I want to thank everyone who read this story. It always blows me away how well my stories do and it won't be possible without you guys encouraging me along. So with a heavy, yet proud heart i give you the lat chapter.

Fairy Tail had returned home after thanking everyone who had come to help them. Now they were treating their injuries. The first kits were being passed around like hot potatoes.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!," Natsu snatched back his hand glaring at Erza. "That hurts!" He complained.
"Off course it's going to hurt! You have glass in your arm!" She snapped grabbing his and held it against the counter. She held up a tweezers trying to take a shard of glass out of his forearm. He yelled again and pulled his hand back.

"Can't you do it gently?"
"I'm trying to. If you would stop moving I would be able to get the glass out easier."
"Natsu stop complaining and man up," Gajeel told him. Gajeel flinched as Levy pulled the bandages around his chest. "Shrimp, not so tight."
"Sorry," She loosened the bandages.
"Stop complaining and man up, Gajeel." Natsu said. Erza pulled out a shard making him flinch. He grabbed his hand. Erza sighed.
"Owww!" he said.
"Well what do you want me to do? Leave them in there. Or maybe someone else should do it."
"No, you have the steadiest hands." He said.
"Then stop complaining." Erza snapped and held his hand again.

"You're concentrating too much on the pain." Lucy said from across the room where she was helping Mira with Romeo.
"Try thinking of something else. Something that will take your mind of the pain." Gray suggested.
"Oh, you can think about how great all those fireworks we swiped from Sage will look when we sent them off." Cana suggested.
"Alright," Natsu closed his eyes imagining the fireworks. Erza slowly took out another shard but Natsu pulled back again yelling.
"Nothing else to do." Lucy got up and moved next to Natsu, sitting down. She kissed him making everyone else stare. A full 30 seconds went by without anybody moving. It wasn't until Lucy, still kissing Natsu, flicked her hand at Erza that they realised what she was doing.

"Oh, right." Erza said and began taking out the shards with her tweezers. This time Natsu didn't flinch or pull away. He didn't even seem aware that Erza was working on his hand. After a minute or two Erza said, "Done," and Lucy pulled back. Natsu blinked a few times.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Lucy asked.
"What…was so bad?" He asked confused. Lucy shook her head and started to bandage his hand. Natsu looked shocked to see his hand now glass free.
"When did…oh, I get it." It suddenly dawned on Natsu what happened. He looked at Lucy and smiled.
"I ever told how brilliant you are?" He asked her. She smiled slightly.
"Once or twice," She said lightly.

He kissed her so suddenly she dropped the roll of gauze.
"You are brilliant," He whispered against her lips. Several people snickered at the two. Others wolf whistled. Mira gave a content sigh smiling brightly. Cana placed her hands over Wendy's and Romeo's eyes.
"Get a room, will you." Gajeel said.
Natsu broke the kiss and looked at him. "You're just jealous you're no brave enough to kiss Levy in front everyone." Natsu said.
"I'm not jealous! And I can too kiss Levy in front of everyone!"
"Then do it."

Gajeel grabbed Levy and pulled her on top of him. Before she could protest he was kissing her. This caused even more wolf whistling. After several minutes Gajeel released a very red Levy.
"What did I tell you Salmander…uh, Natsu…where did he go?" Gajeel asked.
"He and Lucy went upstairs about six minutes ago." Jellal said.
"What's the point of proving him wrong if he isn't around to see it?" Gajeel huffed and folded his arms. He glanced at Levy, "What do say we turn for the night?" He asked. Levy's face could have been compared with a stop sign.
"Do you have to be so forward?" She asked.
"I'm tired and going to bed, are you coming or not."
She blushed even deeper and muttered a yes. Gajeel took her up, holding her around the waist and carried her upstairs.

At that moment Juvia wondered if Gray would ask her to go upstairs. As soon as the thought had entered her head she fainted falling backwards off her stool. Gray gave a panicked cry and dropped next to her.
"Juvia? Juvia, can you hear me?" He asked patting her face.
"You should take her upstairs," Mira suggested, "and say there, with her." A few people rolled their eyes. Everyone knew what Mira's ulterior motives were.
"Right," Gray lifted Juvia up taking her upstairs.

That night despite the house rule no one slept in their rooms (and even if they were in their room they were probably in there with someone they shouldn't have been…no, not like that you pervs). For that night they were all just too happy to be together to be bothered in the separate floors rule. Even Erza let it slide for the night, but that have had something to do with the fact Jellal spent the night.

The next night they had a party on the beach as a way as saying thanking everyone who had come to help them against Sage. Even though they were still in bandages they somehow managed to party with the best of them. Of course a fight broke out between Natsu, Gajeel, Sting and Rogue. Surprisingly Erza made they stop. While she could make everyone in Fairy Tail listen to her, they had never seen anyone else listen to her without a second thought (except maybe for Jellal). But when Sting and Rogue saw the dark look in the red head's eyes they were face down in the sand begging forgiveness.

Cana and Bacchus had another drinking competition. It really didn't have a winner but left both of them hiccupping and singing off key on the patio. Romeo was proudly showing his and Wendy's sand castle which they had finished that very day. It stood five feet high and eleven across. On the front they had craved the Fairy Tail symbol.

Around midnight Natsu set up the fireworks they had taken from Sage (the ones he had been planning to use on them). He spent several minutes fixing fuses and arranging rockets.
"Natsu, you do know what you're doing?" Gray asked. "The last time you used fireworks you set a coconut tree on fire."
"Relax. It will be great." Natsu pulled a box of matches out of his pocket.
"At least he isn't setting them a light by throwing them in the bonfire." Laxus said. Natsu stuck a match, lit the fuse and ran back. He had arranged the fuses so they would light each other. Several seconds passed and nothing happen, then the first rocket shot up, then two more. They exploded creating a fiery red explosion in the sky followed by a blue and purple.

More rockets took off painting a rainbow across the night sky.
"Okay, you knew what you were doing." Gray admitted.
"And you doubted me." Natsu smirked at him.
"It's so beautiful." Levy said her eyes wide.
"You have to hand it to Sage, he didn't skimp for the cheap stuff." Erza said with a laugh.
"He was hoping to use these to attack us." Jellal reminded her.
"Who used fireworks as weapons anyway?"
"Actually it's easy to turn a firework into a bomb," Natsu said, "I can show –"
"NO!" Everyone yelled at once.
"Alright, don't need to yell." He wrapped his hands around Lucy, "I was only going to set a tree on fire…or maybe Gray's and Gajeel's pants."He said the last part so only Lucy could hear.
"You wouldn't really?" She asked.
"The ocean is right there. They would be able to put it out before anything serious happnens." Natsu joked. Lucy shook her head.

"Natsu you can be crazy sometimes."
"That's the way you talk about your boyfriend?"
"Well, it is one of the things I like about you, so is it isn't all bad." She kissed him on the cheek.
"Once you're around nothings bad."

A few weeks later ~ the end of summer

It was sober mood as everyone was packing their bags into their vehicles. Everyone was saying their goodbyes and promising to email, call and text each other thought out the year. Juvia had broken down about having to leave Gray. She didn't stop until Gray had promised to skype her everyday and drive up to see every other weekend. Even then it took a particularly long kiss to stop her from sniffling.

Mira had threatened Fried that if he didn't call at least three times a week she would break up with him. Erza and Jellal were saying goodbye next to Gray's truck as they were preparing to leave.
"I'll come up a visit every now and again…if that's okay with you." He said.
"I would like that." She said smiling. Jellal kissed her deeply before taking his leave.
"See you soon."

"This summer just seemed to fly by." Gajeel said when he placed his bags into the back of the jeep.
"The summer always seems to fly by." Levy said slipping her hand into his.
"I know, but this year felt extra fast."
"I know what you mean." Natsu said. "I'm going to miss this place."
"It's not like we're leaving forever. We'll back next year." Lucy said. He looked at and smiled.
"You know, every summer here is special to me but I think this was the best ever." He pulled her closer. "And you're right, this isn't good bye forever. Plus, I think I'm in for a very interesting year having a new girl friend and all."

Lucy rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile.
"Don't forget we have a double date coming up." Levy teased.
"Don't remind me." Natsu and Gajeel said together making Lucy and Levy laugh.
"Guys, I hate to say it," Gray said leaning against the door. He didn't have to say it. Lucy and Levy hugged and Natsu and Gajeel even gave each other the pat on the back/ hug thing guys did.

Natsu, Lucy, Erza and Gray all climbed in the truck waving goodbye to those who were still here. Gray glanced at Natsu and Lucy.
"Alright, no make out sessions. Frankly I would rather Natsu throwing up that the two of you exchanging sliva the whole way back." He said.
"Don't worry we won't make out the whole way. That would give us some seriously chapped lips." Natsu said making Lucy and Erza burst out laughing. Gray frowed as he pulled out on to the road. Natsu glanced back at Fairy Tail. Lucy slipped her hand into his.

"We'll back before you know it." She said. He smiled and nodded. We wasn't as sad as he thought he would be and knew that had a lot to do with her. Maybe, just maybe the rest of the year would as great as the summer had been.

So we have come to the close. Again thank you for all your support. Every review, fav and follow.

Nardragon~ until the next page.