Hello! this is my new story to make up for deleting the other two! I want to thank DeathTheGirl13 for suggesting the name for this story! (sorry...but I decided to steal the name you suggested. Hope that's ok!) ^.^

AND I will still be doing Monster High. That story is my best one so no fucking way am I deleting it. Just sayin.

A sound soul

Dwells within a sound mind

And a sound body.

Natsu Dragneel has always been the best student in Fairy Tail Weapon Meister Academy, or FTWMA for short. Now he wasn't the best grade-wise; he wasn't even a model student. No, he was known for being the most narcissistic, stuck-up, rich, bad boy. Everyone is below him and he makes sure they know that. However, there are a group of friends that he doesn't degrade when given an opportunity.

Erza and Jellal; Gray and Juvia; Levy and Gajeel; Romeo and Wendy, Natsu's very own little sister; and most importantly, Lisanna. Then there are the people who get on his ever-lasting nerves. Or, should he say, mainly one person in particular.

Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy has always been the thorn in Natsu's eye. She was dirty, arrogant, and always doing something to piss Natsu off. She even wears the same clothes for days at a time. But all that Natsu knew was that he would never partner up with a weapon like her, not unless he was forced to and even then he would still he would still not care.

But he had to admit, Lucy was a damn good fighter, though he would never tell her or anyone else that. But he was a better fighter. Natsu had to be, he was a meister after all. And he had to fulfill his promise to Lisanna. He would partner up with her and only Lord Death Makarov could prevent that.

"Natsu! It's time for the reaping! Come on!" Lisanna called out to him. He smirked and called back-



It was time and Lucy Heartfilia was ready. She would get the highest score possible and hopefully prevent herself from getting a partner. Lucy didn't even need one, she was plenty strong without a meister wielding her.

Lucy wasn't arrogant, she was just to proud to admit when something is her fault. Besides, she couldn't afford a partner. Partners are supposed to move in together so they can form a stronger "bond" or something like that. And her meister would have to move in with her because technically the person that has his or her own place has to house the other idiot. And guess what category she falls under?

Besides, Lucy is feeling pretty confident that she wont find a partner today. Because she has been going to FTWMA for the past four years and she has yet found a partner suitable enough. But she has heard of a rumor going around about her most hated rival, Natsu Dragneel. Rumor has that he can wield a five star weapon, and if that's the case, she's screwed.

Lucy was in the reaping room. A reaping is strictly for weapons so they can show off their skills and have a meister assigned to them. The only intimidating part about it is that Lord Death Makarov is personally giving the weapons their score and naming meisters that they could resonate with. Today, Lucy and this bitch named Lisanna are in the reaping. The only bad thing about it is...Lucy's first.

As she go up to the arena, projected Kishin eggs are popping up. Lucy is given five seconds before they attack to get situated. Weapons have to use their own weapon forms to fight; so Lucy, from her elbow down, generated her weapon form. In a matter of seconds, her lower arm was a wide, silver double-edged curved sword with a black dragon design with small golden Celtic runes decorating the dragon down the entire middle of her sword on both sides.

Lucy then sprang into action, her cat-like reflexes dodging the projected attacks. Lucy had to kill the three most powerful kishin eggs known to man. Using her arm, she successfully killed the projected Bloody Mary. And as fast as she made her arm turn into a sword, she made it go away, regenerating it to come out of her left knee as she did a round house kick and stabbed Jack the Ripper in the head in midair. The sword was now gone from her knee and she pulled the full thing out of hew stomach, swinging the sword in her hand and slicing off Vlad the Impalers' head from his shoulders.

Lucy finished her entire performance in eight seconds flat. As she looked out onto the crowd of people watching, she noticed the shocked stares and quiet whispers. Then she looked at his face. And of course Natsu was looking at her as if he was disgusted with the way she performed.

Oh well, that didn't matter anyway. Her goal was to not get a partner, after all. After Lucy got off the stage, Lisanna got on the stage and took her weapon form from her back. It was a pure snowy-white gold katana. When her battle started, Lisanna apparently decided to take her time in defeating the projected eggs. Whereas Lucy was done in eight seconds, Lisanna finished in sixteen seconds.

After Lisanna finished, she got more applause from the audience then Lucy did, but Lucy couldn't give a damn about that. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the results came in. Lucy, as expected, got a solid 10. Lisanna, however, got a score of 9.5. The crowd was uttering shocked words as Lord Death Makarov was deciding what meisters would partner up the easiest with Lucy and Lisanna. Finally, the results came and Lucy was NOT happy.

"Lisanna Strauss. Your possible partners are Laxus Dreyar and Natsu Dragneel," the headmaster started, "And Lucy Heartfilia. Your possible partner is...Natsu Dragneel." after he said that there was an uproar in the room. Never before have two weapons gotten the same meister on the same reaping day.

The headmaster, Lord Death Makarov, silenced everyone in the room, "Laxus. Natsu. Go down to the arena, I do believe you know where to go."

As the two said boys made their way to the arena, Lucy could feel the glares Lisanna was giving her, and in all honesty, Lucy wished she could give herself these glares but was utterly grateful she had someone else doing it for her.

Laxus made his way over to Lisanna and Natsu to Lucy. The headmaster ordered them to duel, using their "Posible" newly-found weapons.

"Lucy, transform."

"Lisanna, transform."

After Lucy transformed, Natsu was surprised at how light she was for a big sword. To make sure it wasn't beginners luck, he tried swinging Lucy around doing everything that would make a sword like this hard to carry, but she still remained as light as a feather. Huh...maybe Lucy is my destined weapon. Even Lisanna isn't this light when I hold her, Natsu thought.

"Of course she isn't light. Have you seen the fat on her stomach? I'm surprised Laxus is able to swing her fat ass around." he heard Lucy say. He was shocked, did she hear his thoughts?

"I can't hear your thoughts if that's what your wondering. I'm just really good at reading body language and facial expressions." Lucy said. After Natsu processed what she said, he got mad.

"First of all, Lisanna isn't fat" he harshly whispered to Lucy, who just shrugged, knowing Natsu could see her reflection in the sword. Natsu looked at Laxus and the two boys went into a fight stance. Natsu charged first swinging his sword down, which Laxus deflected by using Lisanna. Laxus pushed Natsu back, resulting Natsu to jump time, Laxus came at Natsu as soon as he landed.

"Use me to block it, hurry!" Natsu heard Lucy's echo-y voice tell him. Natsu put Lucy in front of him, blocking just as Lucy told him. Lucy hissed in pain, but she was pretty sure Natsu hadn't noticed. The headmaster, however, had.

"Alright. Thank you boys. Ladies, you can transform back now." Makarov said.

As Lucy changed back to her human form, she quickly looked at her right side. At that moment, Lucy was eternally grateful that she was wearing all black, for she had a deep gash a few inches above her right hip bone and the blood was hard to see. Lucy gently used her fingers and touched the wound, instantly regretting it. She saw Lisanna and Laxus shake hands, signaling that they were now partners.

"Partners?" She looked at Natsu, who had a very annoyed look on his face, as he held out his right hand. Lucy nodded, wiping her right hand on her black sweat pants to get rid of the blood on it. Natsu raised an eyebrow, to which she responded-

"What? My hand's sweaty" and she grabbed his hand, shaking it. "Now, if you will excuse me for a moment, I need to take care of something." Natsu nodded his head as she left the room. After Lucy left, Natsu turned to Lisanna and Laxus.

"Congrats on becoming partners" Natsu said to the two.

"Likewise. Natsu please don't tell me you didn't notice," Laxus told him.

"Notice what?" Natsu asked, confused.

Laxus heaved an annoyed sigh, "She was bleeding dude. Bad actually."

Natsu's eyes widened as he excused himself from the reaping room, making his way to the nurses office. He was about to knock and ask if anyone was in there, but chose not to. Instead, he slowly opened it and looked inside.

There she was, her black Tank-top pulled up just below her breasts, with the gash visible for the world to see. Natsu was disgusted with himself for listening to someone like Lucy and using her as a shield. At the moment, Lucy had a large bowl filled with water and a wash cloth pressed to her side, soaking up blood and slowing the bleeding. When it got so badly soaked with blood, Lucy put it in the water to get it out and then repeated to process.

Natsu realized how long he was standing there, watching her, and then made himself known. He quietly walked up to to Lucy and grabbed the bloodied cloth and put it in the water.

"Natsu what are you-" Natsu cut her off.

"Shut up. It's my fault your hurt so the least I can do is help out with this." Nastu was wondering why he was being so nice to her. Weren't they rivals? Didn't they hate each other? Natsu wasn't so sure now.

"Thanks. I guess" Lucy said.


Natsu had spent an hour helping Lucy with her wound. First they had to slow the bleeding, then they had to stitch it up- and the slightest bump made it bleed again so they had to start over quite a bit. Now, Natsu was walking Lucy to her apartment, making sure she didn't rip open the stitches that Natsu had so proudly worked on.

"Here we are. I would appreciate it if you kept your snidy comments to yourself" Lucy said. Natsu was about to yell at her, but when she opened the door, he understood why she said that. The whole apartment was vacant, with the exception of a tv in the living room and the appliances that the apartment came with, not to mention the only thing she had in her room was a bed with two clothes baskets. One holding all the clothes she owned- which wasn't a lot, and the other holding books.

"Why is it so empty?" Natsu asked. Lucy sighed in annoyance for having to answer.

"I just got bought the place two weeks ago. I saved up my money and actually bought the place, not rented it, and it was expensive. So the only things I could afford were a bed, a tv, a phone, and food. The rest, I'll just have to wait for." Lucy explained.

"Oh. But why did you straight up but it? Wouldn't it be cheaper if you just rented it?"

"No, actually. I asked the landlady and she said it's cheaper if I buy it cause if I do that, I don't have a house bill to pay. I just have to pay for electricity and my phone bill. The water here is free so that helps a lot." she said.

"So do I really have to move in? I would suggest my place but...I was Living with Lisanna so..." Natsu trailed off.

"I got it. We can start moving your things tomorrow I guess. The guest room is pretty large so I wouldn't worry about it not holding all my things if I were you. I'm making french toast, how many ya want?" Lucy asked him. She might as well feed him as payment for him helping her.

"Huh? Oh! um...six" Natsu answered. Lucy nodded her head and went to work. Ten minutes later, Lucy had a tall stack of french toast on one plate and two others for Natsu and Herself. Lucy made the had gesture for "Dig in" and Natsu gladly did so. Since Lucy didn't have a couch or a dining room table, they stood and ate at the bar, but he didn't care. The french toast was so good!

"Thanks for dinner Lucy" Natsu said.

"Welcome. This was my thanks for you helping me today so don't expect a future favor or anything" Lucy said. Natsu breathed a laugh and went back to eating what angels would call "Food sent from Heaven".

"Your a really good cook, ya know that?" Natsu said and saw a faint smile appear on Lucy's face.

"Thanks. My mom taught me how" Lucy said, confused. Why is Natsu being so nice to her? She thought he hated her or something...

"Why are you being so nice?" they both asked at the exact same time. After that they stared at each other and started laughing. It was faint a first, but then the two just fell out laughing. Neither of them even knew why they were laughing.

Lucy got the plates and started putting them in the dishwasher, her eyes still laughing, which Natsu strangely found out that he liked the look in her eyes. The laughing on, of course.

"Well I better head on back home" Natsu said.

"'Kay. I'll see ya tomorrow I guess. Bye, Natsu" Lucy said that last part rather quietly.

"Yea. See you tomorrow and bye" Natsu said as he closed the door behind him, leaving Lucy alone in her apartment. She didn't know why but...she didn't think she would mind sharing an apartment with Natsu. Actually, Lucy is quite looking forward to tomorrow, the day when she helps him move in. looking at the clock on her cell phone, her eyes widened. Natsu was there longer than she thought. They got home at about eight-ish and it was now close to midnight.

Lucy took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and changed into the only pair of pajama bottoms she owned, they were blood red with little bats on them, and a gray sports bra, the one she only uses for sleep.

Lucy was in bed and trying to sleep but found she couldn't. In fact, the only thing she could focus on was how much she was looking forward to school so she could see Natsu again.

Well here is is! I will be updating Monster High next! I swear to god! I really hope you all like it... and only the ones who do are allowed to review. I jest, of course, but ya know...

Until next time!