It was the night of Mike's wake. The day everybody hopes to say goodbye to their grieving. Or at least that's what Lena wants fior her wife Stef. She knows how much of a nervous wreck she has been since what happen. Lying awake next to her a sleepless night she sighs

"You asleep?" she asked as Stef sighs turning over looking at her shaking her head

"No,i keep thinking about Brandon and what happened yesterday. I never seen him like that before. It scares me"

"I know. He's hurting right now Stef, he thinks nobody is there for him. He feels alone. He'll come around"

"I hope your right. I just hope he doesn't do anything tomorrow at Mike's wake" she says hoping he can slowly move on. Lena smiles rubbing her back. In another room Callie who was tossing and turning would sigh as she couldn't sleep just thinking about what happened nods her head before walking out of the house knowing where she needed to go. After a few minutes she arrives at the one place she didn't want to go. Taking a deep breath she knocks on the door

"C-Callie"says the person on the other end who was Wyatt. As he was surprise to see her. Callie smiles

"Can i talk to you?"

"Sure" he says grabbing his jacket as he closes the door. Callie sits down on the steps as Wyatt sits besides her. Callie takes a deep breath before looking at him

"I need help with something"

"Something going on?" he asked confused as Callie nods her head

"I think Brandon and Talya are in trouble with Liam"

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yeah, they are very secretive towards me. But i see their expressions on their faces and whispers when i walk by"

"Dp you know what it is yet?" he asked as Callie shakes her head somewhat disappointed

"No...i keep getting riddles from them. But it has to be something big otherwise why would Liam try to run over Brandon" she says making his eyes widen in horror

"I-Is that why you were in the hospital?"

"Y-Yeah, Liam was driving a car. Brandon couldn't move so i pushed him taking the hit"

"Callie..." he begins to say not really sure what he believes. She nods her head

"I know. It was a dumb move but i couldn't let him die Wyatt"

"But what bout you?"

"What about me?"

"You could have if Brandon wasn't there to save you. You almost left Jude"

"But i didn't...i can be here for him now. But i need to find out what is going on between Talya,Brandon and Liam..." she begins to say before thinking about something

"What's wrong?" Wyatt asked as Callie looks up at him

"I think i know what the problem is between them is" she says getting up from the steps. Wyatt looks at her standing up

"You need me to go with you?"

"No, i'll be fine. I'll call you tomorrow?" she asked as he nods his head before watching her as it fades back into Callie on her bed sighing

"Guess you can't sleep either?" asked Mariana who sits up on the bed. Callie chuckles shaking her head

"Not really. What's bugging you?"

"My annoying brother..."

"What he do this time?"

"Bossing me around like always. How about you? You and Wyatt having problems?"

"No, we're fine...just thinking about Brandon and how he's dealing with everything"

"It must be hell for him..."she says with a sigh looking at the clock as she groans

"What time is it?" Callie asked as Mari shakes her head

"You don't want to know"she groans yawning just as Lena walks in knocking looking at them

"Oh, you two are already up?"

"Lets say we couldn't went to sleep" Callie says half asleep. Lena nods knowing the feeling

"Maybe the boys got better sleep than we did. See you guys downstairs in a few minutes" she says closing the door

"So, you going to the wake today?"Mari asked getting out of bed

"Im thinking about it. Im supposed to be on bed rest the rest of the week after what happened. But thinking about it" she says even though she has things to take care of first before going to the wake and this would be the perfect time to do so. Mari smiles getting ready for school as we see Lena knocking on Jesus door

"Jude, Jesus it's time..."

"To get up?" Jesus says half tired as he didn't sleep either as Lena chuckles

"You didn't sleep either huh?"

"Not really. But Jude did"

"Is Callie up?"Jude asked looking at Lena

"She is...go ahead" she says knowing he was happy to see her home. As he heard what happened from Lena. Jude smiles walking out of the room to see his sister

"What time is the wake?"

"Uh, around noon. You coming?"

"If we can have a half day at school?" Jesus says hoping he can do something before school

"Yeah, i can figure that out. It's nice your helping out your brother Jesus. I'll see you downstairs" she says before walking to Brandon's room who also couldn't sleep last as Lena knocks on the door

"Brandon?"she says getting no answer wondering if he is sleeping and tries again before opening the door. Lena looks around before sticking her head out of the hallway

"Jesus, is Brandon downstairs?"

"I thought he was in his room?"he asked confused. Lena closes the door trying to think

"Maybe he's in the bathroom?"she says as Jesus gets dressed. Lena knocks on the door only to hear a woman's voice

"I'll be out in a minute" Stef says sighing knowing today was a big day for her and hopes nothing happens today of all days

"Is Brandon..." Lena says walking into the kitchen sighing with disappointment

"What about Brandon?" asked Stef coming by her giving her a kiss

"I was wondering where he was. I can't find him"

"He's not upstairs?"

"Nope..."Jesus says coming downstairs looking for something to eat. Seconds later so does Mariana and Callie along with Jude

"Im sure he's fine"

"Who is?"Callie asked looking at them

"Brandon...he's not here"

"Maybe he left for school already? Mariana asked as Lena looks at Stef hoping that was it. But wouldn't put it past her. Actually, Brandon wasn't at school but with Talya, at his dad's house. Brandon wakes up first on the couch as he forgot how he got there. Tayla who was looking at him Brandon groans in pain

"Oh, what happened?"he asked half hungover, dazed and confused sitting up. He looks like he was in a fight. If only he could remember with who? Talya makes her way over sitting besides him

"You don't remember?"

"N-Not really. Mind helping me out?" he groans as Talya wonders if he should. Meanwhile, we see Jesus who watched Mari go to school, before he takes a detour as he went to go see Ana

"Jesus?" Ana says kind of confused to see him instead of Mariana

"Im not staying long"

"Is Mariana in trouble?"

"Actually, that's why im here. I want you to stay away from my sister"

"Why?Im not doing anything to hurt her Jesus"

"I wish i could believe you Ana. But i have to protect her. Im her big brother"

"What happens when she finds out?"

"I'll deal with it when the time comes" he says walking away leaving Ana alone. Meanwhile, we see everybody at the wake for Mike...or at least everybody as we see Callie and Wyatt was seen in front of Liam's house

"A-Are you sure this is a good idea?" Wyatt asked knowing Callie isn't 100 percent right now

"Wyatt, im not doing anything but talking to him. I need to find out what is going on. Come on" she says as she and Wyatt who sighs knowing she isn't giving up and was about to knock on the door but it opened slowly

"That can't be good" he says looking down at her. Callie knew he was right. But wonders what is going on. She opens the door and steps inside the house before closing the door

"L-Liam?" she asked looking around the messy room. Glass shattered into pieces, broken furniture everywhere. She knew a fight broke in but with who? As she walks deeper into the house Wyatt spotted something nearby

"Callie?"he says pointing to a body which was unconscious nearby the steps. Meanwhile, Stef looks at Lena

"Where's Brandon?"she whispered looking around not seeing him

"Im sure he is on his way" Lena whispered back hoping she is right. Brandon looks at Talya confused wondering what she is talking about

"Talya, what are you saying? What happened?"he asked as Talya sighs wondering if she should tell him

"Who is it?"Wyatt asked kneeling down besides Callie who flipped the body over to reveal as Liam

"Liam...he's dead" she says checking as she wonders what Brandon got himself into

alright folks. There you have it. My first Foster story done :) . Im glad you guys liked i may do a sequel all depending on you guys