Hey, guys. I'm pleased to announce I'm back. After 2 years… you must really want to hurt/kill me.

Okay, just for me to remember and if you got a little confused because of errors, Kora is the wolf and Shiro is the fox.

You might want to thank past reviewers for the reason of this story being updated, I was planning on just giving up the story.

As with all my stories, it will be heavily influenced by music, but my music taste has changed a lot since this fic had first began. Sorry 'bout that.


Yugi's POV

The pups and I went upstairs to get changed. I threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and one of my favorite Of Mice & Men shirts. I combed my bangs over my left eye and threw on a simple black beanie. This with the combination of chains made a style that was uniquely me. I changed from wearing a lot of leather to fabric with more mobility. I put a quick silencing spell on my chains so that if danger did arrive, I would be ready and my position wouldn't be given away by the clanging of my chains. I put on a few band bracelets, put one some eyeliner, and was done. I looked myself over in the mirror and decided I liked the way I looked. That was all that mattered, right? I looked over to my pups just as they were finishing getting ready.

Kora had baggy jeans and a simple black t-shirt on. He had his bangs to the side and his lip pierced. He also had put eyeliner on that made his icy blue eyes pop. He made a cute yet terrifying image. Shiro had put on a plain white tee with a skull printed on it and black skinny jeans. His cartilage had multiple piercings and his arm was littered in tattoos. His tattoos and red eyes combined had made a quite the looker, but some would hold as demonic.

"When did you guys get the piercings and tats?" I asked. They didn't have those earlier.

"We can change into our human form as we see fit. We can change the clothes and anything extra we may want. I find myself liking this form, how about you, Shi?"

"Yep!" He was too innocent to be a demon. I mentally rolled my eyes. I had a few piercing and tattoos of my own. I had snake bites, a nose piercing, multiple cartilage piercings, and my ear lobes pierced with snakes, representing my tails. I had lyrics all over my body that helped me get through these past ten years, an image of Hades, and several others.

"Ready to go?" The others gave me their affirmation. I checked my seal quickly to make sure I wouldn't accidently reveal my other form. Once I was positive it wouldn't break, we went downstairs and met up with Yami. He was sitting on the couch, sipping coffee. He was wearing his usual black, leather pants and a black t-shirt. A small smile graced my lips. It was nice to see at least I had one thing in my life that didn't change. It brought me a comfort I thought I'd forgotten.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, just let me put my cup in the sink." When he returned we all left the house. The pups and I waited by the car while Yami locked up the house. The drive to the club was silent. It seemed that nobody wanted to break the peaceful silence in fear that something disasterous would happen. I appreciated the silence. I learned that silence was your best friend and to welcome it with open arms. It will always get you out of trouble and keep you away from trouble. It was one of my greatest allies.

Deciding that breaking the silence this once wouldn't hurt if it was to just sing a tune. If it bothered Yami, well, he could just go and shove his discontent up his ass.

"Love is a liar's game,

So try your shame

Nobody wins when it's over.

Love is a hopeless case,

A nameless face

With every touch growing colder."

I've learned a lot over these past years, and one of the very important lessons I have learned is that all is not always as it seems, love being a major one. I no longer trusted in bonds except for the ones I purposefully let in, Shiro and Kora being some of the few. They were the innocents of the world and I knew they would never betray me. They were special. When I came to from my inner musings, I noticed I attracted some attention.

"Uh… hi?" I still got nothing but stares. "Okay then. You can at least try to hide your staring." I grumbled. The others blushed and looked away at that.

When we got to the club, we walked in and immediately grabbed a table. Loud, obnoxious music was blasting through the place. I could feel the vibrations through the floor and the table. It bothered my more-sensitive-than-normal ears and I could tell it was bothering the pups but we put up with it.

"When are the others arriving?" I asked Yami. Kora was sitting to my right and Shiro my left.

"It shouldn't be too much longer."

It was a bit awkward sitting in the club with my old lover and my two new kids. We ordered some fries and we sat munching on fries waiting for the crew to arrive. I took to watching the 'normal' people -who actually had decent lives- dancing and making fools out of themselves. We attracted a lot of looks and stares but we mostly ignored them. I was pretty sure the pups wanted to tear the people, limb from limb, but my hand on their knees kept them in line.

"Hey, guys." A short girl with equally short,brown hair and pale, blue eyes said as a group of people appeared to be catching up. The girl smiled at Yami.

"Hey, Yams." Shirt attempted to sound sexy and flirtatious but only succeeded at infuriating me. Taking in big gulps of air, I willed myself to calm down. Forcing a smile on my face, I turned to Anzu.


Anzu turned to me, her eyes widening. "Hello, sexy. And who might you be?" She asked me before turning to Yami. "Who's this hotstuff, Yami? I thought you said we were meeting up because you finally found the twerp?" I felt my eye twitch at the insult. I knew instantly that this woman couldn't be trusted within an inch of my life.

The group had finally come to a stop at our table and have apparently heard her last comment.

"I didn't know you were so blind, you arrogant witch. This is Yugi, you dumb fuck." Bakura growled. Ryou appeared from behind Bakura. Releasing their entwined hands, Ryou ran up and hugged me. I felt myself stiffen at the intimate contact.

"Oh, I missed you so much, Yugi. Where have you been, are you okay?" He soon felt another pair of arms as Malik hugged him.

"I, too, wish to know. We finally have the three hikari together." My instincts were telling me to run, to hide, to fight to get away, but I pushed them down and did my best to ignore them. I didn't want to become too suspicious and let what happened come to light. I patted them lightly on the back before pushing them away. From the corner of my eye, I could see Anzu pouting.

"I'd rather not say what I've been up to all this time. Just let me say that I didn't remain gone this long by choice. Now, where's Jou and Seto?" I asked.

The group looked at each other before Tristan answered. "He and Seto… kinda have a thing."

"A thing?" I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "Finally. All that damn sexual tension and they finally got together. Good for them." I looked over at Ryou and Bakura, who were standing suspiciously close to each other. "And I take it you two are together?" Ryou nodded and blushed.

"Me and Malik are together as well as Tristan and Otogi."

"Late congratulations." I gave them a small smile.

The group talked all night about the past ten years but I made sure I remained tight lipped. I couldn't let anything slip. I wanted his old friends back and it wouldn't do to have my friends think me a freak. When the others would eventually forget I was there, I talked to the pups. I didn't want to leave my friends. I wanted desperately to talk to them. But I also knew that if you let too many in, you have a chance to be broken. I've had enough hurt to last a life time, and it seemed the only way to protect yourself was to lock others out.


Okay, so I just want to know what you thought of this twist on the story. Do you like it or do you want me to do something totally different.

Also, I realize that Tristan is the English name for Honda, but I like it a bit better so please forgive me for using that name instead.

As I said before, I have changed my writing style a great deal, so your opinion in what will fuel this story.