Riven and Musa have been friends since kindergarten. Riven always felt somewhat protective of her.


"Hey! Give me my toy back!" Musa yelled at Tommy Nelson. He took her toy. "No!" Tommy pushed Musa down. "Riven!" Musa started to cry. "Why'd you make my bestfriend cry?!" Riven yelled at Tommy. "Sorry I didn't want it anyway!" Tommy threw the toy on the ground and ran away.

*End if Flashback*

Musa was always there for him through his bad times. He might've been a little mean, but she was still there when everybody else gave up on him. She meant the world to Riven, basically his other half.


Riven ran all the way to Musa's house. *knock,knock,knock* Musa's dad opened the door. "Hello Riven she's upstairs" "Thank you" Riven went upstairs to Musa's room. She was sick and Riven got worried. Riven opened the door "Riven!" Musa was really happy to see him. "Hey, I was just coming by to see if you were okay" Riven gave Musa a tight hug, they were in 5th grade at the time. "I missed you today" Musa said while putting her head on his shoulder. "I missed you too, I was worried I thought something bad happen to you" "I'm just sick"

*End of Flashback*

Riven P.O.V

"Hey Riven!" My bestfriend shouted over to him from across the room. "Musa!" I shouted happily, I really missed her. We've been busy with school so we haven't really hanging out like we used to. Musa ran over to a jumped on me while wrapping her legs around my waist. "I missed you!" Musa said while kissing my cheek. I blushed because if you didn't know, I has a crush on my bestfriend. Not even a crush in love. That's right. I'm completely in love with my bestfriend. "I've missed you too" Musa got down and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy the school year is over! Now we can hang out more" I smiled at her cuteness. "Yeah anytime you know I'm just one phone call away"

Musa P.O.V

I was walking until I saw my bestfriend. "Hey Riven!" I shouted he looked until he saw me. "Musa!" I ran over to him, I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. "I missed you!" I said happy to see my bestfriend again. I kissed his cheek, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. But I also noticed the he blushed to. Is it not obvious enough that I love him? "I'm so happy the school year is over! Now we can hang out more!" I said while getting off of him. When I hoped down he pouted. When we were little, he would always pout when I pulled away from a hug. "Yeah anytime, you know I'm one phone call away" I smiled at him. "Musa!" I turned around to see who it was. It was Stella,Bloom,Flora,Aisha,and Tecna. Those are my other closet friends. "Hey guys!" "Hey Riven" they all said. "Hey" Riven stood there with his hands in his pockets. "I gotta go but I'll call you later!" I ran over to him and gave him a bear hug and kissed his cheek. "Bye bestfriend! Love you!" Riven screamed. I giggled "Love you too" I screamed back. If only he knew.