Author: Miriam

Summary: Tara gets a job at the Doublemeat Palace. Guess whom she discovers…

Distribution: Just tell me where

Disclaimer: I didn't create these characters. Joss did.


The Doublemeat Palace was deserted. Buffy was the only one at the counter, her short hair static under the fluorescent lights. "I'm making money doing this," she reminded herself with a sigh, and half hearted wondered which poor soul was having an interview with the manger right now. I don't know what would be worse: not getting the job, or actually getting the job.

            "Buffy! I see things are rather quiet tonight, so why don't you train your new co-worker." The perky new manger didn't even wait for a reply, but simply gestured to the womyn standing behind her, who was uncomfortably shifting in the same orange uniform as Buffy herself. "This is Tara. Show her how to work the till, then swap places with Bob in the kitchen and demonstrate the use of the appliances there."

            As the manger walked back to her office, their gazes met for a split second. Then Tara lowered her green eyes and shrank into the polystyrene like she used too in the early days of dating Willow. Wisps of red-purple hair escaped from the ponytail at the bottom of her neck, clashing horribly with the clothing they were forced to wear.

            "You dyed your hair."

            "I needed a change." The Slayer had to strain the heard the words, making her positive what kind of change Tara had needed. One with less Willow loveaches, I bet.

            "Well, change can be good."

"Or necessary." Taras voice was still low.

Sensing the manger coming this way, Buffy stammered out a garbled summary of how to work the till under Tara's watchful eye. Tara was quiet and purposeful, catching on quick at everything she tried. Her movements seemed forced though, and Buffy noticed the same hopelessness in the womyns eyes that mirrored her own.


            The sound of her voice caused Tara to pause for a second and glance up in a clear, if unspoken, question.

            "You're not confused..." The Slayer extended her muscled arm, before gracefully letting it drop once more to her side. "My first day, I was fucking everything up.

            A sad smile flickered across Tara's face, her eyes gazing into the distance. "I've worked fast food before. It's all the same to me."


            The question hung in the air. When Tara finally answered, her voice was shards of broken glass cutting though the silence. "I'm in college, Buffy. I have to pay fees for that, not to mention food and housing and clothes…did you really think my family was paying the bills?" Saltwater collected itself on her eyelashes, only to be hurriedly blinked away. 

Embarrassed, Tara added, "But I'm not as bad off as you."


            "You have Dawn to support."

            Her thoughts briefly turned to Giles and Xander. "Yeah, but I've got people to support me too. You don't have."

            "Did you just volunteer?"

            Buffy voice dropped to a desperate whisper. "Do you mind if I do?"

            For the first time in months, Tara really smiled.

The two workers leant toward each other on impulse, and shared a lingering kiss. Tara pulled herself back first, images of Willow spiralling guiltily though her mind. They both heard the entrance door slide open, and Buffy hurried to the counter to take the customers orders. Tara followed slowly.

            The kiss had been something powerful and sweet, like two kindred spirits joined for the first time. As the night inched on, the two womyn linked hands out of sight, and began to discuss their future.