A/N: I'm not dead! Don't let me lose you readers!

ALSO, PLEASE please review. It means the world to me when you guys review!

First Aid- Enough chatter, now, on with the story!

Frenzy slipped into the alcove the former Decepticon cassettes had chosen as their own. It was one of Wheeljack's old labs, just a hollowed out husk of a room. But it was theirs. Rumble was waiting for him there. They embraced, Rumble sagging into his twin's grip.
"I don't know how long I can do this."
"You have the strength, Brother."
"I cannot. I will break soon."
"They will break first. Remember. None can best twins."
"Our 'opponents' are twins." Rumble deadpanned. Frenzy cracked his chest plates, baring his soul to his twin, his other half.
"Take my strength." Rumble readily bared his spark. Frenzy looked his twin in the optics for a long moment. In one motion, he snapped his chest plates open, and plunged into Rumble's soul.

Blaster woke with a start. He didn't remember a bad flux, so he had to assume something was wrong with his cassettes. He softly pinged each of them. They were all in recharge, save for Rewind and Frenzy. Rewind replied that he was woken by Blaster's waking. Frenzy did not reply. Blaster delved into his bond with Frenzy, only to find it filled by Rumble. He quickly backed out.
Query-Waken-Scared? Rewind asked over the bond. Blaster sent back an overwhelming sense of Rumble, along with Calm-No Worries-Twin.
{Yeah, that's what woke me.}
{Go back to recharge.}
{I'll try. Can't recharge when you two merge either.}
{Really?} Worried-Sad-Ignorant
{Yes.} Calm-Happy-Understanding
{Are you sure?} Question-Worry
{I'm sure, Poquito Sika.} Calm-Happy-Knowing
{Okay, Maestro.} Calm {Try to recharge, for me?}
{Come cuddle?} Mischievous
{Fine :) } Funny-Happy-Knowing {I'm coming}
{Bring your brother.}
{I need some twin snuggles.} Pitiful
Laughter {We're coming, Maestro.} Mocking

{None shall surpass us.}
{All can become one. All is many, and out of many comes one. We are one, and we will always be one.}