
It was a new year, fresh new start.

Jason glanced at the noticeboard on the wall before going to his locker. He studied the timetable of football practice for the semester.

"WHAT? I can't do FRIDAY!" he groaned. Stupid staff. He started walking down the hall.

He was going to see the coach about this. Friday? Seriously? But that's when-

"Hey watch it moron!"

He felt himself being knocked over by someone. Jason fell back onto the floor.

"Excuse me? Who are you calling-"

It was a girl. She rubbed her head and tried getting up.

"You need to watch it." She snarled at him. She looked up. She was actually pretty. For a second their eyes met. They were like a kaleidoscope of colours. Her expression softened.

"Oh-I-I'm sorry, I should really watch what I say." She said. Her voice had changed and now was smooth and velvety. Her hair was chocolate brown and cut unevenly. It fell below her shoulders.

"No it was my fault," he answered sheepishly. He got up and helped her. He held out his hand.

"I'm Jason Grace." She shook his hand.

"Well-my name is Piper-" her face darkened as if whether or whether not she should tell him. "Piper Mclean."

"Mclean, huh? I've heard that name before,"

"Popular name." she said hurriedly. "Very popular."

He studied her but then shook it off.

"I've never seen you around here," he said with a smile.

"Yeah it's funny since we've both been here for a long time."

He found himself staring at her again. She looked so mesmerizing. Funny to be thinking of her like that when they only just-he shook himself out of the gaze.

"So, what class do you have next?" he asked as he picked up her books from the floor.

"I have music." she said. "Room 301,"

"Hey that's sort of near my room, maybe I could walk you there."

She gave him a smile. "Actually I can walk there by myself."

Jason was a little taken back but he didn't try forcing her. "Oh ok." (Me: REJECTED!)

The bell rang and a crowd of children started crowding into the locker room. Piper gave him an amused smile.

"Guess I'll see you around Sparky," she winked at him then disappeared into the hall.

Jason suddenly had a newfound interest in this girl. He never had met someone who had declined his offer, which sounded a little air-headed but it was true. Pretty, smart and she was overall different; he was determined to see her again.


"All right cupcakes," snarled Coach Hedge. "You better prove that you were meant to be in this team. Show me that you want to be here! You have to try and beat the other team and retrieve their red flag. You know the drill. Scatter and DON'T LET THEM GET OUR FLAG!"

This, Coach Hedge thought, was a good way of warming them up-by playing against the opposing team. The teams came to their positions. Percy put his helmet on. The whistle blew and started tackling the hell out of each other.

The key-Percy thought-the key was try to be unseen then strike at the right moment and grab the flag. He saw his team mates hinting to go for it. He ran across the field dodging the other team members. He say the flag waving ad if saying "Yoo hoo I'm over here!"

This was just too easy.

He went in for the flag and-and...

Another player hit him to the ground.

"Do you think it would be that easy Seaweed Brain?" Percy was tempted to say yes.

Wait-was that a girl's voice?

"What the-"

"Don't stop now you idiot! Kick their butt!" someone yelled. Presumably Coach Hedge.

"But she's a girl I can't-"

She judo-flipped him and he fell on his back-HARD.

"Oh so I'm a girl! It automatically shows that I can't fight, does it? do you think I'm weak?" Percy didn't answer. Either answers would probably result in the same ending. "Smart move." she snickered.

She left him lying on the ground while she went to tackle another person.

Percy tried getting up, but man she beat him up good.

Wow, he thought, I'm useless right now. What kind of game is this where you're allowed to judo-flip the first person you see? This was a stupid game. No real aim other than getting the flag. It might have been good to do in a bigger place but on the field, this sucked.

The whistle blew as the other team had retrieved their flag. Coach Hedge was yelling at his cupcakes for not kicking butt. He threatened to hit them with his baseball bat.

Percy shook hands with the other team absent-mindedly. Then he saw one of them take off their helmet to reveal long blond curls.

The girl.

She came forward and shook his hand. He might as well talk to her.

"Hey," The girl looked up.

"The name's-"

"Percy Jackson, yes I know. Big air-head who wins every swimming competition. Yes, I've heard. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get to English class." she said looking him in the eye with her serious grey eyes. She started walking away.

He heard one guy call her Annabeth.

Percy tried catching up to her.

"So, it's Annabeth is it? Do people call you Annie-"

She glared at him.

"Ok," said Percy. "I'm guessing no. That's ok, Annabeth is fine by itself."

She kept giving him the death stare like Get out of my way or...

He felt uneasy, he tried not showing it.

"Ok...I'm going to go now," he said and kept walking slowly back.

The moment he had full turned he started running towards the change room.

Bad idea trying to hit on this type of girl.


Piper was reasonably good at music. She sang in tune and played the piano. Music was fun-that is if you called singing random kiddie songs all day fun.

The bell rang and she pulled her music sheets out and stuffed them into her bag. So...did she find music fun? NO.

The music teacher gave her a heavy text book to study. Seriously? The History of Music? She took the textbook and gave a smile but rolled her eyes when she walked out of the room.

"Stupid lesson, stupid music teacher."

She headed for English.


Piper turned around and saw Rachel, with her curly red hair.

"Hey! How was philosophy?"

Rachel shrugged. "It wasn't what I expected. I would have preferred fortune reading lessons but-"

"Rachel they're never going to listen to those letters you give them," sighed Piper.

"I know...but seriously! How cool would fortune reading classes! I would get an A in it." Piper laughed.

"So did you bring in a new English folder?"

"Yeah," she held out her green binder.

They walked into the classroom.

"I said I was sorry!"

Piper whipped around and saw Leo standing next to Reyna who sat at her own desk.

"Sorry doesn't fix it," she snapped and her violet eyes glared at him in rage.

Leo gave a look at Piper like Can you believe her?

"Ok," said Rachel slumping into her chair next to Reyna. "So what did he do now?"

"He," said Reyna pointing an accusing finger at Leo. "Set fire to my town model assignment. He destroyed it!"

Piper sighed. "Really Leo? Set fire?"

"I was trying to make it better!" he protested.

"By putting it on fire?" snapped Reyna.

"Well yeah it looks bad, but really I was trying to make your little campsite thingy have a campfire."

"Leo you really are stupid," sighed Rachel. "Your plan still would've failed it you had succeeded in what you were planning to do,"

"I realise that now, it's just that now she won't even let me sit next to her!"

"Can you blame her?" said Piper arching her eyebrow.

Leo turned back to Reyna.

"Will you forgive me?" he said in a babyish voice.

Reyna's scowl suddenly turned into a smile.

"Aww...now how am I going to respond to that? How about...NO! You made me fail in art for not giving in a display of my work. I'm not going to let you off the hook that easily,"

Leo sighed and sat next to Piper. "She's so mean," he grumbled.

"Hey guys," Piper smiled as Annabeth slumped her bag next to the desk beside Reyna.

"Still holding a grudge with Leo I see," laughed Annabeth.

"How was P.E.?" asked Rachel.

"Some random guy kept hitting on me," she mumbled.

"So you beat him up, you Go Girl!" said Leo.

"That isn't exactly true. I judo-flipped him-"

Piper laughed. "Poor guy,"

The teacher came in.

"Alright-Welcome to a new class! We're starting fresh this year!"

Before anyone says anything about the game they played-I know it was dumb but I also tried showing that even the players felt that way. So in conclusion the game I created must have been a...FAILLLL!

lol ok more to come soon. Sorry if I made they introductions all weird and awkward. Promise I'll try to do better