him head on and he conceded defeat earlier to me. Don't you see the slice down his chest… well I healed it for him. But you can see the traces of blood on his shirt. Besides that he is not going to eat you. We will hardly fill up his stomach even if he did fatten us up."

Nami and Usopp's eyes widen in believe. They finally noticed the giants clothes were torn on the left side and stitches holding it together.

"No way…" Usopp muttered.

"He's not?" Nami muttered as Lightning nodded.

"Of course not," Lightning replied as he turned to Brogy. "You hear that Brogy-san they think you're going to eat them?"


Brogy laughed. "You three are so tiny I much prefer dinosaur meat since it's sweet and much more filling! I haven't had guests in a long time. I wouldn't want to eat my visitors."

"Then, what about those skulls in your cave?" Usopp exclaimed as he pointed to the cave.

"Those bones came from other humans. I told Mr. Lightning-bolt about when we he fought me to prove his strength." Brogy told them as they turn to him.

"He only kills people that attack him. On another note the animals of this island kill the majority of them. Or if the diseases or heat don't get to them first." Lightning informed them.

"You're not going to eat us?" Nami clarified.

"Of course not!" Brogy laughed it off.

Nami turned to Lightning and glared at him. "I'm not going to do your favor." Nami growled at him. "I thought we had a deal to save me not take me to lunch."

"Well it's a bit too late to take it back. Besides you never specified how to save you as long as you are safe." Lighting waved his hand as blue glow covered Usopp and Nami's hand. "I formed a geass with you the moment you shook my hand. Going against it will have some consequences' like money disappearing or not coming into your hands." Lightning gave a sly smile as her eyes went wide.

"He tricked me!" She thought.

"You jerk!" She shouted lunging at him and grabbing his throat. He laughed it off as she tried strangling him stopping him from laughing. He made sure the cloth holding the meat didn't hit the ground.


"What lively humans!" Brogy watched the two fighting or the lack of one fighting. As he was laughing it off.

"It looks like she is trying to kill him, but she is failing terribly at it… I got roped into this deal as well." Usopp muttered.

Lightning managed to calm down Nami, but it was hopeless see was stuck between worry and anger. Usopp began eating the meat Brogy prepared.

"Can I ask you a question Brogy-san?" she asked him.

"What's up, little girl?" Brogy questioned her.

"Do you know how long it takes for a Log to set on this island?" Nami inquired.

"One year!" Brogy answered with a grin.

Usopp fell back from his log as Nami fell on the side of the log. "Before I forget Brogy-san, may I look at the things you collected from the dead humans before?" Lightning asked him.

"Sure go ahead I really don't need it. They are stored in barrels and chests on the right side of my home." Brogy told him. Lightning finished off his meat and lunch Burnings prepared.

Lightning nodded as he made his way to the cave. He noticed several of them filled with odds things. He quickly noticed chests off to the side as well.

Nami and Usopp finally came to their senses. "Brogy-san, what is Lightning doing?" Nami asked him.

"Well he wanted to exchange anything I kept from the humans I killed. I kept them seeing they had no use for them or trade them off to people coming to the island. People tend to have alcohol on their boats and I didn't want everything to go to waste." He laughed.

Lightning came out dragging two normal size chests as he Log Pose in hand. He quickly showed it to Nami and Usopp. "I found a Log Pose that has already reset to the Island's magnetic force in the belongings. Plus I managed to snag me some treasure for what it's worth." He laughed.

"What, you mean to tell me you just took a dead man's Log Pose that has already reset?" Usopp shouted.

"And you managed to snag some treasure? Why did he give it away to you?" Nami shouted.

Brogy laughed it off. "I don't really care for money since I been here for a hundred years. I just kept it around for trade just for alcohol." Brogy explain.

"But why look for a Log Pose on this island and why would it reset?" Usopp asked him as Lightning blew off the dust.

"Usopp it doesn't have to be on your wrist the whole time… as long as the Log Pose stays on the island for a period. I didn't think about searching for dead people for their Log Pose. It's no wonder why he is so smart and he came up with that." Nami muttered.

Lightning placed the Log Pose in his back in a safe container. He walked opened the two treasure chests to see it was filled to brim with gold, jewels, and pearls. He closed them as they dispersed into light along with backpack. "I sent them into my pocket dimension for the time being to protect them. Though do you guys remember I have Eternal Poses as well to help get off the island right?"

Their eyes widened up and smiled. "Thank goodness you're such a reliable person; we can leave and head to Alabasta today." Nami cried.

"Thank goodness you are here… but why go to the next island?" Usopp asked him.

"I'm a scientist and adventurer at times as well. An unexplored island that has never been explored I really do want to check it out." Lightning explain to them.

"Are you not even scared of danger…" the two muttered. It left Lightning a bit confused before he laughed it off.

"Danger is just another form of excitement." He joked.

Zoro and Sanji POV

During the time the two groups encountered the two giants. The hunting competition between Zoro and Sanji both gathered a dinosaur. Zoro carrying a triceratops and Sanji carried a T-Rex. They were both going back to the Going Merry with their hunt.

"With this, I'll definitely beat Zoro. This victor of the match is the one that brings back the most kilos of meat. And that is going to be me!" Sanji bragged while he dragged his dinosaur.


Zoro was dragging his Triceratops back on the opposite side of the path. "The guy that brings back the most tons of meat wins. I've got this won!" bragged confidently.

The path the two were intersected as the two met with each other face to face.

"Zoro…" Sanji muttered.

"Sanji…" Zoro muttered.

The two of them each eyed their kill. "I win!" They shouted at the same time. They glared at each other again and shouted. "You lost!"

Sanji and Zoro laid the two dinosaurs' next to each other to decide who won the contest.

"Take a look! Mine's bigger." Sanji pointed out that the length was bigger than Zoro's.

"What, this battle was about who could bring back more tons of meat! I obviously brought more back, so I win!" Zoro protested.

"It only matters how much you can cook with. With that pile of bones, you couldn't get a pound of meat of usable meat!" Sanji argued.

"That thing's all tendons; you can't even eat the meat!" Zoro insisted.

"I can't help that I had to face this measly food. Next time I'll bring back one so big it will leave you speechless." Sanji groaned.

"Yeah, well I'll bring back one so big you won't even try to match it!" Zoro told him!


A volcano in the middle of the island erupted. There was no doubt that everyone heard it.

"Alright! The next time the Volcano erupts, it will be finishing gong. Get whatever you can carry to the Going Merry before then."

"Yeah, I'm fine with that." Zoro agreed.

"What's that?" Nami asked. She ate meat along with Lightning, Usopp and Brogy.

"A volcanic eruption," Usopp realized.

Brogy threw his meat into the fire as he stood up. The three humans looked at him. "Sorry about this. I must be going." Brogy apologized.

"You're leaving?" Nami asked him.

"Yeah, that is the signal for our 100 year-long battle." Brogy stated.

"Battle…" Nami muttered.

"Against who? Where? For what reason?" Usopp asked him.

"I asked a Dot about Brogy and I found out he had a 100 million bounty a hundred years ago. Judging by that bounty he must be fighting Dorry the blue giant that has the same bounty as him. The rules of Elbaf the village of warriors have defined laws." Lightning told them.

"Laws…" Usopp muttered.

"To settle a fight, the opponent must leave the village and accept the judgment of the god of Elbaf. Elbaf grants divine protection unto the rightful victor. The rightful victor is allowed to live. I am right so far Brogy-san?" Lightning asked him.

Brogy nodded yes. "You correct Mr. Lightning-bolt."

"A hundred years why would someone fight that long?" Nami asked them.

"It's simple…" Lightning told them. Usopp and Nami listened to him. "It's all about honor and pride. To those who know nothing about honor you will never understand what it means." Lightning explained.

"You're saying I have no honor?" Usopp looked shocked.

"At this moment you would never understand what real honor is… but don't be fooled honor can you get you killed as well. It can blind you to new tactics that people can employ in battle or the very fact it can kill you for just trying to keep the same values. That is why the weak employ strategy, weapons, and new tactics. Personally honor is just simple a high moral worth and great achievement.

Everyone has their own set of honor, but the key point you need to know. Once you swear or declare one way you don't turn back. Just like you don't like hurting innocent people Nami is something I do agree with as well." Lighting explained.

"I see…" Nami realized. "But I thought it had to do with more personal pride."

"True, most incidents containing about honor are related to pride. It's a concept that kills even the best of warriors. Pride can lead to over confidence and arrogance both can get you killed in potential violent situations. It was something my family has told me from the beginning when before I set out on the sea." Lightning explained as they saw Brogy and Dorry clashing. They created a giant shockwave rocking the island and the sea.

Meanwhile in the forest as wax house resided in the middle of the forest. Two people waited in leisure and protected from the dangers of the jungle. As a girl that couldn't be older than sixteen sat behind the man sleeping with her clutching her knees. She was fairly short with blushed cheeks, and has her dark red hair tied in braided pigtails. Her attire consists of a pink hat, a dark blue T-shirt with the word "Golden" written on it in orange, a sky blue shirt with a cloud pattern over it, a maroon-colored skirt, blue-striped stockings covering her legs, and big red shoes with white cuffs and white soles.

The man with a hair stylized as a three was enjoying Earl grey as he sat down looking at a piece of paper. He was an average-sized man with a rather frail-looking build. He wore a blue and white striped vertical shirt with a collar and purple bowtie. He also wore beige pants, Log Pose on his left hand, and blue and white glassed on his head.

"I can't believe Mr. 2 wasn't taken down yet and only the Mr. 5 pairing was beaten. Most likely due to them not understanding or using their devil fruit powers correctly.

Now this news of this SIGINT ninja who attacked them and saved the Princess Vivi is troubling. Apparently this person has the skills to beat them without devil fruit ability.

He possess unknown weapon and technology that helps him gain information or communicate with others. Despite the fact he knows the bosses' secret as well he needs to be eliminated as well.

His whereabouts are unknown at this time; Miss All Sunday speculates is was the knight of Alabasta that is also a top notch scientist

. She had the 'unluckies' identified his boat nearby Whiskey Peak. Unfortunately there isn't someone of his stature inside our organization to help our goals. Mr. Zero said he will bring in new hired hand to help subdue him." Mr. 3 thought.


He heard a large sound coming from outside as soon the door opened to reveal Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine.

"Oh Mr.5," Mr. 3 greeted them as he causally sipped tea as he burns the note away.

"That's a nice little power you got there an instant hideout in the jungle. But as you know this is still our assignment. We want you to keep out." Mr.5 explained.

"There will be no more blunders." Miss Valentine reassured him.

"Blunders?" Mr. 3 repeated. "Not so, you two are simply weak, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine." The glared and gritted their teeth in anger. "Don't look so angry. Take a look at this wanted poster."

Mr. 3 pulled out a piece of paper and slid it across the table to the five pairing. It was wrinkled and dust covered. It showed a much younger version of Brogy and Dorry. "I would like to thank the two of you for giving me the opportunity to come to this island."

Mr. 5 picked up the piece of paper. "Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Dorry of the giant warrior pirates," he read out loud.

"I heard legends about them. This wanted poster is a hundred years old, isn't it?" Miss Valentine asked him.

"Yes, but they are alive on this island on this very island. At that time, they were worth 100 million beri each. With the two of them, that is 200 million beri." Mr. 3 casually explained.

"A 200 million beri bounty, but you would be fighting giants!" Mr. 5 commented.

"A superior criminal uses his superior intellect to commit crimes. You two need to follow my orders. With a suitable plan, any mountain can be flattened." Mr. 3 smiled as he replied.

"Good speech yet you lose sight of the mission at hand that takes priority. On another note outside forces can always make a plan go astray. You fools rely too much on your devil fruits to get the job done makes any professional flinch." A voice spoke up.

The three turned around to see a man wrapped in green camouflage cloak on the wall. He was causally tossing up a bowie knife.

"Who are you?" Mr.5 asked him.

"How did you get in here without opening the door?" Miss Valentine asked him.

"It's quite simple you're the man our boss sent do deal with the SIGINT ninja or knight in this case protecting Vivi. You must have snuck in the same time these two arrived." Mr. 3 theorized.

"At least I'm working with someone with a brain here at least…" he muttered. An eerie glow came from his mask under the hood. "The target I'm looking is actually here on Little Garden as we speak. He was able to take on giant and wound Brogy the red ogre. He made him concede to his strength meaning this man is superhuman in nature and he has weird powers as well." He told him.

"I asked who you are." Mr. 5 repeated/

"All will be explained in time, but let me give you a piece of advice. This man is way above you skill level and the bounty on his head is 150 million is mine. There are several people lined up to take him I'm just lucky I got here first." He explained.

"It seems that this man is not well liked by the boss… he has to hire other people to deal with the problem. Who exactly are we dealing with?"

The hooded individual told them some facts. It was obvious now the mercenaries' were coming now for Lightning. The Straw hats have two more enemies to worry about now as well.