Hey guys ! It's been a while, I'm so so sorry I haven't been posting in a while, I promise that I'll post more often!

*Riven's P.O.V*

I think someone is stalking us. These messages.. th-they mean something! I know they do. I just have to stop thinking about it! I have a date with Musa, my amazing, beautiful girlfriend. It's already 2:30 "Shit!" I started getting ready.

*Musa's P.O.V*

I don't know what I'm going to wear! I'm so nervous ! What if something happens? I'm just really scared. "Stella!" I yelled in desperate need of help. "What do you want?! I'm trying to spend time with Brandon!" "I need your help, I have a date with Riven and I don't know what to wear!" I said while pouting. "Oh sweetheart why didn't you just say so! Okay close your eyes" I looked at her confused. "Just do it!" She yelled. "Okay jeeze" I heard a lot of thumping. "Okay open your eyes and put this on" Stella put clothes in my hands. She picked out a pair of high-waisted light washed shorts, a white tank top with floral print design on it, and navy blue vans. "Okay close your eyes again" I did as Stella said. After a bunch of plucking and pulling I was finally finished. "Okay and open them" I opened my eyes. "Oh my gosh Stella I look amazing! Thank you so much!" I had natural makeup look and my hair was in beautiful waves. "No problem Muse" I looked at the clock. "Riven will be here in any second! I gotta go!" Just like I said Riven was at the door. I opened it. "Hey Muse you look beautiful" Riven said while kissing my cheek. "You don't look to bad yourself" I said with a smirk. Riven had on a light blue v-neck shirt that made his abs look amazing, black jeans, and white sneakers on. I blushed. "Let's go" I took his hand in mine and we went to the park. Riven pushed me lightly on the swing. "It's so peaceful now a days it's nice" I said while smiling. "You know it really is" Riven said while hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. I yawned, "You tired babe?" Riven asked while nuzzling into my neck. "Just a little" I said while smiling. "Let's go home" Riven said while carrying me bridal style.

*Riven's P.O.V*

She's so perfect! She's everything I could want. Muse yawned, "You tired babe? I asked. I nuzzled into her neck, "Just a little" Musa replied. I scooped her up bridal style. "Let's go home" We drove home in a comfortable silence. We walked into Musa's house "Stella?! Bloom? Aisha?Tecna? Flora?" Musa yelled. "I guess it's just us. We went to her room. Muse turned around and kissed me. The kiss started getting heated. Our lips moved in sync, I licked her bottom lip for entrance. She accepted, we fought for dominance. I won of course. We pulled away panting. She smiled at me. Musa ran to her bed a plopped down on it, I followed her and laid down. She kissed my cheek "I love you" Musa said while looking in my eyes. "I love you too" I said back truthfully. Musa turned the other way and snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, the way she makes me feel is amazing. I started dosing off and fell into a deep sleep.

*Musa's P.O.V*

I woke up from my nap. I looked behind me and saw a sleeping Riven, he looked so adorable I kissed his forehead. I got up and looked at the time 12:30 jeeze I was sleep that long! We got back at 4:00. Oh well. I walked downstairs to get something to drink. I heard a thump, I looked around but I didn't hear anything. I walked in the living room and turned on the light. And there was a man standing in my living room I screamed "Riven! Riven!" I ran upstairs until the man grabbed my foot and started pulling me down the steps. I screamed even louder and stated crying. Riven ran out of my room and saw me being dragged down the steps.

*Riven's P.O.V*

I heard Musa screaming my name. I ran out her room and saw here being dragged down the steps by a man. I ran down the steps and punched the man in the face. He got back up and pushed me into a wall punching me over and over again. I fell to the ground. The man ran over to Musa and smacked her in the face. She started screaming. I got up and started punching the man until he was unconscious. I got off the man and went to Musa. She was crying. "Everything is going to be alright" I pulled her to my chest. "Let me see your face" She turned her cheek to me, it was red. I kissed it . "Your safe now, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise." She nodded her head.

That's all for tonight I promise I will update tomorrow!