The Massif Bros. were in the Relaxation Room in Gwahar Lagoon, the two of them taking a break from their Mt. Pajamaja tours on Pi'illo Island.

"Is good to take break from tours, cause eventually muscles get too stressed, and suddenly stress laughs at us, then mountain laughs at us, then we get beefed." Big Massif stated to Lil' Massif.

"Da. Massage from place of relaxation here in lagoon in bean kingdom help us relax, beef up and be ready for next mountain tour!" Lil' Massif replied to Big Massif.

The two Jellyfish Sisters Gigi and Merri floated down from above, gawking at the sight of the Massif Bros.' big muscles.

"Check it out, Merri! It's another pair of red and green characters like us! And boy are they hunky!"

Merri nodded. "Yeah! I mean sure Nintendo and Alpha continue to reuse the idea of two brothers with one red and one green that teach Mario and Luigi new moves, but these two are the best ones yet!"

The Massif Bros started making strong poses, showing off their muscles as they did. "Da! We are tour guides at mountain back on island of Pi'illos! We beefy and strong!" Big Massif stated.

"We teach small red and green new moves like you! Idea of red and green siblings laughs at originality, but it seems fitting! Like us! We fit like beef!" Lil' Massif added.

Gigi and Merri both started feeling the Massif Bros' beefy muscles, both sisters content from how they felt.

"Such big muscles you two have!" Gigi claimed.

"We would be honored to massage these beefy biceps for you!" Merri added.

"Beefy biceps and me could get used to this." Lil' Massif stated.

"Da. Is good service. Better than beefy computer, which ironically, not beefy at all!" Big Massif mentioned.

Lil' Massif lifted his right eyebrow. "What does beefy computer have to do with this? Just because good computer is described as beefy you bring it up?"

Big Massif nodded as they both sat down and the two sisters began massaging their beefy muscles. "Da. But beefy computer is redundant to this. Real beefiness is where beef is! We as beefy as can be! We eat beef to stay beefy! Beef power!"

"Beef power!" Lil' Massif added in concurrence with his big brother.

"Hey, can we ask you two for a favor?" Gigi asked.

"Da. Anything for beautiful jellyfish gals who give big support for our beefiness." Big Massif replied.

"Come with us. There's something we wanna show you." Merri added.

Then, the Massif Bros. and Jellyfish Sisters were taken to the caves below the relaxation center, the two sisters having special plans for the two beefy mountain tour guides.