AN: Sorry for the lack of updates in the past few days. I've been busy with school and stuff and then I randomly lost the inspiration to write. So here's a one-shot for ya. :3

...and yes, it's supposed to be short...

Feedback will be greatly appreciated. c:


"Tiny Spy is alright?" BLU's Heavy gave a questioning look at his team-mate. Spy had been picking with his food and he was pale, not that it showed through his mask. He glanced wearily at Heavy. He had obviously been hoping that nobody would take notice of him for even though he was usually quiet, he never picked his food. Unless it was something that was really disgusting.

"Oui...I'm fine," Spy answered, his tone stating the exact opposite. Skeptical as he was, Heavy shrugged and joined the chatter of the rest of his team. Spy sighed as he forced himself to eat. He hadn't exactly been feeling great for the past few days, resulting him in doing a sloppy job of sneaking into the enemy base. As soon as he was done, he slunk out of there.

Spy was heading straight to his room. His head hurt. It felt like someone was pounding on it mercilessly. He pressed his hand to his forehead. Even through his glove, he could feel how hot it was. Shaking his head, Spy told himself that everything would be fine after a night's rest. He put his hand against the wall as he walked slowly. He shivered, yet he was not cold. He wanted to sleep...

Spy groaned as he came to. He didn't want to open his eyes. Where was he? It didn't matter. Not right now. He was on a soft, comfortable bed with his head laid on cool pillows. His headache was gone. He felt relaxed. Spy thought that he felt something wet and cool on his forehead but before he could move, he heard footsteps approaching.

"Spy? Are you avake?" came Medic's distinct voice. Spy didn't want to open his eyes but he felt Medic's hand gently tap the side of his head. So he did and he blinked, trying to get used to the light glaring into his eyes.

"Nnggh...what 'appened?" he mumbled as he tried to sit up. Medic gently pushed him back down. "I was returning to my room..."

"Herr Sniper found you on zhe ground. You should have told me zhat you had a fever days ago!" Medic chided him. Spy smiled sheepishly. He had thought that he was sick but had dismissed it as nothing important.

"Je suis désolé," Spy muttered. Medic shushed him.

" must rest. The ozhers are on zhe battlefield." Spy frowned.

"But-" Medic cut him off by placing a finger on Spy's lips.

"Rest now. You will take your medicine later," Medic repeated softly, his tone soothing. Spy sighed, closing his tired eyes. He wanted to go back to sleep, anyway. He soon drifted off. Medic stood there, looking at Spy. The sleeping man hadn't even realised that his mask had been taken off. A soaked cloth was on his forehead, slowly drying up. Medic took the cloth off and went off to soak it in cool water again. Spy did not stir when Medic returned. Placing the damp cloth onto Spy's forehead, Medic listened to the steady rhythm of Spy's breathing. Then, he walked away.

AN: Before someone says something about the MediGun, I'm just going to say that the MediGun, in my opinion, can't heal everything. So...yeah.