First, let me say that I welcome HELPFUL reviews, but I will delete anything that is abusive in nature. Second, this is MY story. I don't give a rats -ss if you think it should be written differently, I don't give a crap if you don't like "Mary Sue" stories and I don't plan to reply to your hate mongering, so don't even bother to review if that is what you plan to give me. It's pretty simple, but let me spell it out for those of you who seem to have trouble understanding simplicity: If you don't like my story, don't FN read it! With that said, I would also like to specify that I do not own Star Trek nor any of the characters portrayed herein. This story is a fiction meant for entertainment purposes only, no money shall ever be made off of this fan fiction. Thank you for taking the time to read my work.

Makara stood statue still, the only movement apparent was the silken tendrils of her hair flowing gracefully about
her. She was tall and lithe, powerful, yet their was a sense of femininity that emanated from her. The proto-phaser
she held within her hands looked menacing, despite her delicate-seeming nature. When she spoke, her voice was
clear and soft, musical. It made the lethality of what she said seem all the more deadly. "This is your final warning,
Captain. If you fail to obey me, your crew shall further suffer the consequences." As if to validate her threat, Makara
lifted a booted foot and placed it down upon the smoking corpse before her. The ensign had not been a threat to her,
only a means to an end. He'd simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Captain Kirk's jaw tightened and he glared at the woman. How had he gotten himself and his crew into this mess?
He'd thought that his dealings with the dangerous Khan and his genetically altered companions had been
completed. When Starfleet had contacted him with a mission to take the cryogenic pods to a new holding facility in
the Darvein system, Kirk had vehemently declined. He had not wanted to have that man aboard his ship ever again.
When it was made clear that the mission was not a voluntary one, Captain James T. Kirk had nearly resigned his
position. The only thing that had stopped him had been his compassion and admiration of his crew. They were his
family and he would not leave them to complete this dangerous task on their own. Had he known then what he
knew now, he never would have allowed the cryogenic pods to even leave Earth's solar system. With a sneer of
contempt on his face, Kirk looked Makara directly in the eyes. Blue-green eyes ringed in bronze; they held a
dangerous gleam in them that let him know that she would do whatever she thought necessary to complete her
task. "Mr. Sulu, beam the pods directly to the planet's surface."

The officer nodded, though it was plain to see that he didn't want to give in. None of them did. Still, what choice did
they have? Makara had come aboard the Enterprise with one plan in mind: stay hidden until they'd reached
Omorrah, then take possession of Kirk's prisoners. She had proven herself capable and deadly. With a motion of
his hand, Sulu sent the sleeping Khan and his people down to the planet's rugged terrain. The corner of Makara's
mouth quirked up briefly, though she didn't show an ounce of the relief that she felt. Silently she stepped over the
dead man at her feet and made her way over to the ship's main console. Sulu moved back out of her way as she
pointed her weapon at him. The lovely intruder let her gaze move briefly over the controls, then turned her attentions
back upon the room. As she did so, she set the ship's destination point without a second glance. "Well, it's been
fun, Captain, but I'm afraid I must say ado...and...good luck."

Makara moved a few steps away from everyone toward the main viewer screen. She kept her weapon pointed at
Kirk as she activated a button on her wrist brace. Shimmering strands of light began to encompass her, the
teleporter dematerializing her form slowly. The ship began to gear up and prepared to warp away, then in a flash it
took off. Without warning Makara's arm lifted and she pulled the trigger on the proto-phaser. A concentrated blast
sailed toward the ship's console, Sulu and the ensign beside him diving for cover. The console exploded into shards
of burning metal that rained down on everyone. Kirk and the others shielded their eyes and when they looked back
again, Makara was gone.