Hey guys! Sorry it took a gazillion years to get this out, I don't think any of you wants to be me right now. Just know I have 150 question math assignments -_-, a math test Tuesday, a BIO test Monday and a Spanish midterm Friday :( So please enjoy this VinCat goodness. And my other story Fugitive (that gets updated quicker!) while you slowly enjoy this story haha I love you all! Thank you for still reading and enjoying VinCat from my perspective :) Please excuse any errors!
*DISCLAIMER* I don't own BATB or the characters, I'm just borrowing them for the time being.
Chapter 24: Red
Two Weeks Later
I smiled at the woman as I handed her the large order of cupcakes. They were a dozen of red velvet cupcakes, which were our most popular here. I thanked her for coming and she assured me that she would be returning. She wasn't a usual yet, but I had seen her a couple times, so that was good.
I eyed the time again and saw it was going on 1 o'clock. I sighed to myself and abandoned the front of the store for a minute since there wasn't any current customer's. Tess was in the back room talking to Joe on the phone, Marie was in the kitchen, helping me bake today and lastly, Heather was on her lunch break. Her really extended work break. She had been gone for almost an hour. She said she was just meeting up with Chris at Panera Bread but that wasn't far from here. She said he had been acting a little distant these past couple of weeks and she wanted to know what was wrong with him or possibly what she did wrong. I chose not to say anything about it. I, myself, still wasn't sure about Chris. I hadn't told Heather that he was the same guy that hit on me the night Vincent and I danced at the Greenhouse. I convinced myself that it'd be the best to just let it go but now that I think about it, I probably should have informed her about it. What made it worst was he acted as if he didn't know me. Like I was a complete stranger. So I knew If I told Heather, complete denial would be swinging from his mouth.
I shook my head, trying to dissolve my worry. I walked in on Tess cackling at something Joe said and I sighed, flopping in the spot next to her. I picked up a magazine, pretending to be interested as she went on.
These past two weeks have been wonderful and horrible at the same time. Starting with the good, I was in a good state lately and constantly waking up with a smile. Why? Because of Vincent. I had spent my days and nights with him since we got together. Tess joked and said we were already becoming inseparable. I brushed off her comment but if I was on the outside looking in, I'd probably think the same thing. But I couldn't help it. The hours we spent apart during the day, at work, already got to me. It felt like weeks instead of the many minutes it was. Nothing like how it was in my previous relationship. Thinking of it now, I didn't mind spending some time alone or at the bakery apart from Evan. Maybe because I'd gotten so used to only seeing him as briefly as I did. Now that I was with Vincent, I couldn't even process the thought.
After our first date, it never slowed down. We went to the movies on our next date and saw 22 jump street and later on, went to his place and ordered takeout.
I didn't hold the giggles that left my mouth as I tried to keep my focus on the screen. Vincent's hand was dancing up my leg and I was a little ticklish over a spot he touched. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. I heard him hiss and I grinned to myself.
"Vincent, behave." I pestered at him, this couldn't become repetitive in public. I glanced at him as he rubbed his hand as if I injured him. He fed me his smirk but looked back to the screen. We were about 45 minutes into the movie and he probably had no idea what was going on.
"It's your fault." He whispered to me and I looked to him, curious as to how. He looked forward as he threw some popcorn into his mouth. "You knew what that skirt would do to me." He urged on.
I smirked and shook my head. He acted as if it actually hurt to not be able to have some kind of contact with me. I couldn't lie either, it was a challenge but I had more control. I wanted him to touch me, but as soon as we got home, I knew what would happen. Plus, it was fun to see him struggle. I could have fun too..
I leaned over to him just as he was becoming interested in the comedy and placed a kiss on his neck. I heard him clear his throat as my hand trailed over his jeans. I placed more soft kisses on the base of his throat until he turned his head in my direction. My hand stopped right in his lap as his eyes met mines in the dark.
"Whose not behaving now?" Vincent asked, raising the ends of his mouth.
"Shut up." I said smiling, before bringing my mouth to his. I felt his body relax as we engaged in a longing kiss. I opened my mouth to him as his tongue met mines. I released a slight moan as his hand resumed back onto my skin. It was a good thing we were seated at the top row, and there was very little people around. I'd probably be disgusted at a couple like us in public, but I didn't care at the moment. It felt like we teenagers in high school.
I still couldn't believe we did that in the movie theater. To say things were great between us, was an understatement. Another good thing was I had dinner with Denise and she finally knew everything. She knew how we met and what happened to me, and most importantly, that I was no longer in the race to become Mrs. Marks. She couldn't believe that I was actually attacked and almost raped. She was just in shock as I told her about it. Her eyes brightened when I told her Vincent was the one that rescued me.
She grabbed her own heart and an aweee fell from her lips. "He saved you? Vincent's like Batman or something." She kidded and I couldn't help but laugh as she lifted the sadden moment.
"I guess." I returned as she fangirled. She was already gushing about him and I hadn't even told her the best part. I was with my New York Batman.
"Seriously Cat, it's like he was meant to meet you or something. What are the chances he'd even be there that same night and find you? That's crazy." She said, throwing a piece of steak into her mouth.
"I think so too.." I went on, feeling myself smile. She eyed me strangely before poking at my arm.
"What's with that look? Something happened between you two the other day didn't it?!" She asked, 99.9% sure she was right.
"Well, if you must know...Vincent and I are together." I slowly revealed and she coughed, choking on the food she was trying to swallow.
"Catherine, don't kid with me about stuff like that." She went on, upset I was getting her hopes up, not believing me. I remained quiet and continued to smile at her and her eyes widened as she realized I was serious. She dropped her fork and almost had a celebratory dance as her short curls bounced.
"Does that mean what I think?! No more Evan?!" She asked, too loud.
"Shhh, yes it does. I don't want anything to do with Evan." I continued.
"Crap, why? What'd he do?" She begged, taking on a more serious face, scooting closer to me.
When I told her what Evan was hiding, she was more shocked and upset than I was. She expected the typical betrayal, that he was cheating on me, but it was something a little more life changing. I didn't expect her to wrap me in her arms, since she wasn't usually the comforting type. I assured her I was fine but she still continued to ask me. I knew I wasn't completely fine but I didn't want to continue to think about how I'd wasted so much time with him and what he'd done. But he was making it impossible.
Evan had been calling me non-stop over the first week after I left. I hadn't answered once, not wanting to hear whatever whiny apologize he had created, it wouldn't change anything. And overall, I just didn't want to hear his voice. I kept forwarding him to the voice mail and I was itching to get my number changed.
Over the second week, the calls slowed down and he started calling from the hospital, but I recognized the number. I almost answered to tell him to stop calling but every-time, I failed to do so. The only reason I had to see or speak to him was to get my things. Which I was suppose to be doing today. I begged Heather to go get them without me but she told me I had to face him sometime. I thought about it and I knew she was right, I had to get it over with. I might seem like I'm being ridiculous but was it so wrong that I just wanted him out my life? I knew he still wanted me back and thought he had a chance to do so but he was wrong. I was with Vincent now and I knew I had to tell him. He'd probably accuse me of some things and be upset but I didn't care, as long it'd get him to leave me alone. I didn't need someone else trying to ruin the good thing I'd just found.
I picked the little piece of paper out my clutch and kept reading the words over and over again. It still didn't make sense. Why did someone not want Vincent and I to be together? And how did they know we were? Were they following me? I've been racking my brain for answers since I received the mysterious note and I couldn't think of anyone. I thought about just balling it up and tossing it in the trash and forgetting I ever got it, but that wouldn't make the threat go away.
I didn't know what would happen If I did stop seeing Vincent and I was scared at the thought of what would happen if I kept seeing him. Nothing had happened yet and I kept convincing myself nothing would.
Vincent – Earlier
I made it back into the building, with my food in one hand and my phone in the other. I apologized to Cat through the line because I wasn't able to stop by so we could have lunch today. I still had a couple of files left to look over and I wanted to hurry up and be done with them. I had other things to worry about other than looking over inspection files. Denise informed me yesterday that our court date was set in stone. We'd officially be battling everything out in 3 weeks. So yeah, I had that to look forward to. Everything was about to get better or extremely worse.
"Vincent, it's okay." She spoke softly.
"Are you sure?" I asked again, and heard her laugh on the other end.
"Yes, don't mind me. I know you still have those files to go through. Plus, I'll be stopping by yours later on anyway." I heard her breathe out as I pressed the top button for the elevator. I instantly grinned.
"You mean you'll be spending the night." I corrected her and I a could almost picture her teasing look she gave sometimes.
"Maybe.." She returned. I walked in as the doors expanded and press the sixth button, tucking the semi-heavy bag under my arm.
"I don't see why not, you've been spending the night there anyway. You might as well move in." I suggested, but I knew she'd shoot it down. I told her already that she could, I didn't mind and was secretly hoping she'd say yes. I wanted her to. But she continued to come over and spend the night, and then end up going to Heather's to get ready. When it'd be much simpler for her have some stuff already here. But I understood she wanted to slow things up, and I was willing to comply. If that's what she wanted, then that's what we were gonna do.
"Vincent...you know I can't. I don't want to rush anything and I'm okay living with Heather at the moment until I find my own place. Even though technically I don't sleep, eat or shower there." She pointed out, adding a small laugh.
I shook my head as If she could see me. "Whatever you say. I won't ask you anymore, It'll happen eventually." I informed her and she just laughed and brushed it off. I walked out of the elevator, giving Sandra a quick wave before making it down the hallway. I heard Catherine mumble a crap on the other end of the line and a rustled noise.
"Vincent, I gotta go. The customer's are piling in! I'll see you later okay?" She spoke quickly.
"Yeah, yeah you go, I'll see you later-" I squeezed in.
"Okay! I love you." She spoke before I could and I just grinned and responded.
"Love you too." And we both hung up the phone. I placed my phone back in my pocket and walked around the corner and bumped into somebody.
I cursed as their body striked mines. I bent down and picked my bag of food off the guard and stood up as she brushed the ends of her clothes off with her hands. She stood up fully and I heard my legs scream run and my stomach get upset.
She looked up at me slowly with her blue eyes and that wicked smile of hers instantly took over.
I was face to face with Alex. The last person I wanted to run into. Typically, her red hair was in waves and it draped over her shoulders that led to her tight fitting clothes. She was always trying to impress someone. She stood tall in her heels and folded her arms.
"Vincent...I didn't expect to see you here." She performed and I rolled my eyes. She didn't expect to see me? She was literally on the same floor as my office.
"Really? Did you forget that I work here?" I pressed and she forced a small laugh that I could tell wasn't close to authentic.
"Of course not. I'm just taking care of some business." She went on and I sighed, not really interested.
"As long as your not here to see me." I threw out and she squinted at me.
"No, I'm here to see a friend." She said and I looked at her funny. I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. Alex had friends? And most importantly, she a had a friend that worked at my job and on the very same floor? That left an uneasy feeling for some reason. I knew whoever it was probably didn't like me that much.
"A friend?" I ended up saying. Not able to conjure up any other response.
"Yup, don't stress over it, it's no one you know." She was lying, I knew everyone on this floor. Who the hell was this person?
"But anyway, I can't chat. I've have other things to take care of." She said, gripping her bag tighter on her arm.
I instantly moved out of her way, begging her to walk off. She could run if she wanted to.
"I'm sure you do." I said tightly as she brushed passed me. She started walking before stopping and turning on her heel.
"I'll see you soon Vinny." She spoke before smirking and I huffed to myself as she walked out of sight. I wish I wasn't, but I knew I'd see her soon as well. Three weeks Vincent. Just three weeks and then after that, you won't have to deal with that woman ever again.
I found myself eying every one now. There were dozens of people on the floor, all cooped up in their cubby holes. Most of them I did socialize with from time to time, but I wasn't really friends with them. So it could have been any of them. I just didn't see her bond with one of them turning out to be anything good for me.
I reached my office but stopped when I looked through the window. Brooke was sitting inside, in one of the chairs in front of my desk. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I pushed my way through the glass door. She instantly looked back, surprised at my sudden arrival. I walked in and set my keys and lunch on the side table.
"Hey! There you are!" She pitched as she stood up quickly, pulling down her skirt as she did.
"Hey.." I returned, nodding my head, making my way to her. "What's up?" I asked, seeing she had some papers in her hand.
Her eyes followed mines and she laughed a little, throwing her hand. "Nothing much, I was just stopping by to give you this." She said, rummaging through the unstapled papers until she stopped at one. She pulled it from the group and handed it to me.
"This is your time slot for the board meeting next week." Shit, I had totally forgotten about that. How did I forget about that? I glanced over the paper and it read all of my credentials and in a charted box at the bottom was printed my name, a time and date, and the board member I was to be meeting up with. Oh great, it was Sorenson. Out of all the partners at this firm, it had to be him.
"Well...thanks." I said to her, placing the paper on my desk. I wasn't thrilled about it and my lack of enthusiasm showed that, but there was nothing I could do about it.
"I would ask but I saw who you got, I'm sure everything will go fine. I see you're almost done with most of your assignments." She signaled to the finished pile on the table and I nodded my head, taking a seat in my chair.
"Thankfully." I was trying my best to turn them all in by this Friday. I looked to Brooke as she smiled at me. I looked at her as if I missed something.
"What?" I asked, puzzled.
"I knew you could do it." She said simply as she was making her way towards the door. I smiled slightly and told her thanks.
"No problem, I'll make sure I put in a good word!" She offered before hurrying off. I sighed to myself and leaned back in the chair. I had twelve more files to go over and six more inspections before the week was out. Then hopefully, if the world spun my way, I'd get to take it easy for just a moment. That's all I needed.
Later – 6:15 pm
The pen moved quickly in my hand as I rushed to fill out the information needed. My head shot up when someone knocked on the door. I was surprised to see was Jackson. He smirked at one of the women assistants as she walked by before he made his was through the door.
"Hey.." I started, setting the pen down and closing the file. I rose out of my chair and advanced towards him from behind my desk, "What are you doing here?" I questioned and he flopped down in the chair everyone seemed to love to plant their ass in.
"Nice to see you too." He stated and held up his hand, dangling a gold envelope in my face. "I got the pictures developed of you and Catherine from the restaurant. You told me to bring them by." He reminded me and I mentally slapped myself. I was forgetting everything.
"Thanks man." I countered, grabbing the contents out his hand. My hand quickly broke the seal and dived into the thin envelope. I pulled a couple out and the first one was of Catherine and I in front of the Bow Bridge in Central Park. I let my finger trace over her face, falling for her all over again. She looked perfect as the string of lights reflected on her dress. Her dark curls were elegant and wild as they brought out her emerald flecks. I didn't even bother looking at myself in the shot. I didn't matter. I sprung out of the illusion as Jackson spoke, now standing beside me.
"So, how do they look?" He asked, rocking on the heel of his dress shoes with his arms swinging back and forth.
I took in a deep breath and smiled, looking at some of the other pictures. "Their perfect." I said, ready to thank him so he could be on his way. He looked like he was in a rush. But I held up my response when something in one of the pictures caught my eyes.
It was a picture of us standing in front of the restaurant, in the back of it. The main focus of the picture looked fine but it was something in the distance that grasped my attention. At one of the outside tables at the restaurant, there was a guy sitting there, turned around. His face was clear and he was looking directly into our shot. Almost like he watching us. The crazy part about it was he wasn't a complete stranger just ogling us, I knew him. I knew I had seen him recently but the where wasn't known at the moment. But I was certain I knew his face.
"Everything alright man?" Jackson asked, and I looked away from the photo to him as he threw me a weird look.
"Um yeah, yeah. Everything's great, their all great. Thanks again man." I said and he instantly felt reassured as he clapped his hands together.
"Alrighty than, I gotta go. I just came by to drop these off. It was good catching up again man, I'll catch you later?" He asked, hanging on the edge of the door.
"Yeah, catch you later." And he ended our encounter with a see ya as he left out of my office and turned the corner.
I looked back at the picture and I began picking my brains for answers. Where had I seen this guy?
I shut the car door after I parked in the driveway. I stood there and waited for Heather as she did the same. She has a befuddled look on her face.
"Whose house is this? Is this gonna be your new place?" She asked, getting excited, bundling her hands.
I shook my head and pulled her along, "Relax, this is Vincent's house. I'm just stopping by for a minute to leave some things here out of my car." I informed her, carrying a few bags of junk from my backseat.
"Ohhh. I finally get to see where you've been spending your morning and nights?" She kidded, looking around the brick house. I rolled my eyes and sat the bags down. I reached down and grabbed the key from under the mat.
"Wait, you have a key?! Say what you want, but you're practically living here." She said undoubtedly. I glanced back at her as I unlocked the door.
"It's not my key. It's the..spare key. Vincent told me where it was." I counterclaimed, denying her accusations.
"Mm, if you say so. I was wondering why you didn't knock on the door. Are we like, sneaking in?" She asked, following behind me, lowering her voice.
"Nooo." I spread out, but stepping carefully. Her hand grabbed my shoulder, halting my movements and turning me around.
"You didn't tell him did you?" She questioned, giving me a knowing look.
"Tell him what?" I asked, acting clueless.
"You didn't tell Vincent you were going to Evan's today?" She pressed with a more demanding look.
I slumped my shoulders and dropped the bags by the living room. "Fine, no."
"Ouuuu." Heather started, pointing at me like a little kid.
"Stop it! I just...didn't think it was necessary to tell Vincent." I resulted in, knowing he'd probably want to come. Which I knew would make this dreading situation worst.
"Tell me what?" I suddenly heard and we both turned around quickly to see Vincent walking down the stairs. He planted a smile on his face anyway as he walked towards us. I looked to Heather as she backed up to leave me to fend for myself.
His hands naturally grabbed my waist and he leaned down, giving me a soft kiss. We pulled apart after a few seconds and he looked to the both of us.
"Hey.." I started, trying to sound as normal as possible. "I didn't know you were home yet." I added and he looked at me funny.
"Yeah...I got off early." He looked down at the bags I had dropped on the floor. I looked down as well and saw half of my things had spilled out. Shit.
"So...what is it I need to know?" He brought up again and I shook my head quickly.
"Nothing. Everything is good. How was your day?" I asked, feeling my nerves jump together.
He looked to me for a moment, wondering why I was acting so weird. He knew something was up.
"Your deflecting. What's wrong?" He asked, his voice a lot firmer as he then looked to Heather. "Do you know?" He proceeded and I prayed she'd just help me out.
"We're going to Evan's house." She said quickly and I shut my eyes when Vincent said what?! I looked back at her with big eyes.
"Heather!" I shouted and she raised her hands in surrender.
"I got scared! I'm sorry, but your boyfriend is kind of scary!" She shot out, quickly glancing at him, "No offense Vincent." She added in.
"I swear you could not be interrogated!" I berated her, still trying to dodge Vincent.
"Catherine.." He voiced and I slowly looked at him. "What's going on? You're going to Evan's?" He questioned, not piecing anything together right now and I sighed.
"We're not just going over there. I'm just going to get all of my things, that's all. I don't even wanna go." I expressed and saw his tension dissolve.
"Why didn't you just tell me that? I can come with you-
"No." I stopped him and he instantly looked perturbed. "That's..kinda why I didn't tell you. I don't think it'd be a good idea.."
"Why?" He seeked and I felt my fingers play with each other.
"Because Evan doesn't know I'm with you. He doesn't know for sure that I'm with anyone. He thinks we only split because of what he did." I briefed Vincent.
"Well are you gonna tell him?" He went on and I nodded my head.
"Yes of course, I just...think it'd be best for him to find out without you there. I just don't want anything occurring. It's bad enough I have to face him, I know he might take it hard."
"Especially since he's been calling you non-stop. He probably thinks you two are just on a break." Heather decided to chime in and I could of slapped her right then. I looked back at her, begging her to just wait in the car.
She looked at me confused before looking at Vincent who was wearing a disordered face.
"Oh, you didn't tell Vincent that either did you? Well, I'll just.." she started, pointing back at the door, "I'll be outside." She said, hurrying to the front door. "You have a nice house." She complemented before scurrying out.
I slowly looked back at him because I knew what was coming.
"He's been calling you?" He asked, visibly upset. I exhaled and ran my fingers through my hair.
"And?" He pushed.
"I don't know, I haven't been answering his calls so I don't know what he wants." I said honestly and Vincent shook his head, looking off to the side.
"I do." He said clipped and my hand grazed his arm to try and calm him down.
"Vincent..everything will be okay. Heather and I are just going and coming back." I assured him.
"Are you sure? I can come and just wait in the car." He tried, looking down at me with that look of concern.
I smiled a little, seeing his forehead creased out of worry. "I'm sure. You can relax. I'll be back in two hours, tops." I assured him and he took a moment before he nodded his head, settling.
"Alright I guess.." He gave in, grabbing my free hand. I watched him as he leaned forward to kiss me again before I left. My hand raised to rest at his face as I kissed him back for a moment. I pulled away when I heard Heather honk the horn and met his eyes.
"Call me if he tries anything. Even if he looks at you too long." Vincent urged, half serious and I just laughed as we pulled away from each other. I made it to the door as he followed behind me. I grabbed him for a quick kiss before sprinting out the door.
"I'll be back soon!" I shouted back at him, walking down his walkway.
"Okay, what do you want for dinner?" He asked just as I was opening the car door. I smiled for a second and then shrugged my shoulders.
"Surprise me!" I said as I hopped in the car and proceeded to back out the driveway.
"Surprise me!" She returned as she jumped in her silver kia and drove off with Heather accompanying her. I sighed to myself and shut the door. I forgot to tell her the pictures came in today, but I could always show them to her later.
I turned around and was about to head to the kitchen when I accidentally stepped on something bulgy on the floor. I looked down and saw the two bags Catherine left and one of them had spilled over.
I bent down and picked most of the stuff up and shoved it back in the bag. She had quite a bit of stuff. I got most of the stuff up and the last thing to grab was her clutch. She left her hand bag. I pulled it off the ground and underneath it was a small, white piece of paper. I put her bag with the rest of her things and instantly went for the note. I would have left it alone but my name on it was the first thing that caught my eyes. I flipped it open and the note before read:
Stay away from Vincent or else.
What the hell was this?
DUNNNNNN! Haha It felt good to do a real cliffy ;) Lol I am sorry though hehe So what did you guys think? Thoughts?
How will Evan react to Catherine dating Vincent?
Who did Alex go see? ;)
Who did Vincent see in the photo?
Hopefully you'll find out soon! XD This story will probably end around chapter 33 to 35 possibly! T_T Cue the tears! XP I hope you all had a good read and please review! If you don't read it, please check out Fugitive, I will be updating that one too soon. Also, Tiffany's One Wish story! x)